View Full Version : So sad :(

29-12-2008, 16:08
A terrible tragedy, and what must the dad be going through :(


29-12-2008, 16:16
Truly awful :(

29-12-2008, 16:24
That's so sad. I really feel for the father, he must feel absolutely awful :(

29-12-2008, 16:32
That's devastating. I feel so sorry for the father :(.

29-12-2008, 16:38
Horrifc :(

29-12-2008, 17:53
Oh gosh.. thats made me very very sad - heartfelt condolences, esp to dad :/

29-12-2008, 18:01
This is going to sound harsh.

If I were doing a job like that, carrying a heavy object which really should be a two man job, forwards down a flight of stairs and had children in the house then I really would make sure the coast was clear before I started. Jesus I only have cats but I'd still make sure that they weren't around.

A preventable accident, unfortunately the guy will have to live with the guilt for the rest of his life :(


29-12-2008, 18:05
I'd say the same Matt. I've lugged some pretty hefty televisions around at the college, but never widescreen ones, and always walking down the stairs in such a way that I can see if there are annoying emo students moping on them and blocking the way.

I feel so sorry for them though, particularly him. I doubt that guilt is ever going to fade.

29-12-2008, 19:02
This is going to sound harsh.

If I were doing a job like that, carrying a heavy object which really should be a two man job, forwards down a flight of stairs and had children in the house then I really would make sure the coast was clear before I started. Jesus I only have cats but I'd still make sure that they weren't around.

A preventable accident, unfortunately the guy will have to live with the guilt for the rest of his life :(


The thing is, we've all done stupid things and thought afterwards "Bloody hell, what if that happened?". Many get away with stupid things every day. I know I have done things just as stupid and dangerous as he has done and thought "I'll just get this done quickly" as we all have. This is just a case of the consequences being tragic.

29-12-2008, 19:13
Yep, it's just one of those things I guess. An accident...but avoidable. Things like this probably happen many times every year but none end up quite as tragic, especially at this time of the year just makes it worse.

29-12-2008, 22:01
Pretty horrific tbh. Im not a big one for sentimental threads etc but that really is awful. It was probably an avoidable accident too but its always easier to say that in retrospect.

29-12-2008, 23:27
Hmmm...thats not nice.

I watched a horrific video which was linked in another forum. It was starange because normally, I can watch horrid vodeos and not really care. This video that I watched ended up in a life being taken, and it made me realise just how randon life is. I bet if you'd said to that Dad, some time ago, that event would happen, he would have laughed it off and said "dont be a silly bugger". Who wouldn't?

Its almost one of those needless deaths that can cause you to question "why does this happen?" He'll be asking himself that question forever....poor chap. :(

30-12-2008, 10:14
It was absolutely an avoidable accident, but I think it truly was an accident. Sometimes it's so easy to forget to check one little thing, and so often even then it's all fine. One in a million tragedy.