View Full Version : Links won't open from Outlook Express 6

03-01-2009, 11:18
I can't for the life of me find what option I need to tick and I'm sure it's very obvious... when I have an email with a web link it doesn't open a browser window when I click it, I have to copy the link and paste it in the address bar of my browser :mad:

Outlook Express 6 and Firefox 2 on Windows XP 32 bit :)

03-01-2009, 11:25
Does the link show as a link? Ie, blue and underlined?

03-01-2009, 13:20
Yes, and the cursor changes when you hover over it, just no openy :(

03-01-2009, 13:24
Did this and it worked :)

Sorry for a vague answer, I've seen this one before, but cannot remember the entire fix

I'm sure it was to do eith the program settings, in internet explorer, check that outlook express is set as the mail program

I know you use firefox, but ie and oe have some shared settings between them. if that works you can still have the links opening in firefox as normal. You just have to try the settings in ie even though you don't use it at all

I just googles it and found http://email.about.com/od/outlooktips/qt/et_fix_links.htm

That sounds like the fix I used many years ago


A Place of Light
03-01-2009, 14:49
Outlook express should be burned at the stake IMHO.

03-01-2009, 15:31
Outlook express should be burned at the stake IMHO.

Along with Windows Mail or whatever they call it in Vista. I know it's essentially the same thing but it seems even cruddier then OE.

Glad it's all sorted Mr. 69!

03-01-2009, 15:59
Co-incidentally I had a similar (but inverted) thing earlier this week. For some reason the mailto: link had become associated with Crossover Games instead of mail.app


03-01-2009, 17:55
I disagree, I like OE6 very much. It's simple and to the point and until now has never given me grief. It's probably because I was mucking about installing different browsers before it happened.

A Place of Light
03-01-2009, 22:05
I disagree, I like OE6 very much.Probably for the same reasons I used to, namely you've never really given Outlook a go.
OE is crude, crap to backup and has stupid incompatibilities even with other Microsoft products.

Try Outlook, mate, then you'll see OE for what it is.....garbage.

A Place of Light
03-01-2009, 22:06
Along with Windows Mail or whatever they call it in Vista. I know it's essentially the same thing but it seems even cruddier then OE.

Glad it's all sorted Mr. 69!

Can't comment about that one matey as I have precisely zero experience with Vista. Sadly, from what I read about M$oft making the latest version of Directx incompatible with XP I fear I may have to. :(

03-01-2009, 22:28
That's my only real problem with OE - the fact you cant really back it up, and it doesn't really store your data in any sort of recoverable format. Lose the drive and your screwed, and you've no way to safely backup in preparation for it.

03-01-2009, 22:31
Can't stand OE, much prefer Mozilla Thunderbird, but I've used Outlook for the better part of 18 months without issue and it does my RSS needs too.

04-01-2009, 00:02
That's my only real problem with OE - the fact you cant really back it up, and it doesn't really store your data in any sort of recoverable format. Lose the drive and your screwed, and you've no way to safely backup in preparation for it.

Can't say I had that gripe with it. A copy of the OE store folder is enough to backup all the emails. So if you had a copy of your profile then you'd have a copy of your emails.

04-01-2009, 00:10
It's only good if you have access to OE though. Cant get anything meaningful out of it on *nix or Vista.

04-01-2009, 00:13
True, but getting access to OE isn't exactly hard. Windows Mail on Vista will import OE stores so that's not a problem.

04-01-2009, 00:27
Really? I'll have to have another go at that, last time I tried it WM just threw me loads of errors. Could have been corrupt data I suppose.

A Place of Light
04-01-2009, 01:35
Slightly OT, but is there a reason I don't know about to explain why OE is incompatible with everything and provides no easy method of backing up?

You could understand if it was made by a different company than Microsoft, but it's not.

04-01-2009, 12:00
Really? I'll have to have another go at that, last time I tried it WM just threw me loads of errors. Could have been corrupt data I suppose.

Yep, a simple file, import, OE 6, store directory, browse will do the trick. I've done it a few times, most recently for my brother going from XP to Vista and it worked like a charm. It's quite a slow process though.

One thing to beware of though, make sure that everything in the OE store directory is read/write otherwise it'll fail to import.

You'll need to sort address books separately which is a pain to say the least if you've lost the OS.

There are alternative ways of going OE -> Something else, but they're pretty painful. I remember spending most of a weekend migrating from OE5 to The Bat! many moons ago.

04-01-2009, 12:01
OE is incompatible with everything.

That's not quite true, Outlook (with the import/engine tools installed) will suck up an OE mail store and import. I've always thought that OE only existed to get people to move up to Outlook.

A Place of Light
05-01-2009, 00:48
That's not quite true, Outlook (with the import/engine tools installed) will suck up an OE mail store and import. I've always thought that OE only existed to get people to move up to Outlook.

Yeah, I was over-egging the pudding a little.....but I think you'll agree that what you've said above says more about the power and flexibility of Outlook than any particular strenghts of OE.

I started using OE because it's part of the Windows disc whereas Outlook is part of the Office suite. With hindsight, I wish I'd started with Outlook from the beginning.

05-01-2009, 01:41
That's not quite true, Outlook (with the import/engine tools installed) will suck up an OE mail store and import. I've always thought that OE only existed to get people to move up to Outlook.
Same. No offence intended, but OE/WM appears to be the poor man's email tool. I suspect they may have been designed with MSN/Hotmail primarily in mind (much like the bloatware MSN Explorer shipped by default with XP). Microsoft have pretty much admitted to this with the intention to discontinue both OE and WM and support only Windows Live Mail in future.

The fact that Microsoft chose to base their ActiveSync technology exclusively on top of Outlook also ably demonstrates this point.