View Full Version : Health cover at work - Tax question..

Admiral Huddy
30-01-2009, 17:37
Does anyone know what amount the IR add to your tax code for having family health cover?

I can't find anything.


30-01-2009, 17:47
It's taxable as a benefit in kind, isn't it (i.e. it counts as income)? The amount that is taxable should be on a form P11D.

Taxationweb usually covers this sort of thing.

30-01-2009, 20:02
Borris is correct. I don't need taxationweb - my P11D is sufficient. :p

And for the uninitiated in the ways of the taxman, 'benefit in kind' means you get taxed as if the employer had paid the cost of the insurance in your salary - so if you're a higher-rate taxpayer, expect to get raped and pillaged, as usual.

Admiral Huddy
04-02-2009, 15:33
Any idea roughly how much we are talking about as a HR tax payer? We have been offered a new scheme and I'm wondering if it's worth the tax tbh.

04-02-2009, 20:03
Have they told you the scheme costs? Is if just you, or are you including family? Without this information it's going to be guesswork.