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24-12-2008, 23:38
Mines going to be 1280x800 :p

24-12-2008, 23:42
Pffft, Pete did that joke last week :D

24-12-2008, 23:45

24-12-2008, 23:52
Aw bless :)

/pats head

We'll let you off, seeing as its Christmas :D

24-12-2008, 23:53
After the complete and utter fail of that joke, I'll start with a proper one.

To journal/blog more of my life, and to try and improve on myself via reflecting on it.

24-12-2008, 23:58
To journal/blog more of my life, and to try and improve on myself via reflecting on it.

So, you're becoming an emo? :huh:

24-12-2008, 23:59
So, you're becoming more of an emo? :huh:

Fixed :D

24-12-2008, 23:59
So, you're becoming an emo? :huh:

No, because I'm actually awesome already :p

And I won't be reflecting in a loser way :p

25-12-2008, 00:38
Swimming a minimum 3hrs/week. Can't believe it's so long since I really did any proper training, I got back into it recently and love it.

25-12-2008, 02:12
Treat people with more respect, or more specifically, people I know. I'm lucky to have the friends I do and often don't show it enough.

Be more helpful whenever possible.

Swear less.

25-12-2008, 02:28
Every year I make a new year resolution and I never stick to it. Maybe this year I'll make it simple and easier to do, rather than say I'll do this and that, and some of this, and loads of this from now on.

To drink more water.

25-12-2008, 02:33
This year I'm going to make mine to spend more money.

Then, judging by previous years, I should actually *save* money as I always tend to do the opposite of what I say :D

25-12-2008, 11:25
I don't do resolutions. If it's worth doing in the first place then I'd have done it already. I am who I am and a new years resolution isn't going to change me :)

25-12-2008, 14:36
After a year of mostly cardio (now only 60KG!), I'm going to be building muscle.


25-12-2008, 19:18
Same as last years - none. Everything I plan to do next year I've been doing this year, they're all gradual things :)

25-12-2008, 23:23
Once and for all I'm going to get off my arse and do something about the financial situation I've got my family in right now. One way or another that WILL be improved upon in 2009. I'm not setting a particular goal to achieve other than to improve it vastly from what it is now (both of us working full time overnights at Walmart and being stuck in an $1,150 a month plus FULL utilities apartment).

Ideally it would be just me going to work (daytime Mon - Fri), absolutely perfect would be to be running a home business. We'll see how well either of those go, though.

Oh, and in line with the OP : 1680 X 1050 :p

26-12-2008, 02:41
After a year of mostly cardio (now only 60KG!), I'm going to be building muscle.

Are you buying some Weight Gain 4000 to help?

Metalface Mark
26-12-2008, 20:33
Take up boxing and have an amateur fight by the end of the year.

Del Lardo
26-12-2008, 20:40
Eat more lard, drink more beer and take up smoking. Jobs a goodun ;D

26-12-2008, 21:39
Take up boxing and have an amateur fight by the end of the year.

I was thinking the same thing, going to get back fit and riding on my bike every week.

26-12-2008, 21:40
Same as last year which I totally failed at. More determined this year.

Lose weight and get fit.
Save a deposit up.

26-12-2008, 21:49
Take up boxing and have an amateur fight by the end of the year.


I would like to move from the beginners Muay Thai class to the big boys class :D

26-12-2008, 23:52
Are you buying some Weight Gain 4000 to help?

I got protein powder for Christmas! :D

27-12-2008, 01:27
Take part in a 10k and run the WHOLE way :) (EEK!)

27-12-2008, 11:29
I think this year mine is going to be to save more money, I have never sticked to them in the past but this year I really want to stick to this :)

27-12-2008, 13:40
Only work contracted hours at work and get a new job :/

I have the option to 'run' a 10k aswell this year, but would like to be fully recovered from my op wound before I commit :)

BB x

27-12-2008, 14:27
Sort my life out and general mental stability.
That'll probably take most of 2009!

27-12-2008, 14:36
I honestly don't know :confused:
Nowt I want to stop doing really otherwise I wouldn't do it.

Just thought of one.
I'd like to get through the year without having a fight, Even though I enjoy it the consequences these days & the likely hood of being collared for it are to high which takes the fun out of it.

Von Smallhausen
27-12-2008, 15:11
Just thought of one.
I'd like to get through the year without having a fight, Even though I enjoy it the consequences these days & the likely hood of being collared for it are to high which takes the fun out of it.

Tell me about it.

Playground fights were the norm when I was a kid but so many parents phone the cops expecting us to sort it out and kids often get a criminal record as a result.

27-12-2008, 20:30
Get fit and active, my dad having a heart attack has put my way of eating into prospective.

And get a part time job and hopefully become a plumber :D

28-12-2008, 22:33
Fix stuff! Primarily my bum!

29-12-2008, 09:46
Last year:

Drink less.

OK, seriously I'm thinking about commitment instead of being a bit of a man-whore. I've kept everyone at arms length over the last year and its about time I stopped thinking about the past.

Been with my girlfriend for over a year and we are very much in love so I guess I kept that one!

This year I want to save cash.I spent last year slowing my spending at getting a decent budget sorted out, now I want to start putting some away to buy a place of my own (and a new amp!). I'd also like to do something about my career: I'm the youngest in my team but I know I could be doing better.

Edit: Ok so I didn't drink less which is bad considering how much I get through. I am hoping to go two weeks without booze after new year though.

01-01-2009, 19:32
Lose the last bit of weight I have to go to reach my target, keep it off and keep my fitness level up by gyming 3-4 times a week rather than my normal 1-2
Pay off my credit card
Save enough for/book/pass driving lessons/test
Attend/enter in more rat shows as well as getting more involved with them (learning varieties, scribing and stewarding etc)
See friends more - the last half of 2008 I have made some new local friends/acquaintances and I don't want to go back to feeling like a hermit. Also seeing friends from here more - if I can learn to drive then this may help

01-01-2009, 22:12
Mine are currently Top Secret and may change on Monday. :)

Admiral Huddy
02-01-2009, 16:53
24" ... but I've sworn I'll never measure anything as long as I live.

02-01-2009, 16:55
I am going to focus 110% on my photography, and keep my 365 going :)

Admiral Huddy
02-01-2009, 17:58
I'm going to make some big changes in my life this year. Hopefully fingers crossed :)

02-01-2009, 18:23
I'm going to learn the dance to 'Thriller' and also lose some weight.

02-01-2009, 19:25
I know a bit of Thriller :D

We will have to keep each other going Kitten incase one of us starts to slow down ;)

02-01-2009, 19:51
Oh, I quite liked it ;D

02-01-2009, 22:49
Ive decided to look after my skin a bit more. Sounds lame but now im getting on a bit :shocked: ive noticed its not quite as good as it used to be, so I am going to be nicer to it, and treat it a bit better.
Especially on my face :o

03-01-2009, 20:02
Another one... to utilise the Free International Calls that I have and keep in touch with people more. Esp my brother in Sydney :)

BB x

03-01-2009, 20:29
Hmm, quite a few things I want to do this year....

I'd love to get a new job but with the economy being the way it is I'll need to be very careful about any job I go for.

I'm aiming to lose a load of weight as we're getting married in 7 months. I'm probably about 6 stone overweight and I know I won't lose all of that by the wedding, but if I can lose half of it (3 stone in 7 months sounds achievable) then I'll be happy.

I'd like to get much better at my photography so really need to spend more time on it. Perhaps starting and sticking to a 365 is the way forward for me.

I'd also like to still be reviewing games this time next year. I've got an official reviewing job for a website and I really enjoy it, and want to make sure I stick at it.

That's about it I think. Wonder how many I'll actually achieve, if any.

03-01-2009, 21:00
Well, the more you make the more likely you are to at least keep one of them :D Just make sure you prioritise!

Good luck to all who've made some New Year Resolutions :)

I made a couple more today, all fitness-based:
1. I shall NOT be a lazy pigdog and go home after Body Pump on a Saturday Morning. I will stay and do Body Max as well.
2. I will also do Max, Pump AND Balance on a Wednesday if I manage to get out of work on time.

Rather than resolve to lose weight or get down to a certain size, I'm just going to concentate on exercise. I already eat pretty healthily (Christmas excepted), so I'm not going on a crash diet. I'm just upping my exercise to increase my general health and lose fat. Should all help when it gets warm enough to start running outside again :)

03-01-2009, 22:30
Well mine is to get my butt back down the gym. I slackened at the tail end of the year. Primarily I blame a steak house and Black Sheep bitter on the pump chilled to perfection. Kept my cardio up though on the bike so its not a total loss, just weights.

The plan was to get down tomorrow morning, however I managed to twist my knee on the ice this afternoon :angry: I'll see how I feel in the morning although its stiffening up.

04-01-2009, 00:50
I'd also like to still be reviewing games this time next year. I've got an official reviewing job for a website and I really enjoy it, and want to make sure I stick at it.

I'll keep encouraging you :D

04-01-2009, 10:25
Not to try & ride Michelle :p
You know what it's like people, Every now & again you see/meet somebody that has that effect on you, Like a smack in the face with a sex stick tbqfh.
Michelle works at my place & I have seen her about & found her attractive initially but last night & the night before she came in civvys, Namely jeans & this flufy mohair jumper thing.
Before I could check myself I had slid up next to her, bumped shoulder to shoulder & whispered to her just how Incredible she looked :D
Of course I have seen fit women before but like I said She is one of those people that has that Smack in the face effect on me :huh: She said there was No reason for no uniform she just didn't feel like wearing it, I said Great you look Gorgeous :D:
Last night she came in wearing jeans again & it happened again, SMACK in the face followed by Lots of Drool :o I checked myself remembering my rules & kept it to just stopping dead at the end of the aisle she was working & Shouting a Big Hello & doing the Obvious Pause, Stare Big cheeky smile :p
I did the same as I left this morning as well, Damn I really could stare at her for Hours quite happily :cool:
She is married & I am hoping that she is cool enough to accept my adoration without her worrying that I will think summit will come of it. It'll be great if I can flirt with her & gaze & stare without freaking her out :)

04-01-2009, 15:19
Mine was to swear less.

I've been in work 7 hours and failed miserably.


04-01-2009, 15:32
Mine was to swear less.

I've been in work 7 hours and failed miserably.


Tut tut no treat for you then :p

05-01-2009, 01:41
Lots of us girlies have similar goals....mine is the same. Exercise more!
I've taken to climbing up and down stairs at work before I actually sit down at my computer for the work day (takes about ten minutes to do them all). I want to keep that up and maybe up it a bit as I get more used to it.
I also want to have a wedding this year:-P

05-01-2009, 05:42
I really am trying to sort my language. It's shocking at times. It's the 'Boro' in me. :(

05-01-2009, 11:33
Mine are still Top Secret, but in 45 minutes I'm going to do something I never, ever, thought I'd do - hence the suggestion they might change today. :)

05-01-2009, 11:43
Half hour! *gets excited*

05-01-2009, 11:45
Hmm very cryptic ...

05-01-2009, 21:28
Sorry for being so cryptic but I don't want to jinx it just yet (and might keep the cat in the bag until April). It was done but didn't go according to plan today. I'm off to see my GP tomorrow and if she says yes then I'll try plan B.

05-01-2009, 21:32
Whatever it is, I hope it goes well :)

06-01-2009, 01:24
Swimming a minimum 3hrs/week. Can't believe it's so long since I really did any proper training, I got back into it recently and love it.
Ok well so far I've looked up the times at the local pool....6:30am - 11am.....

(I know the times in Plymouth but not here at home)

06-01-2009, 01:34
Meh should have done this a long time ago:

1) Lose Weight. A lot of weight. starting at 30 mins per day on the rower (5kish) and weights 3 times a week combined with Keto diet.

2) Stop biting my nails/fingers - It hurts. Lots. Especially near salt....

3) Clear ALL my debt (Car Finance excluded). 0% deal runs out in October and I owe my parents loads too....

4) New Job. I hate supermarkets.

09-01-2009, 10:28
Ok well so far I've looked up the times at the local pool....6:30am - 11am.....

(I know the times in Plymouth but not here at home)

Are you a Southy resident too!?! If so - woo hoo!

I wasn't going to make any solid new years resolution because I like to take things as they come - other than the whole fixing myself which I will do!


After last night of not sleeping much *at all* due to seeing a small freaky child on a Quantum Leap episode carrying a stoopid doll (the scene was about a minute long) and what sleep I did have was disturbing dreams...

... I've decided to make one proper new years resolution.

I will get over my phobia of dolls.


I need a doll though... which can be taken away again and not left in our house until I can cope with it.


09-01-2009, 10:33
I need a doll though... which can be taken away again and not left in our house until I can cope with it.


How about this one?


He'll even amuse himself while you're busy doing something else :p

09-01-2009, 12:46
Oh no Chuckys fine :p

I can cope with Mister Chuckeroo or any similar looking "scary" doll. Its the ones which look like real babies... but are not. Or they porcelain ones.

IMO they look like dead babies. Which isn't good.

I think this is also why I don't particularly like Sophie Ellis Bextor! :) *edit* realised this sounds like I think she looks like a dead baby! She just looks like a doll! lol! Whoopsy!

The ones which are the worst are the ones which you can sit up and they automatically open their eyes.

They can **** right off!

In Cyrpus in the market they had loads of the little ****s hanging from the ceiling in clothes stalls. I felt like a moo-cow walking into a meat factory and witnessing all my dead friends/relatives/random peoples just hanging up on meat hooks.


I am now not coming into this thread in fear of there being a proper piccie of a scary doll in here until Pickys home. (It might climb through the poota screen see. Not good). :p

09-01-2009, 12:50
Typical ones for me...

Train harder at the gym (I know I'm obsessed but it's the only thing that makes me happy :p)
Get the rugby team up to the next league
Socialise more
See my friends more
Worry less
Sort out a place to live
Carry on clearing off as much of my debts as possible

09-01-2009, 12:52
See my friends more
Worry less

I like these two and insist you fulfil them as soon as possible :p

09-01-2009, 13:20
In summary in no particular order:

1) Only work contracted hours at work - no more no less.
2) Get a new job :/
3) Keep in touch with people better - utilise the Free International Calls that I have. Esp my brother in Sydney.
4) Go to the gym at least 3 times a week, one run at weekend.
5) Do the lottery every week.
6) Visit parents once a month... hmmm sometimes not possible!
7) Learn to keep my mouth shut! (this one isn't happening :/)

BB x

09-01-2009, 13:45
Jumped on my bike today and rode to college, felt great getting back on the bike, took me 18 mins to get to college and it takes me 25 mins in the car with all the morning traffic.

09-01-2009, 14:06
I already feel fitter going to the gym those 3 times :D I guess its just the first initial, get off your arse moment!

BB x

09-01-2009, 14:15
I plan to try and be more adventurous when playing football. I'm naturally a tackler/interceptor and a very good passer from deep, but I've never been a dribbler or flair player as I always feel that I am going to cock up and turnover possession, so stick to the simple and in worrying, lack the self belief to be adventurous, so started doing so this past Wednesday.

Led to me scoring 5 goals, which is 5 more than I usually score as I'm usually so deep setting them up for others.

I also intend to toughen up, lose a bit of fat, tone up, be more helpful and whinge less.

31-12-2009, 20:16
I'm going to learn the dance to 'Thriller' and also lose some weight.

Fail on one, pass on two. i didn't plan on having a car crash in May which really scuppered my exercise plans, however still managed to drop a stone.

My best acheivement this year has to be my photography '365' project. I have actually managed to take one pic per day, and improved my photography no end :)

I don't have any resolutions for next year but I am going to continue with some kind of photography project.

How did everyone else do?

31-12-2009, 22:23
Same as last years - none. Everything I plan to do next year I've been doing this year, they're all gradual things :)


01-01-2010, 00:34
Once and for all I'm going to get off my arse and do something about the financial situation I've got my family in right now. One way or another that WILL be improved upon in 2009. I'm not setting a particular goal to achieve other than to improve it vastly from what it is now (both of us working full time overnights at Walmart and being stuck in an $1,150 a month plus FULL utilities apartment).

Ideally it would be just me going to work (daytime Mon - Fri), absolutely perfect would be to be running a home business. We'll see how well either of those go, though.

Well, I actually failed miserably in all aspects. But things are beginning to look up for 2010. *fingers crossed*

01-01-2010, 01:37
Lametastic change 'me' :)

Exercise (any!), weights (need pointers :D), get out more :D

01-01-2010, 02:00
I swore lots in 2009.

Resolution FAIL.

01-01-2010, 02:15
Well mine is to get my butt back down the gym. I slackened at the tail end of the year. Primarily I blame a steak house and Black Sheep bitter on the pump chilled to perfection. Kept my cardio up though on the bike so its not a total loss, just weights.

The plan was to get down tomorrow morning, however I managed to twist my knee on the ice this afternoon :angry: I'll see how I feel in the morning although its stiffening up.

Well the cardio bit I kept up, the weights fell by the wayside. Out of action with the knee for 4-6 weeks didn't help. Other issues that were unavoidable cropped up. On the whole I've not eaten crap and kept a fairly moderate exercise regime.

Put a bit on but I'm not really worried as I once was. I do need to up the weights but I need to get myself settled first. The main fun will come after this cold spell.

So for 2010, just carry on fighting. Save a nice wedge of cash would be good idea too. I have one more from 2004 which, if there is a miracle, I'll achieve.

Bed time now.

01-01-2010, 11:32
Take part in a 10k and run the WHOLE way :) (EEK!)

This year? I'll call them goals rather than resolutions

1. Stick to my training plan for the London Marathoh and run the WHOLE way ;)
2. Complete my 52 photos of 2010 (failed last yr)
3. Remember birthdays
4. Eat less pies (& cakes)


01-01-2010, 13:00
After a year of mostly cardio (now only 60KG!), I'm going to be building muscle.

I'm about the same. Joining the uni gym again on Monday and starting afresh. It's a new program that should see me lean and mean within 16 weeks. Yay!

01-01-2010, 13:15
To stop shagging loads of women & concentrate on just one.

01-01-2010, 13:54
To be happy enough with life to want to celebrate the new year this year.

01-01-2010, 14:23
Don't normally have these but I guess this year it's going to be saving for a wedding...somehow!

01-01-2010, 14:29
Don't normally have these but I guess this year it's going to be saving for a wedding...somehow!
Gretna Green. You can have the Manta as the wedding car ;) :p

*hides before Piggy gets here*

01-01-2010, 16:05
Gretna Green. You can have the Manta as the wedding car ;) :p

*hides before Piggy gets here*

As long as we're all invited! ;D

01-01-2010, 16:09
I beat mine \o/. 1440x900 to 1920x1200 \o/ Progress.

01-01-2010, 17:23
lol :D well done you!!

01-01-2010, 18:08
To save for my trip. Being more sensible with money would be a fine start.
Embrace life, new experiences ahoy! Not to worry about the past so much it is where it is supposed to be, behind me.
Work hard at uni, only 5 months left :eek:
Try to get all my friends together for a big leaving party before I go.

03-01-2010, 12:22
Lose the last bit of weight I have to go to reach my target, keep it off and keep my fitness level up by gyming 3-4 times a week rather than my normal 1-2
Pay off my credit card
Save enough for/book/pass driving lessons/test
Attend/enter in more rat shows as well as getting more involved with them (learning varieties, scribing and stewarding etc)
See friends more - the last half of 2008 I have made some new local friends/acquaintances and I don't want to go back to feeling like a hermit. Also seeing friends from here more - if I can learn to drive then this may help

So I pretty much didn't manage any of those. Lets try again:

Revamp my gym routine - I'm going to add in some treadmill work and I need to make my weight workout a regular set thing rather than seeing what is free and "if I have enough time".

Hopefully the above will help me lose some weight/bodyfat - I got within 4lbs of my weight target last year and then as always I lost motivation and it all went pear shaped - I'm probably about a stone and 4lbs away again.

Practise pole more - I have one in my living room, I have no excuse other than being lazy not to practise.

Pay off my credit card - yeah I know this was on the last list, but I have a loan finishing in March/April so rather than go "ooo I have spare money" I'm just going to throw it all at the cc.

I want to look into getting myself a website. I already have an idea of a name but have no idea about anything after that. It would probably just be photos/blog/email.

There is a school I've discovered that does burlesque chair dancing classes - she is due to start a new beginners class in spring sometime. I really really would love to try it, although I am nervous, would be going on my own and have no confidence - I have about 4 months to sort that out.

Driving lessons - I'm starting to feel a bit pathetic for not being able to drive yet, to be blatantly honest I'm scared.

03-01-2010, 12:36
I didn't do this last year, so I am going to make a list of things I hope to acheive:-

*Return to the gym and stick with it.
*Lose weight and keep it off
*Be more sensible with money
*Save money for a car (may not be possible if I go on holiday)
*Be more organised
*See friends more

03-01-2010, 12:59
Didn't make any last year, got two this year.

*- Pass a driving test
*- Clear the Credit Cards

03-01-2010, 13:14
[Teacher Waffle]
Targets and resolutions should be SMART
[/Teacher Waffle]

I've never been one for resolutions because I never saw the point of picking a date to start or stop doing something, but some things currently lend themselves to a new level of focus in my life.

So, my goals for the future:-

Run a half marathon in May - I hope this can happen, but will require greater discipline on my part to stick to an achievable training program. Its a definate SMART target.

Embrace opportunities to speak to friends, old and new - Generally be more social. I am aware that recently I am/have run the risk of peeing off some people through bugging them, but hopefully most people will be honest with me when they are busy / not interested in chatting. However, if I dont talk, I wont build stronger relationships, and may miss out on exciting opportunities.

Work and Play - I intend to be more bold in my acomplishment of work. I have been a perfectionist with most of my work, always, and this has impacted on my free time; Ultimatly this has left me tired, stressed, "boring" and not my "happy, jokey" younger self. The simple truth is, no matter how much preparation I do for lessons, they will never always go to plan meaning I have wasted hours of my life. This is a big part of who I am and how I was brought up in a very focussed/driven family and I dont expect to change it drastically, but just make myself aware of it.

Other (vague) things

Refurbish the flat, learn from it and move on (although not to somewhere that has woodchip wallpaper throughout -AARRGH, I thought I had done with that stuff!! :facepalm:).
Spend time with my niece - shes adorable and is young enough at the moment to be forgiving of a miserable old man such as my myself, but this wont last forever! ;)
Speak up.
Value others and feel valued myself - I hope this will come from all of the above.

03-01-2010, 13:41
Much like Pickers I'm not a big one for resolutions as if I have a plan, it makes sense to start straight off rather than wait for an arbitrary date.
Having said that, the few plans I have line up nicely with the start of the year anyhow :)

I've signed up to write a blog entry every day this year. Who knows how long it'll last as I think the other 9 participants (all games writers) are unsure if they'll manage it too, but it's worth a go! It'll be nice to write for me again as so much of my writing is for other people and other sites.

On a similar note, I'd like to be earning more from my writing this year. My chances have certainly improved in 2009 but I'd like to push it that bit further and earn better money from it.

When my foot has eventually repaired I hope to be more active and walk more. That's currently on hold though while I wait for some x-ray results and physio consultation.

Oh and I want to cook more. Been quite restricted due to the foot so be nice to throw myself in again.

Finally I'd like to see friends more, and hopefully go out with workmates a bit more often as I've missed some nights out in recent months.

Annoyingly those last three things are all dependent on my foot so not quite NY Resolutions, more things to start when I can actually walk/stand for extended periods of time :p

semi-pro waster
03-01-2010, 17:03
weights (need pointers :D)

What is your goal here? If you can define that and say what you do already in terms of gym and diet then it becomes a lot easier for people to help you. If you haven't already done so then have a read of GordyR's sticky in Sports Arena on OcUK, it contains a wealth of information and you could also post in the Gymrats thread for advice.

For myself I've got no real resolutions for the New Year, in fact I don't think I've ever bothered with them. I intend to take a couple of trips this year to see friends living abroad if at all possible and do my best to keep in touch with my friends wherever they are but that's something I'd be doing anyway. Other than that I'll be going to the gym, aiming to gain muscle and enjoy my job plus pass my exams but again I'd be doing that regardlesss, anything beyond the above I'll try to take as a bonus.

03-01-2010, 17:08
Oh I've read that thread a lot.

Had a hell of a crack at this whole sorting myself out thing in summer 2008. I have a concept 2 rower (purchased outright) which I made great use of until I rowed in bare feet :/ (cuts that took 2 months to properly heal!)

Was just doing the standard 3 day split as listed in GordyR's thread as far as weights go. Was really enjoying it all until I injured myself in Feb last year. Ready to start again though :)

I'll stop now though and keep up a thread/log in the sports section to avoid cluttering this thread :)