View Full Version : iPhone camera software

21-01-2009, 16:51
I know it's a crap camera phone etc and all that, but it's all I've got so don't bother posting if you're just going to tell me that :p

Any software available on the app store that would at least help me in any small way? Or am I just stuck with a mostly fuzzy photo 80% of the time. It's bugging me now and making me wish I had a proper camera :(

21-01-2009, 16:56
It might be how you're taking the photo as I've found that I get some pretty decent pics off my iPhone...

The touchscreen button to take the photo isn't a great idea as it means you jiggle the phone more when you try to take a picture, try rolling your thumb gently onto the button instead :)

ps. It's a crap camera phone :D

21-01-2009, 16:57
Yeah it probably is sometimes, I think maybe I've just been spoilt by my old w810i as that took quite good photos considering. But it also had a lot more features :/