View Full Version : Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler

18-12-2008, 17:12
Campbell said he named his son after Adolf Hitler because "no one else in the world would have that name".
No **** sherlock. Wonder why ;D


18-12-2008, 17:21
The world is full of idiots.

18-12-2008, 17:54
Obviously they care more about the Third Reich then they do their own children. Disgraceful. ::/:

19-12-2008, 09:48
Obviously they care more about the Third Reich then they do their own children. Disgraceful. ::/:

Wrong eh? :( poor child is gonna have hell from kids and adults in his life.
I though Apple was a bad name or princess but Adolf hitler is just child abuse IMO as it sets that poor child up for lifetime abuse and what for? a name that no one else would have. well is it any wonder. dumb stupid parents should never have children.

semi-pro waster
19-12-2008, 13:23
Parents have a huge responsibility in how they name their children as I fully believe it can shape their future life to a degree and you've got morons who do that. I'm generally not in favour of interfering too much into other peoples lives but I really do think there should be some sort of punitive sanctions imposed on idiots like that.

//edit if as an adult you want to change your name to something stupid then I've got no problems with that, your life your choice but for children they don't have that option so they should be given a vaguely normal name to begin with.

19-12-2008, 13:30
Wrong eh? :( poor child is gonna have hell from kids and adults in his life.
I though Apple was a bad name or princess but Adolf hitler is just child abuse IMO as it sets that poor child up for lifetime abuse and what for? a name that no one else would have. well is it any wonder. dumb stupid parents should never have children.

Well, when you look at the other kids names it's clearly not just to be different, it's because the parents are Hitler/Nazi obsessed retards.

They called one of the other kids 'Aryan Nation' for ****s sake.

If you just want to be different, call your kid Dave Cheesefiend Smith or something.

19-12-2008, 13:47
And the third after an SS General. Just knowing that fact alone shows significant interest in the Third Reich, let alone naming your kids after them. They'll probably be lining the next child up already just so they can name them Heinrich Luitpold Himmler. ::/:

19-12-2008, 13:49
Dave Cheesefiend Smith.
That's Belmit's real name ;D

19-12-2008, 14:18
*shakes head in disbelief*

A Place of Light
19-12-2008, 18:14
Wasn't the reason that this story hit the news due to a shop refusing to put a swastika on the childs birthday cake?

The parents are retards, although anyone with a brain has already worked that out for themselves.

19-12-2008, 18:17
That's Belmit's real name ;D

I go by many aliases!

Von Smallhausen
19-12-2008, 21:50
I shouldn't have called my young 'un Pinochet in hindsight.

20-12-2008, 09:52
I shouldn't have called my young 'un Pinochet in hindsight.
I'm changing Josh's name to Pol Pot Stalin Davidson.