View Full Version : General Disruption

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  1. Nice weekend
  2. Blast from the past
  3. New Hair
  4. Looking for a watch for work
  5. sps/bd radio on air now
  6. Definition of Irony
  7. Prepare for total cuteness.
  8. Prob NSFW, so you were warned.
  9. Where have peoples manners gone to ?
  10. Bath - Weekend away for T1000 & T3000
  11. Funny images thread....
  12. Darth Vader in the Cafeteria
  13. Milan?
  14. To all our members both old and new
  15. Good news, bad news
  16. Help me identify these insects please.
  17. Verbal Fubars
  18. Why signing a record deal ain't necessarily a good thing
  19. Complaints, Compliments and general feedback
  20. Geordie, The New Chic.
  21. Why are women (relationships) like buses?
  22. When I get emails like this, they make me want to live in the U S of A
  23. Welcome ojo !
  24. E-mail etiquette in the workplace.
  25. Kitteh photos!
  26. Hello to Penski
  27. Jamies Ministry of Food
  28. This round's on me
  29. My Ring.... *fnar*
  30. MTV gets rickrolled
  31. Oh...bum
  32. (mainly for the men of BD...) If you were offered...
  33. Don't you hate it when...
  34. When loading Photoshop is just too much like hard work...
  35. Career move. IT to er, special effects!
  36. Opening a yoghurt
  37. spining some tunes @ 8.30
  38. How much would you expect to pay? (IT related)
  39. So, you thought you had principles eh?
  40. Daily Mail
  41. Burlesque
  42. Rather quiet on here tonight!
  43. clunge?
  44. Strip Club, Strip tease, Strip dance et al
  45. Was I in the wrong?
  46. Welcome Soulja !
  47. Floor protector?
  48. Happy Birthday MB!!
  49. Does the Advertising Standards Authority think we are all morons?
  50. Bank protest
  51. Anyone ever had this... putting cheques in
  52. Aliens
  53. Oh my god, Christmas shopping is oh so very near!!!! Eeeek
  54. Welcome Miss_Lainey
  55. I never thought the day would come...
  56. Electronic cigarette. Looks cool, but how dangerous?
  57. Tesco
  58. Mark......
  59. Happy Birthday Haly!
  60. Roberta :O
  61. New Met Chief.
  62. Welcome Siaus22
  63. I don't know art, but I know what I like.....
  64. Retro is cool!
  65. Is this a man thing ??
  66. ** Speaking from experience!!! **
  67. RBS look pretty doomed!
  68. Money as Debt
  69. Oil/Fuel?
  70. Happy Birthday iCraig
  71. Mouldy Plums
  72. I would trust his as far as I could throw him...
  73. Voldemort in a bottle...
  74. little red spots??
  75. Sleepwalking to 42 day detention
  76. The BBC, squirrels, bunnies and taxes...
  77. People you work with.
  78. Fun game
  79. Checking bank stability etc
  80. Happy Birthday Mel
  81. What feeds are in your reader?
  82. Meh :(
  83. Flu Jab!
  84. If women controlled the world...
  85. SHOES!!!!
  86. Bit of an odd thing on Flickr
  87. Happy Birthday Lostkat.
  88. Old PCs - Quiz
  89. Olympics parade
  90. Proof that the lizard people are trying to take over the world
  91. Your inputs required please: Shares trading related.
  92. spec me...
  93. Those Crazy Americans!
  94. DIY/wood help
  95. what is the number to text to my phone from another country?
  96. Hear the one about the jailed donkey?
  97. on air again from 8 pm
  98. Happy Beer'day Mejinks
  99. Happy Birthday lads
  100. Dust!
  101. Poker Set!
  102. Good evening ladies and gents!
  103. Hello & Woops
  104. Clever Boobbys
  105. A Blog Rollcall
  106. There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life
  107. Doggy Question...
  108. Copyright Laws...
  109. Made me lol
  110. Kerry Katona...
  111. going to spin some tunes at 8pm if anyone is bored enough
  112. Quick percentage question...
  113. Guinea Pig Update
  114. Welcome Bod!
  115. Safety footwear on the highstreet?
  116. Happy Birthday Mr Leon
  117. Russell Brand shouldn't be allowed near a telephone.
  118. Jonny69 out in public
  119. How does that phrase go....?
  120. Who said that motorway's are boring......
  121. My name is Earl
  122. Get your pens ready...
  123. Why are there no decent mobile banking websites?
  124. Something happened yesterday on the way home from the office.
  125. For The Religious People Amongst You.
  126. Old emails
  127. Things what I've been done doing.
  128. Just Click & Laugh
  129. Skellingbobs
  130. Hair stuff
  131. New Front Door
  132. Lost in translation...
  133. Everything I eat or drink tastes beige
  134. Star Trek meets Monty Python.
  135. HOLY ****!!!
  136. Vegging out. (possibly nsfw?!)
  137. New Ink
  138. John Williams, a capella?
  139. Male toy.... really NSFW
  141. Fireworks yay.
  142. Michael Crichton
  143. CRB checks. Advice please.
  144. Remembrance Day
  145. Lost Debit/Driving Licence/Oyster on the tube last night :(
  146. BoE slashes interest rates by 1.5%
  147. Puppy Cam
  148. Bizzare cinema experiences
  149. I believe it's somebody's birthday today
  150. Because the apocalypse doesn't have to be lonely...
  151. MTV gets RickRolled
  152. Thank God he'll be gone soon!
  153. LOL noob admins
  154. What the hell, it made ME laugh anyway.....
  155. ZOMG! Our Neighbours Kid!!! NSFW!
  156. Mattresses?
  157. Old Christmas films...
  158. Things that scared you as a child.
  159. Off to Wakefield to drink twiggy beer
  160. gonna spin some people
  161. Interesting night last night
  162. Certificate? Artistic people wanted!
  163. cherhweeeees!!!!!!
  164. Sleeping issues...
  165. Happy Birthday Vix :D
  166. Happy Birthday MarcLister :D
  167. Do you accept Spiders Madam ?
  168. One for all the cat owners
  169. Work stories.... (BBx Rant Thread)
  170. Last night...
  171. Spot the mistake...
  172. NSFW Not suitable for anything tbqfh but it's Funny.
  173. The Beaver Bus SFW this time :-)
  174. Would people mock me in the streets...
  175. Happy Feek-day
  176. How on earth did the the authorities let this happen?
  177. Talk about Bad Karma
  178. I R Infected
  179. Any idea who ...
  180. Chocolate!
  181. Memory Foam
  182. An Ambiguous Animation
  183. Genius picture of the current climate
  184. Amazon market?
  185. Remote Ignition of Fireworks
  186. Wonderful English Film-making.
  187. spinning brand new trance and house from 8 pm
  188. Nice Thought.
  189. Happy Birthday Nutty
  190. The God of Genesis on Facebook.
  191. Decent cheapish hotel in Camden?
  192. Stop Thief ....
  193. Knickers in a twist already...
  194. Dear Dogs and Cats...
  195. Bzz agents
  196. Happy Birthday Belmit!!
  197. Sickly sweet
  198. Happy Birthday Priest
  199. Welcome Samanthajg.
  200. Be careful what you write in Paypal transaction boxes <<--**PAYPAL PERSON - IN HERE**
  201. "Four philosophical questions to make your brain hurt"
  202. Sorry if you've seen it....meanest prank ever
  203. It's like Christmas come early
  204. Anyone with a Visa Electron? Biiiiiiiiig Favour needed!
  205. uSwitch are ****ing useless - FACT (and npower aren't much better)
  206. Has Anyone Read The Twilight Books?
  207. Another cold!
  208. Your Christmas Wishlist
  209. Thinking of starting a blog
  210. Happy Birthday Davey
  211. Happy birthday Creature
  212. The late night/early morning chatters!
  213. Comedy Gold *SFW* Yayyyyyyyy
  214. Help needed pwease.
  215. Acoustic guitar for beginner
  216. Think! Always wear a seatbelt!
  217. Happy Birthday Karl
  218. Strange letter in the post but RESULT!
  219. Ever give money to a stranger
  220. The Generic Christmas Gift Idea thread!
  221. I wouldn't mind having a go at abit of DJing?
  222. Curtains online
  223. The Tragedy of Suicide
  224. Simon's Cat Revealed!
  225. Receiving calls from customers.
  226. The Queen.
  227. An extra special thanksgiving parade performance
  228. Noooooooooo
  229. Sometimes a bowl of cereal just isn't enough.
  230. When naming your terrorist group think of the implications
  231. Priestess and Priests news
  232. Happy Birthday Dymetrie!
  233. Condensation
  234. Fantastic email...
  235. Places to visit before you meet your maker
  237. Harry Potter Fans
  238. Something to ponder..
  239. eurgh
  240. What you all doing for Christmas Day then ??
  241. Tidy up your desk...
  242. This Christmas...
  243. Rates cut to 2%
  244. Fantastic prank & VSFK an all
  245. Quality control...
  246. HELP!!! Secret Santa
  247. insomnia
  248. Sorry about the outage...
  249. Drinks under the Diplodocus
  250. Nice Motel you have there...