View Full Version : How is this possible?

01-02-2009, 17:50
My new netbook just connected to IRC. I thought it was off and it was off. I had closed the lid which suspends it to the HD so if the battery is removed its still suspended. Yet it had connected to IRC in this state. I took the battery out, still connected. Put it back in and turned it on where by it resumed from suspended state, let me login and there was all the text while it had been connected without power. It connected to irc not a bouncer. Its a brand new install of windows 7 and nnscript for mirc. No bouncer that I'm aware of. It properly connected to irc at 4:37pm.

[16:37] -Q- Warning: cykbook (~nnscript@78-105-168-15.zone3.bethere.co.uk) authed with your password.
[16:37] * cykbook (~nnscript@cyKey.users.quakenet.org) has joined #talkphotography
[16:37] * Q gives channel operator status to cykbook
[16:37] <cyk:> eh
[16:37] <cyk:> i thought that was turned off
[16:37] <cyk:> it is
[16:38] <cyk:> wtf
[16:38] * [cykbook] (~nnscript@cyKey.users.quakenet.org): cyk
[16:38] * [cykbook] @#talkphotography
[16:38] * [cykbook] *.quakenet.org :QuakeNet IRC Server
[16:38] * [cykbook] is authed as cyKey
[16:38] * [cykbook] End of WHOIS list.
[16:38] * [cyk] (~cyk@cyKey.users.quakenet.org): cyk
[16:38] * [cyk] @#talkphotography
[16:38] * [cyk] blueyonder2.uk.quakenet.org :blueyonder QuakeNet IRC Server
[16:38] * [cyk] is authed as cyKey
[16:38] * [cyk] idle 00:00:20, signon: Sun Feb 1 16:00:01
[16:38] * [cyk] End of WHOIS list.
[16:40] <alexisonfire:> lol
[16:40] <alexisonfire:> magic
[16:40] <cykbook:> wtf
[16:40] <cykbook:> how?!
[16:40] <cykbook:> wtf wtf
[16:40] <alexisonfire:> ?
[16:40] <cykbook:> i took the battery out
[16:41] <cykbook:> it wasn't turned on
[16:41] <cykbook:> yet some how it was connected to irc

It was off! No fan noise. No battery while this happened. The battery was in to start with. It was off and yet it just joined irc. I'm completely lost.

01-02-2009, 18:04
Gremlins at work. Probably not the furry kind, but don't get them wet - just in case*.

* Your netbook wouldn't like getting wet either

01-02-2009, 18:04
lol :p

01-02-2009, 18:32
Magic :D

Dr. Z
01-02-2009, 20:43
When you suspend to HDD its not an instant thing and so your IRC client probably was in the process of reconnecting when you thought it was off (ACPI is a funny old beast). Timeouts on IRC take a while to happen and so it probably looked like you were connected when in reality you weren't.

As for the text, if you reconnected in time its conceivable that the IRC server was still busy trying to resend its packets to your non-responsive hosts and your IRC client might have responded to those "out of sequence" packets in a kind way, letting text appear as if it had come in whilst it was off.

If thats the case, you were just a victim of a convergance of unlikely circumstances.

01-02-2009, 20:57
You might be right. The hibernate setting is 6hrs after. It looks like it went from sleep to hibernate and mirc connected during that time. Server hadn't timed me out so it sent the packets once I reconnected creating the appearnace of being online while asleep. Freakin weird though.

01-02-2009, 21:15
That's far too sensible an answer. Gremlins! I tells thee, Gremlins! ;D