View Full Version : Methane found on Mars

15-01-2009, 13:44
Sky News Story (http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Hope-Of-Life-On-Mars-Raised-By-Methane-Gas-Discovery---Nasa-To-Make-Announcement/Article/200901315203956?lpos=World_News_First_Home_Article _Teaser_Region_1&lid=ARTICLE_15203956_Hope_Of_Life_On_Mars_Raised_B y_Methane_Gas_Discovery_-_Nasa_To_Make_Announcement)

Interesting story. Leading some people to believe if there is methane there must have been life on Mars.

15-01-2009, 13:49
Desmo's been to Mars?

15-01-2009, 13:49
It wasn't me. Never been there.

15-01-2009, 13:50

15-01-2009, 13:50

I see your ;D and raise you another ;D;D


15-01-2009, 14:09
No but you've been near uranus! :p

15-01-2009, 14:22
The existence of methane in the martian atmosphere has been reported and disputed for a number of years.

Although it can't exist for very long in Mars' atmosphere due the way it breaks down when exposed to UV radiation there are several candidate geological processes which could be responsible for repleneshing the supply.
Or it could indeed be biological processes. It which case life must be on Mars.

Von Smallhausen
15-01-2009, 18:58
No but you've been near uranus! :p

Looking for Kilngons no doubt.

15-01-2009, 23:08
Wondered what this was about. Apparently a paper had it on the front but I didn't see which one and I've just not had time to go in any shops today. :'(

15-01-2009, 23:31
Wondered what this was about. Apparently a paper had it on the front but I didn't see which one and I've just not had time to go in any shops today. :'(

It was on the front of the sun. They seem to go mad for any alien related stories. Suprised they havent put 2+2 together to equate Martian methane destroys wind turbine.

15-01-2009, 23:44
I wonder what David Bowie would make of it.

15-01-2009, 23:48
Ah, The Sun. I didn't miss anything there then. I thought it might have been something worth reading. ;D