View Full Version : Games I'm looking forward to

12-01-2009, 13:14
Silent Hill

I've never played any of the Silent Hill games but this looks really good, I get the impression HP Lovecraft was a big influence on the makers of this series, the senary and creatures look very Lovecraftian



Resident Evil 5

This will almost certainly be good, the only RE I have played is the last game on the Wii but I liked it a lot.



Alan Wake

Please God don't let this be a let down, we've waited what seems like years and I'm expecting big things.




Could be a cracker this if its anything like an updated RTCW, the graphics look impressive and the story needs to really rock with a great combat engine and some futuristic Nazi tech




I've put this one down because it intreigues me, it could be the first FPS/MMORPG to encourage me to part with a subscription fee




And why not, its the next installment of my favorite JRPG and the 360 has the tech to do it some serious justice, as long as the battle system holds together (and we know the story will!) then its going to be epic. Saddle me up a Chocobo I'm going in!



Also on the list; Batman Arkham Asylum, Assassins Creed 2 and maybe the new Ghostbusters game but we'll have to see :)

Looks to look forward to though and maybe some pre orders to get in :D


Admiral Huddy
12-01-2009, 13:18
Drools over Wolfenstein and some of thoese other games you mention.

Alan Wake has been delayed to 2010 I believe.

ID making a big come back this year. Wolfenstein as above but with RAGE too. :)

12-01-2009, 13:22
ID always do this, have a big gap in titles but then suddenly come out with 2 crackers in a year.

Biggest title of the year for me will be FFXIII assuming it actually comes out this year, sadly the translation process of the english PS3 version is being held back so that the porting process to the 360 can catch up to allow for a simultaneous release. It's great that all platforms will get what will probably be one of the best RPGs of this 'generation' but i wish they would release it as quickly as possible as opposed to waiting so a simultaneous release could occur.

12-01-2009, 13:41
Don't get your hopes up for silent hill, i've had the NTSC version for ages and it's very average.

12-01-2009, 15:38
Is it bad that I have never played a FF game?

12-01-2009, 15:39
Me neither :o

12-01-2009, 15:48
Nor me :)

12-01-2009, 15:51
Depends, if you like RPGs then it's pretty much a mortal sin not to have played them, final fantasy being the best the eastern world has to offer. Many (read: me) would go as far as arguing that a couple of them are the best ever.

If you don't like RPGs then, no, cos you probably won't like em :)

[EDIT] Oh and, the new silent hill is a disappointment on the PC, i doubt the console release will be much different. It seems the series has lost its way.

12-01-2009, 16:29
one thing I will ask about the FF series, are they turn based combat?

12-01-2009, 16:30
[EDIT] Oh and, the new silent hill is a disappointment on the PC, i doubt the console release will be much different. It seems the series has lost its way.

Shame, I saw the film and quite enjoyed it and I thought the creature design looked awesome in the screen shots, but never having played the series I didn't know what to expect :/


12-01-2009, 16:30
one thing I will ask about the FF series, are they turn based combat?
I believe so :)

12-01-2009, 16:32
Up until FF12 they were, it changed to real time combat then but still menu driven.

12-01-2009, 16:32
probably not for me then :p ;D

12-01-2009, 16:32
They are but they do have an element of timing attacks and reactive button pushing if I remember correctly. They are well worth a go, the art, concepts and character are so new to us because of the limited cross over between Japanese and Western culture and they make for a very fresh experience even now :)


12-01-2009, 16:39
Well I'm certainly willing to give them a crack but I remember playing the demo of Blue Dragon I think it was my god it was boring :p

12-01-2009, 16:42
In most final fantasies its whats called active turn based combat. It works by each character has turn, but as you are selecting their move the enemy will still be counting down time to their turn. So while it is mostly about getting the right moves in, an element of being as quick as possible with the menus is important.

That said, the best 'starter' FF imo is FFX which is completely turn based :p, reason being it has less out of date graphics and is more of a representation of 'true' final fantasies than FFXII is.#

Shame, I saw the film and quite enjoyed it and I thought the creature design looked awesome in the screen shots, but never having played the series I didn't know what to expect :/


Dude, if you had played the first two games you wouldn't have enjoyed the film so much. It totally butchered the storyline! An example would be that the dude with the metal pyramid thing on his head with the giant buster sword was actually a significant character in the plotline of silent hill 2, in the film he was just kinda 'there' despite the fact the film storyline was loosely based on the first game. It's an ok horror movie as it stands, but if they had simply followed the storyline of the first or second (that said, the second one would have probably gone right over the heads of most of the American public :p) game it would have been a god-like one.

Without sounding harsh, i heard that silent hill was taken over by an American development company after 'The Room' (silent hill 4 iirc), at that point the intelligent plot elements, frankly disturbing game design and fantastic characters just disappeared.

While i typically disagree with his views, i found Yhatzee to be spot on in his video review of 'Silent Hill Origins' which can be found here. (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/20-Silent-Hill-Origins)

13-01-2009, 02:34
For me, it's undoubtedly Final Fantasy 13 that I'm looking forward to most :)
I really do hope it doesn't disappoint!

Also the new Star Ocean game for the 360, loved Star Ocean 2 on the PS1 years back so looking forward to this. Been keeping an eye on Ghostbusters too in the hope that it's half decent.

13-01-2009, 09:49

Nuff said.

13-01-2009, 10:22
Current games I'm looking forward to....

Skate 2 - loved the first one and the demo for the sequel is highly promising.
Resident Evil 5 - could be the best Resi game ever with the addition of co-op.
Fight Night Round 4 - I love boxing games and Fight Night has always been the best of the genre.
The Sims 3 :o - Yes, I like The Sims, sue me :p

13-01-2009, 12:28
The Sims 3 :o - Yes, I like The Sims, sue me :p
Oooh I completely forgot about that. Me too :D Loved the first two and still go back to Sims 2 every now and then.