View Full Version : Zune.net?

22-12-2008, 12:41
Anyone know if zune is coming to the uk? or how I can make it think I'm American.

22-12-2008, 14:04
Found this from a Google search, on Facebook no less. No idea if it works.

The market place works, I use it loads. Just change your PC region (in control panel) to US, rather than UK, then Market place will appear at the top of the Zune software.

As for a Zune launch, who knows. Some say 2009, some say not at all (though the latter camp tend to be older articles).

22-12-2008, 15:32
Ta.. Will give it a try.

Zune looks like the perfect way to buy music. Access to all of it. Then 10 tracks a month you get to keep. Can buy more if you want.

22-12-2008, 15:35
Word is we're hearing something about the Zune at CES next month - wouldn't be surprised to hear a europe release date.