View Full Version : Honeycomb/ Cinder toffee/ Middle of Crunchie...

01-02-2009, 19:35
This is so easy to make, and a yummy thing to take to parties.

Unfortunately the making process is a bit hectic, so there isn't time to take photos!

You need:

4 tablespoons of Golden Syrup
100g Caster Sugar
1.5 teaspoons Bicarb.

I'd advise you use an old pan for this as it does make a mess.

Stick some greaseproof paper or greased tinfoil somewhere accessible as you need to tip hot stuff straight on to it.

Mix the sugar and syrup in the pan, off the heat.

Put the pan on the heat and watch as the mixture bubbles and turns a maple-syrup colour. This takes a couple of minutes. It is important NOT to stir this whilst it is on the heat.

Take the pan off the heat and stir in the bicarb. The mixture expands like mad and turns a golden colour.

Tip the mixture out on to the paper you prepared earlier. Remember the mixture is ridiculously hot at this stage.

Leave to cool for a few hours and then smash into pieces! Eat!

You'll never get all the mixture out of the pan, so leave this to dry and it will then dissolve very easily in water.

01-02-2009, 19:43
And your sending me some when? ;D

01-02-2009, 19:58
Yep it's awesome...

Crumbled up with brownies and chocolate sauce. With ice cream and other such goodies..


01-02-2009, 21:06
*prays Mic doesn't see this thread* :p

01-02-2009, 22:17
I concur. It was lovely, Vix :)

02-02-2009, 06:39
I make this regularly, it's great!

My suggestion is to use tin foil around the tray, and pour direct onto that. then when you come to break it up and get it off you can wrangle that foil around a and it all just falls off :)

02-02-2009, 10:21
This was nommy and fun to make - thanks for recipe :)

We scoffed it all as is this time but I can see lots of yummy choc/icecream/cheesecake uses for the future :)

02-02-2009, 11:54
I love it when is sticks to my teeth so I can enjoy it several hours later!

Om nom nom!

04-02-2009, 16:11
I want a go! :D