View Full Version : Mmmmmmincemeat

16-12-2008, 15:04
OK, so I forgot to make my mincemeat in time and had to panic-make some last night. I usually like to make it a few weeks in advance to let it mature, but this one doesn't need it. Mum makes hers in about March :p This is a Nigella recipe and just sounded nice. It was very easy to make, tasted delicious when I spooned it into the jars and will only improve over the next week.

Makes around 1.5 litres

250g soft dark sugar
250ml medium dry cider
1 kg cooking apples, peeled, halved and quartered
1/2 tsp mixed spice
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
250g currants
250g raisins
75g glace cherries, roughly chopped
75g blanched almonds,
finely chopped rind and juice of 1/2 lemon
6 tbsp brandy or rum

Heat the cider and sugar very gently until the sugar dissolves. Chop the apples roughly and add them to the warm liquid (TIP: Add them as you chop, or they will go brown). Add the remainder of the ingredients except the rum/brandy and simmer gently for 30-45mins until it goes a bit pulpy. Leave to cool slightly, then mix in the rum/brandy and pour into sterilised kilner jars.


Can't wait to make some Eccles mince pies with it :)

Oh, I found the same recipe online and it added 250g cranberries. Wish I'd seen that first. D'oh!!!

16-12-2008, 16:00
Excellent :) Mine is currently sitting in a cupboard letting the flavours mingle :D

16-12-2008, 17:16
Going to add real mince to the mincepies?

16-12-2008, 18:30
Erm.... no :p

16-12-2008, 18:34
Why not? It's really traditional.

16-12-2008, 18:42
I shall ignore your comments, just as I did last year (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showpost.php?p=170131&postcount=10) :p

You need to think up some new lines ;)

16-12-2008, 18:47
If you want, I'll find you the 18th century recipie that I have around somewhere that has steak mince in with the mince meat.

16-12-2008, 18:57
I am well aware of the history of mince pies and the fact that they originally they had real meat in them. It's not a new or exciting fact.

16-12-2008, 19:51
this might be my next cookery attempt although I might try the jared stuff befroe goig on the try the whole thing

16-12-2008, 20:23
MSPaint Presents... The Real Mince Pie


16-12-2008, 20:38
this might be my next cookery attempt although I might try the jared stuff befroe goig on the try the whole thing
Sounds like a good plan. Then you can go the whole hog and try making the mincemeat next year. There's no skill involved in it really. Just a lot of chopping :)

James - why is there custard in there? :p

16-12-2008, 21:17
Tastes like feet!

16-12-2008, 21:46
this might be my next cookery attempt although I might try the jared stuff befroe goig on the try the whole thing

Doh, I'm just jumping in at the deep end. Never even made pastry before and I'm more worried about that than the mincemeat.

16-12-2008, 21:55
Pastry isn't hard to make. It doesn't like getting too hot though so use your finger tips rather than your hands when combining the ingredients.

16-12-2008, 23:06
Pastry isn't hard to make. It doesn't like getting too hot though so use your finger tips rather than your hands when combining the ingredients.
Wot 'ee said. Put it in the fridge if it gets a bit warm.

18-12-2008, 12:53
Sounds like a good plan. Then you can go the whole hog and try making the mincemeat next year. There's no skill involved in it really. Just a lot of chopping :)

Discovered a flaw in my plan - I don't have anything suitable for cooking them in and the only cutters I have are my gingerbread men ones :o

18-12-2008, 16:12
Heh, i realised this the other night too, in the middle of the night. And a rolling pin.

Cheap pie trays are hard to get hold of too!

18-12-2008, 16:50
Make these instead:


They're gorgeous, nicer than normal mince pies IMO. You will need a rolling pin, but no need for a fancy tin :)

19-12-2008, 03:06
I love making mince pies but never tried making my own mincemeat.
I will be trying this sometime next year :D

21-12-2008, 12:46
Whoop, my mince pies turned out rather nice.