View Full Version : What games did you get for Xmas?

25-12-2008, 02:30
Come on then guys, what did games did you get this Christmas?
I know some of us must have gotten games :p.

(I'll be annoyed if I never :p).

25-12-2008, 04:45
Only ones I treated myself to with Christmas money, which is Mirror's Edge and Prince of Persia. Those 2, along with Saints Row 2 and Mercenaries 2 should keep me occupied well into the new year :)

25-12-2008, 10:26
Prince of Persia and Tomb Raider :) It was such a surprise :P

Thinking of treating myself to the XNA game Carvival Games too, bloody marvelous stuff :)

Merry Christmas

25-12-2008, 12:01
Never get games for Christmas, last time I did was around N64 era after that I bought my own :S

25-12-2008, 12:04
I got prince of persia :D

25-12-2008, 12:18
Mirrors Edge and Force Unleashed :D Bought myself the RB drum kit. Sister said she'd get me something in the Jan sales so I'll probably get RB2.

25-12-2008, 12:33
Vouchers and moneh for games :) I guess people think it's a safer bet, they never know what I've already bought :D

25-12-2008, 12:54
nothing :(

25-12-2008, 13:10
SPORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

And the Spore Creepy and Cute parts pack :D :D :D

25-12-2008, 13:14
No Games from other people but I do have some things on their way that I bought for me :D

25-12-2008, 13:27
I got:

Mirror's Edge (Parents)
Left 4 Dead (Parents)
Tomb Raider: Underworld (Parents)
2100 Points (Haly)

I've done really bloody well!

25-12-2008, 13:34
Indeed you have :D

I asked for points, TR:U, Battery packs and like I said - NOTHING :(

25-12-2008, 14:09
SPORE!!!! :D :D :D

Oh...did I say that already? ;D Mic made me save and close it down as we have to leave now :(

25-12-2008, 14:22
Mirror's edge from Play
I did pick up Guitar Hero III last week though, and looking for Rockband 2 cheap.

25-12-2008, 15:04
Gears of War! Finally!!

25-12-2008, 16:03
Just got loads of money, already spent some of that on the 120GB drive so got about £70 left over. Think I'll hold on to it until something comes out that I really want :)

25-12-2008, 16:50
Left 4 Dead (Parents)
Splendid! We shall destroy infected :)

25-12-2008, 17:28
Absolutely! :D

25-12-2008, 17:32
Just bought Rock Band 2 for £33.47 :p

25-12-2008, 19:02
I had Prince of Persia and PGR4 off my mum :) And Mirror's Edge from Nokkon :D
Also receiving money from relatives tomorrow so it's been very nice gaming wise :)

25-12-2008, 19:32
Far Cry 2 and Resistance 2 - loving R2 so far :)

25-12-2008, 21:06
Sorely tempted to pick that up tomorrow Phykell, although logic tells me to wait 2 weeks til my Birthday and get Resistance 1 done in the mean time.

Other alternatives are Scene It? BOS, Dead Space or Call of Duty 5. Mad.

Dr. Z
25-12-2008, 21:54
Got the money to go out and buy GH:WT if/when I can find it in stock. Might pop into Game tomorrow on my way to work.

Then I'll have to go out and buy RB2 at some point.

25-12-2008, 21:58
Why don't you get RB2 first? By all reports it's much the better game of the two.

25-12-2008, 22:06
Guitar Hero World Tour for PS3

Dr. Z
25-12-2008, 22:07
Because I don't want to buy the RB peripheral set and I believe (potential cymbal issues aside) that the GH drumkit is better than the RB one.

I can pick up the RB2 disc at some later date safe in the knowledge that it will work just fine with the equipment I have bought.

25-12-2008, 22:26
Sorely tempted to pick that up tomorrow Phykell, although logic tells me to wait 2 weeks til my Birthday and get Resistance 1 done in the mean time.

Other alternatives are Scene It? BOS, Dead Space or Call of Duty 5. Mad.

Call of Duty 5 both on PC and console is pish. If you like Wash Rinse and Repeat games then knock ourself out

25-12-2008, 23:22
Call of Duty 5 both on PC and console is pish. If you like Wash Rinse and Repeat games then knock ourself out

I enjoyed all the other CoD games, even the IW ones can come down to Wash, Rinse and Repeat. The games most guilty of that are arguably the FM games and they are amongst my favourites. Most interested in CoD5 for the campaign co-op mode though, love going through campaigns in co-op, glad so many console games offer that now.

26-12-2008, 01:45
I got Tomb Raider Underworld, treated myself to Prince of Persia. Hoping my girlfriend got me Mirror's Edge (Open her pressies on Boxing day)

26-12-2008, 01:49
Prince or persia from the mrs and that's it. Nothing I wanted. Infact nothing I want for months. Got about 300 kilo's of chocolate though.

26-12-2008, 02:23
I got:
2100 Points (Haly)

And Mirror's Edge from Nokkon :D

Where are my presents? :p Good choices on both counts though, points are definitely one thing I need to get soon :)

26-12-2008, 02:34
Where are my presents? :p Good choices on both counts though, points are definitely one thing I need to get soon :)

Cheeky :p ;D
I want points now after hearing all of Nokkon's plans. ;D

26-12-2008, 11:16
I got Tom Clancy's Endwar for PS3

And have just bought

Cod4, Skate and Haze.

26-12-2008, 11:39
Skate and CoD4 are absolutely brilliant. Both outstanding in their own ways.
Not played Endwar, though my mate got it for Xmas so I'll get to play it at some point.

26-12-2008, 11:50
Currently borrowing Cod4 off of the guy upstairs from me, so know how awesome that is :D
Bought skate as I've wanted a skateboarding game for ages, used to love THPS
And Haze was just £9.99 so thoguht it was worth it :D

26-12-2008, 11:54
Skate is nothing like THPS, it's leagues ahead of it, but you won't be doing anything outrageous in it. Going back to TH's is weird because you expect to land 720 spins with 3 grabs into an ollie where as in Skate you're so happy the first time you land a 180 varial heelflip. :p.

Trick list is here:

26-12-2008, 12:11
Davey and Pete were talking about Skate on Tuesday, haven't played any skating games on the 360 :o

26-12-2008, 12:45
Skate is nothing like THPS, it's leagues ahead of it, but you won't be doing anything outrageous in it. Going back to TH's is weird because you expect to land 720 spins with 3 grabs into an ollie where as in Skate you're so happy the first time you land a 180 varial heelflip. :p.

Trick list is here:

Ah that's good then :D

I'll be challenged with this one, unlike THPS where the only real struggle is getting all of the bonus things.

A Place of Light
26-12-2008, 13:20
Madness, but pretty cool madness at that.

A Place of Light
26-12-2008, 13:41
^^ i can't wait to get a PS3 just to play that!! :D

You'll love it, it's as random as you like. :D

26-12-2008, 13:54
Where are my presents? :p Good choices on both counts though, points are definitely one thing I need to get soon :)

Ditto. I got a whole load of RB tracks I want. Tried my RB drum kit last night. Parents in the room below didn't appreciate it :D So I put the silencers on. Quiter for sure but still essentially banging on the floor.

26-12-2008, 15:44
Skate is nothing like THPS, it's leagues ahead of it, but you won't be doing anything outrageous in it. Going back to TH's is weird because you expect to land 720 spins with 3 grabs into an ollie where as in Skate you're so happy the first time you land a 180 varial heelflip. :p.

Trick list is here:

720 spin with 3 grabs into an ollie?

Pffft don't even know what your talking about :p

27-12-2008, 00:42
Thats Force Unleashed done. Really enjoyed the game, more so than Mirrors Edge as I kept dying and wanting to throw the pad at something. Good storyline, if a little odd at the end.

27-12-2008, 11:51
Guitar Hero IV (more got it for the guitar) and Vlakyria Chronicles.

...I'm very excited about Valkyria actually, the demo was epic.

27-12-2008, 12:03
None but my Elder sister Sharronne (hums My Sharronna tune) must have developed a sense of Humour as she gifted me a 20 quid voucher from ASDA ;D
I plan on adding the five & getting FIFA09 as soon as I can be bothered to get myself down there.

A Place of Light
27-12-2008, 12:07
Da da da da da da da da nine coronas.


27-12-2008, 12:52
I got Eye Of Judgement for the PS3. (from Parents)
Myself and Partner also got a Wii (Farther in-law), which came with Wii Sports, grandparents got us Wii Part and Who Wants to be a Millionaire. I've bought my partner the Wii Fit board and game.

28-12-2008, 15:40
Elite Beat Agents.

I had to stop playing it around the little one on Boxing Day as it's kind of tricky and I was about to start turning the air blue :o

28-12-2008, 21:50
Elite Beat Agents is fookin awesome!!!! :D

28-12-2008, 22:01
Sorely tempted to pick that up tomorrow Phykell, although logic tells me to wait 2 weeks til my Birthday and get Resistance 1 done in the mean time.
I finished R2 last night. It's incredibly short TBH but still a great game - I'm sure I'll be going back to it to replay the various chapters. Not sure about playing online - shooters are crap with the PS3 controller as I find it difficult to aim and control compared to a mouse on a PC.

I've also got FC2 to play and GTA 4 but I couldn't put R2 down TBH. Even Wipeout suffered :eek:

31-12-2008, 20:48
Other posts moved somewhere more relevant (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=9929). As you were.

31-12-2008, 20:54
Force Unleashed completed again. Really enjoyed it and the fact that you start again with all your earned force powers was great fun. Saw the other ending too.

01-01-2009, 16:03
Got FIFA09, The Orange box & NBA2K7 yesterday, Dealt up a few games & handed over 26 quid, As FIFA09 was 29.99 I was chuffed with the deal.
I am playing through HL2 on me forty & can't believe the package you get with the Orange box, Love it.
FIFA09 what the ****, You call yourself friends when you didn't force me to get this earlier, What a game, Awesome in every way & way ahead of what I dreamt a footy game would be like, I can easily see this game being better than sex on certain days of the week.
Had some brilliant games with the game literally making me shout out loud with Glee like a 7 year old boy masturbating over the underwear section in Mums catalogue.
Not played this yet but after whoring 06 I wanted a Basketball game to properly get in to & this will be it. I was Really impressed with how Basketball translates to console gameplay, Am looking forward to having the time for it.

01-01-2009, 16:46
Got FIFA09, The Orange box & NBA2K7 yesterday, Dealt up a few games & handed over 26 quid, As FIFA09 was 29.99 I was chuffed with the deal.
I am playing through HL2 on me forty & can't believe the package you get with the Orange box, Love it.
FIFA09 what the ****, You call yourself friends when you didn't force me to get this earlier, What a game, Awesome in every way & way ahead of what I dreamt a footy game would be like, I can easily see this game being better than sex on certain days of the week.
Had some brilliant games with the game literally making me shout out loud with Glee like a 7 year old boy masturbating over the underwear section in Mums catalogue.
Not played this yet but after whoring 06 I wanted a Basketball game to properly get in to & this will be it. I was Really impressed with how Basketball translates to console gameplay, Am looking forward to having the time for it.

I'll take you up on a game of 2K7 some time :)

01-01-2009, 17:48
Just nabbed the ID pack on steam, £19. What a bargain.

Years ago I had the original Quake which rocked but it was an arse to get the original pack files, attach to another prog etc to get win Quake.

Well the pack had all the quakes, I have to say that the original quake has lost nothing over time. Split section skillful shots required at all times with the grenade launcher. Stand still for a moment and you've had it, miss an enemy and they'll make cheese out of you very quickly. Well worth revisiting. Looking forward to playing Quake 2 when I get chance.

I think what does it is how fluid the game is, its just non-stop. You also aren't invincible and so don't take that many hits to go down.

There were even 2 mission packs for the original quake! Oh, hexen, spear of destiny :D

01-01-2009, 18:47
Got FIFA09, The Orange box & NBA2K7 yesterday, Dealt up a few games & handed over 26 quid, As FIFA09 was 29.99 I was chuffed with the deal.
I am playing through HL2 on me forty & can't believe the package you get with the Orange box, Love it.
FIFA09 what the ****, You call yourself friends when you didn't force me to get this earlier, What a game, Awesome in every way & way ahead of what I dreamt a footy game would be like, I can easily see this game being better than sex on certain days of the week.
Had some brilliant games with the game literally making me shout out loud with Glee like a 7 year old boy masturbating over the underwear section in Mums catalogue.
Not played this yet but after whoring 06 I wanted a Basketball game to properly get in to & this will be it. I was Really impressed with how Basketball translates to console gameplay, Am looking forward to having the time for it.

We kept encouraging you to get Fifa 09, you should have listened quicker ;D:D
Glad you're loving it :)

03-01-2009, 10:00
So I went for a wander down town yesterday just to get out the house on my day off. Went in Woolys to see what bargains there was & I spotted Guitar Hero III reduced from 41 quid to 17 quid. Another game people have been nagging me to get but I couldn't see myself playing with a little plaggy guitar. Once I had the game I went up the road & bought a 2nd hand Guitar.
Once home I loaded it to HD, plugged the guitar in & had a blast, I got home at around 1pm & apart from food, dog walks & crap breaks I played on it Solid till around 8pm. ;D
I have unlocked over 30 songs & have had a few up in the 90%'s & my best run is up in the 120's :cool:
I got some microsoft points & bought a few extra tracks as well. How can I get more tracks ? Do the Rock band tracks work with GH3 ?
Love the game to bits it's Great fun but need more tracks :)

03-01-2009, 14:46
No, Rock Band tracks don't work, they're a different franchise. Only GH3 songs will work in GH3, however if you buy the new Metallica album for GH3 that will work in Guitar Hero World Tour, but those are the only ones (I don't know why).

However, the guitar will work in any game you later decide to buy. You could get Guitar Hero 2 potentially very cheap without the guitar now and for me, it has a much stronger track list due to having Sweet Child 'O Mine and Freebird :p.
I also now have borrowed my friends Fifa 09, so if you want a game give me a shout :)

04-01-2009, 10:34
Well that is just ****, No other word for it (insert spazzing out smiley here)

So I can get Guitar Hero World tour & add those tunes to my play list on GH3 Legends of Rock or are you saying I can just use the Guitar with it ?
Also has anybody heard the new Metallica album, Is it any good. Long time since I've listened to any Metalica.
I deffo need more tunes though, The ones I like play 50 times better than those I don't.

04-01-2009, 12:38
Well Rock Band is made by a different company to Guitar Hero.

04-01-2009, 15:02
GH3 tracks don't work with GHWT because there is no vocal/drum track in them. The Metallica Album (Death Magnetic) was the first to do this.

Best thing to to do if you want more tracks is:

Buy Rock Band 2 (37 quid @ shopto)
Borrow/Rent Rock Band 1 and transfer songs (400 MSPoints)

that will give you 84 tracks from RB2, 54 from RB1 with ~25 free tracks to download (20 of which are on new copies of RB2 only)

163 tracks for ~40 quid :)

Then there's the DLC - I've spent too much on this no doubt but it is quite amazing :)

04-01-2009, 16:25
Well that is just ****, No other word for it (insert spazzing out smiley here)

Why? You don't expect a developer of one game to release songs for the other game do you?

05-01-2009, 09:50
Why? You don't expect a developer of one game to release songs for the other game do you?

Chill out Dudes ;D
It is **** that I can't have the tunes, Simple as, Not RB2 company is **** just a general Boooooo kind of **** ;D
@ Psymonkee
Seems like a plan mate, Nice one. I'll get GH2 cheap to tide me over then buy RB2 then rent 1 & do the swap for 400 points. :cool:

On a sidenote I was 1% short of my first 100%'er this morning whilst playing Anarchy, Talk about Gutted :p
Worst thing was yesterday when all was going great until the poxy 200 note thing popped up threw me off & borked me :'(
Yes I did swear out loud, Is that SOL :D

05-01-2009, 10:47
Didn't get any games for christmas, but then we try not to spend too much on each other as it starts getting daft. Although I did get round to completing Star Wars on apprentice, the jedi temple mission on apprentice, all the holocrons and most of the kill x number of people a certain way. Just started it on Sith Master and by god it's hard, but rewarding.

05-01-2009, 10:49
^^ Is it bad that I was hoping you was posting that you had GH2 & RB to lend me :o + ;D

05-01-2009, 11:03
On a sidenote I was 1% short of my first 100%'er this morning whilst playing Anarchy, Talk about Gutted :p
Worst thing was yesterday when all was going great until the poxy 200 note thing popped up threw me off & borked me :'(
Yes I did swear out loud, Is that SOL :D

That's one reason why I hated it popping up when I passed a certain note point, it always seemed to throw me off. I remember when I got the 1000 note achievement on GH2, as soon as I hit 900 notes I nearly screwed up, then did screw up almost immediately after hitting 1000 notes. RB does it better as it doesn't have any distracting pop ups like that :)

Admiral Huddy
05-01-2009, 11:31
COD5 - Started playing - What a load of rubbish!
L4Dead - In the queue after FarCry2

05-01-2009, 12:02
^^ Is it bad that I was hoping you was posting that you had GH2 & RB to lend me :o + ;D

Only got GH3 dude. Not got round to getting GTWT or RB yet.

Joe 90
08-01-2009, 01:20
bit late, but anyway...

I got Madden 09 and CoD5 on PS3 :)