View Full Version : General Disruption

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  1. How evil are you?
  2. Chinese or Indian takeaway?
  3. TomTom Online
  4. Mario Kart
  5. on air right now
  6. Teddies in Space!
  7. Oh dear... work outing related.
  8. LOL
  9. More Remi.
  10. If you could move anywhere in the world (to live)...
  11. Cheese!!!
  12. Creditcrunchtastic.
  13. Decorations:
  14. Distance Selling Regulations
  15. At least the forum software remembered....
  16. New Puppy
  17. Caption comp!
  18. Happy Birthday Garp!
  19. Off road motor biking?
  20. What a ****er
  21. Say Hi to Borris...
  22. Any ballet lovers about?
  23. Only a man....!
  24. Had my first crap day in years :(
  25. Things that change...
  26. I went to see the doctor this morning..
  27. Voters reject congestion charge
  28. Well done the BBC
  29. If you find yourself needing a bit of motivation..
  30. DJ Luke spinning some tuness
  31. How long is your beard?
  32. How many works left?
  33. We've moved!
  34. Fellatio reduces breast cancer
  35. Present help!
  36. At this time of year remember the needy
  37. Happy Birthday Goose!!!
  38. Arthritis - anyone any experiences?
  39. Weird things you've been asked/told at work?
  40. Ladies: what do you say when you see a hot guy?
  41. Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler
  42. So who's ready ..
  43. Christmas Trees
  44. Mcocys Crisps
  45. PC possession
  46. Just got back from Tesco
  47. Simpley Awesome, 2008 Photographs
  48. Happy Birthday Von!
  49. Lego + Obsessive love of Star Wars =
  50. Bargain.
  51. The Power of Words
  52. Happy Birthday.
  53. Babies are amazing.
  54. Zune.net?
  55. you Couldn't Make It Up
  56. Hey, Santa, pass us that bottle, will'ya?
  57. How to give your children nightmares
  58. How is Everybody feeling ?
  59. Merry Christmas BD
  60. Happy Birthday Kitten
  61. Blighter's Christmas Mashup!
  62. Merry Lolmus
  63. Polar Bear meets Dog
  64. BBC Three - The Most Annoying Pop Songs
  65. What's your New Year's resolution going to be?
  66. Merry Xmas fellow BDer's :)
  67. So was Ch.4 right to broadcast the 'Alternative' Xmas Speech
  68. Happy Birthday Streeteh
  69. Welcome Benklottie !
  70. trueCall - Advanced Telephone screening, anyone got one?
  71. Don't know what you've got till it's gone..?
  72. So sad :(
  73. Im back....
  74. Happy Birthday Leowyatt
  75. Caring Parents.
  76. My back hurts. A lot.
  77. Stupid and lucky?
  78. cocktails at faylom mansion.
  79. woo hoo happy new year BD'ERS
  80. What's your debut album?
  81. Heartbroken
  82. Swoopo, a mugs game
  83. Bernie Hamilton Dies.
  84. Pirates TV program
  85. Anybody watching BBC1 right now?
  86. Kids, Eh ?
  87. Worst day of the year goes to...
  88. Moral Dilemma and a Tattoo
  89. UPS's "Speshul' delivery
  90. Happy Birthday Fellas
  91. The lurgy
  92. lol
  93. I may be a kid but Faysh is too.
  94. Happy Birthday Nokkon
  95. Krypton Factor - Female advantage fair?
  96. Wear a watch?
  97. Anyone good with photoshop?
  98. Was watching the Bill tonight......
  99. A Classic Sketch.
  100. Happy Birthday Paulie!
  101. 0% the new Y2K?
  102. Seperated at Birth!
  103. The Tool Box Game (poss NSFW!)
  104. Happy Birthday Priestess
  105. Call to power tools
  106. OMG HOOOOOw much??
  107. Japanese Human Slip-n-Slide
  108. MSN working?
  109. Winter Sun Recommendations
  110. So how many “internet” couples are there here?
  111. looking for a flashmob type video...
  112. Breaking News. 5,000 Israeli Troops Enter Jordan.
  113. Communist Weather
  114. Ahoy!! We're Sinking, We're Sinking!
  115. Hello the_dead_parrot
  116. Public Service Announcement
  117. Mozart from beyond the grave..
  118. Methane found on Mars
  119. The BD Members Questionnaire
  120. Lovefilm Link Please use & Dymetrie In Here TY.
  121. Some assembly required
  122. Anybody recognise this font?
  123. Impressive
  124. Jonny69's tool porn thread
  125. Whisky.
  126. The odd telco problem..
  127. Irrefutable proof the moon landing photos are fake
  128. Scandinavia
  129. T-Mobile "dancing" advert at Liverpool Street
  130. For your wedding, would you rather…
  131. Celebrity Psychics not worth listening to?
  132. The Dark Knight in 8 bit glory
  133. Heads up for those with children.. Don't miss out..
  134. Superuseless power
  135. Oi Huddy!
  136. The wrestler
  137. Overclockers ???
  138. Photosynth of the Inauguration
  139. Happy Birthday Kamikaze_Pigeon !
  140. Am I turning into Huddy?
  141. This may be the 2000th thread in GD...
  142. Mortgages
  143. Possibly a re-he-post - Cadburys Ad
  144. Happy Birthday Donut!!
  145. Welcome T-3
  146. Honeymoon - Canada (need some ideas!)
  147. What would be the cheapest way to get hold of decent resolution aerial maps
  148. Maddest thing I have Ever done.
  149. Irrational things that annoy you (and non irrational things too come to think of it)
  150. GONG XI FA CAI! :D
  151. The Blonde and the Alligator
  152. Monster hacked
  153. Best complaint ever?
  154. The coolest transformer ever
  155. Happy Birthday Boys!!!
  156. bloody rain..
  157. Perverts break teenage online code
  158. I didn't think people could be so stupid
  159. All packed up.
  160. Happy Birthday camerajuan!!
  161. Franky Bling ------- Dog pics
  162. Classic songs + backing track by Microsoft SongSmith = ...
  163. Points on you license? You can't work here.
  164. Elevator Music
  165. Kiva.org charitable loans
  166. Health cover at work - Tax question..
  168. A Message From The Creator Of T-Shirt Hell...
  169. Happy Birthday Andy
  170. Is anyone good at google sketch or other cad and can spare some time?
  171. Brrr
  172. Guitars
  173. Weirdest compliments
  174. Nature offers a quick lesson about size
  175. Post your sledge!
  176. Snowman !!! *Poss NSFW*
  177. Creative minded people in here pleaaaaaase!!
  178. Twestival
  179. High Speed Chase
  180. Work Update & New challenge
  181. ** More Random Pictures **
  182. Poor Jade Goody!!
  183. 3 Explorers choose their death..
  184. Lambeth, Broxbourne, Woking, Basildon, Redhill.
  185. Golly golly gosh
  186. Answer Phones...
  187. Your final 24.
  188. Basic basic CV/interview questions and tips
  189. Wound up by email boss sent
  190. Men have it easy!
  191. Best spelling mistakes
  192. Crazy Stoat!!
  193. What have you forgotten today?
  194. Interactive Toilet
  195. Super Stacker 2 - Love this game
  196. What news anchors do during commercial breaks
  197. Snowed in!!!
  198. Murder or Suicide..?
  199. Afghan Cops.
  200. Creepy
  201. Why you shouldn't let Tak get bored...
  202. Get it on (poss nsfw)
  203. Welcome Novakane!
  204. Love2Recyle
  205. Is anyone elses sky out beciuase of the weather?
  206. The customer is not always right
  207. Train ticket question
  208. Low speed Bentley Chase
  209. Alcoholic sues Hotel
  210. PUMPKINSTEEEEEEW! In here!!
  211. Bubbles in space.. or did China fake their space mission?
  212. Massive Oranges
  213. Happy Birthday kaiowas
  214. A BD wedding
  215. Wise Old Man
  216. Dog dies defending children
  217. Geeky Valentines day wear
  218. Sony Releases Stupid Piece of ****
  219. Unix Time
  220. Who says romance is dead?
  221. House buying hassles
  222. Smash, Bang, Wallop
  223. Definitely Friday the Thirteenth
  224. Anyone used "TribalUK" before?
  225. Board Youtube Help
  226. Well I'm in the good books ( valentines flowers )
  227. Girls cant play guitar
  228. Is it on your iPod*?
  229. Freebie.
  230. Getting rid of a tomcat without harassing our cat?
  231. I'm a ****ing retard.
  232. Daily Mail-o-matic
  233. Had my first 'issue' with PayPal
  234. Simple elctronics help
  235. Employers and Eye Tests
  236. off
  237. Work PCs went down today
  238. Photobox - Scam?
  239. Getting a new job...
  240. Vodafone rant
  241. Abuse & Threats...
  242. Happy Birthday Del Lardo
  243. Clueless scotsman at a baseball game
  244. post a video of your self dancing to music ...
  245. Hairy Tongues
  246. "My screen's dead"
  247. Pancake Day aka Shrove Tuesday
  248. Who finds this weird?
  249. Ticket Touts...
  250. Hi I'm New :)