View Full Version : Priestess and Priests news
29-11-2008, 15:46
Just a message to say Priest and I are expecting a baby, i'm 12/14 weeks pregnant, YAY US!!! ;D;D;D;D;D
That's brilliant news! Congratulations to you both :D
Really excited for you two :)
*big hugs*
29-11-2008, 15:49
Congratulations to you Both :cool:
Any chance of you posting the little scan pic, I like those :)
29-11-2008, 15:53
Awesome news guys congrats :D
29-11-2008, 15:55
Not had one yet justsomebloke, only found out on tuesday how many weeks i am lol ;D
29-11-2008, 16:28
Congrats ! :D
29-11-2008, 16:45
Woohoo - great news \o/
I you guys are Priest and Priestess, will baby be a Deacon? :D
29-11-2008, 17:26
Awww that is fantastic news :) Really pleased for you two. Congratulations :)
29-11-2008, 18:02
Woohoo - great news \o/
I you guys are Priest and Priestess, will baby be a Deacon? :D
Aren't deacons only men? :P
29-11-2008, 18:41
Aren't deacons only men? :P
Buggered if I know, I'm an atheist :confused: :p
Aren't deacons only men? :P
These days you can, and do, get deaconesses.
Congratulations! My sister has just had her 20 week scan, and finally stopped throwing up twice a day.
Cheers everyone, we're both over the moon. :D
Congratulations to you Both :cool:
Any chance of you posting the little scan pic, I like those :)
Definitely mate, should be going for the first scan in a week or so.
Babies? That's so gay :D
:p :p
29-11-2008, 19:50
Great news. Congratulations to you both. :)
29-11-2008, 23:45
YAY! Congrats :D
Awww congrats to you both.
Enjoy your sleep, peace, dinner and freedom while you can lol :D
30-11-2008, 12:48
Awwww congrats, another request for scan pics when you get some as well thankyou please!
CONGRATULATIONS! :) wahooo \o/ !!
We need a BABIES OF BOAT DRINKS thread if people keep popping them out like this!
/me will stick with practicing for the time being :p
WOoooooo hoooooooooo! COoOoONGRaATTUuLlAatiIOoNS!
Wowee how exciting for you both!! How iare you feeling Priestess?! Awww yay!
01-12-2008, 13:43
Yay for being an uncle \o/ :D
And congratulations to Davey and Lynnie being future Uncle and Aunt to the mini-Priest/Priestess :D
06-12-2008, 15:40
WOoooooo hoooooooooo! COoOoONGRaATTUuLlAatiIOoNS!
Wowee how exciting for you both!! How iare you feeling Priestess?! Awww yay!
I'm ok ty pheebs, the nausea is awful but not had "morning sickness" at all, ;D well not yet anyway :lipsrsealed:
Got our scan date now, Tuesday 9th, looking forward to seeing my little lump. :):):):)
Awww Poor Pickys Sister suffered pooply from nausea :( It will wear off in a few weeks though so chin chin and *fingers crossed* it doesn't go on to morning sickness :D
I bet you're like "EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEE" about the scan! I would be bouncing! How exciting!! You're going to see a little person in your belleh!! And they're going to grow in to a little cute bald baby bubba! How awesome!?!!
I find pregnancy very exciting and amazing :D Completely baffles me everytime I think about it/see people preggers and what not!
You're creating a real life weemee! ;D
May I ask, do you know whether you are going to find out whether the bundle of joy is a laaaaaady or a fella? Any thoughts on names (are we allowed to know?! :D)
Dear lord, I don't know what I'm going to be like when I get the preggers if I get this excited over someone else preggers! Hehehe!
*wubs* to you both (Priest - give you're lady a big hug and snog from the Picky and I and the belly a rub! :D)
Von Smallhausen
07-12-2008, 21:36
Might I suggest Judas Priest for a boy and High Priestess for a girl. :D
Congratulations. I am new to father hood myself and have not had a decent kip in two weeks ..... ;)
Congratulations. I am new to father hood myself and have not had a decent kip in two weeks ..... ;)
I haven't had a decent nights sleep in 5 1/2 years lol
Lately I have had 3-5hours sleep a night. I need 8 :(
May I ask, do you know whether you are going to find out whether the bundle of joy is a laaaaaady or a fella? Any thoughts on names (are we allowed to know?! :D)
To be honest I'm not that bothered, as long as he/she is healthy I'm a happy daddy, Jackie on the other hand can't wait to find out. ;)
Might I suggest Judas Priest for a boy and High Priestess for a girl. :D
Congratulations. I am new to father hood myself and have not had a decent kip in two weeks ..... ;)
I'd add them to the list of possible names but we haven't got one yet, plus she would probably kill me. :p
Congrats to you as well, I might ask for some helpfull hints in the coming months, ways to get out of changing nappies, places to hide when you want a kip etc. ;)
I haven't had a decent nights sleep in 5 1/2 years lol
Lately I have had 3-5hours sleep a night. I need 8 :(
3-5 hours, that's about normal for me now. :o
semi-pro waster
08-12-2008, 17:56
Missed this before but big congratulations. :)
10-12-2008, 21:56
Had scan yesterday and got some scan pics, which will be posted soon.
The woman who did the scan said the baby is healthy and that "we" are 22 weeks pregnant already :shocked::shocked::shocked: dont know how that happened :p:D the scan was exciting pheebs and i got a bit emotional :)
Didnt see the front of the baby because he/she turned away from us so only got the baby's head and it's spine so couldnt find out what the baby is, not too sure on names yet so will have to think about that.
Thanks everyone for the congratulations. :x:x:x
Boooo! I wanted to have a guess :D
Been guessing on a few recently, though before my friend even conceived I dreamt she had a girl... then one of her work colleagues dreamt that the same girl had a girl.
She doesn't know yet.. but guessing is fun :D
Congratulations guys!
BB x
Glad it all went well and was exciting :D
10-12-2008, 22:58
Woooo! I bet it is the best feeling in the whole world, it is something that I think men really miss out on. Nevermind, save the best things for the woman hey :p
wow I bet that was a shock finding out you are 22weeks good though as you are over half way now :D
good luck with pregnancy and hope you don't suffer too much :)
11-12-2008, 00:01
Lynnie and I keep referring to the baby as "him" so we both think it'll be a boy. I hope so anyway, I can take him to Everton games and make sure he supports the proper team :D
Boy would be great as if/when they have another the baby would have big bro to protect them :D its lovely having Josh 1st as big bro to his sisters.
I knew I was having a boy with Josh even though I never found out as we wanted a suprise.
I was so sure he was a boy I was willing to buy all boy stuff but faysh wouldn't let me lol
Our baby. :D (
Lynnie and I keep referring to the baby as "him" so we both think it'll be a boy. I hope so anyway, I can take him to Everton games and make sure he supports the proper team :D
Already on that one bro...
I don't understand how people can not know they are pregnant/be further on than they thought. I found out with Megan at 4 weeks, and I didn't really need to do a test with Toby because I felt exactly the same as I did at 4 weeks with Megan. Isn't it strange how all us girlies are so different? I'm so jeallous! I wish I'd found out at my first scan with Toby that I was 22 weeks! Lucky things :)
Congratulations, I am soooooo happy for you. You are both going to be great and lovely parents :)
11-12-2008, 12:22
Must tempt him to the dark side ;)
Must tempt him to the dark side ;)
No no no!
Must tempt her to the pink and frilly side :p
Looks like a boy to me ;)
BB x
11-12-2008, 13:37
It's definitely going to be a baby, a surprise would be if it was a puppy. :p
It's definitely going to be a baby, a surprise would be if it was a puppy. :p
Lol, I love it when people give this answer, although I have brought on disapproving looks when I have said it myself :confused:
BB x
11-12-2008, 13:52
Lol, I love it when people give this answer, although I have brought on disapproving looks when I have said it myself :confused:
BB x
Heh, i love it. People who are disapproving have no sense of humour. I'm sure which ever sex the baby is C + J will love it to pieces so it matters not a jot. :)
11-12-2008, 15:53
I'm sure which ever sex the baby is C + J will love it to pieces so it matters not a jot. :)
Not to mention Uncle D and Auntie L :D
And Leo, sod off, not a chance :p
11-12-2008, 15:56
Not to mention Uncle D and Auntie L :D
And Leo, sod off, not a chance :p
Best send that torres kit back then ;) ;D
Don't forget girls can go to football matches too :p :D
Looks like a boy to me ;)
BB x
Nearly everyone we know has said that, and I know it's what Jac wants, I just want a happy, healthy baby. :)
It's definitely going to be a baby, a surprise would be if it was a puppy. :p
That would cut down on the nappies. ;)
I'm sure which ever sex the baby is C + J will love it to pieces so it matters not a jot. :)
So spot on it's untrue, I even kissed the scan goodnight last night. :o
Best send that torres kit back then ;) ;D
No send it mate, need something to wipe babies s***** bum with. :p :D
if it's not one it's the other. :numpty:;D
Congrats again. My sister knew she was pregnant more because she started throwing up twice a day, every day, which stayed with her till nigh on 20 weeks (I think she's about the same time as you, 22 weeks or there abouts)
Lynnie and I keep referring to the baby as "him" so we both think it'll be a boy. I hope so anyway, I can take him to Everton games and make sure he supports the proper team :D
Ohhh I get it, you want to take him to Everton games so he can see how not to play :p
11-12-2008, 21:08
Ohhh I get it, you want to take him to Everton games so he can see how not to play :p
:shocked: go Garp go ;D
12-12-2008, 11:33
Ohhh I get it, you want to take him to Everton games so he can see how not to play :p
Don't you bloody start as well, it's bad enough dealing with Kitten and Leo :p
13-12-2008, 14:48
Don't you bloody start as well, it's bad enough dealing with Kitten and Leo :p
Could be worse you could be a Bristol City fan, then you'd really have something to moan about at the moment. :p
Congrats by the way, hope everything progresses well and that you have a healthy baby at the end of it.
13-12-2008, 17:39
Been reading all you have wrote on here and everyone's comments have made me laugh so much, on my side of the family are all reds (liverpool fans) so i think cos my family is bigger that the little one may be a red (no matter what daddy says) :p:D
Blackstars comment about being a puppy made me laugh the most, never heard that before ;D
I cant wait for col (priest) to feel the baby moving, it's not kicking hard enough yet for anyone to detect but it wont be long ;D;D
I say goodnight to my scan pic everynight and take it with me where ever i go :o:o soppy woman i am hehe:cool:
13-12-2008, 22:12
Been reading all you have wrote on here and everyone's comments have made me laugh so much, on my side of the family are all reds (liverpool fans) so i think cos my family is bigger that the little one may be a red (no matter what daddy says) :p:D
I believe the immediate male members of the family (ie, the baby's dad, and uncle) have more say in the matter, so baby will be a blue. So there :p
It won't be long at all until priest feels her/him kick :D
When I was pregnant my babies used to kick faysh in the back as I cuddled up to him at night.
My son would wake him up as he used to kick so hard, my girls wriggled more than kicked so he felt them moving about.
hicups are funny as your belly jumps :D
I miss being pregnant but no I am not broody lol
I believe the immediate male members of the family (ie, the baby's dad, and uncle) have more say in the matter, so baby will be a blue. So there :p
Baby priest/priestess may not like footie and may prefer rugby :p lol
Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
13-12-2008, 22:22
on my side of the family are all reds (liverpool fans) so i think cos my family is bigger that the little one may be a red (no matter what daddy says) :p:D
Who is more likely to take the baby to a footy match? You or Colin?
Who cares more about football?
I'd have to say Colin, therefore kids should be a blue imho :)
Yay for scans and happy parents :)
Too be honest, I don't really mind that much, I'm of the Henry Ford opinion.
Our baby can support any team it long as it's Everton. :D :p
It won't be long at all until priest feels her/him kick :D
When I was pregnant my babies used to kick faysh in the back as I cuddled up to him at night.
My son would wake him up as he used to kick so hard, my girls wriggled more than kicked so he felt them moving about.
hicups are funny as your belly jumps :D
I miss being pregnant but no I am not broody lol
Next to being there at the birth, this is what I'm looking forward to most, I can't wait. :)
15-12-2008, 10:49
I'm gonna throw this out there and probably get lynched....the kid should support Man Utd.
And before I do get lynched, congrats to the both of you :D
15-12-2008, 10:53
Are you trying to get punched next time we see you? :p
Poor kid will probably go nuts with people arguing over who he/she should support and become a Yid just to teach you all a lesson ;D
15-12-2008, 11:00
Well what with that being probably a while away, i'm hoping you'll have forgotten by then :p know where I live :eek:
Poor kid will probably go nuts with people arguing over who he/she should support and become a Yid just to teach you all a lesson ;DThe kid may be confused but it ain't stupid :p
17-12-2008, 21:43
I believe the immediate male members of the family (ie, the baby's dad, and uncle) have more say in the matter, so baby will be a blue. So there :p
The fact i have 3 brothers and 2 nephews who support liverpool then that will make the baby a red ;) hahahaha
Say hello to Joseph Kenneth (
Born 11:27 on the 16/02/09 and weighing in at 3 pounds 11 ounces. :)
He was just under 8 weeks early, hence his small size, but he's absolutely gorgeous. Best news is that both he and mum are fine. :)
I cannot put into words how proud I feel right now. :D:D
Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
17-02-2009, 19:51
\o/ about time you posted. I've wanted to go
"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm an aunt" on here all day ;D
Congrats again. cannot wait to be able to see him :D
Awwwwwwww :D
So happy for you three in fact :D
Lovely name :)
And congrats Uncle Davey and Auntie Lynnie :D
\o/ Made up for you both, glad he's ok. When can we come and see him/send greetings? :D
Not sure yet, Jac & Joe are still in atm and the premature baby ward only lets in parents & grandparents. :( Joe's likely to be kept in for 4-8 weeks.
\o/ about time you posted. I've wanted to go
"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm an aunt" on here all day ;D
Congrats again. cannot wait to be able to see him :D
Sorry sis, but I have been a little preocupied. ;)
Awwwwwwww :D
So happy for you three in fact :D
Lovely name :)
And congrats Uncle Davey and Auntie Lynnie :D
Cheers Jen. :D
Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
17-02-2009, 19:59
Sorry sis, but I have been a little preoccupied. ;)
I know :p
Is good news that Jackie and Joe are doing well. Was so worried about them both yesterday! As I know you were
8 weeks early! Bet that came as a shock then!
Glad all is well :)
Not sure yet, Jac & Joe are still in atm and the premature baby ward only lets in parents & grandparents. :( Joe's likely to be kept in for 4-8 weeks.
Awww that must be so frustrating!
Not half Vix, but one of the best shocks ever. :)
Awww that must be so frustrating!
It is in a way, but we've been told we can see him anytime we want. And god forbid anything goes wrong he's in the best place to get help.
It is in a way, but we've been told we can see him anytime we want. And god forbid anything goes wrong he's in the best place to get help.
Very true :) at least you can visit anytime you want, that must help a lot.
Babies born premature become the best people anyhow ;):D
Hehey! Congratulations!
And great choice of name, I approve :)
Great news :) Give out congrats and good wishes to Jackie :)
semi-pro waster
17-02-2009, 21:38
Congratulations and so glad to hear that everyone is fine. :)
Wow! Congrats to you both! :D
Boy *BB x = smug*
BB x
17-02-2009, 22:14
Awww congrats ! :)
Give our well wishes to Jackie.
17-02-2009, 22:42
Lynnie and I are just back in after going to see him. He's absolutely adorable, and he's already got more hair than me!
Very proud of my big bro and Jackie :D
Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
17-02-2009, 22:44
We were lucky enough to be allowed in to his ward :D we couldn't touch him but got to see him up close :D \o/
He's adorable!! Soooo cute and ickle! bless him!
Congrats all round!
However, I am not speaking to you anymore for stealing my first born sons name ;)
17-02-2009, 22:50
Fab news, he'll be out of hospital and keeping you both up all night before you know it. Congratulations :)
17-02-2009, 22:59
Congrats and im glad he made it safely into the world. More pics soon please!
Thanks everyone, I'll let Jackie know and pass on the good wishes. :)
Dee, sorry hon, first come first served. :p ;)
I'm made up we had a nice nurse on the ward to let Dave, Lynne and Jackie's sister go in to see Joe, it was the only regret I had about where he is, Dave's face was brilliant. :D
Aw congrats to all of you :) Hope he can come home soon as possible :)
Yay glad you got to see Joe, Davey and Lynnie :D
WOwwwwwwweeeeeee!! Congratulations!!! He's soooooooo ickle!!
Big snogs and hugs to you all! :D
18-02-2009, 10:14
Many congratulations to you all. Glad to hear Jackie and Joseph are doing well :)
the premature baby ward only lets in parents & grandparents. :(
The neo-natal unit at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary have a similar policy so when I went to see my grand-niece, I told a little white lie and told them I'd come all the way from Shetland to see her (I'd been working in Aberdeen that day and was only going back to Peterhead). They took pity on me since I'd "travelled all that distance" and let me in to see her :D
18-02-2009, 18:24
YAY! Congrats! :D
18-02-2009, 18:25
Congratulations guys. Great news. :)
Snuggle Ferret
18-02-2009, 19:11
Well done Chaps :-)
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