View Full Version : Wear a watch?

07-01-2009, 16:19
Where do you wear it, and what handed are you? :)

07-01-2009, 16:19
Left wrist - right handed


07-01-2009, 16:23
Double L for me :)

I hate not wearing a watch, I feel naked without it ::/:

07-01-2009, 16:24
I hate not wearing a watch, I feel naked without it ::/:

Ditto. I've forgotten to put my watch on the last couple of days when I've been leaving the house and it just doesn't feel right.

07-01-2009, 16:29
double right for me. Though I do tend to take it off when I'm in work :)

07-01-2009, 16:30
Left wrist and right handed...

Or when I'm washing up I put it in my pocket and sometimes forget it's there for a bit :o

07-01-2009, 16:30
Actually I've voted wrong.. I heard ladies should wear watches on their right wrist and men on their left.

I actually don't wear a watch :/ I think my arms look 'sleeker' without lol.

BB x

07-01-2009, 16:35
left wrist, right handed.

Nice new one too. Very thin and light - titanium rocks.

07-01-2009, 16:37
Can we add to the poll please. No watch L Hand, No watch R Hand.

07-01-2009, 16:37
Left wrist, right handed.
Take it off at home or if I'm doing a lot of typing at work mainly because I need some more links taken out as it dangles atm and gets on my nerves, I also wear it face down.

07-01-2009, 16:47
The normal way, opposite to the hand that I use to write. :)

07-01-2009, 16:53
The battery died in mine before christmas and I hated not knowing the time so much that I went and bought a new one and a spare. ;D

I thought the convention was to wear the watch on your 'off' hand to avoid catching the strap while doing stuff with your favoured hand. I'd always been led to believe that I was odd for being right handed and wearing my watch on my right hand. Now it seems I'm not so odd after all. :D

07-01-2009, 16:55
No that's spot on mate :)

07-01-2009, 16:56
The battery died in mine before christmas and I hated not knowing the time so much that I went and bought a new one and a spare. ;D

You're me! My Tag ran out of juice and I still haven't had the battery replaced. Over Xmas I bought one of these for the meantime:

Left wrist, right-handed.

07-01-2009, 17:22
If I could wear a watch (or when I had one that didn't die on me) it was on my right most of the time and I'm right handed... but sometimes I would wear it on my left.

I can't wear watches. There's something a bit... odd about me. Whenever I put on a watch, within a few hours it stops ticking and won't work (even with replacement batteries).

Never understood it. Only watch that ever survived me and lasted was a timberland one I got donkeys ago when I was a kid... beautiful leather strap it was...

Not sure what happened to it?!

I do want another watch though... just scared of killing it :(

07-01-2009, 17:29
Right hand, Right-handed. My Mum does too. I also eat with my knife and fork the wrong way round for some reason.

I did think I was a bit of a freak, but then I noticed that BBx doesn't wear one because she thinks it makes her arms look sleeker... and now I know she's actually the freak :p ;D ;D

07-01-2009, 17:38
Can we add to the poll please. No watch L Hand, No watch R Hand.
No, because the poll is for people who wear watches, those who dont are not required to answer :p

The normal way, opposite to the hand that I use to write. :)
This be the reason for asking. I had a watch for Christmas, and have never really worn one before. It's been on my right wrist and one of the guys at work noticed and asked if I was left handed. I never realised there was a convention!

07-01-2009, 17:39
I don't pay attention to the convention :D I use my right hand for pretty much everything ;)

07-01-2009, 17:40
Likewise :D

07-01-2009, 17:44
I did try wearing my watch on my left wrist but it just felt weird and I haven't done since.

07-01-2009, 17:49
When I wear a watch, it's by the convention. I don't like loose watches, so the strap on mine is tight enough to leave a mark. If I'm sat anywhere where it's safe to do so, the watch comes off.

07-01-2009, 17:50
left wrist, right handed. As mentioned before, I've always been taught that you wear your watch on your opposite hand to your writing one.

That said, I made a conscious decision not to wear a watch when I came out to Hawaii. It's now coming up on three months and I found within a couple of weeks I wasn't missing it. If I really need to know the time I can look at my phone, but for the most part I've found that I really don't need it. Our western civilisation puts clocks everywhere!

07-01-2009, 17:50
No, because the poll is for people who wear watches, those who dont are not required to answer :p

Smart Arse :p

07-01-2009, 18:05
Left wrist right handed. I can't not wear a watch, I feel not fully dressed without it on. I'm allergic to all watches eventually, underneath it looks like it should be incredibly painful, but it doesnt hurt at all *nails 'ard*

07-01-2009, 18:08
I don't think I was ever taught which wrist my watch should go on, I find it most comfortable on my left wrist so that's where it goes.

semi-pro waster
07-01-2009, 18:36
Left wrist and right handed here although from the ages of about 3-9 I wore my watch on my right wrist, then one day I just decided I was doing it wrong so changed, it felt a bit odd for a period (like not wearing a watch would be) and now it feels completely right.

I also use my knife and fork the 'wrong' way round and always have done, not entirely sure why but it just seems right to me that you'd use your stronger hand for the fork (which is always in use) and the weaker for the knife which is only needed more occasionally.

07-01-2009, 18:38
I also use my knife and fork the 'wrong' way round and always have done.
Piggy does that. FREAKS!!!

07-01-2009, 18:46
Right Handed, watch on left wrist. It just feels weird to either not wear a watch or wear it on my right. My dad is right handed and wears his on his right arm. It comes from when he was working on the building sites, he had a tendency to catch his watch with hammers and the like.

semi-pro waster
07-01-2009, 18:50
Piggy does that. FREAKS!!!

Jealousy is such a terrible thing. :p

07-01-2009, 19:10
Right hand, Right-handed. My Mum does too. I also eat with my knife and fork the wrong way round for some reason.

ME TOOOO !!!!!!!1111

Wahey, we're watch&fork buddies ;D

07-01-2009, 19:27
Double L for me :)

I hate not wearing a watch, I feel naked without it ::/:

Ditto. Mine's in for a regulate and a new strap. Me feel nekkid :(

07-01-2009, 19:35
There's something a bit... odd about me.

But we still loves ya ;D;D

07-01-2009, 20:43
I never wear a watch these days but I was always taught that it was the opposite arm to the one you write with. :)
I'm a bit odd handed anyway :p Always write with my right hand but do seem to have left handed tendencies at times.

07-01-2009, 20:44
I also eat with my knife and fork the wrong way round for some reason.

My god, I thought I was the only person in the world who did this! Never noticed you do it!

I don't wear a watch.

07-01-2009, 20:46
Left wrist right handed. :)

07-01-2009, 20:55
So, do we have any ambidextrous people here, and if so, what do you do? :)

08-01-2009, 00:23
You're me! Tag

You've got fleas! Tagbackandnoreturns:D

08-01-2009, 00:34
Left arm, right handed. I do own a watch but don't wear it because i forget it all the time.

Joe 90
08-01-2009, 00:40
Left arm, right handed :)

08-01-2009, 00:41
Welcome back Mark :D

Joe 90
08-01-2009, 00:44
ta. well, i'm just wondering, is it just me or (seen as though a search didn't provide anything)... did this place have the longest upgrade ever?

i've been loading up every now'n'then since before christmas to see the photo of that cat doing the upgrades... luckily tonight i saw forums :D

08-01-2009, 00:46
Something very odd there, we moved over one evening :confused:

Joe 90
08-01-2009, 00:47
maybe i missed something... i think my bookmark was still pointing to the server IP opposed to domain name (until i just switched it)

08-01-2009, 00:48
Yeah the IP would have changed when we moved :) that's probably it.

Is your t'nternet really 80meg? Or because I'm tired I'm reading the numbers wrong :(

Joe 90
08-01-2009, 00:54
well it changes a lot... but yeah that speed test came out @ 80meg down/40meg up.

i've had another test @ 120meg down and about 10meg up... as i say, its up and down but generally super fast.

08-01-2009, 00:55
You have your own connection or something? or are you on an edu backbone?

Joe 90
08-01-2009, 01:02
nope, no edu or anything. I am in halls however and our ISP is also in Sheffield. I assume our line to them is optical or something as the speeds are crazy :eek:

it has dropped though... I used to get downloads @ 12mb/s but i'm sure now that i use all my Rapidshare traffic everyday that my connection speed (for downloads at least) has been capped :(

08-01-2009, 01:02
:( bum, still silly fast speed test :shocked:

Joe 90
08-01-2009, 01:04
yeah, i can't complain for £150 a year!

all they don't allow is torrents. I've since taken ownership of a years rapidshare and a few extra forum accounts, which is amazing.

08-01-2009, 01:07
They blocked ssl newsgroup access?

Joe 90
08-01-2009, 01:09
probably not, but i've not used newsgroups in ages... probably still got an account on astraweb tbh. thats a good point actually, ta, will have to check that out.

08-01-2009, 01:10
Left wrist - right handed



08-01-2009, 01:57
Left wrist, right handed but I did used to wear it on my right wrist so I had to take a break from doing whetever I was doing to check the time!

08-01-2009, 06:43
My god, I thought I was the only person in the world who did this! Never noticed you do it!

I don't wear a watch.
Leon does too. We're both freaks together :D I always lay the table the correct way round though :)

08-01-2009, 08:38
I can't even imagine using a knife and fork the wrong way round! Bunch o' weirdos :p But maybe that's why I love you all so much! :D

08-01-2009, 11:03
Leon does too. We're both freaks together :D I always lay the table the correct way round though :)

I think I'm a lazy eater as If I can get away with it, I will eat with just a fork in my right hand... but then if I can do that I prefer to use chopsticks. Or, alternatively, I ultimately prefer to eat my food with my hands ;D (I like feeling things and pulling them apart and what not :D)

I'm the worst to take to a restaurant :(

(I may have to lick plates too :D)

Don't think I could cut too well with my left hand though - think I would end up splattering Pickers with half my dinner plate ;D

08-01-2009, 11:11
You should see some of the pics of us eating in Cyprus... meat in hand ripping it with teeth GRRRRRRRRR.

08-01-2009, 11:12
(I like feeling things and pulling them apart and what not :D)

I might have an answer to why your watches keep breaking.....

08-01-2009, 11:22
I'm the worst to take to a restaurant :(

Yes, yes you are :p



08-01-2009, 11:51
meat in hand ripping it with teeth GRRRRRRRRR.

What you did in the privacy of your bedroom is your business.

08-01-2009, 13:01
we're fork buddies ;D

Say that quick enough and it sounds far more interesting than it actually is ;D

Left wrist and right handed for me btw :)

08-01-2009, 17:33
Yes, yes you are :p


Bwahahahhaha! I've not seen that piccie!

Oh god... I don't remember it either. Is that zincs hand trying to save any pineapple falling from my pizza?

08-01-2009, 17:43
Bwahahahhaha! I've not seen that piccie!

Oh god... I don't remember it either. Is that zincs hand trying to save any pineapple falling from my pizza?

Beware my iPhone and photobucket app :p

And yup, must be the lad, unless you've grown a third arm/hand :shocked:

08-01-2009, 17:44
Left and left. I think I got my first watch and just put it on that hand, no one ever told meit was wrong as they assumed I was right handed. But I'm better than that.

08-01-2009, 17:53
I can't wear watches. There's something a bit... odd about me. Whenever I put on a watch, within a few hours it stops ticking and won't work (even with replacement batteries).

Don't feel strange. There's a lot of us out there like you. The only time keeping piece I've ever had that's kept working longer than 2 weeks (yes, this includes the Rolex I got overseas) has been my cell phone.

08-01-2009, 18:16
Dym... did you take a photo of me sitting on Santas knee that evening too? I remember posing for that but don't have the foggiest who took the piccie :/

Don't feel strange. There's a lot of us out there like you. The only time keeping piece I've ever had that's kept working longer than 2 weeks (yes, this includes the Rolex I got overseas) has been my cell phone.

Really??! Seriously?! I have not found *anyone* like me at all when it comes to wearing watches! I'm almost poked with a stick around here when people find out!

Does your watch just stop? And it's not the battery? It just... doesn't work anymore?

The only other watch that has survived on me longer than 48 hours was my brothers kinetic watch thingy.... so I did wonder whether it had something to do with batteries.

Apparently I'm quite statically charged :/ If there's ever a thunder storm and I'm outside, the whole of my hair starts sticking up on end. Bit worrying really!

08-01-2009, 18:17
I have not found *anyone* like me at all

What a surprise ;D

Metalface Mark
08-01-2009, 18:56
Left handed, left wrist, men wear watches on the left, women on the right.

08-01-2009, 18:56
Dym... did you take a photo of me sitting on Santas knee that evening too? I remember posing for that but don't have the foggiest who took the piccie :/

Wasne me, I think me and Mrs Dym had wandered off homewards by then :(

Next time though ;)

men wear watches on the left, women on the right.

So that explains why Mrs Dym tends to walk on my right holding onto my arm :p

Von Smallhausen
08-01-2009, 20:51
Right handed, left arm.

08-01-2009, 21:04
Does your watch just stop? And it's not the battery? It just... doesn't work anymore?

It doesn't matter if it's a quartz battery powered, LCD, or a wind up type. They ALL either quit working, break or they go fizzle-pop. I actually had a cheapy LCD one emit the magic smoke while I was wearing it!!

08-01-2009, 21:39
Pheebs, I'm sure some researchers would love to get their hands on you (fnar) to find out what makes you tick (or rather stops things ticking)

10-01-2009, 12:55
I don't wear a watch as it would drive me crazy. I also don't wear rings necklaces/chains/bracelets whatever

10-01-2009, 13:14
meat in hand ripping it with teeth GRRRRRRRRR.

I've just done that with a barbecued chicken. I'm working in the yard in Alexandria at the moment as we're not needed on the rig for another week or so and the other ex-pat here asked me if I fancied barbecued chicken for lunch. I said yes as he assured me it was good chicken. Anyway, the driver arrived with an enormous package (FNAR) and when I opened it, there was a whole barbecued chicken cut in half with four bits of the local flatbread and a tray of salad. I thought it was for both of us but it was all mine (wasn't a small chicken either). It was very yummy and I literally did as described above. I ate about 3/4 of it before I quit and my hands and face were dripping with chicken fat and juices. I'm keeping the rest for my afternoon snack (the salad is still on the tray :o). All of the above cost the princely sum of 30LE (about £4 at current exchange rates).

As for the watch thing, right handed, watch on left wrist - that's how I was always told they were supposed to be worn.
I feel naked without a watch on. I'm not really a clock watcher but I do like to have the time available when I want to know it.

11-01-2009, 00:05
I've done something similar with a pig. Not all mine I might add before anyone goes there (;D), but barbecued and hand-pulled pork is something of a local 'delicacy' in North Carolina. T'was cooked by my boss too so I could hardly say no. ;D

11-01-2009, 00:09
hand-pulled pork is something of a local 'delicacy' in North Carolina.

:huh: I bet!


11-01-2009, 00:43
men wear watches on the left, women on the right.

I've never ever heard this before. Ever.

I'm right handed and wear my watch on my left wrist. The 'proper' way :D

11-01-2009, 08:07
Haven't worn a watch in years but when I do it's left hand right handed. I'm the sort of guy who will be in a three piece suit and on the end of my watch chain will be a mobile phone on vibrate.

11-01-2009, 12:15
I've just done that with a barbecued chicken. I'm working in the yard in Alexandria at the moment as we're not needed on the rig for another week or so and the other ex-pat here asked me if I fancied barbecued chicken for lunch. I said yes as he assured me it was good chicken. Anyway, the driver arrived with an enormous package (FNAR) and when I opened it, there was a whole barbecued chicken cut in half with four bits of the local flatbread and a tray of salad. I thought it was for both of us but it was all mine (wasn't a small chicken either). It was very yummy and I literally did as described above. I ate about 3/4 of it before I quit and my hands and face were dripping with chicken fat and juices. I'm keeping the rest for my afternoon snack (the salad is still on the tray :o). All of the above cost the princely sum of 30LE (about £4 at current exchange rates).

Is it wrong that made me strangely erotically tingly? :o

12-01-2009, 10:03
I haven't worn a watch since I first carried a Mobile phone.

13-01-2009, 14:35
My watch just packed up again :(

I think I've caught 'odd' from Pheebs.