View Full Version : Worst day of the year goes to...

Admiral Huddy
05-01-2009, 13:12
... today.

Delayed trains, everyone back moaning and groaning after Christmas break. Decorations are down, no cheer and smell of rotten pies left from the party before the break.

So I booked our holiday and bought a blue-ray player to cheer myself up. :)

Looks at clock!

05-01-2009, 13:15

Same here! Snow and delayed trains... first train was jam packed, second one I got a seat \o/ first time in my life on a Monday.

15mins late... not going too badly considering I have a new manager. So far so good.

BB x

05-01-2009, 13:26
Todays actually been pretty good, nice and quiet which is always nice for a 6am start. Nice light covering of snow to play with while bored at work, and some nice intresting people to talk to.

Roads were mental though, why does everyone I encounter appear to be incapable of driving in conditions that are anything other than perfect (of course, then they drive slowly to appriciate the damn conditions)

05-01-2009, 13:29
I had an 8.30 dentists appointment. Turned up... and the hygienist I was meant to be seeing left in August. Great! Got to work and there's over 100 calls for password resets. Tomorrow we have 369 new PCs arriving to be installed over the next four months.

It's good to be back!

05-01-2009, 13:32
Pah Lightweights.

I was back in work last Friday. The only saving grace was that it meant I didn't waste a days holiday

05-01-2009, 13:33
Snowing again in Chelmsford. last lot just about turned to mush, froze and fresh on top. Its going to be fun. I have told work that I'm not going to Leeds this week as it will be -6c when I need to leave tomorrow morning. I don't fancy twisting my knee again.

One of the managers left with no notice at the end of the year. Just upped and went, leaving us in the shyte somewhat. The thing was she had the easiest job out of all of us o_O

05-01-2009, 13:41
Pah Lightweights.

I was back in work last Friday. The only saving grace was that it meant I didn't waste a days holidayLightweight, 28th :p

Unless you mean 26th :(

05-01-2009, 13:42
Lightweight, 28th :p

Unless you mean 26th :(

Nope 2nd of Jan

05-01-2009, 14:38
This is funny when I read your posts and picture you all wearing flatcaps and stringvests and sounding like you're from Yorkshire. :p

05-01-2009, 14:42
Every call from a customer apart from one has been quite miserable and snotty. I've given up asking "Good christmas and new year?" because it's either a halfhearted "yeah" or "hmpph I guess" and not a single "yes, and yours?" or anything. Even the snow has failed to cheer people up.

05-01-2009, 14:48
Even the snow has failed to cheer people up.

*looks at blue sky*


05-01-2009, 14:57
I'm having a great day. I got a lie in (of sorts) this morning, spent 4 easy hours at Banbury Custody, took an hour and a half to get to Oxford via Tesco for lunch. It's quiet here.

And there is biscuits.

05-01-2009, 15:13
Really busy at work today after being dead over the xmas period.

My girlfriend who is a paramedic did a 7pm-5am nightshift on NYE though. I don't think much would top that, except possibly Pebs/Von :p

Admiral Huddy
05-01-2009, 15:33
The day has just been made worse by the fact I have taken odd trainers to the Gym.. One of which is my daughters :p

05-01-2009, 15:35
I've had quite a nice day actually, i got out of taking the dog to the vet so just lazed about going to make me some food. Then go to work for 5.

05-01-2009, 15:46
I'm the late shift so on one hand I missed the snow but on the other I missed one of the worst rush hours of the year. I worked all last week apart from new year's day but because it was so quiet and my manager was away I only worked 5 hours a day! Still pretty quiet as all the permanant employees get an extra 3 days off over the Christmas period.

05-01-2009, 16:04
LOL Huddy you never fail to make me giggle :D

Today... is an okay day!

Managed to get loads done in the morning though am slowing up now... it's tying off loose ends and chasing up invoices and allsorts. Think being out of the swing of it for a couple of weeks has made being able to juggle 3 or 4 completely different phonecalls requiring all sorts of things to be done through me which aren't small jobs and require more phonecalls and processes... all a little bit dazed (well at 9am in the morning anyway..)!

And then there's so much more to do on top of that!

*gets out axe to break it all down to bite size pieces*

I shall go back to list writing! Makes all these jambly bits much easier to sift through! :)

But all in all... I've missed my work! I like my work a lot :D Just will take me a couple of days to get up to full speed again I reckon! Honk honk!

05-01-2009, 16:09
Today is busy. Very very busy. It's busy enough that I've not had time to stop and get lunch yet.

05-01-2009, 19:02
My brain has turned to mush in the holidays. I was doing some maths with Marchant this afternoon, and I actually had to ring Marchants dad because I couldnt work it out to explain to Marchant.

05-01-2009, 19:41
No traffic today, so driving round london was a breeze :D

Even managed to spot a warden before he got close enough and drove off.

So not too bad a day really :)

05-01-2009, 19:45
I spent my day fixing a friend's PC. Rather boring but made £20 and at least it kept my brain ticking :D

05-01-2009, 19:56
I had an ok day at work but then my car got stuck on the ice in the car park and I had to call the RAC :o

I therefore missed out on a meal straight after work and free food :/

05-01-2009, 20:23
First day back at school and Daisy is off again. She has an ear infection which is oozing goo all over the shop. Feet and hands are shocking today too and she's had to be carried everywhere we've been. Been to the GP and we have a replenished stock of painkillers and a revised doseage is the hope it'll help her sleep. If it doesnt we're screwed until we get a diagnosis. What I wouldnt give for a decent sleep!

Was sent home from work last night and I've been advised to speak to a BigCheese about it all. Apparently I'm not the same person I was a couple of months ago and my mind isn't with the job. It was all meant very kindly but I'm a bit upset. Work is a haven of sorts and I didn't realise things were being noticed.

Not a good start to the year :(

05-01-2009, 20:24
:( *hugs*

05-01-2009, 20:34
Awww Karyn .. *hugs*

It's good that they are noticing though and are putting you first instead of ignoring it :)

05-01-2009, 20:48
Train was a joke today, packed. Look you lazy fat useless ****s, just give up your meaningless new year resolutions and get the later train like normal then I can go to work in peace and get a seat rather than being crammed in and having to stand. You're still going to lose your jobs because of the credit crunch, it won't make any difference if you're there half an hour early... grrrrr.

05-01-2009, 21:13
Hugs to you Karyn. It's good they have approached you about this and stuff hasn't gone on behind closed doors.

Sorry to hear Daisy isn't doing too well :( The ear infection sounds horrid :( fingers crossed the meds do the trick :)

06-01-2009, 01:21
Lets see, supermarket work so I should do well:

Code Checking sweets (zZzZz) Frustraiting to as theres a student who comes in on a Saturday and dumps all the new sweets on top of the old stock. No rotation :(

Kiosk time! Gave up trying to talk people out of smoking for new year and got annoyed by an old lady trying to tell me how to do my job. Infact make that 2 old ladys :angry:

On tills for a bit - first normal bit of my day. Then I got a break \0/

Back in the kiosk (for an hour this time) got really really busy and I was trying to unload the order (8 boxes :()

Lunch wasn't so bad except I got busted for being more than an hour (I'm sure I wasn't - perhaps 3 mins late)

More code checking and returns - BOOOOOOOOOOOORING :(

Home at last and try to fit a new heatsink to my dads Quad Core. took 2 of us close to 2 hours in cluding manly swearing and removing the motherboard. Twice. Then it didn't boot.

Works now though. i r pooped however :(

06-01-2009, 12:53
Aww Karyn :(

*big hugs* to you and lil Daisy. How she feeling today? Hoping the drugs have kicked in and she's feeling better xx

Today is a sucky day.

I would expand but I don't have much time - too darn busy.

06-01-2009, 14:22
Thanks chaps! Hands and feet better due to gloves and uber socks. Ear better due to cotton wool plugging it up. Rest days start today. All in all 100% improvement for everyone!

I've been invited to a talk at Addenbrooks tomorrow - http://www.alicepeterson.co.uk/willtowin/index.php by this lady. I'm very lucky, it's for doctors etc but my lovely friend has got me in. Looking forward to it :)

06-01-2009, 15:09
Home at last and try to fit a new heatsink to my dads Quad Core. took 2 of us close to 2 hours in cluding manly swearing and removing the motherboard. Twice. Then it didn't boot.

What Heatsink did you get!? Didn't even take that long on my own with my Titan Amanda!

06-01-2009, 15:14
Thanks chaps! Hands and feet better due to gloves and uber socks. Ear better due to cotton wool plugging it up. Rest days start today. All in all 100% improvement for everyone!

I've been invited to a talk at Addenbrooks tomorrow - http://www.alicepeterson.co.uk/willtowin/index.php by this lady. I'm very lucky, it's for doctors etc but my lovely friend has got me in. Looking forward to it :)

Glad to hear it lady :)

Hope you gain some good advice.

BB x

06-01-2009, 16:58
What Heatsink did you get!? Didn't even take that long on my own with my Titan Amanda!

Thermaright SI-128. Wouldn't have been a problem except that it's a bit of a tight fit in the corner of the V1000 my dad has.

Oh and the 4 pin power is underneath the heatsink :(

And the push pins for the heatsink where set in the wrong position....