View Full Version : Which Console?

11-12-2008, 21:30
Update - I have an Xbox360 as of 17th December. I'm now using this thread for my ongoing n00bish gaming exploits. Thankyou all for all the ongoing help and advice - it's appreciated.


Ever since the Wii came out I've sort of wanted one, but never actually got around to getting one. One of the reasons was that I wanted to get my debts under control. I'm most of the way to doing that now and while the plan was originally to wait until they were cleared completely, current crazy prices and the exchange rate going in the wrong direction may mean it's better to move up the plans a little.

However, there are two problems.

The first is that Xbox360 is now within the same price bracket.

The second is that I'm not sure what's available for each, and if it's suitable for me. I like Wii Sports, muchly. I'd probably get along with easy-ish/fun puzzle games. The likes of Raving Rabbids is a possible (though I suspect I might struggle with that as it does need hand/eye co-ordination in places), but if I'm honest it's probably more thought-based games I'm after (Poker, Uno, puzzle games, strategy games, that sort of thing).

So, that leaves me with three options:

Xbox 360
Don't bother
The reason for option #3 is simple. I'm happy to spend the money, but don't want to waste it. I don't want to get myself into a situation where I buy a console for the sake of it and then it ends up on a shelf gathering dust. I've had a console before, but that was a waste and I sold it, primarily because I didn't have the collective expertise of BD to suggest good games. :D

I'm particularly interested in thoughts from those who know me well, but anyone is welcome to comment.

Thanks. :)

PPS - There's a fair chance I'll be able to pick up a console of either description while in Birmingham this weekend, so sorry about the short notice. :)

11-12-2008, 21:41
Hmmmm, just thought of another game type, what about RPG's. I do know that the xbox 360 has a good few of these. I'm thinking along the lines of Diablo 2, Titan Quest, Neverwinter Nights.

Can you wait till NYE? If someone brings along an xbox 360 and wires in I'm sure you can have a good go. Same with the Wii. That way you can get an idea. Personally I've gone with #3 for a while as I've had other stuff to buy.

Is a DS lite screen too small for you? This has loads of puzzle games on there and with a crack cart will cost buttons.

11-12-2008, 21:49
If you want a console for socialising with us, with a massive backlog of fantastic games and something that suits both the casual and serious gamer it has to be the Xbox360.

If you're only interested in a daft little prattle with friends on none-progressive games then get a Wii.

I know most people here would recommend the 360 over the Wii, myself included. Heck, I've not touched the Wii in over 18 months. I've not been off the Xbox360 18 minutes!

11-12-2008, 22:02

Arcade for £100, dont sign in and get a hard drive from the program (http://www.xboxstorageupgrade.com/) (or hell, ebay), done. Wii's a waste of space now imo, the 360 gets used way more even in party scenarios. We only have ours now in case they release another Zelda game for it this generation.

11-12-2008, 22:11
Thanks all - I'm sensing a pattern here. ;D

How much does the 'program' cost. It looks like it's just 20GB which I'm sure is enough but given that I believe the new Dash can make much more use of drive space, would a 60GB drive be better form the outset? :dunno:

Any suggestion on games to get started with would also be welcome. :)

11-12-2008, 22:23
If you can find a good deal on a pro (say about £140), and are happy to pay that then absolutely, best value for money for sure, just wanted to put the cheapy option forward if cost was an issue :)

There's loads of good stuff on XBLA, all with demo's. Braid is a fantastic little puzzle game, you've previously mentioned Uno, there are other card games if you like those. Scene it is a good bet in terms of retail games, easy going :)

11-12-2008, 22:35
I've seen Scene It (at Chez Pebs I think). I'm utterly pants at general-knowledge type stuff, so probably not. :D

Pro was the option I was looking at when I started this thread, as it does make much sense, and this is the offer I saw that kicked things off:


Suggests that a VAT adjustment is needed, so that would make the price £146.80

11-12-2008, 22:58
I have both.

The 360 is in it's box in the cupboard.

The Wii is connected up and used daily.

11-12-2008, 23:19
I have both.

The 360 is in it's box in the cupboard.

The Wii is connected up and used daily.

There's always one :p

I'd go with 360 for much the same reason as others described :) My Wii hasn't been touched in weeks, brilliant impulse buy because it's fantastic at first.......then you realise there's only so much wii sports :p

11-12-2008, 23:29
I have both.

The 360 is in it's box in the cupboard.

The Wii is connected up and used daily.

Oooo controversy.

I bought a 360 in 2005 and a Wii about 6 months ago. I sold my Wii a month ago and bought a 2nd 360 for the lounge.

Wii Sports is great for a week or so. Boom Blox is excellent but you'll find yourself not playing it and Super Mario Galaxy is one of the games of the decade but it's just one game.

It sounds like you'd like a lot of the XBLA games. Cloning Clyde, Uno, Puzzle Quest, Pac Man CE, Geometry Wars 2, Catan, Carcassonne, Lost Cities, Castle Crashers, Texas Hold'um, Boom Boom Rocket, Braid and Feeding Frenzy 2 all sound right up your street (and all have a free demo).

I'd also recommend many of the full games such as Banjo Kazooie, Civilisation Revolution, Beautiful Katamari, Rayman Raving Rabbids (it's out for the 360 too) and Lips (Karaoke). Again, many of the games have a demo out.

11-12-2008, 23:30
Option 3

I honestly don't think there is enough on the 360 which hits your game profile and the Wii has become a novelty item in this house.


11-12-2008, 23:32
brilliant impulse buy because it's fantastic at first.......then you realise there's only so much wii sports :p
Or, in my case, impulse want, since I never got around to buying it. ;D

Had a quick Google around but haven't found anything closer to £140 than the Zavvi deal I mentioned earlier.

Assuming no-one puts me off, what else do I need to get started? Presumably I'll need games, or points, or both. Expect eleventy million more n00b questions to follow. :)

12-12-2008, 00:04
Does it have to be a console?

For puzzle/strategy/casual games a PC would be the best option wouldn't it? Or, as mentioned above, a DS.

Comparing Wii and 360 is a a bit apples and oranges. The 360 is far and away the more competent gamers machine with many more developers, a well thought out online service and more involving games.
The Wii has a novel controller and bags of appeal for family and casual gamers and exclusivity to Nintendo franchises.

Now the price has dropped I'm going to get a 360 (premium) in the near future but I know the girlfriend won't go near it as there's Wii Fit, Mario Party and Trauma Center to distract her. Hell, now that she's finished Phantom Hourgalss she only ever seems to play Solitaire and Mah-jong on her DS.

12-12-2008, 00:08
To be totally honest Mark I'd say number 3 is your best bet. Wait and see what other games are due out over the next month or so and see if you lean towards a specific console then :)

12-12-2008, 00:34
I think that approach would be a problem. I'd almost certainly be asking the same questions I'm asking now in a week, a month, or a year. In my view, option 3 is never buy a console, not wait a while to see which way the wind blows (because in all likelihood it'll be blowing the other direction next week). I think I've come to the point that it's either decide to buy one or decide not to. If the answer is not, then that is a valid and acceptable answer, but I need your help to make it because I just don't know enough about games consoles.

PC-wise, yes, PC is an option but even there I don't know any good sources of games (free or otherwise), besides the various flash-based games people post that hold my interest for an hour or two before I get bored. I do still have Painkiller and Quake III, which I play occasionally when I need stress relief. Before that, I wouldn't be surprised if the last game I purchased was Duke Nukem 3D, and I was dire at that. I don't spec PC hardware for the performance of modern games - the most recent graphics card I have is a Radeon 3850, and I only got that because I was building a new system and needed a PCI-e card, and the price seemed right.

I've not used the DS Lite I got my Mum, but I suspect it would be ideal if the screen was several inches larger, which would rather defeat the point. :)

PSP has the bigger screen, but it's Sony. ;)

12-12-2008, 00:36
Oooo controversy.

I bought a 360 in 2005 and a Wii about 6 months ago. I sold my Wii a month ago and bought a 2nd 360 for the lounge.

If you'd listened to me you would have saved yourself the palava ;). Told you you wouldn't play it in a years time :p.

I wouldn't deal with option 3, but I'm a funny bugger. The reason being is that if you bought one and didn't get on with it you could sell it. If you didn't buy it you would never know whether you were missing out on something special. I know many people who didn't touch consoles before the Xbox360 be drawn in and play very little else.

12-12-2008, 00:42
Option 3

I honestly don't think there is enough on the 360 which hits your game profile and the Wii has become a novelty item in this house.
I respect that. Sounds like there's a fair amount on XBLA though which I'm not averse to using.

I think the Wii probably is a bit of a party animal, so I can certainly respect the fact that it may well have severe limits on single-player use (which is what I'd be using it for most of the time).

I wouldn't deal with option 3, but I'm a funny bugger. The reason being is that if you bought one and didn't get on with it you could sell it. If you didn't buy it you would never know whether you were missing out on something special. I know many people who didn't touch consoles before the Xbox360 be drawn in and play very little else.
Nail. Head. Hit. I certainly do wonder what I'm missing out on. :)

12-12-2008, 08:39
In which case Mark what I'd suggest you do it get yourself over to 360.ign.com and look at the reviews section where you can look at the games available and see what there is for you. If you want to detail exact categories i'd happily give it a go for you and list the games which I have found would be good ones to get.

12-12-2008, 09:27
I'm certainly happy to spend some time on the problem and see what's out there.

Was thinking about picking one up this weekend as the nearest Zavvi is 15 miles from here and I'll be a lot nearer to one than that in a few hours, but spending some more time on the problem wouldn't be a bad thing (unless prices are about to shoot through the roof). Impulse purchases are bad, mmkay. :)

Thanks for all the contributions so far. They really are appreciated whatever the outcome.

12-12-2008, 10:23
Mark, I know your co-ordination isn't always the best, but how are your reactions? The reason I ask is that a lot of RPGs on the Xbox (which I'm not sure you like) are real time combat so reactions will often play a part. There's obviously a lot that are fully turn based (more JRPGs though) which could keep you busy for hours and hours. :)

12-12-2008, 10:29
Something like Fable 2 could be an option.

12-12-2008, 10:31
Just buy World of Warcraft and get back to us in a year :p

12-12-2008, 11:02
Shaat it, you. It wouldn't be that hard for me to find my way down to Soton. :p

Davey, reactions aren't too bad, but not reactions to visual cues, obviously. In fact, my visual reactions are ridiculously slow under some conditions (I've had them checked).

12-12-2008, 12:21
JRPGs and turn based RPGs are better anyway :D

12-12-2008, 13:18
I'd say get an arcade, wii's great an its all we've got here but we don't use it too much anymore (tbh though i don't know how much we'd use an xbox either really though we're just not that type of flat). Or as mentioned stick to the PC and just download everything you need for free basically... Painkiller was an amazingly brain dead awesome shoot-em-up in its day :D Loved that game!

12-12-2008, 13:23
JRPGs and turn based RPGs are better anyway :D
Controversy! I used to agree with you, but after playing stuff like Mass Effect, Fable 2 and Fallout 3 I'm starting to swing the other way now.

12-12-2008, 13:29
Controversy! I used to agree with you, but after playing stuff like Mass Effect, Fable 2 and Fallout 3 I'm starting to swing the other way now.
So you're telling us you swing both ways now?

Mark, I know your co-ordination isn't always the best, but how are your reactions? The reason I ask is that a lot of RPGs on the Xbox (which I'm not sure you like) are real time combat so reactions will often play a part. There's obviously a lot that are fully turn based (more JRPGs though) which could keep you busy for hours and hours. :)

Was this the reason for the V.A.T.S. system in Fallout 3?

12-12-2008, 13:36
I agree with Haly and it's why Eternal Sonata sucked ;)

One could argue that Mass Effect and Fallout 3 have some element of turn based strategic combat and they're both better games for it. Two Worlds and Oblivion have a straight action combat system and if we're honest it's not either's best feature.

12-12-2008, 14:17
So you're telling us you swing both ways now?

Depends who's asking :p

Was this the reason for the V.A.T.S. system in Fallout 3?

I think it was in there as a homage to the original games, but it just turned out to be far better than I thought it would be. FPS style combat worked well in some situations, but in most I felt VATS was the only way to go.

12-12-2008, 14:18
I agree with Haly and it's why Eternal Sonata sucked ;)

One could argue that Mass Effect and Fallout 3 have some element of turn based strategic combat and they're both better games for it. Two Worlds and Oblivion have a straight action combat system and if we're honest it's not either's best feature.
I never had a problem with Oblivion's combat tbh, but I loved the game completely so I may well have glossed over any problems in the game.

12-12-2008, 14:47
Controversy! I used to agree with you, but after playing stuff like Mass Effect, Fable 2 and Fallout 3 I'm starting to swing the other way now.

I love Fable 2, Mass Effect was disappointing for me (although that wasn't down to the combat system). I can't get into Fallout 3 but I'm determined to try :/
However I was never overly keen on Oblivion so that probably doesn't help!

I agree with Haly and it's why Eternal Sonata sucked ;)

OI :p It was good!

12-12-2008, 15:21
I have to say I agree with MB & Leo and go with option 3.

Whilst the 360 is great, I think you'll run out of things to do on it very quickly. Whist you can grab Uno and board games, etc, it's not really the cheap option for playing a few small games.

12-12-2008, 15:56
The 360 will stay cheap for the next few weeks easily. What I want to see in your original post Mark is the games you want on the 360 :p that way you can see if it is worth getting one. If there are only 3-4 games then I'd say it wouldn't really be worth it.

12-12-2008, 17:29
The 360 will stay cheap for the next few weeks easily. What I want to see in your original post Mark is the games you want on the 360 :p that way you can see if it is worth getting one. If there are only 3-4 games then I'd say it wouldn't really be worth it.


12-12-2008, 19:55
Xbox360 Premium/60GB £127.22. That's just bonkers (Arcade should be that price). I nearly said yes there and then - but I was good, for once. I'll be researching like mad when I get back to the hotel but for now would appreciate any suggestions at the easy (to play) end of the scale. Not bothered how old but for now please no RPGs - those can come later. :)

Thanks for your continued patience. :)

PS - If it still works I have a code for 3 months free game rental. I would use that to experiment. :)

12-12-2008, 20:54
Have a look at some of Rare's titles:

Banjo Kazooie
Viva Pinata

Also have a look at Fable 2; it's my wife's favourite and easy to play. Certainly not a hardcore rpg.

12-12-2008, 22:38
Kameo. Now there's a game I do know about.

Will check out the others now I'm online again (though it's not particulatly comfortable here so don't know how much I'll do tonight).

Thanks. :)

13-12-2008, 00:19
Given IGN my best shot under the conditions - just scanning the game categories and trying to spot a few obvious candidates.

All the above seem like reasonable starters for 10. There's all the old favourites on XBLA from Chess to Bejeweled that I'd play. Several have PC equivalents but I really feel I need to take time out from the PC - sitting on forums pressing F5 for hours in the hope someone posts something interesting is really not a good thing (that's a slight exaggeration btw but still based on reality).

I'm starting to think the best approach mght be to accept a few recommendations from you wonderful lot and jump in at the deep end. If it works, I get more of the same. If it doesn't, I sell up and move on. Does that make sense?

Alternatively, I just need a definitive no and put this to bed to save all you lot going insane. ;D

13-12-2008, 00:39
Well the LoveFilm 3 month trials are very handy :).

13-12-2008, 00:56
Tesco in this case, but same difference as it's run by the same people. :)

13-12-2008, 12:15
Do you like racing games Mark?

13-12-2008, 12:27
Easy ones. I played Pole Position on the BBC way back when and it was a special treat when I didn't crash and burn. T'was good fun nonetheless. ;D

The morning after I'm still tempted. Going to talk to the local contingent first though which would probably mean if I'm going to do this I'd do it tomorrow morning (assuming they still have stock).

13-12-2008, 12:58
Well I figured racing games won't be taxing and if you get yourself a steering wheel you'll be sorted :D

There are plenty of good racing games on the 360.

13-12-2008, 17:43
Sounds like fun. I can crash cars and stuff. :evil:

Also found out today there are at least three games I can play on the DS Lite - Brain Training and Eye Training. Did the quick test on Eye Training and ended up where I should be (30s) so maybe something works. ;D

I suspect however that these games aren't particularly representitive of the typical fare and I wouldn't want to be squinting at such a tiny screen for too long, so it's an option but not a high priority one. :)

Sadly, Zavvi prices have gone back up and I haven't found a BD'er to talk to yet. :'( Might allow some room to haggle though.

13-12-2008, 17:58
You need a 360 & Forza2 to mate, It's the Ultimate in Boys dream type motor racing/tweaking/designing. This is the game I have played most & for good reason as well. Basically it's a fantasy, You buy a car, Buy bits & bobs to do it up, set it up then go race it, On top of that there is a serious amount of options when it comes to painting including custom decal designs, On top of that there is an in built ebay type motor auction to buy & sell cars.
To support all this there is the Excellent handling & Superb tracks that make for Brilliant online races.
Single player has the Best learning curve I have ever found in a game, Period. Playing the single player takes you up one step at a time beautifully.
I cannot recommend this game highly enough.

As for buying a console it's a no brainer, The amount of fun you get from less than 200 quid is Ridiculous :cool:

13-12-2008, 18:14
Only problem I fear with games as realistic as that is that I don't drive, so I don't really know what's what. I'm sure that makes no sense whatsoever but it's the sort of thing I think about. :o

13-12-2008, 18:22
Not an issue as basically it is an Arcade game, It is just the Best arcade driver so it feeels like it has Soul & you get a nice sense of achievement as you go through single player.
Game costs around 12 quid new now mate & will last you over a year, You can also select your own skill level to suit, whether you can drive or not is irrelevent.

13-12-2008, 18:39
Project Gotham Racing 3 and 4 are also good for arcade racers :) But has to be said that Forza 2 is the ultimate.

13-12-2008, 18:43
Thanks. All noted though I'll not be getting a wheel to start with because it won't fit in the luggage. :)

What do I need to get at stuff on XBLA? Do I get some free stuff or should I get some points from the outset?

Still not dead set on this but it seems there's enough options to explore. :)

13-12-2008, 18:45
You'll get a Free month on Live for being Nubtastic.
You can get 3 months live for 14 quid from Woolys anyway & you can pick up some Microsfot points so that you can get some Arcade games to mess with. Thing with Forza2 single player is supreme, It will take you up to Multi player level & bring you on perfectly.

13-12-2008, 18:47
I'd get some points :)
2100 points usually cost about £16 (can be cheaper, but just an average price for a guide for you), you can buy points through the console but it's slightly more expensive.

Trial XBLA games are free to download and worth a go so you know what to expect :)

Oh and despite playing PGR3 and Forza 2, I have yet to own a wheel so not crucial but can be handy.

13-12-2008, 19:24
There's something about console deals at Zavvi on hotukd. I'm on my phone so excuse the lack of links :p

13-12-2008, 19:26
Thanks all, though I'm not sure Woolies will have any offers left - looked almost like someone had ransacked the local one. :(

Later. :)

I'll re-check HUKD before I go in because it seems prices are all over the place atm. :)

13-12-2008, 20:33
I personally wouldn't recommend Forza 2. It's a very serious racing simulator and although it does have a good learning curve as JSB says, it's very unforgiving and mistakes can mean you lose a race (though you can switch on a number of assists to make things easier for you). Without wanting to sound harsh (though I'm sure you'll know I don't mean to be), if your reactions aren't as sharp in respect to visual cues, then Forza might simply end up with you crashing a lot. You may be better with a game like Flatout where crashing is positively encouraged at times! :D

Metalface Mark
13-12-2008, 21:09
Im really tempted by a 3rd Ps3 (sold my previous 2 cos they never got played). The price at argos is great, £276 delivered with resistance 2, little big planet and motorstorm 2, dual shock 3 and 80gb.

Whether it would get much play is another matter though, my xbox is looking lonely on my shelf on its own though, i need to get something at the other side of it to make the sideboard look better :P

14-12-2008, 03:37
OK, checked HUKD now. The reason for these deals at Zavvi is simple:


They're in a whole world of ****. They can't get more stock because EUK is gone, and they're so in debt to EUK that I doubt anyone else will touch them. So it looks like we'll be saying Bye bye Zavvi very soon. :(

So, the question is what would that do to any warranty claim given their tendency to break? :(

Didn't get chance to speak to anyone about it here tonight, but if it's looking likely I'd lose warranty cover that's going to be a deal-breaker anyway.

14-12-2008, 05:24
All warranty claims can go direct through MS for free (assuming it's the RROD problem everyone else gets), so you'll be fine there :)

14-12-2008, 10:20
Yeah, fair point about the RROD issue. :)

14-12-2008, 11:16
MS support were pretty good even before the RROD warranty extention. My first 360 was DOA, but not a Red Ring job, ans MS took it no question. Iirc, it's 12 month proper warranty, and 3 years specifically for RROD.

14-12-2008, 13:06
Seems Zavi are doing arcade, 4 games + extra controller for £129 though not sure if it has already been mentioned :o

14-12-2008, 19:37
And Game are doing Premium + Extra Wireless Controller + 3 Games (Kung Fu Panda, Lego Indiana Jones and something else) for £169.

So, £149 (£129 was a pricing error) + lugging it all home + £10 taxi fare because there's no way I'd walk 2+ miles home with that lot (I probably will with one bag) vs £169 at the local Game store (hopefully). Don't think that one requires a rocket scientist. :p :D

14-12-2008, 19:42
Amazon have a decent deal where it's £170-ish for a Pro and any game you like and for £190 you get Kung Fu Panda, Lego Indy and a Wireless pad.

But you get to choose any £40 you want as part of the £170 deal.

14-12-2008, 20:09
Thanks. I suspect the best way to make use of this for me is to get the console (+ free games if offered) and then sign up to XBLA and fetch down some demos and see what works for me. :)

Speaking of XBLA, 3-month Gold packs are currently half price in Zavvi. No obvious discount on 12 months before anyone goes hunting. :(

14-12-2008, 20:52
You dont need gold to download games, only play over Live. You get a month gold free when you start anyway, so have a poke around first :)

14-12-2008, 21:47
It's worth getting the hotukdeals rss feed, there are deals for 360s popping up on there every day.

14-12-2008, 22:08
Yup - I'm keeping an eye open.

Just wondering whether to go shopping before or after Chrimbo. Shops are desperately trying to get custom now, so will they be so desperate afterwards?

PS - thanks Daz. I picked up a couple of those 3 month Golds for cheap if I need them, but won't use them until I know I do. I'm sure I'll be able to sell 'em at/near cost through work if it all goes pear-shaped.

Edit: GAME deal I spotted...


15-12-2008, 13:05
360 Arcade - Sub £98 now. :shocked:

Instore only at Zavvi

Zavvi drops Xbox 360 price to £98

Entertainment retailer Zavvi has dropped the price of the Xbox 360 Arcade unit to GBP 97.64 in the UK.

The chain, which is facing supply issues following the collapse of distribution business EUK, is also selling the Premium Xbox 360 for GBP 127.22 and the Elite 120GB unit for GBP 195.73.

PlayStation 3 hardware is also benefiting from a price cut and an additional reduction in VAT, now carrying a price tag of GBP 264.

The company has 125 stores in the UK, but is still unable to offer products via its website, and in-store staff have stopped selling gift cards to customers.

"Due to this ongoing situation we are currently unable to provide the high level of service we aim to deliver to our customers, and have temporarily suspended taking online orders until the supply situation is resolved," said the retailer of its ongoing supply problems.

15-12-2008, 13:37
Old news I'm afraid. That has already been covered.

PS - this
is also selling the Premium Xbox 360 for GBP 127.22
is supposedly a pricing error that happened in several stores on Friday. Some lucky sods got their mitts on them (I could have, but didn't because I still hadn't decided by then :().

Might pick one up Thursday. Either that or I'll wait until the new year.

17-12-2008, 19:51
Thanks all for the help and advice. You really don't know what you've let yourself in for. :p

So, I suppose it's now going to demand I be inventive and come up with this Gamertag thing. That sucks big donkey balls and so it has now been banished into a dark corner until such time as inspiration strikes. Don't hold your breath folks. :'(

17-12-2008, 19:54
Just pick one of the random ones it gives you if you're struggling :D

17-12-2008, 20:00
That sucks big donkey balls and so it has now been banished into a dark corner until such time as inspiration strikes. is good but me thinks you'd be banned pretty quick. Also I think there's a size limit. ;D

How about shortening it to "Donkey Balls" :)

17-12-2008, 20:02
Heh, sounds like time for a when / where / why did you get your gamertag from...

"Abooie" .. I was stuck for a gamertag and it was the first really identifiable noise my baby daughter made :)

17-12-2008, 20:06
...it's my name :p

17-12-2008, 20:07
I don't have a baby to make interesting noises at me. I suppose there's always Red Dwarf though. ;D

Also got to decide whether to activate XBL before or after Chrimbo. Really only worth doing it before if there's freebies about. :)

17-12-2008, 20:09
"Abooie" .. I was stuck for a gamertag and it was the first really identifiable noise my baby daughter made :)
Aww :D

17-12-2008, 20:31
I don't have a baby to make interesting noises at me. I suppose there's always Red Dwarf though. ;D

Also got to decide whether to activate XBL before or after Chrimbo. Really only worth doing it before if there's freebies about. :)
You can create a local profile for now and upgrade it to Live later if you've bought some games you want to play :)

17-12-2008, 20:35
I expected I could do that tbh. Would be a bit poor if it didn't work without a network cable plugged in. :)

17-12-2008, 20:44
If you have the console though it's a bit daft to stay off Live because you cant think of a Gamertag :D

17-12-2008, 20:46
Call yourself Writeiton, you can change it later


17-12-2008, 20:58
Mwahahaha. :D

If you can change Gamertags then it's less of a problem. I assumed they were fixed for all time.

17-12-2008, 20:59
They do charge you 800 points for the privilege to discourage it though.

17-12-2008, 21:06
I suspected there would be a catch. :D

So I'm back to finding a good Gamertag then. :)

17-12-2008, 21:21
Dinglebert Slapdyback!

17-12-2008, 21:38
Looks like some people are well on form tonight. ;D ;D

Probably won't be hooking it up to the telly until the weekend anyway. We'll see. :)

17-12-2008, 23:21
There are always letters you could put before or after a name like Haly on here has Haly x3h for the website Xbox 360 Heroes. Others have x360a for Xbox360achievements. You could always go for something simple like Mark BD or BD Mark

18-12-2008, 00:11
Nokkunwud's suggestion is emminently sensible.

Do what Daz said.

Or something festive - Jinglebert Markydink.

18-12-2008, 00:15
There are always letters you could put before or after a name like Haly on here has Haly x3h for the website Xbox 360 Heroes website. Others have x360a for Xbox360achievements. You could always go for something simple like Mark BD or BD Mark

And I don't even go on the site anymore ;D But I quite like the x3h now and I can't have Haly.

18-12-2008, 01:54

18-12-2008, 01:55

Good call :D However I'm cheap and 800 pts is a pain :p

18-12-2008, 02:08
ok everyone on BD report you for an abusive name!?

18-12-2008, 11:16
There are always letters you could put before or after a name like Haly on here has Haly x3h for the website Xbox 360 Heroes.

Aye, I did the same.

18-12-2008, 12:01
Englehump Dingleburt


18-12-2008, 12:13
Keep 'em coming folks. Even if I don't use one of these they're certainly making my day far more pleasant than it otherwise would be. :D

While I'm waiting for my own inspiration to strike (LOL :rolleyes:) I'm attempting to figure out the cabling. Currently I have an HDMI cable courtesy Del Lardo, and the A/V cable that's in the box. Using these, is it possible to route video via HDMI and audio via the other cable? If not, is this possible at all and if so what do I need to make it work? Ta. :)

18-12-2008, 12:24
Have you got a surround sound amp Mark?

EDIT: If your TV will do sound then HDMI should be fine, but if you want to feed the sound to something else you'll need the xbox HDMI cable which has optical out.

18-12-2008, 12:25
If you use HDMI you are supposed to purchase a cable that's thinner to fit under the HDMI cable (this is the reason Microsoft made it so awkward).

It is however possible to use optical out from the Component cable by cracking the plastic sheath over the adapter, it then fits in perfectly (albeit shell-less), but you can then use optical out without a problem.

It's a pain in the ass and probably their biggest design flaw in terms of usability.

18-12-2008, 12:25
Engdingle Humplebert?

18-12-2008, 12:32
Hooded Justice


18-12-2008, 12:34
Slut Bunwalla!

18-12-2008, 12:36


18-12-2008, 12:40
The Curious Lemon
Hamlet the Pimp
Antarctic Wombat
Doom Bananna
Meaningless Name
Ming the Mercyfull
Flang the Obstreperous
The Idiosincratic Vegatable
Headlump VIIII
G0t W00d?
Spong the Weird
Mick the Taken


18-12-2008, 12:50
Have you got a surround sound amp Mark?
Yup. :)

It's about bloody time I used my big (a.k.a. expensive) setup to its full potential given how long I've had it and how little use it has seen. Even though I've had an HD Ready TV for 3-4 years now I didn't (until now) have a decent HD source (other than a PC) to drive it. I'll need to clear out stacks of miscellaneous junk from the lounge and break down and re-build my AV rack before I can get everything the way I want it, but I'm working on that (slowly but surely).

Thanks for the advice. Don't think I'll be popping open cables just yet though. :)

18-12-2008, 12:59
Sergeant Fuzzynuts
Doctor Sticky
George Bends
fecherholrawski Barney

18-12-2008, 13:07
I remember asking for suggestions for a character name a while ago and someone suggested picking two random words and converting them into Icelandic.

So I did that and the character ended up being called Ruslatunna Ostur which I think worked out quite well.

The two words I picked were 'dustbin' and 'cheese' :D

18-12-2008, 13:19
Flang the Obstreperous

18-12-2008, 14:26
How about the name randomly suggested by Super Skidmarks on the Megadrive:


Made me laugh anyway :D

18-12-2008, 15:37
PvtManlove will Always be a fave of mine :)

19-12-2008, 03:34
I'm up far too late tonight. Wonder why that might be. :evil:

19-12-2008, 03:35
Whatcha playing? :D

19-12-2008, 04:41
As you can see, gamers are often up late :p.

19-12-2008, 11:54
Whatcha playing? :D
Bejeweled 2 (Trial) - Which I'm OK at. I need some points to buy this. :)
Galaga (Trial) - Which I'm ****e at but haven't seen in years. :cool:
Kung Fu Panda (Free) - Nice and easy 'break in' - once I figured out the bit that required mashing the hell out of the B button. :D

What I know so far - I'm OK at handling anything in direct line of sight, but my peripheral vision is shot to hell so if anything happens by that isn't on the bit of the screen that I'm currently looking at, I won't see it. This is why I often 'lose' my mouse pointer. :o

19-12-2008, 11:57
Take a look at Hexic as well, should have been pre-installed on your hard drive :)

What's your GT then Mark? :D

19-12-2008, 12:12
You guessed right :p. Only an offline playabout one and I'm going to delete it before going online (yeah, I know I can 'upgrade' it, but don't want to). Gives me more time for 'inspiration' (:rolleyes: :))

Seen Hexic, haven't had a chance to play it yet and the Xbox has now been unplugged to make way for work (I'll have to keep doing that until I can make room for something more permanent).

19-12-2008, 12:22
Bejewelled was one of the first Arcade games I bought :D

19-12-2008, 12:44
Oh, and for all you NXE fans, I still have blades, so there. :p

(until I go online, of course)

19-12-2008, 14:03
Hexic should be brilliant for you then. IT's a fantastic little game.

19-12-2008, 14:08
Who wouldn't want to be called

Hamlet the Pimp
Flang the Obstreperous
The Idiosincratic Vegatable

I think I'll start a poll


19-12-2008, 14:30

19-12-2008, 14:38
Voted Hamlet. If it doesn't win I'm having it.

19-12-2008, 14:41
Hamlet ftw :D

19-12-2008, 14:43
Voted Hamlet. If it doesn't win I'm having it.

You got it


19-12-2008, 14:51
Hamlet ftw :D
I seem to recall there being a 15 character limit. That makes Hamlet the only one that fits. ;D

Sorry MB for being sensible. :p

19-12-2008, 14:53
Works with VB though :)


19-12-2008, 14:57
So I noticed. Admin abuse. :'(

19-12-2008, 15:40
I seem to recall there being a 15 character limit. That makes Hamlet the only one that fits. ;D

Sorry MB for being sensible. :p

Hamletpimp......sorted :D

19-12-2008, 15:50

19-12-2008, 15:51
Can you imagine me being called a vegetable (note the correct spelling), what an oxymoron that would be!

19-12-2008, 23:21
Take a look at Hexic as well, should have been pre-installed on your hard drive :)
Hexic should be brilliant for you then. IT's a fantastic little game.
Nailed the Survivalist achievement first go. Thank god it stopped after 50 rounds as I'll admit to getting bored. :o

As a temporary setup I tried to run an optical audio feed from the Xbox to the PC currently sat next to it. Didn't work, so the A/V cable is currently somewhat at its limits. Will have to find a cable to sort that somehow tomorrow. :(

Going to move it to the living room and the big plasma, but it looks like I'll have to pull the setup apart and it's a mess back there (not to mention the rather heavy TV sat on top of it all). :(

20-12-2008, 04:02
Marathon mode is where it's at. Tactically trying to create rings of stars for pearls. So frustrating, but brilliant.

20-12-2008, 10:20
I created about 7 stars, and then accidentally mashed them together. Oops. Gave up after that. ;D

20-12-2008, 18:21
Yeah, it's so annoying. The amount of times I've rotated the wrong way and joined 4 stars together rather than 6 in a ring you'd think I'd learn, but oh no :p.

20-12-2008, 18:33
Have a look at Puzzle Quest as well Mark :)

20-12-2008, 19:33
Spotted this...


Definitely want one of the games, and probably want a second. Haven't seen the other two yet. The two I want work out at 1600 MSP, and at current exchange rates that package works out at 1700 MSP, so it's all down to how much it would cost to get it to the UK as to whether that's viable (I can't find a UK supplier unfortunately).

Speaking of MSP, what's the current going rate? I've seen 2100 MSP in Tesco for £16.71 today.

PS - I picked up Game's own mini media remote for the princely sum of £0 today. Seems like a good deal to me (was half price and I used Game points for the rest). :D

20-12-2008, 19:40
You can get 2100 points for around £15.

20-12-2008, 19:43
Please don't just leave me hanging like that. :p ;D

(not that I'll be buying before New Year).

20-12-2008, 19:53
Oh sorry, I never realised just how unhelpful that was :embarassed:

My local game store, Granger Games sells them for £15 for 2100, but I know there are similar prices online. I'm not really the best person to ask as I have never bought some from a store. The person to ask here would be Abooie who has bought a frightening amount.

As for importing that game, it might not be region free so not sure if that would work. You may have to buy them separately over Xbox Live.

20-12-2008, 20:30
They ship to the UK themselves. I should hope the games creator wouldn't ship a game that didn't actually work where they're shipping it to. :)

20-12-2008, 21:58
It's not whether they ship to the UK, it's whether it's region free. Many people in this country have imported consoles.

It's not region free.

21-12-2008, 02:14
Thanks. I'll use points then. :)

Many thanks for the continued help guys. It's really appreciated. I'll buy a round or something appropriate. :)

PS - Got a bit further in all the games I've played (completed the Bejeweled demo twice now so I'll have to buy that). I'm slowly making progress through Kung Fu Panda. I know it's meant to be a child-friendly game but I'll have to admit I'm struggling. I usually have muchos fun beating the bejesus out of the minions but then I struggle with the bosses. Guess I'll have to stick with the n00b-friendly games then, but I'm not regretting the purchase one bit. I've even gone back over previous levels to collect all the bonuses (and get more 'upgrades'). Mini Achievement whore at your service. ;D

21-12-2008, 02:22
Everyone's got to start somewhere Mark :) None of us were born great at games (except possibly Davey who has the uncanny knack of being good at everything he picks up :p) so practice makes perfect.
Main thing is you're enjoying it :D

Oh and I agree with Daz re Puzzle Quest. If you like Bejewelled, Puzzle Quest is perfect imo.

21-12-2008, 02:29
Not sure I've got that on the HDD. I might get in an hour or two tomorrow but then I'll probably quit until the new year. That's when the Gamertag problem has to be solved. :)

I don't think I'll ever get 'good', but that isn't the point. Having fun and exploring new things is. :)

21-12-2008, 22:09
Not wishing to put a downer on things, but can I have my old forum name back please Bob. :)

22-12-2008, 00:06
FYI, I went through joining Live on my brothers console tonight and it will throw random names at you during the Gamertag creation process. You could just sit there refreshing it till you found one you like :)

22-12-2008, 00:11
Thanks for the namechange. :)

I've done that sort of thing with names before and either I'll find one or I'll get bored and try again later. Hopefully it'll be better than some of the other suggestions I've had from similar systems. :)

I assume the dash update will happen after I sign-up. I don't want to get too used to the blades as I know they're gone now. :)

And finally, any pointers for places offering cheap points gratefully received. Reckon I'll probably need 2x 2100 in fairly short order. :)

22-12-2008, 09:20
The dash update will happen as soon as you touch the live servers - you could just hit test live connection and it will ask you :)

22-12-2008, 11:52
Cool. Will go dig the cable out the box and rig something up to do that. Thanks. :)

22-12-2008, 14:07
All done. I can now haz avatars (something else I now have to do, though that might be a little easier than a name :)). Even poked a hole through the router so that online play will work when I get around to that. :)

Current name thinking is something Vulcan-sounding. Seems to fit nicely given how easily I deal with logic and how hard I find names. ;D

22-12-2008, 14:47
In answer to your points question....


If you can be arsed to queue :p


22-12-2008, 15:02
Sir Stompsalot

22-12-2008, 15:09
Worth queuing if you're picking up 4 or 5 of them. :p

22-12-2008, 15:18
Hmm I've got to go shopping anyhow.......off to Woolies I go :D
Probably won't be anything left but worth a go.

22-12-2008, 15:22
The Arcade's are supposed to be £79 too. Get a spare ;D

22-12-2008, 20:38
I've looked in Woolies several times over the last few weeks. They had Gold membership cards on the shelves a few weeks ago but I've not seen any points packs at all. Didn't think to ask at the counter mind.

22-12-2008, 20:49
My local one was out of points cards unfortunately :(
Worth a go though :D

22-12-2008, 21:04
I'll see if my parents are willing to do a detour via Chelmsford Woolies on Wednesday. Worth a go, unless one of the locals is able to get there first and let me know (will gladly swap cards for money NYE-ish if we're both in the same place). :)

23-12-2008, 01:12
Picked up a PS3 today to try as a Bluray player while I wait for my Panasonic - was £160
If I don't like it I can just sell it on with effectively next to no risk.

23-12-2008, 01:32
It'll be broken by next week. :p

Nice to know some of the XBLA games let you play your own music (Hexic does, as I just found out). I also paid homage to the 60s by turning a bomb into a flower. :)

23-12-2008, 01:35
It'll be broken by next week. :p

Nice to know some of the XBLA games let you play your own music (Hexic does, as I just found out). I also paid homage to the 60s by turning a bomb into a flower. :)

Sony will then swap it for a nice shiny new one that I can sell for more then. ;)

23-12-2008, 01:48
Everyone's got to start somewhere Mark :) None of us were born great at games (except possibly Davey who has the uncanny knack of being good at everything he picks up :p)

Why thank you :)

23-12-2008, 03:08
Why thank you :)


23-12-2008, 09:50
It'll be broken by next week. :p

Nice to know some of the XBLA games let you play your own music (Hexic does, as I just found out). I also paid homage to the 60s by turning a bomb into a flower. :)

All 360 games support playing your own music, it's required for certification :) The game can pause your own music to play a cutscene if it wants though :)

23-12-2008, 09:57
Its genius and works great for games like Gears of War where you can lay stuff like Nine Inch Nails over the top of the game :)


23-12-2008, 11:12
Its genius and works great for games like Gears of War where you can lay stuff like Nine Inch Nails over the top of the game :)


Even better, try what me and a mate did after one too many beers. Stick some Benny Hill on and enjoy the hilarity.

23-12-2008, 11:55
It'll be broken by next week. :p

Nice to know some of the XBLA games let you play your own music (Hexic does, as I just found out). I also paid homage to the 60s by turning a bomb into a flower. :)

All games on the Xbox360 do :).

23-12-2008, 12:16
Even better, try what me and a mate did after one too many beers. Stick some Benny Hill on and enjoy the hilarity.


23-12-2008, 12:37
Its genius and works great for games like Gears of War where you can lay stuff like Nine Inch Nails over the top of the game :)

I know I harp on about Wipeout HD but that lets you choose your own music. I've got the entire series of the Wipeout music arranged as a play list so I can play it whilst listening to the amazing soundtrack that was on the 2097 edition :cool:

It's either that or Slayer and Machinehead :D

23-12-2008, 12:48
Wipeout Soundtrack > Wipeout 2097 Soundtrack.

23-12-2008, 13:05
Wipeout Soundtrack > Wipeout 2097 Soundtrack.
I prefer 2097 for Atom Bomb and a couple of others but yep, the original soundtrack is amazing too - I have both on my playlist :cool:

23-12-2008, 13:19
Sir Stompsalot
I like this muchly. ;D

I decided it'd be rude not to abuse my free bus pass some more and went back to Woolies. Sadly, they only had one points card left. ;)

24-12-2008, 02:00
I needed some stress relief after work today so even though I wasn't going to, it was on and I've loaded Kung Fu Panda onto the HDD, so I went and did some serious boar smacking on the two levels I've already played through to grab two Dragon Warrior achievements. :)

Think that's how I'll play this out now - play the level on easy and get used to it, then play it on hard to pick up the extra points (two save games made for the purpose).

24-12-2008, 03:36
You achievement whore you ;)

24-12-2008, 10:01

Don't think I'll be catching up with the experts at that though. :p

07-01-2009, 20:19
Sorted an avatar out. It's actually not as bad as I thought it would be, so it's a keeper.

Think it'll be a couple of weeks before I create an online profile though. I should be busy the next three weekends and god alone knows what I'll be working on.

07-01-2009, 20:35
Hurry up and get online :D Want to see your avatar now :D

07-01-2009, 20:45
That'll still require the hard choice of a Gamertag though. :p Got some ideas on that front now though, thanks all.

Even if my Gamerscore isn't going to go anywhere fast, I'm happy with my console choice. I'm just scared about the inevitable drain on my pocket that is going to happen.

Getting hold of 6300 MS points for £41 should give me a good launchpad into the Marketplace and soften the blow a little though. :)

07-01-2009, 22:16
That'll still require the hard choice of a Gamertag though. :p Got some ideas on that front now though, thanks all.

Even if my Gamerscore isn't going to go anywhere fast, I'm happy with my console choice. I'm just scared about the inevitable drain on my pocket that is going to happen.

Getting hold of 6300 MS points for £41 should give me a good launchpad into the Marketplace and soften the blow a little though. :)

ooo good price - where from?

07-01-2009, 22:20
Woolies Newbury (2100) and Zavvi Braintree Freeport (4200). :)

07-01-2009, 22:35
bah :(

In need of every cheap point I can get :p

local Zavvi was very pricey last time I looked :(

07-01-2009, 22:47
Was that before or after they went into administration? :)

07-01-2009, 23:17
good point :p

will go back now :)

08-01-2009, 02:53
To give me something else to try, I found the Test Drive Unlimited Demo on the hard disk. Garp will be pleased to know, I broke Oahu, as well as many Ferraris, some of them deliberately. :evil:

The conclusion - I need to learn to be rather more analogue. I crashed - a lot - but just occasionally I'd temporarily 'get' the thing and manage to steer without weaving all over the road like a drunkard three times over the limit. At one point I was in last place and well behind in a race, 'got it' at the right time, and hit a straight road in time to zoom past the whole lot and win. :)

The best bit - smacking into cop cars head on, just because. :evil:

08-01-2009, 08:34
You can pick up TDU really cheap now as it's been out a long time. I liked the demo but never bought the full game. It's great though as you can just spend time driving around for the sake of it for hours.

08-01-2009, 09:32
I remember that game as being rather sensitive, if you are enjoying driving games then something like PGR4 with its mostly enclosed courses might be up your street.


08-01-2009, 10:12
Yeah, but there wouldn't be any cop cars to break. :D

08-01-2009, 10:23
The full game of TDU is far better than the demo as well. I wasn't overly keen on the demo as I felt all the cars were twitchy and far too easy to lose control of. The retail release tightened up the controls a lot and it made the game far far better for it. It's one of my favourite driving games and highly recommended.

08-01-2009, 13:45
I echo Davey's thoughts on it, I absolutely loved TDU. Only thing that was lacking was a killer soundtrack, but of course, you can just play your own music anyway.

08-01-2009, 13:51
Indeed you can. I'll attempt to hunt down a copy on the high street and/or online for a bit of fun and it's good to know that maybe I'm not as at fault as I thought I was.

PS - I'm going to let this thread run and run. Hopefully no-one will get tired of my n00bish behaviour - I'm really appreciative of all the help I've been getting and no doubt will continue to get. :)

08-01-2009, 16:04
Another nod for TDU. I was late getting into it but found it one of the most satisfying racing games I've played.

I even got the achievement for driving on every road :)

08-01-2009, 16:05
I've never played it and now I feel like I'm missing out ;D Have to keep an eye out for it.

08-01-2009, 18:46
It frustrated me (or rather the challenges did)

Random pedestrian wants to go 40 miles in 3 mins. But if you touch the grass then they'll happily walk!?

08-01-2009, 18:52
I loved those challenges, especially the vouchers for being perfect.
I was annoyed however at the glitch where if you moved/copied your game from the HDD to the MU (or vice versa) all the data corrupted. I lost tens of hours of gameplay time doing that, I could have cried.

08-01-2009, 23:49
Going to be a very long time before I'm good enough to do the accuracy challenges. I lucked out first time in a race and got 1st place, and it took about 25 attempts to get a time challenge.

No luck finding a copy at a sensible price yet - will keep looking. :)

09-01-2009, 00:33

Worth a punt? (Never used that seller before)

09-01-2009, 00:38
Nokkon is in love with shopto if that's any help :D

09-01-2009, 01:33
I'm not :angry:

They keep making my wallet empty :D

09-01-2009, 01:37
That's happening to me too. Fast approaching £300 already (console included, obviously). :shocked:

09-01-2009, 01:41
A poster here (Windle) is an admin and friends with the ShopTo owner Mark.

09-01-2009, 01:54
That's happening to me too. Fast approaching £300 already (console included, obviously). :shocked:

I'd rather not add up what I've spent over the past 2 years ;D
Not including non 360 related gaming stuff over the past 20 years!

09-01-2009, 02:03
Just as long as every month isn't like this, I'm sure it'll all be fine. :p ;D

Anything I should hunt down in Zavvi at the weekend? May as well see if there's anything in their sale before they cease to be (assuming no-one buys them, which in the current climate is the most likely option).

Edit - I should also make it absolutely clear that while I was wrecking countless Ferraris on TDU demo last night, I had nothing whatsoever to do with this particular Ferrari...



10-01-2009, 23:10
Spotted Kameo in the preowned section at Game. £7.99. Difficult to go wrong at that price (not far off rental). Haven't inspected the disc yet but I'm sure it'll be OK. It's a game I liked the look of when I first saw Xbox360 in the shops and now I get to play it. :)

They had TDU in the 2 for £30 preowned sale too but I couldn't think of anything else I wanted that was also in the sale so I passed.

Edit - I didn't want to pollute the Games Night thread, but I'm not averse to a bit of online play if a suitable game happens by (I consider that unlikely, but you never know). Beware friendly fire incidents though - I'm as likely to miss a comrade as I am an enemy. ;D

11-01-2009, 00:07
I've decided to be an uncouth heretic and never buy a console ever again. I've bought or been given several consoles (right back to the famed Atari VCS), but I stopped at an original Playstation and have never bought one since.

I got as far as the 'add to order' button with both the PS2 (you can blame MB, the Kent meet, and GT4 for that), and the the same with an Xbox360, but never ordered either. :)

My PC habit has filled this house with computer-related kit in almost every room. I don't need a Console habit as well. :eek:



11-01-2009, 00:11
Oh how things change. To be fair, that was 30 months ago. ;D

Not the only thing that's changing around here either. This year is proving to be something of a throw everything in my life up in the air and see where it all lands event - and I do mean everything.

I'd have called you insane if you'd suggested I'd be where I am now even a month ago, and I'm far from done.

11-01-2009, 00:34
I'll keep an eye out for TDU in work for you Mark :) Can't guarantee anything but worth a go :D

11-01-2009, 10:10
MB, in the morning after the night before, I just want to know - how the hell did you remember that thread? ;D

12-01-2009, 19:45
Played Kameo for half an hour, couldn't get used to it. Put back away for another time and glad I didn't pay much for it. :(

TDU on the other hand I'm slowly improving at - still weaving all over the place but I'm now actually using the brake and was able to complete an accuracy challenge. Picked up Kung Fu Panda briefly and grabbed another few achievements there too.

13-01-2009, 01:11
Kameo takes a bit of getting used to tbh. Wait till you get to the hub area with the fighting going on...stunning

18-01-2009, 19:06
Just tried setting up a Gamertag and it's not offering me any randomness. Not sure what I've done wrong there. Maybe I started the creation from the wrong place or something. :dunno:

I have a few ideas but wanted to see what the random generator offered first. :)

18-01-2009, 19:14
After you enter a gamertag, if it's in use, it will come back with variants on what you've entered plus some randoms. Just put Mark or one of ours in and it will start throwing them at you :)

18-01-2009, 19:39
So it does. Ta. :)

01-02-2009, 21:46
Just thought I'd say public thanks to Haly for finding me a copy of TDU.

Speaking of which, while I'm still playing the demo, I just really ****ed off the cops. So much so that one of their finest went slamming into their own roadblock, which sent one of those cars casually freewheeling into the sea - meanwhile I watched from just out of reach and laughed. :evil: ;D

Ah, simple things, eh? :)

PS - I'm still not online. Partly the fact that every tag I've come up with has been lame (I'm seriously considering Capn Indecisive as a result, and yes, it even fits ;)), and mainly the fact that real life has rather taken over.

02-02-2009, 00:05
Nps :) I'll get it posted out asap :D

And go for Capn Indecisive!

05-02-2009, 01:16
Well, now the TDU fix is sorted (thanks again), I'm after something else to add to my collection.

I'd like something to fill my Painkiller-esque desire for wanton and mindless destruction as a stress reliever. Don't mind using cheats to get the job done. Don't mind how old it is either as long as it's cheap. Something along the lines of the Dead Rising demo (not the full game) I saw at MB's a few years ago seems like it might do nicely, for example.

Any suggestions very welcome. :)

05-02-2009, 08:49
Crackdown ~ fantastic sandbox fun, grab the demo :)

05-02-2009, 09:44
I'll second Crackdown. There's not much to beat throwing a car on someone's head while he's on top of a building, then leaping to the top of said building, picking the car up again, tossing it at someone else, switching to your rocket launcher, and blowing it up while it's still in mid air. :D

05-02-2009, 09:54
Nps :) I'll get it posted out asap :D

And go for Capn Indecisive!

Seeings as it took so long & this thread is still running, No other name would do tbqfh ;D

05-02-2009, 11:34
Are you still not on Live Mark?

05-02-2009, 12:12
Nope, and entirely my fault. :/

I suspected Crackdown might get a mention. Sounds like fun. ;D

05-02-2009, 12:13
Get on live today. You've had it ages now, no excuses :p

Crackdown's ace :) Reminds me actually - you still up for some co-op at some point Davey so I can raid your DLC? :D

05-02-2009, 12:19
Crackdown's brilliant :) And also £4.99 at Blockbuster at the moment.

05-02-2009, 12:22
Have you sent that parcel out yet? ;D

Console is all wired in and the router's set up to make Live work.

PS - I just checked - it should be Capt Indecisive. Still not convinced but if I procrastinate much longer over it I'll never sign in. :o

05-02-2009, 12:23
Posted out yesterday as promised :)

05-02-2009, 12:28
Have you sent that parcel out yet? ;D

Console is all wired in and the router's set up to make Live work.

PS - I just checked - it should be Capt Indecisive. Still not convinced but if I procrastinate much longer over it I'll never sign in. :o
That is there (http://live.xbox.com/member/Capt Indecisive), so is that you or did someone beat you to it? :o

05-02-2009, 12:31
I miss Crackdown - still need some co-op achievements too.

I think a trip to my sisters house is in order :>

05-02-2009, 12:33
That is there (http://live.xbox.com/member/Capt Indecisive), so is that you or did someone beat you to it? :o
Not me - beaten. Don't really want to use the smelling pistake version as it doesn't read right (t'was one of the tips I read about that it should be easy to read). Bleurgh. :/

05-02-2009, 12:33
Crackdown's ace :) Reminds me actually - you still up for some co-op at some point Davey so I can raid your DLC? :D

Absolutely, as long as you help me get some achievements along the way :D

05-02-2009, 12:36
Gladly :D One of my favourite games on 360 that, happy to spend time in there :)

Mark - You mean Capn Indecisive? Looks fine to me, just do it already :p

05-02-2009, 12:37
Mine too, always forget how much fun it is until I go back to it and toss a few civilians around :D

05-02-2009, 13:25
Mark if you want something Painkiller-esque and don't mind using cheats then the closest I've come to so far is Clive Barkers Jericho on the Xbox360 which I think is somewhat of a sleeper hit, I really REALLY enjoyed it as did my friend and when we both went to talk about it the first thing we both said was how similar it felt to Painkiller at times, even down to the gothic environments (which at times are stunning graphically).

Dead Rising is a great laugh and aside from being often slapstick funny it is also one of the hardest games on the console depending on how you want to play it, the irony is that for its kind of game it's perhaps captured the RPG elements better than any other RPG on the system.

Crackdown is also a good laugh and as has been said, can be had nice and cheap, can be played in Multiplayer co-op too or SP. It's like Grand Theft Auto 4, but fun. Simon, get it back and I'll play online with you, I've not played it close to how much I should have done - especially as I've had it from the day before it was released :x.

05-02-2009, 13:56
Just to be clear for those who don't understand (some do), I'm after something Painkiller-esque for blatting the hell out of anything that moves rather than the environment. I haven't actually played Painkiller beyond the first few levels because by then it has served its purpose. :evil:

05-02-2009, 16:37
That's what I was getting at. I stated that 'even down to the environments', as in 'as well as the gameplay' :p.

07-02-2009, 21:56
Currently got these in the download queue...

Game Demos - Dead Rising, Crackdown
XBLA Demos - Poker Smash, Tetris Splash, UNO, Buku Sudoku

I'll take suggestions for anything else I should go look for. I have a hankering to spend some points too. :)

PS - Inspiration struck while I was waiting for a bus today. Thought of something no-one else could possibly have, and I was right. Not entirely sure I've got the avatar right, but it's the closest I've got so far. :)

07-02-2009, 23:10
Ooh, nice name :).

07-02-2009, 23:41
In case you're wondering, I mashed together a Jim Carey movie and my day job. :)

Wonder if work will ever spot it (it's in my sig afterall). :)

08-02-2009, 02:51
Really like it, it's witty.
One thing, can you set your signature to "http://live.xbox.com/member/The+COBOL+Guy" then people can click straight to your profile :).

I still haven't received a friend request ;).
Edit: I see you're racking up the achievements again :).

08-02-2009, 03:45
Yup - I haven't figured out all the dash stuff yet, so please excuse the lack of request.

Actually, I didn't know I had to reciprocate. I'll sort that as soon as I've found my play'n'charge cable.

Edit - found the cable, but I'm not sure how to 'fix' the friend request problem. :dunno:

08-02-2009, 04:19
I added you as a friend and you accepted, that's all that needs doing, I was just pulling your chain.

If you search for someones gamertag (all BD users have theirs posted here) you can add them, or alternately, go to Xbox.com and enter their gamertag there (many peoples signatures link there) and you can click the link "send friend request" and when they accept that's it, friends.

08-02-2009, 05:38
You can have a slap for that one. :p

But thanks for the advice. I'll sort everything out properly tomorrow as it's, er, 4:38am. :o

08-02-2009, 20:11
Holy ****. I think I just fried my brain. :shocked: :)

PS - Thanks for the friend requests. :)

09-02-2009, 14:07
A parcel which I suspect to contain TDU has turned up today. Thanks again Haly. :)

09-02-2009, 14:52
Glad to hear it arrived :) Was getting worried about that, posted it Tuesday.

09-02-2009, 15:09
Delayed by snow, no doubt. :)

13-02-2009, 02:19
Have now taken advantage of the Gold sub trial for an online game of Uno. Didn't do very well but meh, I'm tired. Only a couple more achievements to get to 200/200 the game. :)

Not sure I'll take people on at much else yet - I'm sticking to stuff I at least stand a chance with. ;D