View Full Version : DUCK DUCK DUCK!
A whole one! With pancake rolls! In Sainsburys! 1/3 off!
Was £9.99, now is £6.35!
*om nom nom nom nom*
30-01-2009, 19:33
pheebs :(
a £6.35 duck is not going to have been a happy duck
factory farming of ducks is in many ways worse than that of chickens as these are animals who naturally want to swim / fly / migrate...
i know that most people don't think about things like this, i usually don't mind the heavily meat based discussion in the forum - but why not try to have a bit of conscience about what you are eating and where it has come from?!
sorry :(
Oooh might have to look for that when I'm in Sainsburys next :)
30-01-2009, 19:38
I like a duck me, but I have to say I've never had a lot of success with shop bought ones they very seem to get as crispy as the ones that come from the take away
pheebs :(
a £6.35 duck is not going to have been a happy duck
factory farming of ducks is in many ways worse than that of chickens as these are animals who naturally want to swim / fly / migrate...
i know that most people don't think about things like this, i usually don't mind the heavily meat based discussion in the forum - but why not try to have a bit of conscience about what you are eating and where it has come from?!
sorry :(
Heh. I do :p All the time.
But. Most the time I cannot afford free range chicken and the likes of that. When I can, whenever I'm in Ringwood I ask my parents to get in a load of meat from their local farmer (he's like... three doors down. Absolutely lovely chap and all free range stuff). If we buy a whole lamb/half a cow and share it between us it's not so expensive :)
Also! You should know I! I eat LOADS of quorn and meat free products all the time! So I try to eat what I can when I can!
I love duck though and I don't have it often (once every 3-4months).
I will not have a guilty conscience for eating him tonight. Not an ounce. I do what I can where I can for every cause I can.
It's a rare sin I will happily live with for the moment :)
MB - these ducks are always SO tasty. Really they are!! If you leave them on a high heat for the last 15mins it makes the skin super crispy and yet the meat remains moist!
If not, I have a fab recipe tucked away for peking duck! It takes a lot of effort (dipping and all sorts) but it's UNBELIEVABLY devine! I will dig it out when I can for you :D
30-01-2009, 20:03
you can obviously justify it to yourself...
but equally if you HAVE put some thought into it (which it sounds like you have), and you have still decided that buying factory farmed meat is 'ok' then that speaks volumes to me.
this isnt ignorance about the issue at hand - this is choice
Yup. I chose to buy it. I know it's from Thailand. And I know that's most probably not good news.
But, I most probably do more than your average person when it comes to buying free range food. I can't do everything right in this world though - I'm aware of that! If I did get upset and angry over things like this I would be an angry person all the time.
But I chose not to be :)
Afraid to say I'm off to really enjoy my duck. No amount of telling me how bad a person I am for buying it will put me off this meal.
Sorry :) Feel free to sail me off to hell :)
Indeed it is choice, but not necessarily always ours.
Due to my lifestyle I buy a lot of prepared stuff - which automatically means factory farmed because they're not going to put the expensive stuff in sandwiches and whatever. If I bought fresh all the time, I'd throw away a hell of a lot more than I do already, and say what you may about factory farming, wasting food doesn't do anyone any favours.
Doesn't mean I wouldn't buy direct from a local farmer if that option was viable - I most certainly would.
Anyway, back on topic, I might go research tomorrow. How much preparation is involved? Shoving things in the oven is easy enough, but I don't 'do' preparation. :)
30-01-2009, 20:19
Pre-prepared duck is a cinch Mark just bung it in the oven and assemble pancakes.
I know - it isn't the first time I've done that. Just wanted to make sure it was the pre-prepared variety. Now all I have to do is find it (heading for the huge Sainsbury's at Calcot tomorrow so if they don't have it, no-one will).
i usually don't mind the heavily meat based discussion in the forum - but why not try to have a bit of conscience about what you are eating and where it has come from?!
With all due respect Goldilocks, if you don't 'usually mind' the meat based discussion on BD and are a vegetarian like I believe you are; what purpose was served by you entering a "DUCK DUCK DUCK!" thread in the food forum and posting a bordering insulting comment like this?
Incidentally, I hate battery farming, but am not made of money. I also try my best to buy Barn or free range eggs, but sometimes cant justify the cost and so occasionally just go without eggs altogether. Industry needs to change, as unfortunately, economics directs where I put my money for food rather than lifestyle choice - all meat is just so expensive at the moment!
30-01-2009, 20:39
My thoughts exactly Pickers.
I don't think I have EVER had duck, or have only had it once or twice in a take-away. It is something that I really want to try, so will have to either buy some at some point or have it when out :D
Hope it is NOM-tastic!! :D
What do you mean, hope? ;D
Also agreed with Pickers. Don't think we're ganging up on you because we're not. I have just as much respect for your choice not to eat meat at all as I do for anyone else - all I ask in return is the same for my choice.
30-01-2009, 21:54
I managed a duck for less than £4 a while ago, but its because it was literally about to be thrown away from the clearance section, annnnd to be fair did smell a little bit iffy until it was thoroughly cooked :p But the fat taken from my duck alone was worth over £4 if bought at the same supermarket! :D
30-01-2009, 22:08
i would never see it as 'ganging up'.
and i came into a thread called 'duck duck duck' for the same reason i have replied - it's all food for thought...
i hate the idea that people have the right to cheap meat. if you can't afford it and don't want to eat 'cruel' meat - then why not go without?
like i say - i am all for people being INFORMED. too many people don't think about where food has come from, and what has gone into it's production.
be that cruelty, e-numbers or whatever - you should know what you are putting into your body.
it just physically hurts me (pheebs summed it up well above, i guess i am angry (or at least upset) at what goes on in the battery farming industry) to know that people can know what happens to these animals and yet still continue to eat them
i am not meaning to come across as insulting, pickers, i just dont think this sort of thing should be advertised blindly.
Well since we're on the subject I happen to be strongly against battery farming of poultry and I don't buy it any more. The supermarkets can be very cleverly misleading about their marketing and 'grade a' ducks and turkeys are no better than their economy chickens and are just as badly treated. As much as I love roast duck I won't buy them any more.
Besides, a decent size free range chicken is only about £6.50 and at about £3.50 a kilo it's cheaper than all the red meat people buy. If I want things like duck I simply keep an eye on the reduced items section and I got a free range duck in M&S for £7. It wasn't even the same bird that Sainsburys sell as Gressingham ducks, different shape, different size, different colour, much less fat and tasted completely different.
I don't particularly care for vegetarians with extreme views but I also don't care for meat eaters who are proud that they don't give a damn where their meat came from. Especially the ones who are squeamish around flesh, raw meat, blood and carcasses.
30-01-2009, 22:14
if you can't afford it and don't want to eat 'cruel' meat - then why not go without?
Because we do have a choice - you just would choose a different one to some other people on here. And don't assume because we make a different choice from you that we're not informed.
Since people are already aware we don't feel the need to try and make people feel guilty for wanting something they can't usually afford.
Vegetarianism - second only to religion for causing heated internet debates :D
30-01-2009, 22:27
It hasn't got anything to do with Vegetarianism. It is the fact that people try and make people aware (which we already are) of living conditions of livestock!
30-01-2009, 22:28
Vegetarianism - second only to religion for causing heated internet debates :D
;D Hahahaha put forward for QotW (Quote of the Week).
30-01-2009, 22:30
It hasn't got anything to do with Vegetarianism. It is the fact that people try and make people aware (which we already are) of living conditions of livestock!
Not to spark debate, but i think you'll find its probably a big part ( and a good reason to actually be a vegetarian :p :D
Whilst I understand people have views strong views about issues such as this, I am sure anyone could pick holes in anyone's lifestyle. Hell, half the technology we use today is based on technology developed to kill other human beings (War has bred technological advances)... do we all throw down the technology in protest? Not many of us, no. its convenient and has led to better things. Whilst I appreciate that technological advancement and the human diet are two very different things, can we really apply different logic to the two situations? I'm not proud I eat "cheap meat" but at the same time, I am a realist. We use chemicals at home and at school that harm the environment, drive vehicles, use the worlds resources. But we do so in moderation as much as we possibly can.
This thread was advertising some nice food at a reasonable price - it wasnt a "look at us we hate animals and eat whatever the hell we like". For goodness sake.
30-01-2009, 22:35
It hasn't got anything to do with Vegetarianism. It is the fact that people try and make people aware (which we already are) of living conditions of livestock!
But a fair few that don't eat meat tend to have a holier than thou attitude towards the whole thing.
I've been known to buy cheap cuts of meat, sometimes budget dictates. I'll more than often try to buy good cuts from free-range animals though.
30-01-2009, 22:45
Vegetarianism - second only to religion for causing heated internet debates :D
Goldilocks, this is typical of you :) It's very rare I find you posting without it being antagonistic. Sad really.
I *DO* care about what I eat, I've highlighted the fact I actually try to buy free range food where I can! I didn't realise M&S did free range ducks at a reasonable price - if I knew this I would have picked one up in town yesterday!
I get annoyed, as do other people, when vegetarians come marching in meat threads on their high horses insinuating everyone who's eating food they deem unacceptable are heartless baskets!!
If I could stoop to telling people like so where to go I would. Actually. If you want to debate about live stock and the well being of animals, go start a thread about it elsewhere!! I had no intentions for this thread to turn out like it has!
People who know me know I'm a good person, I don't care what YOU say about me and my ways as I know you know very little about me! Don't mistaken that for a "I don't care about the well being of livestock"
On a note more appropriate to the purpose this thread was started:
That was a BLOODY fantastic meal ;D (for all those people who are like "gasp" at this, I had free range egg friend rice :p)
30-01-2009, 22:47
(for all those people who are like "gasp" at this, I had free range egg friend rice :p)
I bet it was battery rice that was really depressed though.
Don't forget the free range duck I got was in the reduced items, otherwise it would be about £11-£12.
I hate being told what I should and shouldn't care about. Some things are important to me, other things aren't, and rightly or wrongly where my meat comes from doesnt rank highly on things I give a sh*t about. It would be nice to have the time and energy to feel differently, but there ya go.
30-01-2009, 23:21
That duck was probably a lazy ass one that would only have sat on the sofa watching Jeremy Kyle all day anyway.
30-01-2009, 23:22
That duck was probably a lazy ass one that would only have sat on the sofa watching Jeremy Kyle all day anyway.
And I'd have felt just as cruel killing one that new the sweet feel of freedom.
I hate being told what I should and shouldn't care about. Some things are important to me, other things aren't, and rightly or wrongly where my meat comes from doesnt rank highly on things I give a sh*t about. It would be nice to have the time and energy to feel differently, but there ya go.
hear hear. Time, energy and money!
I hate being told what I should and shouldn't care about. Some things are important to me, other things aren't, and rightly or wrongly where my meat comes from doesnt rank highly on things I give a sh*t about. It would be nice to have the time and energy to feel differently, but there ya go.
Hear hear! I actually do care and have an interest, but I'll openly admit that figuring out where the meat in the food I've bought was sourced from comes at about number 5,000 in my list of priorities. If I worried about where every bit of food I eat came from, I probably wouldn't eat.
I don't particularly care for vegetarians with extreme views but I also don't care for meat eaters who are proud that they don't give a damn where their meat came from. Especially the ones who are squeamish around flesh, raw meat, blood and carcasses.
Wouldn't say I'm proud of it - it just doesn't figure. I've been on a pig farm - I know very well where meat comes from and what it looks like raw. I'm squeamish around blood, the rest doesn't bother me.
Awesome, going there tommorow. so will see if they still have some..
Free range is good for taste and texture but we aren't all loaded and sometimes you just don't have much choice.
Free range is good for taste and texture but we aren't all loaded and sometimes you just don't have much choice.
Agreed and, I'm sorry if this offends anyone, I enjoy the taste, the texture, the aroma of meat. I don't have to have it in every meal but I do enjoy it and will carry on enjoying it and if price and my budget is an issue then I will buy cheaper meat than I would prefer.
As this thread shows, more people would at least consider free range meat if it weren't so expensive; people live within their means.
31-01-2009, 00:37
Awesome, going there tommorow. so will see if they still have some..
Free range is good for taste and texture but we aren't all loaded and sometimes you just don't have much choice.
Get me one while yer there :p
Get me one while yer there :p
and how you plan on paying me back ;).. :evil:
it just physically hurts me (pheebs summed it up well above, i guess i am angry (or at least upset) at what goes on in the battery farming industry) to know that people can know what happens to these animals and yet still continue to eat them.
Seriously?! Talk about melodramatic ;D
31-01-2009, 00:58
and how you plan on paying me back ;).. :evil:
She'll give you half a duck :D
I said DUCK!!
FFS! :rolleyes: :p
31-01-2009, 01:09
Don't forget the free range duck I got was in the reduced items, otherwise it would be about £11-£12.
As a proud student (or someone who cares about animal welfare whichever you choose) i live my life out of that clearance bin last minute before supermarkets close. It's possible to pick up some amazing cuts, nice meat etc... For absolutely nothing in comparison to original price.
That was a BLOODY fantastic meal ;D (for all those people who are like "gasp" at this, I had free range egg friend rice :p)
Think of the RICE!
The whole I'm poor and I can't afford it comment is bollocks.
As a proud student (or someone who cares about animal welfare whichever you choose) i live my life out of that clearance bin last minute before supermarkets close. It's possible to pick up some amazing cuts, nice meat etc... For absolutely nothing in comparison to original price.
Think of the RICE!
I get most of my meat off the clearance area. Pride has nothing to do with it, I can just shop better and eat better that way. It's other people's pride that lets me do that though. In my freezer I have mixed game, a venison steak, a pheasant, 3 rump steaks, 1 sirloin steak, beef kidney, a selection of top end sausages, two lamb shanks and a good cut of lamb divided into 3. I haven't paid as much as the cheapest cuts for any of that and I don't deliberately visit the supermarket at any particular time or day. People would rather eat a packet of cheap chicken breasts instead. I don't care, it means I can cook and eat like a king. Yes I'm bragging because I know it's better than what you've all got in your freezers and I haven't tried to make it like that, it just is as a result of sensible shopping.
Anyway, gone way off topic on a rant. Damn vegetarians ;)
31-01-2009, 06:54
and how you plan on paying me back ;).. :evil:
Isnt smiling sweetly and fluttering my eyelids at you when you drop it off enough? :p
I have to agree with Jonny. I do actually care about where my meat comes from and I always try and buy meat which has come from properly treated animals. The same goes for eggs - if they don't have free range, I won't buy it. I only buy free range chicken, which usually comes from the local farm shop as it's cheaper and I always get the thighs and bone them because it's much cheaper and tastier than the breast. We don't eat a huge amount of chicken anyway though. I don't generally walk past the discount bit of the fridge section because I usually just skip the meat, but I'll definitely have a look next time :)
One thing which annoys me is the lack of info you get when you dine out. We don't do it often at all, but when we do it'd be nice to know where the meat came from.
However, this is my personal choice and I'm happy with it. I'm not trying to come across as 'holier than thou' and I respect that other people have the right to choose what they eat. I hate it when people force their views on others and belittle them because of the choices they have made. Pressure really isn't the way to persuade people into thinking about where their food comes from and will only cause offense.
I'm glad everyone enjoyed their duck :D
I've found it really tricky out here to tell what my eggs are. Only one or two brands even bother to specify if their eggs are free range or not, and speaking with people here on the subject tends to get a "are what?" response.
I buy Asda smart price meat most of the time. I have 2 kids and myself to feed on a strict budget.
I try to be mindful of where the meat has come from and stuff, but if I always followed my conscience, I'd have no money left at all after a food shop.
Didn't get it in the end, couldn't see any special offer, just Peking duck at 7.99..
so got some new zeland lamb for £6 and going to make some kebbabs.. Yummii.. Will post up in a bit.
I've come up empty handed too - though it certainly doesn't help that I don't really know what I'm looking for. I found various parts of duck and some pre-prepared crispy duck that didn't look very appealing.
I'm in Sainsbury's for the nezt hour if anyone has any clues (please text me as I look like a dork posting in the middle of the chilled food aisle :D)
Ha-ha I can just imagine a confused bloke texting, in teh chilled isle.
It'll be with the Chinese chilled ready meals. Usually a whole isle. Split into American, Chinese, Indian, Italian, English..
31-01-2009, 19:24
It'll look like this...
"Sainsbury's Aromatic Whole Duck 1.2kg"
It's with the chicken!!
Like in the meat section! Not with all the takeaway easy meals!!
Would text but I don't have your number! Doh :)
That's what the forum profile is for. :p
Nowt found in the aisle containing whole chickens, nor in the aisle containing read meals (though I did find a 3-for-£5 deal in the latter aisle, so that'll do).
May have a look in the more local Sainsbury's tomorrow if it hasn't snowed.
01-02-2009, 00:33
That's what the forum profile is for. :p
Nowt found in the aisle containing whole chickens, nor in the aisle containing read meals (though I did find a 3-for-£5 deal in the latter aisle, so that'll do).
May have a look in the more local Sainsbury's tomorrow if it hasn't snowed.
Well I can't see your number there :p
Well I can't see your number there :p
Ah.. you're not one of the lucky ones ;)
I'm still duckless. I found more evidence of duck in the supermarket, but none of the above. I'm going to have to stamp my feet and demand duck. ;D
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I have the yearnings for duck now!
Just the thought of that duck crisping up in the oven ( no doubt due to it being basted in it's mother's tears :p ) and accompanying it with a sticky sweet sauce and pancapes..... mmmmmmm :D
*runs off to get a bowl of crunchy nut flakes*
Psst - we moved that convo :p
Do'h, can a bored admin move it into there? :)
An acquaintance called me from Sainsburys in Cornwall this morning to inform me that the duck in the poultry section in Sainburys is once again a third off.
Haly I think tried to find it in Wales but no such luck... I will be trying mine later when doing the bread and milk run!
I said to Picky last night "I'm craving Duck... I would like some Duck... Man. I need Duck" and low and behold!! This happens! It must be a sign :D
Excellent. I forsee a duck meal on the horizon soon!
Does it quack? Does it echo?
*runs in other direction*
Is it free range?
;D ;D ;D
Does it quack? Does it echo?
*runs in other direction*
Yes and yes.
Yes and yes.
How can it quack or indeed echo?? It's been ruthlessly murdered by some evil battery duck farmer. Pheebs I'm ashamed/disappointed etc. :p
But are you physically hurt by it, Kate?
I have a DUCK in my fridge! WOOOOOOOOO!
Duck night tonight for Pickster and I! YAayayYAYAYY! Followed by Pineapple! 2 for £1.50 in Sainsburys at the moment!
I'm gagging for it already! How awesome is my din dins going to be!!
No Sainsbury today. Sainsbury tomorrow. Maybe. :)
Seen whole ducks in both tesco and somerfield at half price over the past 2 days too
I'm gagging for it already! How awesome is my din dins going to be!!
Obviously better than I had hoped :evil: ;D
/me is on the sauce already...
30-03-2009, 14:11
Absolutely stunning call Pheebs, grabbed one myself and had some friends round. Duck pancakes, stir fry, noodles, rice and fried prawns (wouldn't have but they were in clearance ;D). Cost me faff all really, superb meal. Thanks again :)
There's a duck in my fridge. It won't be there tomorrow.
Oops, I just ate the whole thing. :o
30-03-2009, 21:02
I hope you said sorry to the God of Ducks for your murderous act! :p
30-03-2009, 21:07
It is alright Marie as someone out there feels the pain of the Ducks ;) :p
Yaaaaaaaaaay for Duck goodness!
Good going Mister Belmit!! When I stripped my Duck I originally thought "oooh there's not a lot of meat... I could devour it all myself... and then I turned the duck over and there was a MOUNTAIN of meat on it.
I still reckon I could of nommed it all myself. Too goddamn tasty!
31-03-2009, 09:14
Yeah i thought there would be loads for 4 of us, but the 4th person arriving got held up, and by the time she was here, we'd finished it all. I mean to boil the carcass down, and make a duck and vegetable soup. But instead we consumed copius amounts of wine played wii and generally made a fool (had a good time) of ourselves ;D.
Sounds like a perfeck evening in my eyes (unless I was the fourth person then I'd think you'd all suck balls :p) ;D
31-03-2009, 10:15
Naaah, i made her some deep fried prawns and chilli sauce i had going as a backup just in case, cause i ****ing rock as a host. She had good reason to be late so no worries. I think she managed one pancake out of leftovers anyway, thats enough :p
31-03-2009, 21:37
I feel somewhat spoiled, I have duck all the time. Battery, Barn or Still kicking, I don't care, yummo! Om nom nom!"
No duck for me. Might have a look tomorrow but given I'm going to be away this weekend it'll have to keep.
How can it quack or indeed echo?? It's been ruthlessly murdered by some evil battery duck farmer.
Not the duck I had, its quacks were echoing off the sides of the oven. Mmmm rare duck ;)
01-04-2009, 16:46
No duck for me. Might have a look tomorrow but given I'm going to be away this weekend it'll have to keep.
Can freeze it, or leave it a few days easily in the fridge.
You canny freeze the ducky wuck from Sainsburys I'm afraid :( Says on there something like "This product may have been frozen in the past, do not refreeze" type thing.
I was gonna stock pile them see so was proper gutted when I saw that! ;D
I believe you could cook them, then freeze the meat again, but I imagine it would taste like crap.
I believe you could cook them, then freeze the meat again, but I imagine it would taste like crap.
and have texture like cardboard... :confused:
Is it too hard to nom the whole thing?
01-04-2009, 17:33
Hmmmm, tbh i'd be inclined to freeze it anyway, i doubt it would do any harm? If duck goes off it does smell inconceivably foul, i do know this ;D
I finally found some duck last week. Had it at the weekend but didn't enjoy it as much as I should have because I've been feeling ill.
I left the two perfectly good forks in the tin after shredding it, and forgot them, so when the tin went out for the binmen yesterday, the forks were still there. Oops. I don't think that's the first cutlery I've thrown away like that either. :o :o
Fortunately they were from my 15-year old set, not one of the new sets.
Edit - just checked the drawer - 4 forks, though I know a couple are in use. Looks like I'm a bit forgetful with cutlery. ;D
Sooooooooome Exeter Peooeoeoples (Mister Pickers-in-his-knickers and meee) maaaay or may not have some Duck tonight! OMMMM NOM no mn om nom nom no nomnomnomnmm!
Whoop whoop! :D
17-10-2009, 19:03
Yes but is it a happy duck? :p
And if you quack, do you echo? :p
Tesco has 1/2 price on ducks. Now 3.19 a kilo. So about 6.50-7.50 a bird.
I've got some duck thighs for some time this week. Can't remember how much they were, but I've had them before and they're so flavoursome and meaty - can't wait! :D
Anybody up for some duck and a ****? ;D
I've got some duck thighs
Do they go with the rest of your frogs legs? ;)
27-10-2009, 09:42
Anybody up for some duck and a ****? ;D
Do they go with the rest of your frogs legs? ;)
Yes they compliment each other well.
Yes - that rhymes nicely :confused: ;)
27-10-2009, 10:30
Yes - that rhymes nicely :confused: ;)
Are you trying to corrupt my innocent mind again........:p
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