View Full Version : The lurgy

06-01-2009, 10:10
I have it :(

My throat hurts, my head feels like it's going to explode, my nose is doing a great impersonation of Niagara Falls and I want to curl up and die.

Anyone else caught it yet?

06-01-2009, 10:12
Kitten has it.

06-01-2009, 10:18
I had it for about 2 days, didn't feel particularly bad, just a sore throat then a bit bunged up.


06-01-2009, 10:21
Had it over Christmas. Sore throat for three days, streaming nose for two, and congestion is still ongoing complete with early morning coughing fit. Nice.

06-01-2009, 10:32
I've had a sore throat since November, it keeps nearly getting better and then coming back - at one point on xmas day I was in so much pain I was nearly in tears. Nose is similar in that I'll be fine for a day or two and then it decides to impersonate a tap. *Touch wood* I've not been bed bound by any of it yet although the week before xmas I was exhausted all the time. Knowing my luck it'll strike either when the manager is on holiday or when our unannounced inspection is in progress (which I'm expecting to happen when the manager is on holiday :p )

06-01-2009, 11:01
Mrs Dym had it and was feeling quite crappy but is pretty much better now :)

I almost got it and then decided to ignore it, which worked :p

06-01-2009, 12:03
I almost got it and then decided to ignore it, which worked :p

I believe I drank through mine, the poor blighter had no chance of infecting me with that much alcohol in my bloodstream.

06-01-2009, 13:56
I got it on boxing day and i'm still not 100% now.

06-01-2009, 14:10
Keep waking up feeling fairly crap, but nothing too bad yet, its something which clears after a shower and waking up properly. But i guess i'm coming down with it... Hmmmm Good start to the year, i missed getting ill once last year :D We'll see how i hold up, i hope it just passes like this, this is fine right now...

06-01-2009, 15:20
I had it all before xmas, seem to have shifted it now :)

06-01-2009, 18:33
I got a cold :(

06-01-2009, 18:43
NY eve mine started in earnest - tho tbh it was a headache with sore throat, minimal congestion and nose problems. I'm still really suffering with a sore throat but oddly headaches have stopped - no idea what bug I may have :/

06-01-2009, 19:39
I just re-read what I wrote - I meant to say I have very few problems with congestion and no runny nose - just morning "gloop". Unlike any cold I've had before cos I usually really suffer with sneezing and blowing.

07-01-2009, 03:28
Get Well soon mate :)

07-01-2009, 11:57
I'm now off work today. At least I can get my hdd's sorted and backed up. Feel like utter crap and my brain isn't firing on even half of it's cylinders :(

07-01-2009, 12:53
Didn't go in today. Headache and chest pains and coughing, as well as upset stomach. Not so snotty or sneezy though.

Snuggle Ferret
07-01-2009, 15:13
Boxing Day. Still have sinus headache and snotty nose.

07-01-2009, 15:28
Have promised a few people that if my throat is no better by tomorrow I will get a dr appointment - had another really bad night last night during which I ended up in tears :/ a couple of people have mentioned "tonsillitis" and my manager has voiced the idea of a glandular infection :/

07-01-2009, 17:31
I think I have the beginnings of what can only be termed as MAN FLU. I have a sort throat and keep coughing. I'm off to the gym to exercise and infect everyone else before I become bedridden. :p

07-01-2009, 23:19
I thought you were meant to get other symptoms with proper glandular fever like a fever and exhaustion and stuff?

I keep saying I've not reached my criteria for seeing a dr - there is no gushing blood, nothing is broken and nothing has fallen off :p

08-01-2009, 00:36
Just an update, still ill. Bleh.

08-01-2009, 12:55
Still ill. Not sure if I have the bug that's going round or something else though.

08-01-2009, 15:06
Day 2 off work and it feels like my nose is about to explode :(

08-01-2009, 15:56
My throat feels like it's lined with thorns :( I went to the gym last night and although I managed 2 out of my 3 classes, everything felt so heavy and took so much more effort. I have no energy at all and I can't get my brain into gear. I missed a turning on my way to work this morning and don't even remember doing it. I just ended up in another place.

Anyway, after 2 hours at work I relented and came home. Been in bed since then. I just got up to have some soup and will be going back to bed shortly. Boo!