View Full Version : The Generic Christmas Gift Idea thread!

26-11-2008, 08:14
There's always the handful of people you don't know that well, or already have everything, so the idea of this thread is to help each other out by posting "generic" Christmas gift ideas!!

I'll start with the obvious:

Mug/Cup (Maybe personalised)
Chocolate Gift Box
Amusing underwear

and the less obvious:

Pico-Z R/C Helicopter (normally ~£15)
Sudoko Loo Roll
Waterbuoy (http://www.blacks.co.uk/119273/product/119273.aspx) (Keyring which inflates + floats should it fall in water - very handy!!)

I'll try and keep this list updated with your suggestions :D

26-11-2008, 08:32
Any number of things from Hawkins Bazzar (http://www.hawkin.com/) (I love that shop :D )

26-11-2008, 08:55
Anything stolen from your workplace :D always great gifts... though not sure about that in my case...

26-11-2008, 09:13
Anything stolen from your workplace :D always great gifts... though not sure about that in my case...

"Here have this vial of something infectious" ;D
A friend Claire stole some incontinence pads from work for her brothers 18th birthday ;D

26-11-2008, 09:22
Mrs Dym has claimed she hates cuddly toys...

Guess what she's getting for Christmas :D

Need to find something pretty interesting though...

Metalface Mark
26-11-2008, 12:28

The semen cookbook, a must for any household.

26-11-2008, 12:41
I got a Pico-Z helicopter as a gift from work when I bust my leg in March and it did a good job of keeping me amused while I was off my feet. Great fun, but really hard to control.

26-11-2008, 12:44

The semen cookbook, a must for any household.

The comments are loltastic!

26-11-2008, 14:15
These recipes are easy to make, even for cooking "new comers."


26-11-2008, 14:20
I can just imagine the demands when doing a meal for a party, say 6+
bloke - uuuurgh *splurge*
wife - that's good, more now

2 hours later .......

bloke - no more, let me rest for the love of god!
wife - You've only managed the starters and half the main ..... get going