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27-11-2008, 00:37
How can you get a footer that goes up the side of the page? :p

Doing my FYP for Uni and noticed some of the nicer looking previous projects i've been looking at have the page number in the bottom right corner and then the chapter number and title going vertically up the side of the page above that...

Rather like this sexual mock up i've done in Photoshop;


27-11-2008, 00:55
Isn't that done in Adobe Acrobat?

27-11-2008, 01:02
Possibly, I don't know, i've just got a couple of hard copies here.

I've just been reading through the hand in guidelines though, and i'm not actually sure if i'm allowed to do that anyway, they seem pretty strict on basic layout, specifying margins and footers etc. for you.

The ones I have are MSc projects though and mine is BEng, so perhaps MSc students are allowed more creative freedom :(

27-11-2008, 01:04
I doubt it, I did a BA and got market down on my reports for making them look awesome. :/
I'd be annoyed if the Sciences were fine but Arts got marked down for being artistic :p.

27-11-2008, 01:10
I'm not even allowed to choose where my page numbers go actually. Lame.

Mandatory use of Times New Roman too, I hate that font with a passion.

27-11-2008, 06:27
You pansy if it helps type it however you want and then just change it to within the guidelines before you hand it in :p

27-11-2008, 10:52
Seems a bit pointless to go to all the trouble of prettying it up only to have to undo it all at the end. :p