View Full Version : What have you forgotten today?

06-02-2009, 21:34
I seem to be having a bad few weeks for remembering stuff. So much stuff going on, and none of it seems to be getting anywhere. I really hope it's just stress. :shocked:

Yesterday I forgot:

To pay my credit card bill. I remembered at 1AM today and luckily I was able to pay at 8AM and avoid a fine. :o
To send off a share form. Actually, I forgot this for about a week. Sent it today but I don't think it'll arrive in time so I won't be joining the company SAYE scheme.
Today I forgot:

To attend a meeting with my boss :o
So, what have you forgotten today? :eek:

06-02-2009, 21:56
I don't forget things because I make lists and reminders everywhere. Otherwise I'd forget everything!

06-02-2009, 21:56
I don't forget things because I make lists and reminders everywhere. Otherwise I'd forget everything!

I tried that but I then forget the lists :o

06-02-2009, 21:58
I forgot about the shift swap I agreed to a week ago.

I turned up for work 1 hour and 30 mins before I was expected to do so :(

06-02-2009, 21:58
I tried that but I then forget the lists :o

I find that once it's written down, I remember it :D

06-02-2009, 22:44
Completely forgot to check the PCs before an electronic exam today. Oh well, no calls came in about it! Safe.

06-02-2009, 22:48
I sometimes make lists, but all too often I don't. If anything, this week has proven that I need to be a bit more organised. :o

07-02-2009, 10:30
I forgot the 2 ready mades I did for work last night which meant dinner was less mellow than usual ;D

07-02-2009, 16:29
I had a forgetful day yesterday...

Put my scarf on the radiator and left it there when I left for work.
Left my ice scraper in the kitchen.
Left my work pass on my bed...

All before 8am :)

07-02-2009, 17:08
Today I forgot to take a "360 Jasper identifying guide" with me into town. Not a major life or death thing to forget and ultimately I still remembered what I needed to look for when I went into GAME.

Last few weeks I've probably forgotten more than enough. I’ve forgotten things like calling people back and/or doing a task at work. It has been so busy the last few months that all of my colleagues are in a similar position.

I do remember one thing though that happened quite a while back (and probably doesn't class as "forgetting"). I was so knackered one morning that I went into the shower to wash my hair though ended up day dreaming and just forgot to use shampoo. Spent the rest of that day looking like a greasy scum bag :(.

07-02-2009, 18:29
I forgot to buy mushrooms for the pasta tonight :(

Poor Rob has had to go out to get them. Second time I have dragged him out today!

BB x

07-02-2009, 18:35
And you're going to make him peel them as well aren't you! ;) ;D

I haven't forgotten anything yet but Jamie forgot to get some cash out earlier.

07-02-2009, 20:23
And you're going to make him peel them as well aren't you! ;) ;D

No! I washed them of course!!! :D

BB x