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31-01-2009, 16:41
Its cold :( And meant to get colder: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7862378.stm

Anything below 23c is too cold :p

*Goes to boil kettle for a hot water bottle*

31-01-2009, 16:44
"Up to 5cm of snow could fall in some places with eastern England most at risk," he said.

I live in eastern England. I love snow. I'm going to Scotland tomorrow *sigh*

31-01-2009, 16:45
I don't want cold! :(

31-01-2009, 18:43
Feek it is meant to be fairly bad weather here for the next few days, bad translates to snow. I hope it doesn't i can't be bothered with the hassle it brings.

31-01-2009, 18:55
My knee is still giving hell from the last freeze :angry:. Grumpy as the cold makes it hurt like hell. Had enough now as its been too cold since mid Dec and I don't normally moan as I prefer the cold. There is a fair bit of cabin fever going around (both me and the office).

Global warming my ass.

31-01-2009, 19:39
Anything below 23c is too cold :p:shocked:

Anything above 15 is boiling, you crazy woman you :p

I was walking around in a t-shirt today, was apparently -5 with the wind chill.

31-01-2009, 19:43
sounds good :D

t shirt & jeans is all year round wear imo :D

31-01-2009, 19:45
*looks at weather report* Hmm.. a nice pleasant 73 degrees (about 22C) and it's not even 9am yet. Fancy moving here Tak?

31-01-2009, 20:41
My knuckles started swelling again earlier today due to cold.

Stupid as chilblain rubbish thing.

31-01-2009, 21:50
Yup, it's cold. I was standing waiting for a bus in it. Brrr. :(

I dislike snow and ice as much as I dislike heatwaves, if not more so. :(

PS - While I was waiting, a bus for Southsea turned up, followed by a bus for Swansea. Know anyone who lives near there? ;D

01-02-2009, 04:21
Kari and I spent part of the afternoon here:

01-02-2009, 05:01
No snow

01-02-2009, 10:09
Kari and I spent part of the afternoon here:

That... is beautiful!!

*grabs hot water botty and dreams of a sunny beach*

What I would do to be snorkeling in a blue blue warm sea right now.


01-02-2009, 11:12

But after dark on Sunday night and through to the rush hour on Monday morning, "disruptive snowfall" is expected across central, eastern and southern England

If it is going to snow it could at least be at the weekend so I can play in it, rather than when I am at work when it is pointless :( :p

01-02-2009, 11:48
You want to talk about cold :confused:
Picture this,
It's 5am & you have been working the Chilled & Frozen sections going in & out of a Chiller/Freezer periodically to get more stock to put out in Chilled cabinets/shelves/fridges/freezers. When you finally finish & your bones ache & fingers are battered & sore you have to drag out half a dozen cages full of the card board you have ripped from items out into the Yard which is blowing up wind all the way from Siberia.
Yes it is ********* cold :'(:'(:'(

01-02-2009, 12:13
Sort of snowing in chelmsford. A few bit floating around in the wind!

01-02-2009, 13:03
It's a ruddy blizzard in Gravesend!

Photo's to follow.

01-02-2009, 13:17
hard to get action shots of snow :p


not as bad as it was, had to find the camera.

01-02-2009, 13:32
Snow in the wind here! :D

BB x

01-02-2009, 13:36
Its not a blizzard but considering they said we wouldn't see any snow till after dark this looks a lot like snow!



01-02-2009, 13:52
Its blowing in the wind here as Nutcase said. I will be keeping an eye on this, if it gets bad I won't be going to Leeds.

01-02-2009, 14:18
it's stopped now and the sun has come out :d

01-02-2009, 14:38
Took our dawgy for a walk in a forest near by! Was fuh fuh fuh fuh freezing! Especially walking into the wind! BrrrRRr!

So nice though at the same time! I love going out for walks and getting cold cheeks and a cold nose and yet, still being snug in my coat :D

No snow as of yet but I reckon the sky is seriously considering it at the moment :)

01-02-2009, 15:06
it's stopped now and the sun has come out :d


01-02-2009, 16:32
its snowing :D (well trying to :D )

01-02-2009, 16:46
There is actually some really big fat flakes too :D

01-02-2009, 17:37

But not any more! Took some pics but I can't find the lead :( In under 2 mins the entire street was covered. Currently letting rip outside.

edit:- no gym today then :( Was all ready to go when it went mad.

01-02-2009, 17:58
There were a few flakes about while I was wandering the streets this morning - seeing if a bit of road I didn't know about until recently near the local church might turn into a shortcut to work. It didn't, but I did discover a park I didn't know about and a shortcut somewhere else I've been going recently. :)

I think I spent about three hours out in that wind today. Glutton for punishment or what. ;D

My fridge and freezer are stocked though, so I can batten down the hatches and not have to go out in any snow (hopefully). :)

01-02-2009, 18:35

After an hour


Its a good inch deep there.

01-02-2009, 22:29
There be settled snow in London!

Mrs Dym has insisted we go out in it.

It is White and cold....

01-02-2009, 23:06
We've got a couple of inches now, and it's settled on the gritted bus route that is my road. Just this once I dont want snow, I HAVE to drive to Kent tomorrow :(

01-02-2009, 23:32
Just spent two hours out in the park with my lil 7 year old cuz, it was amazingly fun :p

Took the sledges too :cool:

(SINC, I'm in Gravesend tonight :p)

It's about 3 inches here!!!! \0/

02-02-2009, 01:37
Yup, BBC News is in Gravesend too.

No snow here - yet - I'm on the western end of the overnight stuff but definitely in line for some in the afternoon/evening.

02-02-2009, 01:42
Kent, London, Surrey and Hampshire will see up to 6in (15cm) of snow overnight, as temperatures plummet.


Ay caramba, 6" of snow overnight?

02-02-2009, 01:59
It's certainly a little nippy out.

Yay for fixing things in the snow... :eek:

02-02-2009, 03:34
There's strange white stuff outside. No idea what it is as it's been so long since I've seen any.


02-02-2009, 05:58
We can haz snow :D
I expect Sam will put up pics when she wakes up.
I've now gotta drive to work :(

02-02-2009, 07:53
I did not need this today :'(


02-02-2009, 07:55
It laid!!!!


One way out of my front door:


T'other way:


The only time my garden looks vaguely nice:


And a very poor attempt at a message for Kari:


02-02-2009, 08:04
We've got a good few inches.

I work out on the sticks and have to drive through country lanes :/

RWD and snow = FAIL !

02-02-2009, 08:12
I call this day Snow Day! The funnest day in the history of Springfield! \o/

02-02-2009, 08:12
We still have absolutely NONE!
I probably have the worst job in the world at times like this, because even if school did shut, as I only live upstairs from Marchant, I would still have to go to work.

02-02-2009, 08:22
I'm stuck at home - I can't leave owing to the fact that I have between 6-7inches of snow - despite of traction control and reasonably good driving skills, I cannot budge my car, and there's no chance in hell I'm getting up my hill without 4 wheel drive. So I have to wait it out for a bit.

02-02-2009, 08:23
Snow - one of the perfect excuses for adults to forget their worries, forget their stress, pretend they're 5 and just have a bit of fun :)

Yes driving will be a b*tch, yes it'll go slushy and manky later, yes the country will stop as it always does whenever we have some "weather", but at this moment it is pretty and soft, it hides the imperfections and harshness of buildings, it softens noises, it gives the imagination freedom.

02-02-2009, 08:28
We have lots of snow here :D

Going to get the bedding out of the car boot in a minute to see how bad it is but being at the bottom of the hill we should be ok for driving to work. Will try and sneak a photo on my phone in a bit.

02-02-2009, 08:34
We've got about an inch here MAX, not only is the college shut for students and tutors but there are NO trains to London. I'm not complaining but I'm stunned, Maybe Maidstone just got off easily but I'm quite amazed that we can't cope with what is effectively a sprinkling of snow :dunno:


02-02-2009, 08:47
In central london, or certainly where I am I've seen 3 cars do 180s, a bus nearly side swipe a lampost, so it's no surprise they cancelled busses and other modes of transport. It's REALLY bad here. However, I'm shocked and stunned they didn't grit the roads and prepare for it, surely they knew this weather was coming?! :/

02-02-2009, 08:55
This is Britain Will, for some bizarre reason, we are always shockingly bad in the snow. It is attempting to snow here, quite pathetic though!

02-02-2009, 08:57
However, I'm shocked and stunned they didn't grit the roads and prepare for it, surely they knew this weather was coming?! :/

They've known for at least 4 days. But being prepared involves, well actually doing something... No hope there then.

Conditions in Hitchin are - couple of inches of snow and it's still snowing and several accidents just outside the flat. The bus not stopping at the junction taking out a CLS Merc is the biggest so far.

02-02-2009, 09:08
This is supposedly the worst snow we've had for 18 years, we no longer have the infrastructure in place to deal with situations like this so I'm not even slightly surprised that the roads aren't gritted completely and that public transport has ground to a halt.

And all the outlying places without much snow where the trains are down. Don't forget that most of those trains terminate in London, so if they can't get there then there's going to be problems... Even running shorter journeys won't help as without the London terminals there isn't the capacity for turnarounds to keep the service operating even close to normal.

*sips some more coffee*

02-02-2009, 09:10
*sips some more coffee*

I'm going to follow this. My 3rd double espresso of the day coming up. :D

02-02-2009, 09:28
Hehehe - just had soooooooooooooooooo much fun coming into work, think a few people thought me mad as I was humming and smiling to myself, walking zig zag across the pavement so I could crunch crisp untouched snow underfoot :D I can't feel my toes any more and I think I have metal burn on my ear but I have the biggest grin :D

02-02-2009, 09:33
Oh joy! Working in the snow again! Bah. I sometimes wish I work in an office. No snow, lovely warm office, with facilities on tap!

02-02-2009, 10:05
Had fun getting into work today, had to drive my sister in as she didn't really want to drive in it. Didn't see any out of control cars which is nice.

My other sister is fuming, she has to drive to work and the school she works for is at the bottom of a hill which means driving through the gates and up a twisty hill to get the car park. She's not happy as she doubts many kids wil be there.

02-02-2009, 10:18
I have between 6-7inches .

Well it is cold out ;) :p

02-02-2009, 10:22
Well Feek will be happy there is a good few inches here and its still coming down in droves. I'm staying in bed with the dogs where it is warm.

02-02-2009, 10:25
In central london, or certainly where I am I've seen 3 cars do 180s, a bus nearly side swipe a lampost

I thought there were no buses in London?! Thats what Capital told me. No trains for me anyhow..

No way I am going to attempt getting to work... risking getting stuck in London for infinitum... or worse at work! :p Sod that!

Text the manager, she tried walking to station and got frozen toes so is heading home. Dur.

I wouldn't say it was 'extremely necessary' for us to be at work anyway.

/appreciates Blackberry even if just for FB updates

Am going to make sure I make a Snow Angel today! :D

BB x

02-02-2009, 10:26
Driving into work there was only 4 roads that weren't gritted, so no idea what is going on in London, Will.

It's coming down lightly now but the sun is out so the snow will be gone by lunch time :'(

02-02-2009, 10:30
London can't function in any weather condition!

BB x

02-02-2009, 10:31

That's London!


02-02-2009, 10:32
The Met Office has issued an extreme weather warning for England, Wales and parts of eastern Scotland. More snow is forecast later and on Tuesday.

02-02-2009, 10:35
I'm sat in Alton Sainsburys cafe after turning back. Can't get back up the hill to get home. :(

02-02-2009, 10:37

That's London!


/looks outside

It certainly is! :D

BB x

02-02-2009, 10:37
Well Leeds is off the cards, no bloody way sonny jim. Had loads of snow like Will, and its freezing with new on top. Due to that it will be worse tomorrow.

I'm stocked up and the house is actually nice and warm due to the snow on the roof.

02-02-2009, 10:40
Got about an inch here but its still snowing so who knows what we will end up with lol.
Hope its still enough later for Josh to make snowman after school.

02-02-2009, 10:51

Here's what the snow looks like in my back yard :D

Mrs Dym tried to get into work but was thwarted by the Central Line, she's now using my poota to do work while I faff around on my newly rebuilt mediacentre PC :p

02-02-2009, 10:58
Well it is cold out ;) :p

Indeed.. imagine what hot weather brings!! :evil:

I thought there were no buses in London?! Thats what Capital told me. No trains for me anyhow..

No way I am going to attempt getting to work... risking getting stuck in London for infinitum... or worse at work! :p Sod that!

Text the manager, she tried walking to station and got frozen toes so is heading home. Dur.

I wouldn't say it was 'extremely necessary' for us to be at work anyway.

/appreciates Blackberry even if just for FB updates

Am going to make sure I make a Snow Angel today! :D

BB x

Sorry it was private bus, not a red london bus. :)

Over 50% of my workforce isn't coming into work today, not surprising really.

02-02-2009, 10:59
Kim has now left work in London to come home again as only 2 people made it into the office and they're not sure that if they stay they will be able to get home.

I'm now off to get food as we have nothing in the flat.

02-02-2009, 11:19
About 10 people are in the office out of 150.

One of my colleagues was asked if she could walk in...

from Epsom?!

BB x

02-02-2009, 11:26
There isn't a person from our office who hasn't come in today. My boss is driving to Immingham from Liverpool, not sure what you pansies down south are complaining about :p ;D

02-02-2009, 11:28
My director isn't coming in saying "the motorways are bad" (north harrow to pompy)

02-02-2009, 11:37
It isn't just an English thing. Anywhere that doesn't regularly get snow like this shuts down when it happens. North Carolina (US) recently had snow and they pretty much shut down too.

Countries/areas that get it regularly either have the infrastructure to cope, or know that if they didn't just get on with it, everything would just seize up.

PS - inch or two here. Lovely and crunchy underfoot which I don't mind so much, but I know it'll be an ice rink later so I'm considering hibernating. :D

02-02-2009, 11:46
There isn't a person from our office who hasn't come in today. My boss is driving to Immingham from Liverpool, not sure what you pansies down south are complaining about :p ;D

We've got proper snow, not like that fairy dust you have up north :p

02-02-2009, 11:48
I just put the bin out. I can go bring it back in now - no collections today.

02-02-2009, 11:49
Fairy dust??? You just aren't used to it down there :p

Then again we can't boast as Blackstar and Mubs would put us to shame ;D

02-02-2009, 11:54
Well my sister got a call to say not bother going in, when she was 5 minutes away :D

It's now snowing harder here but at least the A5 is clear, if this keeps up I can see us leaving early. Although knowing the chairman, he'll be here all day. Luckily my Dad is my immediate boss so if says go home, I'm going home :D

02-02-2009, 12:05
IT started snowing again....

02-02-2009, 12:13
Its just started to brighten up here. My manager has said she won't be staying late tonight in case it starts to get bad again.

02-02-2009, 12:17
Still snowing here, about 6 inches or so on the ground :)

Send it this way!!! I want more snow :D :D :D

02-02-2009, 12:22
The sun is now shining :( Just hoping the it gives up and goes away and the snow starts again :(

02-02-2009, 12:25
We can haz snow day :D

No trains at all for me and MB's college is closed. Just phoned my office and only a handful of people have made it in - madness!

With blackberry and lappy I can still do some work though so at least I won't get too behind. I'm sure I can still find some time for a little play in the snow though :D

02-02-2009, 12:29
We've been given 'liberal leave', whatever that is. :dunno:

I'm able to work from home though, so I guess I will.

02-02-2009, 12:37
It took me over an hour to do a 25 minute journey this morning and most of that was getting out of the village. NO gritters, so the road was just compacted white snow. It was absolutely horiffic and I'm just glad that there is hardly anyone on the road at 6:30am. I gave up when I got 1/4 way there and took the motorway, which was clear.

The carpark hadn't been gritted either and people were sliding all over the place. I parked between 2 cars so I didn't get donked by someone swinging in beside me.

However, it started to snow A LOT at work and I made the decision at 10:15 to come home again before I got stranded, so now it's just me, the laptop, the cat and a mug of hot tea. Only trouble is that someone has nicked the power supply out of my bag so I can only do about 4 hrs of work tops. Sigh!

02-02-2009, 12:39
Its still snowing here, our road is a steep hill so there is only one way out. Tried to persuade the dogs outside to pee but they were having none of it and are back in bed with me. My big sister is flying back from Milan today but her flight is delayed.

02-02-2009, 12:40
Well I guess you could say its snowing here now, theres white stuff falling from the sky. Its not really settling yet though and theres is barely a few milimetres to speak of.

02-02-2009, 12:40
so I can only do about 4 hrs of work tops. Sigh!

Oh the hardship :p

02-02-2009, 12:41
Yeah, I can't remember how to turn the WIFI off either (honest ;) ) so it'll die even sooner :p

02-02-2009, 12:46
Just started to lightly snow again - doesn't look like it has much umph at the moment though - will probably stop in a few minutes

02-02-2009, 12:48
I couldn't get the car started this morning and about drained the battery trying ;D So I'm working at home. Technically first day reporting to a new boos today though so could really have done with getting in.

02-02-2009, 12:48
Yeah, I can't remember how to turn the WIFI off either (honest ;) ) so it'll die even sooner :p

Be careful of the bluetooth too, especially if a phone is connected that'll drain the battery, as will a phone charging off usb too :shocked: ;)

02-02-2009, 13:03
I'm told that turning up the brightness and running the DVD drive lots also kills battery life. You'd be best not doing those either. ;)

PS - if it's a works laptop, take care to cover your tracks before the battery does give up.

02-02-2009, 13:19
Naaaaah, I'm too honesty and am being good. Have pulled data off the laptop and am now working on my home comp because I need to put together some documents, which don't require the use of my lappy. It'll be quite nice not getting bombarded with emails for a few hours though.

Mark - I don't post on any forums with the work laptop, so no tracks to cover. Was doing it from my home PC :)

02-02-2009, 13:30
I was thinking more the power 'conservation' type tracks, and hadn't even thought about the forums. Shows how good I'd be. :)

02-02-2009, 13:40
My 15 min journey took me 45 mins.

I hate driving in snow, Barney is total crap in the snow :/

Hopefully we'll be let home early today so we're not driving home in the dark :)

02-02-2009, 13:41
I freaking love the snow :D \o/

The boss may let us go early, only cos it takes him an hour to get to work (in warm, dry conditions) so god knows how long it will take him tonight, he cant very well go home and leave us here :D

02-02-2009, 13:43
My 5 min drive to work took 30 mins, and I saw 3 abandoned cars :/

02-02-2009, 13:56
Yep abandoned cars in town as well. Just tried to see if I could create an avalanche off the front pitched roof over the toilet...... Not yet but there is potential :D

If a sales man comes today be afraid..... be very afraid.

02-02-2009, 14:04
My big sister is flying back from Milan today but her flight is delayed.
Make that cancelled and no flights tomorrow.

02-02-2009, 14:10
Ouch. :(

Seems to be thawing a little here now, which means it'll be even more deadly when the next lot arrives this afternoon.

02-02-2009, 14:10
I opened my window at 3.30am this morning and the air was pretty much a solid white. It was AWESOME.

02-02-2009, 14:23
No idea what all the fuss is about. Hardly got anything here.

Having said that I'm sure all this "The country hasn't got the infrastructure to cope" bollocks is mostly caused by lazy sods in the SE who seem to have this mentality that a bit of snow means that you don't even have to try and do the days work for which you're being paid. The idea of taking the day off due to snow isn't something that's really occured to me since I left school.

02-02-2009, 14:24
Don't you Scousers call all us Southern people wimps! I went to work to this morning, it has been snowing all day, the snow on the ground is twice as thick as it was this morning!

Was skidding all over the place in places today.

02-02-2009, 14:26
Big thick snow flakes atm but it isn't laying and the stuff on cars and suchlike is melting

02-02-2009, 14:35
I had to trudge into work this morning. i just don't understand how all London Buses have been cancelled due to snow. The capital and they don't grit the place! Not that it affects me but still. Complete rubbish!

02-02-2009, 14:54
We've got about an inch here MAX, not only is the college shut for students and tutors but there are NO trains to London. I'm not complaining but I'm stunned, Maybe Maidstone just got off easily but I'm quite amazed that we can't cope with what is effectively a sprinkling of snow :dunno:


Well I'm in Gravesend today and there is about 5 inches minimum. We cleared the snow off the car and within an hour there was 2 inches more on it :p

That's why you can't get to london ;)

02-02-2009, 14:56
We've got about an inch here MAX, not only is the college shut for students and tutors but there are NO trains to London. I'm not complaining but I'm stunned, Maybe Maidstone just got off easily but I'm quite amazed that we can't cope with what is effectively a sprinkling of snow :dunno:


The snow here is over a foot thick and the roads have turned to compacted ice in many places.

02-02-2009, 15:00
I'm stuck in an office, the most I've been able to do is put a snowball in the managers coffee mug, show me photos of snowmen and snow angels and people having snowball fights :p

02-02-2009, 15:06
Well I guess you could say its snowing here now, theres white stuff falling from the sky. Its not really settling yet though and theres is barely a few milimetres to speak of.

The only query I have had all day has come from the Bristol office - so it must be ok there?!

Looking at all the weather forecasts the snow is coming in from the SE so obviously has petered out when it gets to the SW :(

Our office shuts at 2pm.. ooo shame! :D

Best Monday ever in my opinion! :cool:

BB x

02-02-2009, 15:07
No idea what all the fuss is about. Hardly got anything here.

Having said that I'm sure all this "The country hasn't got the infrastructure to cope" bollocks is mostly caused by lazy sods in the SE who seem to have this mentality that a bit of snow means that you don't even have to try and do the days work for which you're being paid. The idea of taking the day off due to snow isn't something that's really occured to me since I left school.

It's really rather bad down my way and there's no way in hell I can drive - couldn't even get out of the car park without sliding all over the place and I'm not unfamiliar with driving on snow. The trains are donald ducked so it is a bit of a PITA to get to work today - I hate being off work, I feel like I'm being a cheeky bugger but there's nothing i can do about it :(

02-02-2009, 15:12
but there's nothing i can do about it :(

apart from build Snowmen and make Snow Angels! :D

We walked over the train bridge and you can't even see the tracks!!!

BB x

02-02-2009, 15:12
erm....Birmingham is hardly south - you're a midlander! Still snowing here too :)

It is south compared to where you are!! :p Don't I know it, I bloody wish I wasn't a midlander!

02-02-2009, 15:13
We had about 3-4 inches this morning and it's been steadily snowing all day so not sure what it will be like on the way home. Have to say I agree with Phil, the amount of people on forums who find it good news that they can't get in to work is quite astounding. No wonder some places want to bring in a foreign workforce...I mean, look at Will ;)

02-02-2009, 15:14
My relief was due to fly out today to get to the rig for Wednesday. He flies from Aberdeen-Heathrow-Cairo. Problem is, Heathrow is shut :( He says there's no snow in Aberdeen yet but it's due later.
I'm hoping work will re-route him through Amsterdam as it looks like flights are getting in and out of there ok. If not, I'll be spending an extra few days on the rig :'( Depends how much extra cost would be involved switching from BA to KLM :dunno:

02-02-2009, 15:15
(you might have noticed I was talking to Dym, not everyone who is south of us ;D)

Boris just been on saying that they have gritted all the London roads overnight but it didn't work. Lies tbh ;)

Teee hehehe :D

02-02-2009, 15:15
Finally started snowing again and I've just found out that the chairman managed to drive into an abandoned car at 50mph on his way to work this morning, oops. He was the only person having trouble getting in, but then he does live in Rothley, which is pretty much in the middle of nowhere.

02-02-2009, 15:18
The only thing I missed today was Body Pump class - the gym called me to say it was cancelled - how nice of them! :)

BB x

02-02-2009, 15:19
pretty much all the snow here in Liverpool has gone :'(

02-02-2009, 15:27
pretty much all the snow here in Liverpool has gone :'(

Same; the more it snows the faster the rest is melting :(

02-02-2009, 15:28
Faysh is on his way to pick Josh up, school is closing early due to snow *sigh*

02-02-2009, 15:29
it hasn't snowed since 10am :(

it's all melted now

02-02-2009, 15:30
(you might have noticed I was talking to Dym, not everyone who is south of us ;D)

Boris just been on saying that they have gritted all the London roads overnight but it didn't work. Lies tbh ;)
I'm not discounting your claim because I think you're right, but there is a problem with overnight gritting apparently. Grit/salt only works properly if mixed with snow - if the snow just settles on top then that's where it stays.

02-02-2009, 15:39
The only query I have had all day has come from the Bristol office - so it must be ok there?!
We had a semi- blizzard for about half an hour, its stopped for a bit and is starting up again slowly now but is nothing significant unfortunately.

02-02-2009, 15:50
It's just hit us... coming down like nothing else

I hope Picky doesn't get stuck at school! He's supposed to get stuck at home for these things!

Trio dog is LOVING it. It's like christmas for her!

02-02-2009, 15:55
We had about 3-4 inches this morning and it's been steadily snowing all day so not sure what it will be like on the way home. Have to say I agree with Phil, the amount of people on forums who find it good news that they can't get in to work is quite astounding. No wonder some places want to bring in a foreign workforce...I mean, look at Will ;)

Cheeky bastard. :p

02-02-2009, 16:05
Josh had to be picked up early due to school closing early *sigh* they only had 40mins of school left anyway.
Its about 2inchs I think and its been lightly snowing for a couple of hours.

Right off to town now we will need to drive as the pushchair won't handle the snow up the hill if we walk or got bus lol

02-02-2009, 16:09
F*ck me! Snow in Swansea - and it's sticking!

Aslan thinks the sky is falling...

02-02-2009, 16:09
No more snow :(

02-02-2009, 16:11
We got sent home and left about 2pm, got home about 15mins ago.




Hmm, think I'll stay indoors ;)


Clean, untouched snow


Piggyfied !


Have to say though, I'm not looking forward to tackling the backlog of work tomorrow :/

02-02-2009, 16:11
Still snowing in Hitchin.

Someone kindly scraped off the bonnet of my car at around 11am. It's covered again now.

Snuggle Ferret
02-02-2009, 16:16
Nik got to work fine this morning. The side roads were a tad dodgy and he said watching a bus going up a hill was amusing.

It's been snowing for about 2 hours but not enough for major coverage but if it keeps up you never know.

02-02-2009, 16:16
I've been working from home today after my brief but slidy attempt to get to Winchester. Looks like it'll be the same tomorrow. We had almost a foot overnight and it's still snowing now; this morning I went to the shed to try and find my hiking boots (about ten steps) and had to discard my trainers as they were caked. I didn't find the boots, grr.

02-02-2009, 16:19
Laptop battery has finally died :( Really bloody annoyed about that. I sent the team an email asking who's nicked it. Grrr!!!!

Still snowing like the dickens here and it's sticking again too. Was kicking myself on the way home. I so nearly put my camera in the boot this morning.

02-02-2009, 16:25
Finally got the dogs outside, Mia was not liking it one bit. Now she is having doggy dreams and yapping in her sleep. Might have to phone into work, will see what its like when I go to leave.

02-02-2009, 16:29
Am round at the godkids and felt it was my duty as Auntie to take them out in the snow. We've had lots of fun chucking snowballs at eachother, its the first time the youngest one has been able to enjoy it properly.

I feel about 5 years old! Still nothing on the level of what London and other places seem to have had but we had fun all the same.

02-02-2009, 16:44
Train and tube was fine for me when I came in around 12, unfortunately I'm supposed to be here until 8pm :( Just looked around and all the investment bankers are here but every other floor is empty and all the various support teams have sent out emails excusing themselves.

02-02-2009, 16:50
Just rang my parentals to check that they've not gone anywhere. My Dad went to the station at 6am to get the train to London, but came home again when he heard that public transport was off. Good call. Wouldn't want to worry about him getting stuck. He's an old bugger now!! :)

Our crazy next door neighbour just rang the doorbell and told me to put my car on his drive. He wiped all the snow off it and helped me back it on. Bless him! He's said Leon should put his on there too. I'm really relieved because where I park is a prime spot for getting crashed into if it's slippy. Meine kleines Golf is safe now :D

02-02-2009, 17:07
F*ck me! Snow in Swansea - and it's sticking!

Aslan thinks the sky is falling...

I know :eek: Harry's not keen at all and won't go out in it!

I was in work this morning till just after 3 and I'm so glad I got home before the snow got heavy. Now I can just enjoy it without thinking 'Nooooooo must not get stuck in work' :D

02-02-2009, 17:21

WOOOOOOOOO Woooooooo!!

PS. Do NOT wear a short dress today - even if you have thick thick thick tights on!! You will freeze!!!

02-02-2009, 17:23

02-02-2009, 17:28
Brrrrr, get inside you mad fool!!! :p

02-02-2009, 17:29
Our cats have been in and out all day, though have been in for a couple of hours now, think they had enough!

02-02-2009, 17:32
I keep running in and warming up on the radiator then charging back outside with the dog! :D

Pickys due home soon! WOOOOOOOOOOO!

Then we can get proper snowed in!

For a week!!

And a day!!!

And and and make snow angels and everything!!!

My oh my, I am one happy girl.

02-02-2009, 17:35
When I opened the bedroom curtains this morning I couldn't see what all the fuss was about - there was barely any snow on the ground!

I had the venture out of the house (not something I usually do on a Monday) this morning and noticed that the road outside my house was a little bit frosty - no ice and the roads between my house and the Doctor surgery were completely clear until the road that the Doctor surgery is on but even then it was barely enough to register.

Now though it is really coming down. I'll most likely work from home tomorrow not because I'm worried about the driving - I've driven in far, far worse conditions than this but because I'm a lazy git and fancy a bit of a lie in!

02-02-2009, 17:36
Flo is not fine with all this snow.

02-02-2009, 17:39
Flo is not fine with all this snow.

Harry isn't either. He won't go out, and he's just been sick which is usually his way of showing any sort of concern :/

02-02-2009, 17:41
God-daughter and a rather fandabydosey snow angel

My rather feeble attempt at a snowman, I told you we didnt have a lot!

02-02-2009, 17:41
I took Pebbles cat outside and plonked her in the snow.

She meowed and ran back in.

She was not amused!

02-02-2009, 17:41
Main roads have basically been cleared by traffic so coming home wasn't too bad, although it hasn't really stopped all day.

Roddy, being a dog, should be fine in snow... except he's from Spain, is very cold confused by all the white stuff and looks like a cloud so is easy to lose :confused:

02-02-2009, 17:47
I think my brothers friends are coming over to play football. The temptation to join them is oh so great right now. Snow's about 2 inches here, so not what the Londoners have got, but not too bad for our area. 2 years ago we made a 6 foot snowman, this seems twice as deep...

02-02-2009, 17:48

Shame that I only love snow after I have finished driving in it and after work!!





02-02-2009, 17:56


02-02-2009, 18:00
Woah Piggy... those pics you posted... it's nearly as deep as you are high ;D
I shall post pics when I can :)

02-02-2009, 18:19
Do you not care about your ankles? ;D

Haven't seen any obvious signs of more accumulation yet, but I expect it'll turn up eventually.

02-02-2009, 18:39
Had an interesting day. Got to the office about 6:15 to find the cleaner had turned up, good effort Apparently about 30% of the regular staff sacked it off, and have been told to take it as holiday :evil:

Anyways, headed off down the A12 heading for North London. Tally was 3 cars in ditches and 4 broken down lorries in random places. And 1 car span on the other carriageway whilst we were driving past. All 4 cars had something in common.

BMW's. One 7 series, one 3 series, one Z4 and an unidentified. Power is nothing without control ;D

Was quite pleasant driving through North London without any buses causing traffic jams Can they cancel all services more often?

Same againt tomorrow. Hmm, can't pretend I'm looking forward to it...

02-02-2009, 18:40
BMWs are total crap in the snow :(

02-02-2009, 18:41
James Bond found that out the hard way.

02-02-2009, 18:53
4 wheel drive is pretty damned awesome in the snow. 'Automatic' gearboxes and 300bhp are less awesome but the 4wd helps an awful lot.

02-02-2009, 18:56
There's no way that bloody thing of mine is going anywhere in the snow :p

02-02-2009, 18:59
I have the best vehicle ever and it's found just under my waist ;D

02-02-2009, 19:24
BMWs are total crap ...

Much better. :D

Just a thought.... Anyone heard from Huddy? ;)

02-02-2009, 19:29
Much better. :D

Just a thought.... Anyone heard from Huddy? ;)

Probably managed to cycle straight into a snow bank on the way in :D

02-02-2009, 19:31
I have the best vehicle ever and it's found just under my waist ;D
I rely on those too, but mine don't work in snow. :p

02-02-2009, 19:35
Apparently North Warwickwhire and Warwick are really badly hit. 32 schools closed in Warwick apparently. All I know is I've just got back and we have about 1/2 of a inch if that. Hardly any traffic which was nice though.

02-02-2009, 19:38
Still snowing here, driving home was not fun. Just glad I'm home and can chill out. Hoping it keeps snowing all night :D

02-02-2009, 19:54
Piggy, I keep seeing your snow pics juxtaposed with your Av photo and keep thinking..

Brrrr cold get some clothes on!!! :D


BB x

02-02-2009, 20:07
Was a bit slippy on the way into work but fine on the way home as all the snows gone :(

I took some pics this morning before work I'll see if any are any good and put them up if they are :)

Hopefully more snow tonight :)

02-02-2009, 20:18
Apparently North Warwickwhire and Warwick are really badly hit. 32 schools closed in Warwick apparently. All I know is I've just got back and we have about 1/2 of a inch if that. Hardly any traffic which was nice though.

400 of 600 Essex schools were shut. Wonder what the shoplifting stats for today will be :D

02-02-2009, 20:21
After being stuck in traffic for 2 hours because of the snow, when the journey should have taken 15 minutes, I AM NOT FRIENDS WITH SNOW.

Please rain, please rain, please rain. Bah

02-02-2009, 20:48
Tink have you got Alzheimers? lol

Snow it pretty deep now but not too deep so all is good, we cleared steps before we left for town when we got back it was about 2inchs thick, we wasn't gone that long lol
Roads are getting iced up and dangerous, if its like that tomorrow I doubt the school will be open as teachers won't be able to get in.

02-02-2009, 20:55
We had a very fun morning at the park

As I thought no-one would be in at work today I went in at 3pm (I'm still on compassionate leave). My car is not made for snow :( I actually had to go slower than everyone else as it was drifting like a Japanese Chav! Luckily they had almost a full shift and sent me home again. Very very hairy driving conditions

02-02-2009, 21:20
I hope you gave the ginger one extra rations of snowballs ;D

02-02-2009, 21:41
The roads were deserted on the way home which was slightly eerie.
I think everything is too wet for the snow to lay again tonight but with temps of -4c to -7c predicted then I'm sure there will be plenty of ice for me to do a spectacular bambi impression in the morning

02-02-2009, 21:42
I hope you gave the ginger one extra rations of snowballs ;D

Which one, there are two. And despite the photos they arent truly ginger, not that there's anything wrong with that anyway. So ner! :p

02-02-2009, 21:50
Was supposed to start teaching tonight, but all classes have been cancelled. That's the only thing that has been affected though, roads in the estate were, errr, fun, but once you get out onto the main roads it's just wet.

Not a chance, ever of being sent home from the day job early. Our MD comes from Suffolk every day so he says if he can make it, the rest of us can.

02-02-2009, 21:56
My car is not made for snow :(

Bet you wish you still had the Ponymobile?

Your snowman is fab! :D

BB x

02-02-2009, 22:02
It was mahoosive! Couldn't move it any more :)
REALLY wish I still had the Ponymobile! That was ace in snow :) Work has one, exactly the same as my one, but even though I owned one for 4 years, I have to do a course before I can drive it :(

02-02-2009, 22:21
Despite the fact it is snowing here, the roads and pavements are melting. Unless we get a good lashing of snow during the wee hours I think it'll all be gone come tomorrow afternoon.

02-02-2009, 22:25
We've got slush that's freezing. Tomorrow is going to be horiffic!!!

02-02-2009, 22:34

02-02-2009, 22:37
I'm rather concerned about your melting roads and pavements. That's going to be messy. :p

Sorry, had to be done. I've already got my coat.

02-02-2009, 22:38
Two pics from my back steps....I live up lots of stairs! Inspite of the fact I live quite close to the City centre, light pollution and all that, I cant believe how bright it is out.


02-02-2009, 22:40
It's always brighter when it's snowed. Bright and silent. Love it :D

Our church looked particularly pretty earlier I think :)

02-02-2009, 22:43
very pretty indeed :D

and yes Mr Smart Arse, put your coat on :p

02-02-2009, 23:17
It's still snowing here, I got to work and they said I shouldn't have bothered.

02-02-2009, 23:20
Just been and let the dog out for his last wee. Decided it would be fun to try and get him to try and catch snowballs, he couldnt work out why I was throwing him a ball but then it kept disappearing inside his mouth! ;D

02-02-2009, 23:28
Interesting what Blackstar says about the snow, I'm not far away in a different part of Edinburgh and all there is on the ground is slush. It was the same out at our site in Leith where it's snowed a bit today and not settled.

The office in Brentwood is a bit different. One person got in, it took her an hour and a half to do a journey that normally takes twenty minutes. Another drives in from Romford and he had to abandon his 'Ultimate Driving Machine', walk home and get the train in and one guy from Colchester spent five hours on the A12, two hours of which was trying to get to work and the other three were getting home. They closed the office at 12:30 and sent everyone home.

It's really weird, at home by the sea there is practically no snow but go just a few miles inland and there's four to six inches of the stuff.

And here's me in Edinburgh where there's just slush. It's just not fair!

03-02-2009, 00:02
Some pictures from today (taken on a phone so excuse the quality ;D)

Me in my trusty North Face gear :p

Back garden at about 11am


Me again, but because I didn't have any waterproof gloves to hand, I stuck a pair of disposable rubber ones underneath ;D


Me and my lil' cuz making snow angels :D (Oh boy do I look lanky :shocked:)


Two big, erm, balls we made ;D


03-02-2009, 02:27
Interesting what Blackstar says about the snow, I'm not far away in a different part of Edinburgh and all there is on the ground is slush.
It's because where I live (red dot) is 5 minutes from the Pentland Hills on high ground so we get the snow. Centre of Edinburgh, like Alex says is very cold but stable.


03-02-2009, 06:51
Looks like naff all snow overnight here, but looks very cold and icy. Should be fun today as off to North London again!

03-02-2009, 07:38
Ditto for me, garage roof is about if for snow. Be interesting to see if the Cov and Brum crew still make it in.

03-02-2009, 07:49
Was snowing heavily when I got up 20 minutes ago - look like its been laying too (lack of people prints on the pavement gives it away). Wish it would carry on like that :)

03-02-2009, 07:57
No extra snow, but it's not melted overnight and the roads look very slippery this morning. 30 mile drive to college today. Ugh!

03-02-2009, 07:59
No more snow yet but what was there has frozen solid... 3" thick ice!

Add to that the tubes slowly failing (they were all working when I got up, now there are delays and suspensions on half my journey to work) and it means me and Mrs Dym are going to stay off and work from home again...

Shopping list:

New boots

03-02-2009, 08:16
Just watched Picky go off to work... am suuuuuper nervous about him driving as roads look icy and bleh :(

Devon radio haven't said his school's shut, though some around Exeter are (where we live)

I forget how lucky I am working from home!

03-02-2009, 08:17
I hope everyone makes it safely to where they need to get to today.

03-02-2009, 08:27
Not looking forward to driving today, roads were TERRIBLE yesterday night, and it is the same amount of snow on the roads but now the snow will be covered with Ice. Awesome!

03-02-2009, 08:29
I don't want to drive into work, our road looks like a bloody ice rink :/

03-02-2009, 08:43
College is shut again


03-02-2009, 08:44
Roads are a bit icy round here but the constant overnight rain has managed to get rid of pretty much most of the snow. Traffic was a lot easier with it and so my journey to work was almost back to normal :)

03-02-2009, 08:51
Hardly anything on the roads here, and not too slippy though was driving ultra-carefully. 2 of us have made it in so far, only another 120 or so to go but it's still early I guess.

03-02-2009, 08:53
Not looking forward to pushing Marchant to school. We have to go down some side roads I know wont have been gritted.

03-02-2009, 09:00
I had to let 1/2 the pressure out of my tyres, get some pieces of wood, and rock the car up the slight incline to get it on the main road. I could smell burning rubber, maybe a bit of clutch and a bit of charred wood... however, I made it into work! a 20 minute commute turned into over an hour, ah well... I guess I better do some work. I did pump my tyres back up. I actually let the TC keep the tyres spinning got out of the car and pushed it (rocked it) enough to get some traction then dived into the car to stop it going away! lol! Don't ever try this at home unless you're a) phenominally stupid b) ridiculously strong c) both.

03-02-2009, 09:02
Seems the overnight forecast of a good ol' dumping of snow was wrong. Shame. I want a white-out*. We never get a white-out here (best we've got since I've been here - 18 years :o - is an inch or two every few years and it disappears as quickly as it arrives).

* Only when I don't have to go out in it. If I have to go out, there must be no snow or ice. It's the Law.

03-02-2009, 09:06
Poxy poxy poxy schools are shut again!! I NEED to get to Kent today *cries with crossness!*
I really don't get it, roads have been clear since yesterday!

03-02-2009, 09:09
Sunny and blue skies here. Typical on my day off :/

03-02-2009, 09:21
I'm covered in snow...everything looks good covered in snow even me :p

03-02-2009, 09:55
The roads on my estate are bloody icy. As soon as I got on to the main road it was fine. Pulled into the local morrisons garage taking it slowly as it looked slightly dodgy, found out from one of the till girls that someone earlier on didn't and slid the length of the forecourt :D The police are also out in force this morning.

Oh and to make matters worse, there's been a major incident at Smockington Hollow on the A5, which is about 15 minute drive away, so the A5 next to where I work is blocked up :(

03-02-2009, 10:42
I'm sitting at home with a nice latté looking at the snow coming down. I think our office is closed today but the people that can work from home are asked to do so, so no snow day as such for them.

03-02-2009, 10:51
Same for me really, drinking a cup of tea at home, beavering away. Snow's not coming down but it's no better than yesterday no the snow front - worse on the ice front, roads are horrible. Would rather be in but at least I'm not being totally useless!

03-02-2009, 11:25
At work now :(

BB x

03-02-2009, 11:38
****** off no snow again just sunshine and bitter winds.

03-02-2009, 11:48
Fast lane on the motorways are treacherous, clear one minute then completely covered in ice the next. Amazing the amount ofpeople who can't bear to wait the extra few minutes. Selfish gits, do they think if they crash it'lljust glide gently to a halt avoiding all other cars?

03-02-2009, 11:59
And just as I was about to step out the door to peg it to town, a blizzard comes in.

Why couldn't of this have come last night?!?!

Roads already freezing up. Seen a few cars wheel spin on our road :(

*wants Picky home safe*

03-02-2009, 12:18
Poxy poxy poxy schools are shut again!! I NEED to get to Kent today *cries with crossness!*
I really don't get it, roads have been clear since yesterday!


Hope Picky's ok Pheebs.

Loads of snow here. It was still coming down fast at 9ish. Looks pretty thickly layered now :) I was impressed the postman still came as he looked like a yeti! ;D Neighbours were going out in it to get some shopping and offered to get us something which was nice of them :)
All the buses in the area have been stopped according to the BBC site and all the schools in Swansea are shut. Can't remember snow this bad here.
I'm quite happy, not got anywhere to go till tomorrow night and not even got any review work to do so it's going to be a nice couple of days off :D

03-02-2009, 12:21
A lot of it is melting now, but the mother of all snowball fights is currently going on in the school playground!

03-02-2009, 12:54
/me eats toast & vegemite....

Schweeeeet, no buses = no workypooh for me! :D

03-02-2009, 13:16
Apparently they are asking managers to tell them who didn't make it in today :/

BB x

03-02-2009, 13:31
Sun just came out here and snow instantly started falling off trees and melting. But now it's snowing again! Working from home has its advantages but it does make things awkward.

03-02-2009, 13:38
Been really sunny here today. :(

03-02-2009, 14:24
It is really sunny here now so I don't expect the snow will hang around for long.

03-02-2009, 14:44
Well things got off to a less than promising start here in the cider districts but anything white and magical falling from the sky was pleasing me :


and then as the country came to a standstill* I lay my head to rest, wondering what may be for the next morning... Egg & I chuckled much when my dear mother phoned to advise us to "make sure you have plenty of food in" just in case Somerset broke it's historic record and suddenly had 8 feet of snow... :p

I awoke to this :) :


It has been absolutely stunning, and quite amusing watching the school field opposite become a warzone and quite frankly a revolutionary battle between the angsty youth of 8-11 year old children and oppressive dictators of the teaching staff... ahem


The countryside looks so beautiful when covered in snow- and we've had a 2/3 inch fluffy blanket most of the day, only now is it beginning to slush somewhat.

Loving it. :)

*I wrote a blog last night after watching a full hour of news focussing upon the 'travesty' of snow:

SNOW!... It's been snowing throughout the UK and it appears to have brought areas of the country to a stand-still.

Alas, the ability of one of Europes most prominant nations has been reduced to toddler status following some few inches of frozen water.

An amusing comparison between London and Toronto I noted earlier; Toronto's winter months of -20 degrees celsius featuring huge rivers freezing SOLID and 12-16 feet of snow ("and the rest" I am reassured by my little syrupy moose of a friend)- The country runs 'as normal' with the exception of an assigned winter transport workforce maintaining the main routes and the average joe changing to studded/chained tyres. Scarf and mitten salesmen buy new cars and revel as they toast to their wives and family before sitting down to eat their lobster.

London, minus 1 degree celsius and 2-3 inches of snow has lead to ALL public transport being cancelled for today (02/02), the majority of schools face temporary closure and workforces seeing 85% absence rates due to said travel/childcare commitments.

People run crying in the streets as this 'white powdery plague' falls upon those ill fated non-preparees who frantically swarm Waterstones to bulk-buy the latest Andy McNabb in order to educate themselves to survive 3 days without their skinny-moco-latta-chinno and Heat magazine.

The ensuing British tradition of complaining would appear to be the only saviour for those who dare not step outside and enjoy such rare whimsy, firing their tongues to the tone of self-pitying dross that questions how they could possible travel to work all of 3 miles without they're essential heated seats and Chris Moyles Show.

Nonetheless- for me snow means broad smiles, lots of noise and a further chance to reinstate my childish mindset in the form of spherical-ice-based-common assault! I assure you if there is a decent laying of my favourite white fluff cake overnight I shall be leaping out of bed - donning my thickest fattest coat and stealing the largest tray/ feasibly stealable piece of plastic I can find! There are many-a-hill covered in grass near one's country abode and I indeed shall finds it and undertake much screaming and bottom bruising.

Until I report back I wish you the belated Merry White Christmas (because Merry February is hard to say, let alone catchy)

03-02-2009, 15:08
Meh, I didn't like it when it snowed in Toronto either. Mind you, I did discover Toronto's PATH 'network' which I got quite adept at taking advantage of - something most tourists probably walk over without ever knowing it's there.

Anyway, I was hoping there might be some snowy equivalent of the rainbow, but alas it appears not to be. Yup, you got that right, I've just experienced sunshine and snow at the same time. :)

Round 1 had just about thawed and I thought it might be safe to venture outside, but alas I soon discovered that round 2 was already making itself very well known, although it didn't last long.

03-02-2009, 15:08
I took the tube in today instead of the train and noticed that half my journey was treacherous compressed icy snow and the rest had a nice melted path I could walk down. I then remembered that my flat is right on the border of two boroughs and Haringey had only gritted the path up to their border! *Shakes fist at Enfield council!*

03-02-2009, 15:09
I then remembered that my flat is right on the border of two boroughs and Haringey had only gritted the path up to their border! *Shakes fist at Enfield council!*

Lol that is funny... typical London councils!

BB x

03-02-2009, 17:41
I'm hoping work will re-route him through Amsterdam as it looks like flights are getting in and out of there ok. If not, I'll be spending an extra few days on the rig :'(

Any news?

03-02-2009, 18:05
Off to the football this evening, just looked out the window, and the snow is throwing it down again.......If I dont make it back, I love you all! :D

03-02-2009, 18:32
I think we've had our fill... After a MENTAL day at school, its all melted in the English riviera, and driving back to Exeter there were only a few patches of white left in some fields. A bit more around our house, but I cant see it lasting long into tomrrow before its just wet ground.

03-02-2009, 19:00
Just patches left on the grass around here too. We're due another batch on Thursday apparently.

03-02-2009, 19:21
Lol that is funny... typical councils!

BB x

Corrected for you :p

03-02-2009, 22:01
Boring. A little slippy on the car park then naff all anywhere else. Did Chelmsford to Islington in a little over an hour. Someone forgot the traffic today!

03-02-2009, 22:12
Its starting to snow again :D
I have funeral tomorrow so maybe it snowing again isn't a good Idea :/

03-02-2009, 22:14
Woo it's -4 here. The roads are sheet ice, fun fun fun getting home this evening.

03-02-2009, 22:49
Still snowing in Hitchin.


I drive through Hitchin on my way to Luton from Cambridge. Cambridge to Hitchin was fine after that it was a little bit heavier and much more slippery.

Even this morning the run from hitchin to luton was terrible, as though no gritters had been out at all.

We had good fun at work though in the snow, last night as the plows moved all the snow to the side guys where driving through it (in the work vans). :)

We had tonnes of fresh snow to play with. I was desperate to make a snowman but I don't think they would appreciate one by the side of the runway :(

http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/2430/dsc00050qh4.jpg (http://img201.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00050qh4.jpg)

03-02-2009, 23:14
I drive through Hitchin on my way to Luton from Cambridge. Cambridge to Hitchin was fine after that it was a little bit heavier and much more slippery.

Even this morning the run from hitchin to luton was terrible, as though no gritters had been out at all.

There wasn't any gritters last night as far as I know. I do know the paths were deadly today. Nearly went over on more than one occasion on the way to the train station today - thank god I was wearing my big boots as opposed to my normal Converse All Stars.

03-02-2009, 23:57
Hope no-one is thinking of travelling to/in Wiltshire...

A354 Coombe Bissett to Rockbourne Passable only with a 4x4. Avoid at all costs.

A303 east bound Wylye Road is virtually impassable. Approximately 15 vehicles stuck at this location. Avoid at all costs.

A338 Savernake to Burbage Road is impassable. Up to 30 vehicles stuck at this location. Avoid at all costs.
'Avoid at all costs' messages are a new one to me. :shocked:

04-02-2009, 08:21
Again no more snow :( Heavy frost though, got to go and scrape the van in a bit.

04-02-2009, 08:34
I hope you gave the ginger one extra rations of snowballs ;D

Ginger= my favorite

04-02-2009, 08:36
Nooooo, more snow today :( And supposed to snow more later. Bah, where is the sunshine and warmth. Feels like I have been working in the cold forever!

04-02-2009, 08:36
Sam- You are the coolest.
I have to admit, apart from being cold and having numb toes and burning fingers and all, I am really kinda jealous. Snow is awesome.

I would probably die laughing if it ever snowed on Oahu... people would not know what to do (me included!). The island would just shut down!

04-02-2009, 08:38
Again no more snow :( Heavy frost though, got to go and scrape the van in a bit.

I thought it was really cool the first (and only) time I got to scrape a windshield. I guess it's less exciting the more you do it.

04-02-2009, 08:46
If I dont make it back, I love you all! :D

We worked that out last weekend :p ;D

... people would not know what to do (me included!). The island would just shut down!

Just like England then? :D

04-02-2009, 09:09
We worked that out last weekend :p ;D

Shush you! Blame my phone! :p
I survived anyway, and we won, only a thick layer of frost this morning, but they are saying its meant to snow later today.

04-02-2009, 09:16
Sam- You are the coolest.

Glad you liked - I got bloody cold fingers trying to do that at 6:30 in the morning :p

Just like England then? :D


04-02-2009, 09:20
There wasn't any gritters last night as far as I know. I do know the paths were deadly today. Nearly went over on more than one occasion on the way to the train station today - thank god I was wearing my big boots as opposed to my normal Converse All Stars.

I'm on nights tonight and tommorow and they are predicting very heavy snow in the luton to hitchin area. Although it will be good workwise because I wont have to do anything I'm dreading the drive. I hope they do some gritting today/this evening or I may just sleep at work.

04-02-2009, 10:30
It's all but gone here and by that I mean there are a few patches left in the fields. If only the muppets on the road would open their eyes they would see that the roads are perfectly clear and they can go above 15mph. Argh!

04-02-2009, 10:35
Still loads of snow here. I drove back from the school run partially off of the main routes and it was thick thick ice. Main routes are all fine though.
Is it right we're getting aload more in a day or two?

04-02-2009, 10:38
Is it right we're getting aload more in a day or two?

More heavy snow is forecast for Wednesday night, particularly affecting Wales, south-west England, the Midlands and East Anglia.

Snow could continue into Thursday and Friday, but there is still uncertainty about how much will fall and where. BBC Link (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7868826.stm)

04-02-2009, 12:15

The Met office has changed again, it was predicting 20+cm on Friday. Now 5-10cm and downgraded.

04-02-2009, 12:23
Lovely warm sun here today, no snow left, not even icy!

I'm just going to sit back and chill like a right Winston (but secretly hope for snow!)

04-02-2009, 12:48
Still loads of snow outside and plenty of schools shut. Hope more doesn't fall tonight as I've got to go to work :(