View Full Version : Prince of Persia

09-12-2008, 23:38
Did anyone pick this up on Friday then?
If so, what are your impressions?

I know a few people here were waiting for this, but not heard anything from them.

I got it sent through to me on rental though not really had a chance to give it a fair going over yet.

09-12-2008, 23:51
From the review I've watched (gametrailers) I was suprised and disappointed.

In one breath they criticised it's simplified running/jumping and combat mechanics and moaned about the retreading old ground but then they gave it a big score (9.3 iirc)

I'm avoiding it for now based on that review...

10-12-2008, 00:07
I can't wait to play it though I've such a back log I've told myself no more sp games until I've completely finished with Banjo, Dead Space & Last Remnant.

10-12-2008, 00:14
I can't wait to play it though I've such a back log I've told myself no more sp games until I've completely finished with Banjo, Dead Space & Last Remnant.
I'm the same, only my list is a fair bit longer than that! :o

10-12-2008, 01:43
Come on people, opinions :D Need to know if it's worth it for Christmas or not ;)

10-12-2008, 03:06
My opinions are certainly changing on the title from my first impressions.

10-12-2008, 09:08
I'm a little upset that pretty much all reports are that it's much easier and slightly dumbed down compared to its predecessors. The combat is easy and can be completed with button mashing and the jumping segments have more in common with quicktime events than it does with the original game.

Such a shame, one of the best things about the old ones was their rock solid difficulty.

21-12-2008, 02:32
The Mrs has bought me this for xmas and having never played the others I don't know what to expect. I really didn't like assassins creed and I think it will be a bit like that.

Dumbed down combat.

Then again I enjoy the 360 tomb raider games so hopefully it will bear some similarities.

21-12-2008, 02:43
I immediately thought of you when someone mentioned it being dumbed down Danny (that sounds a little harsh, but do read on) because I know you mentioned that was your pet peeve with Assassins Creed (see).

The combat on this at least utilises all 4 face buttons for attacks and triggers for blocks. The movement across walls also required the use of either the B button to climb further or Y button to gain extra distance, so you always feel like you're doing more with the controls than those of Assassins Creed.

21-12-2008, 13:22
Yeah I really wasn't happy with assassins, viking was a very similar game but with decent combat so you didn't feel like you was doing the same level over and over.

For £17.99 I suppose you can't go far wrong anyway.

For me 2008 has been about top name games not delivering, so many anticipated titles have been poor for my money. Yet I've found many great games that haven't been so highly rated.

21-12-2008, 13:24
For me 2008 has been about top name games not delivering, so many anticipated titles have been poor for my money.

Which ones? Gears 2, Fallout 3 and Fable 2 were probably the 3 biggest releases of the year 360 wise, and I think every one of them delivered. Are there others I'm missing or didn't you think they were good?

21-12-2008, 13:43
I actually felt out of those three only one delivered (gears 2), fable 2 was just too dumbed down for me and fallout 3 just didn't feel like fallout at all. This year has seen a trend of many games receiving rave reviews only to turn out average at best.

21-12-2008, 14:11
Which ones? Gears 2, Fallout 3 and Fable 2 were probably the 3 biggest releases of the year 360 wise, and I think every one of them delivered. Are there others I'm missing or didn't you think they were good?

Ninja Gaiden 2 not make your list? :p

21-12-2008, 14:49
I actually felt out of those three only one delivered (gears 2), fable 2 was just too dumbed down for me and fallout 3 just didn't feel like fallout at all. This year has seen a trend of many games receiving rave reviews only to turn out average at best.

Even though Fable 2 is dumb down, which it is, i have never played such an easy RPG. It is quite enjoyable.

My favourite game this year has been PGR4 though, that has clocked up the most hours i think.

21-12-2008, 15:36
For me 2008 has been about top name games not delivering, so many anticipated titles have been poor for my money. Yet I've found many great games that haven't been so highly rated.

Really? I'll always remember 2008 as the year big names promised and big names delivered!

Fallout 3, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Ninja Gaiden 2, Little Big Planet, Resistance 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Battlefield: Bad Company, Fifa 09, Mortal Kombat, Rock Band. Arguably the only game that massively let me down was Burnout Paradise.

21-12-2008, 15:57
Which ones? Gears 2, Fallout 3 and Fable 2 were probably the 3 biggest releases of the year 360 wise, and I think every one of them delivered. Are there others I'm missing or didn't you think they were good?

Well I can only go by the ones I played. Gears 2 was a huge let down. What I find funny is people calling it as a GOTY. Atleast one of the levels was utter ****. Inside the worm. It was bugged to hell even in co-op. Carmine runs off like a gimp in stages you split up and gets himself killed miles from the team.

We had countless bugs.

The online is broken. I have huge fun playing this on my own with bots because that's the only way I can get games.

And no GOTY should ever have an end boss like the lambent primark. Worst ending ever.

PES last year was great to play in local co-op but got battered because the MP was shagged. Gears should get the same pounding, yet they have the cheek to release new maps?

I think review sites should re-review (is that a word) all these games a month after release to show up how **** some people release online.


COD WaW, enjoyable SP, frankly woefull MP. Even laggier that 4.

Guitar hero world tour, Crap guitar, crap charting, crap for DLC. Should have been a rival for RB. It's not even a rival for GH3.

The Force Unleashed. No one's a bigger SW fan boy than me. I'd like to force crush the throats of everyone involved in this pap. Anticipated for years. It's not even as good as a 6 odd year old Jedi Academy.

The others mentioned Fable and Fallout I haven't played, not a huge fan of RPG's. I have to be really bored to play one and it has to have a lot of combat. If I want to go for a walk somewhere it's to the cake shop not across a virtual world.

21-12-2008, 16:47
On topic again for a moment :p

I am enjoying PoP but it is easy... lazily so - there just doesn't seem to be any attempt to vary the various boss fights, just repeat until done. Plot's not really fleshed out either.

It's worth what I've paid for it though, just working my way around figuring out how to get the various light wotsits is quite good. Could do with some more puzzles though.

21-12-2008, 16:50
There is one :) http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=10073 So go there people :D

21-12-2008, 19:45
The worm level was my favourite :/.

23-12-2008, 11:34
lol that level was absolute garbage.

23-12-2008, 12:12
The worm level was my favourite :/.

I endorse this message :D

27-12-2008, 19:29
When you've completed it do you get free reign of the world to collect light seeds or is that that? :)

27-12-2008, 19:38
They allowed free reign on Assassins Creed, so I'd think they'd allow it on this. I think all games seem to these days when there are collection missions. Only exception I can think of is Saints Row.

29-12-2008, 14:11
Found my answer - it doesn't! Hint for people - make a save *before* you head to the temple after healing all the other lands.

948 light seeds down - *definitely* easier than Crackdown :D

02-01-2009, 14:33
Not far off 1King this, will probably hold onto it to see what the DLC is, doubt it's worth much trade in now anyway.

03-01-2009, 19:59

Not sure I liked the ending, being forced to go against my instincts for 80G :/

I'd have left the trees and walked away if I had the choice


03-01-2009, 20:19
Yeah I know what you mean. If I didnt have a choice then just play a cutscene.

03-01-2009, 21:59
There's 1K :cool:

Just waiting to see what the DLC is now. I did enjoy, even just getting around from place to place was a puzzle in itself sometimes, so hopefully they come up with something interesting.

03-01-2009, 22:32
even just getting around from place to place was a puzzle in itself sometimes

Yep, definitely is. Set my little faerie to send me to some place and I still ended up on another level :p.

06-01-2009, 16:18
Just having a play of this as I've not touched it much since Christmas.
Combat's a bit ridiculously easy isn't it! Definitely doesn't feel challenging in any way yet.

06-01-2009, 16:29
I think the challenge is in collecting all 1001 light orbs. Some are nearly impossible to find. In one area I've got 43/45 and I simply cannot find the other 2 anywhere. It's frustrating and I think I'll sell my copy now and rent it again in the future to finish off the rest of the achievements.

06-01-2009, 16:39
Do you mind if I borrow it Davey, and i'll send you up one of my games for a while. Only problem is, I don't know of any games I own that you'd want as you've got ME now =/

06-01-2009, 16:44
Do you mind if I borrow it Davey, and i'll send you up one of my games for a while. Only problem is, I don't know of any games I own that you'd want as you've got ME now =/
Sure, if you don't mind only having it for a little while. I want to sell it on before the value drops too much :)

06-01-2009, 16:46
It's not too bad Davey, just be clear where the boundaries are for the light seeds - half way through all connecting passages from the main area as well as dotted around the main fertile ground. Didnt give me anywhere near as much trouble as I thought it would :)

06-01-2009, 16:48
Sure, if you don't mind only having it for a little while. I want to sell it on before the value drops too much :)Ah, fair enough, i'll let you sell it. Don't want to deny you monies :)

06-01-2009, 16:48
I just looked at a Youtube video for the area concerned, and smacked myself in the head as I saw the 2 I missed and they are very easy to get, I just somehow missed them (assuming I'm right in thinking they're the ones I missed).

06-01-2009, 18:44
Just started it myself, quite like it. Can't be arsed with the orbs though. I'm bored of collecting stuff in games I prefer to just go through them now. Sadly with this though your forced to find atleast 580 of the 1000 :(

06-01-2009, 20:23
You can only collect 900 of them, it doesnt take long :)

06-01-2009, 21:52
I haven't even opened the box on my copy yet - just not had time and I'm definitely a one trick person. I'd rather attack Kung Fu Panda until it begs for mercy and then move on - though if I want something quick I'll dive into something from the Arcade.

Given that and the fact that it'll probably be several months before I get it 'done', I'm not in any rush to sell - resell value be damned as I got it cheap anyway. Creature, I suspect we could probably come to an arrangement. :)

08-01-2009, 01:42
Struggling to get through this now. Just over half way. Killed one of the bosses and just opened up my 3rd power. The movement is superb and I really like the graphic style but what is it with ubisoft and god awful combat.

I'd rather games would drop all this collecting arse to pad the game out and make some proper combat. I'm getting 30 or so orbs from each fertile land just to make sure I've got enough to progress the game.

For the money it's ok, I'd be a touch dissapointed if I'd payed anywhere near £30.

08-01-2009, 15:47
I know what you mean with the combat. It's a shame because I'm really enjoying it now I've got into it but the combat is so basic. I know there's loads of combos available but half the time you only ever need to block or press x a few times. Seems a waste of a good opportunity.

08-01-2009, 15:57
Yeah I have the checklist up to try to get the combo achieve as I'm going along. The trouble is you almost always have to hit them with X to alter the state to get some hits in.

6 times you have to do the same boss as well, once at the gate to each area, the 4 fertile lands then once more at the boss lair. Thats too much repetition for my liking. Then you have to do that for 3 more bosses.

I now just do two fertile lands then turn it off and come back and do it in small chunks.

08-01-2009, 16:06
Erk I forgot about the combo achievements, don't think I'll be 1king this any time soon :p I'll play through it as I do like it but not sure if I'll go out of my way for points as plenty are flowing anyhow.

08-01-2009, 16:28
As Daz said earlier, just remember to make a save before you go back to the Temple after seeing off the last boss. Unless you've got every single light seed as you go you'll want to reload your save to go back and get all the ones you missed, which is much easier with the land healed and enemies out of your way :)

08-01-2009, 16:29
I'll try to remember :D

08-01-2009, 17:14
I'll need 2 run-throughs anyway as I don't plan on getting it done in under 12 hours.

08-01-2009, 17:19
I wont get it done in under 12 either. I've paused it too many times. Been through the combo list and I must have missed one. Time to start going through them again.

08-01-2009, 17:19
I didn't think I would, but I must have been quick as I got the achievement for it 1st time. You could get almost every achievement in a single play through if you know what you're going for. I don't think it's possible to get everything done, including all 1001 light seeds, in less than 12 hours.

08-01-2009, 17:20
I wont get it done in under 12 either. I've paused it too many times. Been through the combo list and I must have missed one. Time to start going through them again.
Pausing it stops the clock (not that there's a visible clock, but you know what I mean) :)

08-01-2009, 17:23
I wont get it done in under 12 either. I've paused it too many times. Been through the combo list and I must have missed one. Time to start going through them again.

Hate it when that happens. Sadly I seem to do it in every game now :(

08-01-2009, 17:26
I reckon I might manage it :D Got no idea how far I've progressed yet though ;D But it feels like a fair amount so far.

08-01-2009, 17:27
Ah right I thought the time kept adding up. I might just make it then. Not that worried its only a 10 pointer hahaha.

I will get to the palace and do the save then carry on and come back for the other speed achieves. Not fussed about the lightseeds or the 14 hit combo.

08-01-2009, 18:50
I didn't make it first time through under 12 hours :( Didn't get the Elika saves me less than 100 times one either. :(

A second play through will be required :(

09-01-2009, 11:20
Well, I said I wasn't going to bother trying to find all the light seeds, but after about 90 mins spent on it over the past 2 nights I've gone from around 650 orbs to 984 orbs. I know I'm missing 6 in one zone, and then 6 spread over 3 different zones. None of them are instantly obvious but I'm sure I'll find them easily enough now. After searching for them for a while I think you kinda develop a feel for where they might be hiding. If my review game doesn't turn up today or tomorrow then I'll probably go back through it again over the weekend to 1k it and put it to bed.

10-01-2009, 23:26
After doing about half the levels I'm finding this tediously repetitive. Made more obvious by the 15-odd achievements I picked up at the start for basically walking and talking, while the rest are for collecting light seeds and finishing levels. There's some fun to be had but the combat and so-called puzzle-solving are not where it lies. I like the movement system and camerawork but it's always the same four or five movements - wall run, grab a ring, hang off a trellis, grab a column, slide... will probably go through once, clean up the light seeds and then pass it on to someone who'll enjoy it more.

11-01-2009, 01:30
I know what you mean about being repetative. I collected all the light seeds, finished all the speed runs, and did all the weapon achievements, so only need to go through it once more without being saved 100 times to get the last achievement. I've done about 4 fertile grounds and it's starting to grate on me now. I really need to hammer it as quickly as I can before I lose all interest in it.

11-01-2009, 01:33
I agree, this game should have been helped with some thought and effort with the achievements... hell, they all have the same icon!

13-01-2009, 21:53
Finally finished, took me much longer than 12 hours and I got 700 seeds. I ran into them more that went for them.

Had a hell of a job getting the all combo's unlocked so that pushed my time up and so did one of the speed runs.

Doubt I will bother with a sequel I will just watch the story on youtube.

13-01-2009, 23:22
That's why I did the combo's and speed runs after I finished the game, just loaded up a previous save and did them, then went against the final boss and did all the combos against him. :)

13-01-2009, 23:37
Did you get the 14 hit combo against him?

13-01-2009, 23:39
I did similar to Davey. One play though just playing naturally, loaded up previous save to complete the speed runs and find all the light seeds, and then I did all the combos (including the 14 hitter) on my second, speed run - just ticking them off as I was fighting.

14-01-2009, 10:28
Did you get the 14 hit combo against him?
Nope, first fight against the Concubine on my 2nd playthrough, she hardly blocks during that fight so it makes it easier to get the combo :)

14-01-2009, 18:32
I need to change my most disappointed game of 2008.

I've now put in a fair few hours and I've come to a frank conclusion.

Prince of Persia is a big pile of poo.

Movement is basically one big quick time event (A, B, B, A, X, A, B)
Combat is awful. The same mob numerous times, cheap tricks (black bile on the screen so I'd be forced to block for 10 seconds is just a bad idea full stop), getting blocks is too tight, and they block too much. Combat is just tedious and hard work. Don't forget the dozens of qte's each fight too...
And who in their right mind thought flying along a scripted path having to occasionally dodge stuff would fun. Quite often I'd be flying towards something and I'd hold one way only for the camera to quickly change which way we'd pass it so I'd crash and we'd have to restart. Garbage.

Add a non existent story you have to trigger yourself and it all adds up to imo one of the worst games I had high hopes for I've played in living memory.
What a missed opportunity.

I may be being a tad harsh as I'm full of flu and have had my 2 daughter all day (including weaning the wee nipper off boobie onto bottle) but this new flying stuff pushed me over the edge!

:) Howzat!

14-01-2009, 20:00
I can understand entirely every single one of those points, but I still quite like it. I'd never pay full price for it though as it is hugely flawed, but quite fun imo.
Nothing compared to Sands of Time however which was brilliant.

14-01-2009, 20:18
This was the first of the PoP games that I've played and it was fun but I'm glad I only paid £18 for it.

The combat used to get soooo annoying, block, attack gets paried they attack I parry I attack they parry. I think I managed 12 attacks on the trot like that in 1 fight.

Will have another quick play of it to finish off the 1k but then off to CEX it will go.

14-01-2009, 20:24
This one will be CEXing it up well before the 1000, yes its repetative but the whole thing seems quite true to the original which was lets face it was just one step up from the Pitfall on the Atari 2600


14-01-2009, 20:32
I havent played this for a few days it was getting far too repetitive. The involvement of flying from coloured tile to other coloured tiles (or quicktime events as they are usually called) was just too much for me. I wont get rid of it yet as I quite like the puzzle elements, but its mainly just seems like a platform game to me.

14-01-2009, 20:34
Think the second hand market is going to be flooded with copies very soon. I know I'm selling mine as soon as I'm done, if I want the full 1k I'll rent it at a later date.

14-01-2009, 20:48
Think the second hand market is going to be flooded with copies very soon. I know I'm selling mine as soon as I'm done, if I want the full 1k I'll rent it at a later date.

This was my first PoP game and the only reason I bought it was due to the early reviews which said it was great. I had that same feeling of greatness for about an hour, then it quickly turned sour. There are too many other good games from last year I am yet to play...

14-01-2009, 20:57
Give PoP: Sands of Time a shot if you've got a PS2, Xbox or Gamecube. Brilliant game :) I wasn't so endeared by the later games however but they were still decent.

You're right about the amount of games from last year to play though! I've still got a huge amount to work my way through. Still I guess that's what Winter's for :D

14-01-2009, 21:41
Give PoP: Sands of Time a shot if you've got a PS2, Xbox or Gamecube. Brilliant game :)

PoP: Sands of Time is backwards compatible so it'll play on the 360 :)

You're right about the amount of games from last year to play though! I've still got a huge amount to work my way through. Still I guess that's what Winter's for :D

I'm not going to go through the list of games I own that I've either barely played or not even started yet. I think it currently stands at about 8 games :/

14-01-2009, 21:42
Ahh excellent, I didn't realise it was backwards compatible. I tend to assume anything half decent isn't ;D

14-01-2009, 21:44
There are some excellent games that are backwards compatible, and can be picked up for pennies. Just a shame they stopped updating the list, I was always holding out hope that The Warriors would make it on the list as it's a brilliant game and I've still not finished it on the Xbox (and I'm not likely to either).

15-01-2009, 00:37
RalliSport Challenge 2 never made it to the Backwards Compatible list. Same for PGR2 I believe :(.