View Full Version : Picking over the corpse...

30-12-2008, 11:14
So my local Woolies has it's last day today. As much as I hate to see Woolies go under it's good for the odd thing still.

Just been and raided the DVD and Bluray sections - at 70% off

Not that much on the shelves so I asked at the till - and walked out with lots.... :o

Young Indiana Jones Volumes 1, 2 and 3 - DVD
Die Hard - Bluray *now playing - still superb!*
Die Hard 2 - Bluray
Die Hard 4.0 - Bluray
The Usual Suspects - Bluray
The Simpsons Movie - Bluray
Wall-E - Bluray
Band Of Brothers - Bluray
Transformers - Bluray
Hairspray - Bluray
The Sarah Connor Chronicles Series 1 - Bluray
Blade Runner Ultimate 5 disk set - Bluray
Iron Man - Bluray
Indiana Jones and the rape of the series - Bluray
The Pixar Shorts - Bluray
Batman Begins - Bluray
Terminator 2 - Bluray
The Godfather Remastered Trilogy - Bluray

I do feel bad for the staff - but if they actually had these out on the shelves they would have sold days ago at 30 or 40% off rather than me taking them today at 70% off

There was a chap after me who asked if they still had any sealed Bluray disks - and then said he'd take them all - that was around 50 or so. Ebay or stocking his own shop perhaps?

Now I've got to tell the other half... Oh crap...

However - it's shocking how much rubbish there was there - and people were almost fighting over it! Completely barking...

30-12-2008, 11:45
I did the same the other day, but was only 50% off. Got one bargain from behind the till. Didn't buy any blu ray as they were all still more than the online regulars.

30-12-2008, 13:53
I'm turning into Joey from Friends.

Just gone and got myself a footlong meatball sub and am about to pop in Die Hard 2 to watch...


30-12-2008, 15:11
How much was the Godfather Trilogy after price reduction?

30-12-2008, 17:31
How much was the Godfather Trilogy after price reduction?

Just under £9