View Full Version : bloody rain..

Admiral Huddy
28-01-2009, 11:01
It's not fun riding your bike in the wet and January seems to be the wettest I recall recently. However, last week I experienced something completely different...

I was cycling on a cycle path in Chelmsford town centre which goes under main road near the Odeon round-a-bout next to the river Chelmer.

Anyway, the path dips down slightly and at the bottom was a puddle. Only it wasn't a puddle, it was now part of the river. I was soon up to my waist in water and fell off. Sitting upto my shoulder in water, pitch black and freezing cold, I decided NOT to go home, but carry on to work and have a shower there. Big mistake as the shower at work was out of order.

I keep my suit, shirts and shoes at work but no change of socks so I had to wear my gym socks for the morning. At lunch time, I took my bike gear, boots and works socks and dried them off in the Gyms Sauna. Apparently, there where complaints.

When my tea shirt dried, there was a brown ring at the bottom.

Never rains, always pours!

28-01-2009, 11:02
I don't need to know about the brown ring near your bottom!

It was hurling it down this morning when I left home and I got soaked just walking from the car to the bus stop when I got to Heathrow. Being soaked and having to go to France when the transport workers are going on strike does not make for a cheery me.

28-01-2009, 11:30
I'm quite glad of the rain right now - I've yet to take the time to fix my rear window washer jet so at least I can currently see out the back!

28-01-2009, 13:00

28-01-2009, 21:09
It wasn't raining this morning but it was foggy/misty and the ground was wet and I was getting the **** in the gutter spraying up, nothing better than muddy water flying in front of your face and you smashing into it at 20mph.

I have no water proof gear for my bike, but luckily its not been raining in the morning, I don't mind coming home when its raining but I hate bet wet all day.

28-01-2009, 23:39
I don't so much have to worry about rain...


The advantage to owning a Jeep is you don't need the painted lines to tell you where to park. Even though I was in between two painted lines... ;)

The picture doesn't do it justice. The right rear tyre is actually almost a foot off the pavement. And I must have held the camera at an angle because it was at much more of an angle to the ground than what it looks like there. Trust me, it wasn't easy putting the groceries in the back. They kept sliding out!!

29-01-2009, 00:45
People here are complaining about how cold it's been getting. Daft thing is it's only in the 60s F. I'm still in a tee shirt wondering what the heck people are talking about and why they're considering buying snuggies. Daft. Mind you we have been having a fair amount of rain lately, much needed to refill water supplies here.

29-01-2009, 05:56
People here are complaining about how cold it's been getting. Daft thing is it's only in the 60s F. I'm still in a tee shirt wondering what the heck people are talking about and why they're considering buying snuggies. Daft. Mind you we have been having a fair amount of rain lately, much needed to refill water supplies here.

Same here, it's in the mid to high 60s (18-20C) and the locals are complaining because it gets down to about 12-13C at night. I try to explain to them that 13C where I come from is warm and 20C is bloody hot - they don't seem to grasp that as I'm standing outside wearing shorts and a t-shirt while they're shivering wearing more layers than an onion.

No rain here Huddster. We had one shower about a week ago and the forecast says we might get one tomorrow - I don't know how I'll manage :p

Admiral Huddy
30-01-2009, 15:14

never had a problem with rain or snow.. Will cycle in anythjing. Wind is what i don't like but I just wasn't preapered for the puddle which was actually about 1,000 fathoms deep..


30-01-2009, 16:37
LOL! I'm picturing a Vicar of Dibley puddle moment :D

Admiral Huddy
30-01-2009, 17:11
it was just like that.. I nearly cried..

30-01-2009, 17:17
I would have cried laughing if I could have seen it, I'd pay good money to winess such comedy gold :D

I can't believe you sat on a train like it!!

Admiral Huddy
30-01-2009, 17:32
I can't beleive i had my white short gym socks most of the day.. I crossed my legs in a meeting in the general manager saw them and looked at me as if I were scum.. :p