View Full Version : Maddest thing I have Ever done.

25-01-2009, 12:33
So I have untold money in my bank, Well untold for me prob peanuts to you ;D
I goes down there this morning & checks it's still there :D Then I draws 200 quid to pay me bills with. When I went to the garage that takes my payment cards leccy key etc I didn't have the 200 quid on me :shocked:
I had taken my card & gone without taking my 200 quid :shocked:
I jumped back into my car that I had just filled with petrol & shouted at Sonny the garage owner ***** me I'll be back in a mo, He says Go go go :shocked:
I went back to the cash machinie & it wasn't in the slot but I saw the Dude who was behind me going the other way. I pulled across the road he was on stopping drivers window open in front of him & He goes O mate & we said at the same time My money, Stupid, OMGZZZZZZ etc etc etc & he handed me my 200 quids back :)

I have Never in my life done Anything even slightly as Stupid as that, My Head is ******* at the mo, Poxy **** ***** :(

25-01-2009, 12:41
!!! Lucky you got it back!

I did that once I think it was a twenty or tenner though - not £200!

BB x

25-01-2009, 12:44
Complete Madness :o

25-01-2009, 12:49
Crazy! Good job he gave you it back too, bet he thought it was his lucky day!

25-01-2009, 12:55
I wasn't in a Did you find my money kind of mood Vix, More of a I am taking 200 quid off you no matter what sort of mood, Fortunetly he picked up on that.

I do hope it was MY 200 quid ;D

Seriously though he came up behind me as I drew my card & nobody else was about, On my way back to the cash point I saw him walking towards me up the path. From the time I left it to going back was probably 3 mins or so, Just enough time for him to take my money draw his & then walk back up uin the direction I was coming from.

25-01-2009, 13:02
I was more thinking 'good job for him he gave you your money back straight away' ;)

25-01-2009, 18:11
Aye, good job he was honest :) You should have given him a tenner for his trouble :)

25-01-2009, 18:38
That was bloody lucky!!!

25-01-2009, 18:42
LOL! Doofus!

25-01-2009, 18:45
That was bloody lucky!!!

Just what I was thinking!

25-01-2009, 21:55
You doughnut :D

Still, good job you were quick and managed to spot the guy.

26-01-2009, 12:13
I did that the other day. I took out £50 and ran off when my card came out. I then ran back to the cash machine but the cash had either gone or been sucked back in so I got out another £50. A bit later I got curious and went back to the machine: I took out £10 and waited to see what would happen and it got taken back, so at least there is a possibility that it wasn't nicked. Unfortunately I got charged for all three withdrawals and have had to fill out a form to try and claim it back. I'm thinking the £50 got nicked as I was in Wood Green at the time. :(

Von Smallhausen
26-01-2009, 12:29
Chuck it my way if you're feeling that frivolous dude. :D

27-01-2009, 18:48
My mate has let £20 do the disappearing act (the bad type where its clearly stolen :p) at least 3 times now, its bad, but funny to watch his realization every time...