View Full Version : Basic basic CV/interview questions and tips

05-02-2009, 19:55
Right so i've scored an interview tomorrow with Vodka Rev, and although this sounds trivial i've actually been knocked back here before (;D). So this time i plan to do better ;)

They want a CV tomorrow and are aware i have zilch experience in bar work, but even worse is i've actually not really worked over the last 3 years like at all, because i was able to live quite alright off money saved and student loan (and if i can do that and enjoy myself on the cheap why the hell not? another story either way :p). So wtf do i put on this CV really? What do they really want/need to know? I have no relevent experience and no recent jobs?

I spoke to the guy i'm seeing tomorrow (i think) and he said its not about experience its about personality, which is a kick in the teeth since i didn't get the job last time! I like to think i can get on with people fairly quick and easily. But i don't know what to expect interview wise tomorrow, nor how to really dress, becuase i was dressed pretty laid back last time since it is just bar work!?

Questions questions questions, i'm going out tonight too, so i'm going to have a hangover whilst sorting myself out and updating a useless CV tomorrow, :D i need HELP! :'(

//End brain dump whilst cooking dinner

05-02-2009, 22:02
I spoke to one of the girls at the bar when looking for jobs for my friends. She was lovely and basically said they look for people who work well with others, are friendly and are willing to learn (if they have no experience).

06-02-2009, 14:24
I'm all of those :D :p But i'm still not rating my chances, dusting off the CV again, and even though i only updated it about a month ago, it already seems ****e! ;D

09-02-2009, 15:46
W00t, well without the help of you guys (ner :p) i've finally scored some permanent bar work, **** me that has actually been a a lot harder than i ever envisioned! "Cocktail technician" ;) ;D

09-02-2009, 16:29
Well done LD - make mine a double! :p

09-02-2009, 16:51
Good effort LD :cool:

09-02-2009, 16:52
Well done Alex, I shall come and sample your wares at some point. :p

09-02-2009, 17:16
Well done Alex, I shall come and sample your wares at some point. :p

Not anytime soon! Apparently it takes 8 weeks training :shocked: I'm sure they'll actually be working me to the bone a lot sooner than that though somehow :D

10-02-2009, 00:25
Nice one- I take it that's the place on Chambers St that used to be Beluga?

10-02-2009, 00:28
Yes it is.

10-02-2009, 00:32
Well done, see you didn't need any help!

- mine's a pink mojito ;)

Dr. Z
10-02-2009, 01:03
Can I have one of those huuuge pitchers kthx?

10-02-2009, 21:38
First shift starts in 20 minutes, now thats turn around time from walking in and inquiring to working! :D

Also i'm not allowed to make cocktails yet, thats what the training is for so you can all wait :p

10-02-2009, 23:22
Hope it's going well :)