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View Full Version : Another dent in the car :(

26-11-2008, 11:12
Somebody at work noticed another dent on my car today. Just been outside to look and the front nearside wing has been pushed in just in front of the door. It's a little creased and there's a scrape in the paint and the indicator lens has gone.

The car was parked on the drive last night so it didn't happen then. Night before it was parked on the road but that bit was pavement side so a passer by could have done it. I think the night before that bit was road side so it could have happened then I suppose.

It's just annoying. I know it's only a 206 but it's still my car. The car is covered in dents and scrapes and only one has been my fault. When I get around to getting a new car (one day I hope), I'm not so sure I'll actually be looking forward to it. It seems like nobody else can manage to not hit my car, and if they do, they certainly don't stop and leave a note :angry:

26-11-2008, 11:33
I feel your pain mate, I really do :( When I got the Focus it was spotless. I will hold my hand up to one scratch/dent on the front right. Its now got two dented wheel arches, gouges out of the paint on each side, and endless odd scratches. Cosmetically its shagged, mechanically its top notch.

Due to my job, I may have to get some of it sorted, "Cars must be in a presentable condition on client sites". I was going to get one of the wheel arches done, until literally just before it was going to go in, someone did the other one. Now I just can't be bothered and count the additional dents each time I walk upto it.

I do agree though about getting a new motor. There were two last week both 2L SAABS and Volvo's that were going at silly money that I very nearly got. However what's the point when they'll just get trashed? I'll keep the Focus till it blows up now as I've had enough.

26-11-2008, 11:49
This is why I could never get a nice car! Esp in London!

Sorry to hear that about your car Desmos :(

BB x

26-11-2008, 12:03
When the time comes to get a new car, I think I'll just end up ebaying mine with a 99p starting price :D

26-11-2008, 12:04
Shotgun first refusal! :D

BB x

26-11-2008, 12:30
Annoying :angry:
I had similar with my Ka in February, annoying coming back to a new dent.

Del Lardo
26-11-2008, 14:09
Coughed up £1600 this year to repair body work and smashed lights due to 2 peoples ineptitude.

First one someone drove into my car in airport parking taking out the right rear wheel arch and the second one a white van pulled into my safety gap on the M25 in heavy traffic and flicked up a delaminated lorry tyre giving the choice of being hit, swerving into the car next to me or pilling on the breaks and being rear ended by the Audi 5mm from my rear bumper.

I completed the hattrick a week later by reversing into a pole at a petrol station :o

26-11-2008, 19:46


26-11-2008, 21:24
A***holes. SOmeone has done exactly the same to the back quarter of mine, no details left. I felt sick when I saw it, I love my car :(

27-11-2008, 12:43
Thats one of the reasons why I don't splash out much on a new car.
Round our way it'd probably get broken into or vandalised. :angry:

Another reason is that I don't have any garage or cover for it.
Not spending loads of cash on a nice new car, for it to sit outside in the British weather corroding away.

27-11-2008, 12:56
It's really really frustrating when you spend time picking a nice example of a car, looking after it, polishing it etc AND parking it properly tucked away around the back of my flat. Then you get some blind ancient old man simply reversing right into it and wrecking the entire driver's side wing.

It's doing my head in because he's not bothered about the damage on his own car, BUT I am. He admitted liability on the scene, along with a witness, but is refusing to go through his insurance or settle it privately because it's "just a scrape" So ****ing what if it's just a scrape?! It's a scrape YOU caused on MY car when it was parked up.

I've initiated a claim and handed all his details over, but I feel like calling the police to be honest because it should be him sorting this, and his insurance or private funds taking the hit. Not mine.

Anyway, rant over. I know what it's like Desmo and it sucks. :(

27-11-2008, 16:21
I've initiated a claim and handed all his details over, but I feel like calling the police to be honest because it should be him sorting this, and his insurance or private funds taking the hit. Not mine.

If you've given all of his details to your insurers, you shouldn't have to worry about paying anything for it, it should be all on him.

27-11-2008, 16:52
If you've given all of his details to your insurers, you shouldn't have to worry about paying anything for it, it should be all on him.

Going through my insurance though? They made no certainty over the phone I'd be ok. Just "we'll aim to get your excess and claims bonus" :confused:

27-11-2008, 19:33
I wouldn't trust insurers either.

My car was hit by a scooter and despite the fact that I could prove the scooter was 100% to blame, my insurance company settled for 50/50 despite me telling them the guy had admitted liability and that I could prove it due to the type and location of physical damage to my car. I found out later of course, that the other guy was insured with the same company as me. Now call me cynical, but doesn't that mean that the insurance company gets to claim two excesses rather than just one?

No wonder they weren't interested in any proof I could offer.

27-11-2008, 21:54
Went to put something on the passenger seat of the car this evening and.....THE ****ING DOOR DOESN'T OPEN :angry:

It's hits the dented part of the wing....great.

27-11-2008, 21:59
Bumma Dude :(
When I had decent cars it used to drive me Nutz, There are some benefits to owning sod all & driving jalopys :D

28-11-2008, 09:56
Going through my insurance though? They made no certainty over the phone I'd be ok. Just "we'll aim to get your excess and claims bonus" :confused:
They should (in theory) be able to make a full claim against the other guys insurance. Of course, stories like phykell's show that even when the other guy is completely to blame you still may have to pay up. Hope you get it all sorted soon :)

And sucks completely about the car Des. Is there a window overlooking where the car is parked? Could you set up a webcam or something to see if you can catch anyone who does it?

19-12-2008, 19:26
Well I looked at the dent / scratch on mine the other day and thought about ordering parts and repairing. Its a really easy bolt off old, bolt on new repair. Went out on Weds and there is another large scratch /scuff about 3" from where I put mine in. That's it now, no bodywork repairs unless its going to fall off.

19-12-2008, 19:43
Was stressed the other day when some Idiot parked close to my Vit & I mean that close there was no way he was going to get out wihtout hitting my motor unless he was Uber careful. I watched ready to pounce & demand moneyz for repair when he slipped out of his car like he was doing that Limba dancing BS & barely disturb the surrounding air let alone my Vit. Stunned at his leet skillz I barely felt the relief of him not whacking my Vit.
I tell you this Sirs & madames I have Never in my life seen somebody take so much care whilst around 2 motors.
The next time I see his White 08 plate M3 I'll have to thank him :D

A Place of Light
22-12-2008, 00:49
This is why I could never get a nice car! Esp in London!

You should try driving in Rome. I didn't see a single nice car, for that very reason.

22-12-2008, 11:20
You should try driving in Rome. I didn't see a single nice car, for that very reason.

It's the same too, infact most of Italy from what my colleagues say. The chap in our Milan office who looks after the company cars doesn't bother getting dents fixed until the car is due to go back to the lease company because he knows full well that they'll just reappear within a few days.

Driving in Rome is quite a scary experience, I can totally understand why so many cars look about knackered.

22-12-2008, 12:22
I've got scrapes and scratches all over my car at the moment - I can't afford to fix it. None of them are even my fault it really upsets me every time I see the scratches (almost looks keyed) and the dents :( Hate it.

A Place of Light
22-12-2008, 20:03
It's the same too, infact most of Italy from what my colleagues say. The chap in our Milan office who looks after the company cars doesn't bother getting dents fixed until the car is due to go back to the lease company because he knows full well that they'll just reappear within a few days.
I totally agree. EVERY single car I saw in Italy (and I travelled around quite a bit on their roads) had bumps/dents/scratches and worse on their bodywork.
Driving in Rome is quite a scary experience, I can totally understand why so many cars look about knackered.
Oh god I LOVED it. It's like automotive Brownian motion.

However, you have to be a mental patient to ride a scooter there.