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  1. Ann Summers
  2. A Rozzers Tale, Part erm .... I forget.
  3. Final exams today
  4. Stilettos replace Kegels
  5. Shrove Tues = Ash Weds = Lent = Giving Up?
  6. Von'll agree, but I doubt the government will listen though.
  7. Google for Chuck Norris
  8. Tattoo parlour - london/kent area
  9. My card got skimmed :-(
  10. How on earth is this done?
  11. Chinese New Year
  13. How 'E' are you?
  14. Heads up - Ashes to Ashes, tonight, BBC2
  15. STS-122 Launch Imminent
  16. There are five stages of sex:
  17. Look what they did to my language, Ma
  18. Goolien
  19. General rant over bikes and my housemate amongst other things...
  20. Question for the ladies...
  21. homemade poetry
  22. Blizzard!!!
  23. Cat Alarm Clock
  24. Puppys
  25. Wonder how busy Dym will be on Monday...
  26. North Sea accommodation platform evacuated
  27. Happy Birthday kaiowas :)
  28. Hols 2008
  29. On a huge downer about living in the UK at the moment
  30. Free mini eggs
  31. missed hospital appointment
  32. (Not) Looking Good for Jesus?
  33. With Valentines day just around the corner, the question has to be..
  34. I love my new Job !
  35. Huddy'ism!
  36. Cats translated.
  37. Happy Valentines
  38. What every cat owner should buy their cat
  39. Funny Baby
  40. Had some bad news yesterday.
  41. ... and people wonder why I'm proud to be Canadian.
  42. Leon
  43. Welcome PvtPyle !
  44. Happy Birthday Tommy :)
  45. Got me a Man Bag
  46. Who ate all the pies?
  47. Writing a CV
  48. Outer space is weird
  49. Have you paid your TV Licence?
  50. Oh Look, Its Dangerous Dave
  51. How do you take yours?
  52. Amusing spam names and titles
  53. Unfortunate kids' playground
  54. Thermite. Yes. No. ?
  55. horra for Innuendos! A very british thing!
  56. I feel like such a fool, and demand you all call me a noob.
  57. Credit Rating stuff
  58. Star Trek is filthy ((moderately)nsfw)
  59. Yo Del!
  60. Bear Drinks?
  61. Odd things seen on a construction site..
  62. Cats and dogs are so last year..
  63. Kill me now
  64. Farting in public
  65. petition to stop child poverty
  66. Mothers Day
  67. If you think anything else can go wrong, let me know...
  68. NUG. A word. The meaning.
  69. Do I need a passport to fly to Ireland?
  70. Not like that, just like that
  71. Literally just round the corner from me...
  72. awww! AWWWW!
  73. EVERYONE TAKE COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  74. Hong Kong
  75. ...and would you like to donate £1 to charity?
  76. Contacting eBay with a free text field.
  77. Crap Parking
  78. Spec me a Perfume for a Mothersday gift
  79. Tattoo Decision
  81. Happy Birthday!!!
  82. Dodgy Movtivational Posters - NSFW
  83. Garfield... minus Garfield?
  84. 21st Century Kids Books - Mildly NSFW
  85. Waiting at home I have...
  86. The Dirtiest Hotels in the UK!
  87. Need to parking near Camden
  88. Sport Relief (ignore if you don't want to give!)
  89. Global warming MY ASS!!
  90. Unbelieveable
  91. Be careful not to put too large a dowry down
  92. If Rich_L were a pilot...
  93. Gary Gygax
  94. For the Men - Bargain Philips Williams Mains Rechargeable Shaver £29 down from £90
  95. One to keep you going..
  96. The Magic Bullet
  97. Double the trouble - TWO birthdays!!!
  98. Chinese Whispers…
  99. Help For Sending off my Designs (part GAZILLION!)
  100. How do you guys get Parcels?
  101. A Joke. - NSFW -
  102. Weather warning
  103. What I've been up to – Chapter Dee
  104. Our Garden Table Fiasco
  105. Your Window Cleaner
  106. Coffins
  107. A Kettle of Fish - Card Updates
  108. Food Fight
  109. The ULTIMATE time waster
  110. Slogan suggestions.
  111. I think I'm going mad
  112. £400 water bill. Time to move to a meter?
  113. PKR POKER
  114. Getting my eyes done
  115. One for the students/under 25's
  116. Somehow I don't think she thought this through.
  117. My brain hurts!
  118. Somehow, I am not dead.
  119. When did Rich_L move to Newcastle?
  120. 14th march
  121. Be nice to have some good news for a change - missing girl
  122. Drunken ramblings...
  123. The Case of the Exploding Mug
  124. Strange Places You Have Been.
  125. Bought a dodgy DVD from eBay.
  126. My workplace is falling apart…
  127. Ladybird book of the policeman
  128. Killer Biscuits
  129. BigDog Quadroped robot - Stunning
  130. A Kettle of Fish - Requests
  131. Haggis!
  132. The Odyssey has ended
  133. The real and serious dangers of timetravel.
  134. London peeps - advice please
  135. Awww, Mr. Barraclough has shuffled off this mortal coil.
  136. Snow snow snow snow, snow snow snow snow!
  137. My Brain
  138. Trains
  139. Getting further into Web Design
  140. Planes
  141. Ahahaha
  142. and automobiles
  143. Coke Comic
  144. How to get £175.01 in 5 minutes
  145. Fascinating.. and strange
  146. I know you shouldn't laugh...
  147. You know its your lucky day when...
  148. This is frankly, quite scary...
  149. Waiting for a parcel
  150. Earth Hour
  151. Hoho
  152. Wheee, new ink tomorrow! (+ crippling fear)
  153. Computer Games are bad for you m'kay..
  154. C'mon, own up - who got fooled?
  155. Access to Work
  156. Happy Birthday Jasper
  157. Someone steer me away from this mindless crap...
  158. Some people are just too evil
  159. opinions on new trainers?
  160. Soooo.... How many is too many?
  161. RIP Smokey. :(
  162. Philip Schofield vid
  163. Off to NY!
  164. Archery
  165. Cheese, Ok ya!
  166. Trousers for christmas.. again?!
  167. Damn its taken them long enough.
  168. Some people don't deserve a dog
  169. Translation gone wrong ** NSFW if you look close enough **
  170. Shrinking the Gif!
  171. Chucking the missus out of a plane at 13,000ft-for CHARITY-sponsorship appreciated
  172. Man's got Skillz
  173. Your comments please.
  174. Men, Wood and Banging.
  175. RickMob at Liverpool St.
  176. Hail! My pants!
  177. When insults had real class
  178. I drinked too much Jack and coke :(
  179. Welcome SCM!
  180. Help! This is the only place I can post this
  181. The perfect Pressie for Piggymon and the girls :D
  182. Your assistance is required for a moment please
  183. We can haz gotz KITTEN!!!!!
  184. Bit of advice..
  185. Mark Speight found dead
  186. Happy Birthday Tink :D
  187. Our Den :D
  188. Suggestions and ideas needed (fancy dress)
  189. What's the secret? DIY help needed!
  190. In the Night Garden :)
  191. Pregnancy... and stuff!
  192. Race for life!
  193. A Big Thank You to Everyone
  194. YouTube Laughs!
  195. Ein publik announcement
  196. Online banking card reader
  197. I'm off for a tommy tank
  198. DC and New York
  199. Gas / Electric Suppliers
  200. Balls....
  201. Hmmm i just accidentally won an iPod on eBay
  202. Do I risk it? *NSFW*
  203. Goggly Eyes™
  204. Nearest font to this....
  205. SCM in Here.
  206. Car boot/Spring Fayre Trading (questions and all sorts)
  207. Dilemma
  208. Caramac
  209. Bwahahahahaha - Look what I've got.
  210. Chunky Scotsman in XXL wetsuit shocker!!
  211. Family trying to teach the younger ones...
  212. I am a Woman in Love
  213. Waking Up - Why?
  214. Seahorses
  215. Learn More About Me
  216. Random Proverb Generator
  217. Decisions!
  218. Maybe its because I am pissed:
  219. People in the office starting to annoy me. Please moan in here.
  220. Not again!
  221. ****ing mosquitos
  222. I'm having trouble with the internets....
  223. Happy birthday butternutsquash...
  224. Whos Patricia?
  225. LOL - Kat Von D
  226. I can haz Itouch?
  227. Yo Mei Mei!
  228. Happy St Georges day
  229. Scotland - What is there to do!
  230. Hmmmm...... Interesting (Ebay)
  231. He fell over! He fell over!!!!!
  232. Europe looks tempting
  233. What do you do when you're unhappy?
  234. Whos up for a game? Guess the celeb I spent yesterday with!
  235. Why why why
  236. Marvel Comics
  237. New OGC logo
  238. Robots beneath the fluff
  239. Who gots a new job? Jasper gots a new job!
  240. Wikipedia - How so quick?
  241. Here we go again!!
  242. Humph has shuffled off this mortal coil.
  243. Hippity, Happity Birthday Pole lady
  244. Selling my Booty
  245. We get everywhere
  246. Happy Birthday Mr Wossi!
  247. A half breeded Canadian/American's view on firearms..
  248. Happy birthday goldilocks
  249. Showers...?
  250. Fayshun!