View Full Version : Orange broadband?

11-12-2008, 15:01
I'm thinking of switching to this as its £15/month with my phone contract instead of the £19 to Eclipse and £11 to BT. Apparently I don't need a phone line, how does that work? I don't use the phone at the moment so I don't really care, I'm just interested in how it works. Also, are there any restrictions on the Livebox? I've currently got about 5 things on the wireless and my tivo plugged in to an ethernet port.

11-12-2008, 15:07
I'm on Orange Broadband and have been since it was offered free to me (an existing Orange moblie phone contract person) I actually pay the extra £5 a mth for the 'free' international calls... which of course isn't free as it runs through the internetz :p

I had to have a BT line for mine though.. so I don't know what they are offering you :/ mine is ok... my brother says its slow and the wireless drops out (partially because I haven't sorted that out) but this is the cheapest solution for me at the moment.

BB x

11-12-2008, 17:46
IIRC the Orange supplied router can only connect 7 devices, though that may be just via wireless. They're a shocking ISP though, I'd avoid them.

11-12-2008, 18:24
IIRC the Orange supplied router can only connect 7 devices, though that may be just via wireless. They're a shocking ISP though, I'd avoid them.

That's lame. I'm planning to buy about a million things in future and most of them connect wirelessly. Actually I could easily run out now thinking about it, I just want to save some money on my subscription and get a router that has reasonable reception throughout my (modest) flat.

11-12-2008, 18:30
My mate who got killed tried Orange, I warned him against it but he told me "I only need it for Browsing & Fleabay I don't game like you do".
A week later he had a big row in the shop & threw the dongle thingy over the desk at them.
Probably down to the area you live but in his area it was Crap.

11-12-2008, 19:02
Looked at o2 broadband? If you're after asdl, seem pretty decent espcially if you've got an o2 phone :)

11-12-2008, 20:11
Orange were getting consistently poor for my parents. We started with Freeserve dial-up, went on to broadband with them, and stuck with them through the transition from Freeserve -> Wanadoo -> Orange. Through that time we've gone from Great -> Good -> Poor. Their DNS servers are increasingly shoddy, and their customer support has gone downhill too. It used to be I could hold a reasonably technical conversation with them, but now even the hint at a technical word and their support guys seem to panic.