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View Full Version : TVs increasing in price

08-12-2008, 01:48
In a word, arse. A friend of my sisters has just said that Sony and Panasonic have written to him as a buyer for the co-op. They are putting their prices up 20-30% in the new year. I hadn't head this but I have come across this thread on AVForums


Was planning on getting a TV in the new year, only a 32" jobbie. Still bloody annoying :angry:

08-12-2008, 01:52
Not surprised. We're knackered on two fronts - weak demand and the weak pound. Lots of imported electronic stuff is going to go up soon if it hasn't already.

08-12-2008, 01:53
Yep, was planning on getting one post xmas but I had better do it pre xmas.

08-12-2008, 02:11
I thought it was odd that my TV (Panasonic TH-42PZ80) was getting more expensive! Glad to see it's not just me going mad, and of course also glad that I got it for only £719...I did miss out on the John Lewis £749 w/5 year warranty though :(

08-12-2008, 04:50
If you don't mind being totally fussy, second hand is still amazing value....

08-12-2008, 09:56
Yep I have been looking at second hand ones, especially those on AVForums. I'm probably looking at 720P with a 32" screen. It's not going to be the main screen so not that worried about 1080p.

08-12-2008, 11:39
My TV went up over £200 :eek:

...but luckily the sales guy agreed to let me have it for the price quoted just two weeks earlier :cool:

08-12-2008, 14:42
At present alot of electrical specialists in the UK are having great difficulty in making any money- I know the 2 leaders aren't profiting much on anything other than extended warranties etc so I guess this move was coming... still very annoying as I'm desperate for a HD tele! :(

11-12-2008, 10:13
I just "had" to get my BluRay player in early because i don't want it to go above £200 when its £155 now !

11-12-2008, 15:14
Thank god I've just got 3 new screens then.

Cost a small fortune to be honest, but as a christmas present from the other halfs dad and we stuck in a chunk of cash it was well worth it.

Should arrive tomorrow too. :D Will take more than a little while to setup properly.

11-12-2008, 15:30
Well I got the 37" toshiba (37XV555DB). It was either that or the 32" Panasonic Veira. They are both regarded very well with regards to colour calibration. I was orgiinally only going to get a 32" as it won't be the main TV, however the difference between the 32" and 37" was buttons :)

11-12-2008, 16:00
I think that for most people the 37" screens are perfect. There is also nothing in the price as you spotted. ;)

I would have gone for the Panasonic myself, but thats just my bias there. Never had a bit of Panasonic kit fail. Sony on the other hand.... Will never buy another piece of Sony kit.

11-12-2008, 17:40
I think that for most people the 37" screens are perfect. There is also nothing in the price as you spotted. ;)

I would have gone for the Panasonic myself, but thats just my bias there. Never had a bit of Panasonic kit fail. Sony on the other hand.... Will never buy another piece of Sony kit.
That's odd. All the Sony stuff I've bought has been utterly reliable. The reason it's taken so long for me to get a new TV is because my old Sony 32" widescreen, pre-Wega, is still going strong and a perfect picture.

11-12-2008, 17:54
Hmmm earlier today at a UK 'trusted electrical specialist' that boasts they 'live electricals', it was overheard by 'someone' that this is the accompaniment to Sony's desires to push pre-xmas sales. With alot of people witholding purchases before xmas and waiting for the 'January sales', electrical manufacturers are pushing sales though marketing that will not only increase December sales but also shine praise-filled-light upon them when they decide to 'retain low prices' come 2009 ;)

11-12-2008, 18:16
Been checking 1080's out myself, What does 700 quid get you ?
My thinking is if I have to spend 300 quid on a washing machine then spending 700 quid on a 1080 will make me feel ok about it ;D

The Samsung looked good to me but I know Nowt :o
Will be used for 360 & Virgin & DVD.