View Full Version : Retro tat on holiday with Jonny69

20-01-2009, 19:08
I don't go away much but I tend to snap all the old bits of knackered junk I see when I'm on holiday so I though I'd start a thread where I can keep them all together. First up is from my week in...

Cyprus, October 2007

It's a dusty, dry old country so you'd think there might be a few old motors about? Correct! Lots of these pickups knocking about hauling all sorts of junk. This one was in Paphos harbour and I spotted it while standing at the top of a castle:


On the bus back home spotted this dirty, dirty slag sitting outside a restaurant. Wanted to take her home for some mucky fun but my girlfriend didn't approve:


There's big business doing weddings out there and these Ford and Bedford buses are really popular. I'm guessing they are ex school buses or coaches?



Cortina I wasn't expecting to see. Well beaten 4 door, bleached out and completely rust free:


Don't know what this was, it was advertising a restaurant. Anyone know?



Is that a bus out in the middle of that field?


Let me zoom in a bit with my mega jigga pixels...

It IS a bus, all smashed up, shot out windows and abandoned!!!


And finally, another wedding vehicle, this time a minter of an old Merc:


As usual I could have got more but swmbo kept telling me off for snapping rusty old cars instead of her. It was alright for her to photograph falling down old relics though. Women ;D

20-01-2009, 19:09
Prague, November 2008

I had no idea what Prague was going to be like. I had no idea where it was. I just jumped on a flight to meet my girlfriend out there and was warned it might be a bit cold in November. COLD? It was flipping freezing!!! Anyway, I stupidly forgot my camera so I was relegated to using hers and after just one picture I got rolling eyes and difficulty getting it out her handbag to snap tat.

Bizarrely for an ex-commie probably west hating country the first piece of interest I spotted was a '59 Chevy:


There were Trabbies all over the place but due to camera logistics the first one I managed to talk her into letting me picture was a dildo-pink limo advertising the local sexy go-go titty bar:


Subway seemed to believe that parking up an old Skoda (or whatever) and letting everyone jump all over it would drum up some business. The roof and bonnet were well stomped in:


It was worth the wait to get a Trabbie because while most of them are old and knacked looking there weren't many that wore battle scars, scabs and moss like this one:


It's kind of strange because there are mainly brand new cars in Prague, it's a very rich city, but chucked in are some utter sheds with nothing in between. Apparently the older generation still really hate westerners, democracy etc and resist change quite hard.

These oldies are all over the place doing tours of the city:


I was struggling to make out what a lot of them were because they seemed to be a mish-mash of parts. I didn't get a look under the hood on any of them but they all had that unmistakable flathead-4 sound so they were all running bangers. Underneath a lot of them were Ford axles with original looking cable brakes, which would lead me to assume those ones would have to be all-Ford underneath because of the way '20s and '30s Fords go together. The bodies weren't Ford though, but they were all steel. Unless of course they were German bodied Fords?

These were the last two I got before the camera was confiscated. Proper late commie era-mobiles, one of them a coffin dodger at the back which I'm reliably told is a rare bit of kit:



20-01-2009, 19:30
Wait until Leon sees this thread - most of his holiday snaps from Cyprus were of cars. One that sticks in my mind was a fantastic looking Anglia we saw by the side of the road just outside Kyrenia.

20-01-2009, 22:34
Got this reply on Retro Rides...
I was in Prague in August 2008, didn't take that many pics and only one car pic but guess which car it was?



Looks like the same street too.

How awesome is that :D

21-01-2009, 08:48


I'm not sure what it is but there's one parks up near Lom's mum's house. IIRC it's got a V8 badge on the bootlid.

21-01-2009, 09:35
I've been told this one is a Hillman Minx, early one. The one with a V8 on the bonnet is probably a Ford Pilot.

23-01-2009, 16:29
How awesome is that :D
Is that the street with Goldfingers on it? Looks familiar ;D

23-01-2009, 16:52
I spot a nice Vitara in the 2nd pic :cool:
Much Love for the old Bedford J types though :)