View Full Version : Supercharger porn

08-02-2009, 11:32
A bit of supercharger porn lifted off the NSRA forum. These guys are about to test their new 18-71 blower, that's a Top Fuel supercharger if memory serves. Check out these mad rotors:




Bit of info about superchargers which I think I've got correct: The number before the '-71' denotes the size of the supercharger. I think originally the 71 referred to a cylinder of 71 cubic inches capacity and the first set of numbers was the number of cylinders of that size the supercharger could supply. So a 6-71 Roots blower is suitable for an engine up to 6 x 71ci = 420ci or about 6 litres.

The maximum size allowed on an engine in Pro Modified is a 14-71, that's your 2400hp engine. Maximum size allowed on a Top Fuel / Top Alcohol is a massive 18-71, but these are nitro and methanol engines with much bigger breathign requirements. Top Fuel engines typically develop over 5000hp from an 8-litre supercharged V8 running on nitromethane.

08-02-2009, 11:53
I love superchargers!

A Place of Light
08-02-2009, 12:05
I love superchargers!

They're fast becoming a common choice of upgrade for people seeking more power too.

09-02-2009, 12:27
They look the sex!!!

09-02-2009, 12:42
Makes the Eaton in my car look like a toy :D


09-02-2009, 13:05



Though I still think I'm more of a Turbo fan, hence the turbo on the MX5, however there is something very appealling s/chargers, I'm being bought over.... but turbo's still have it... just!

09-02-2009, 13:14
I really want a proper electric supercharger. You'd have a turbine driven by the exhaust gases like in a turbo but instead of driving the compressor it'd drive an alternator which charges a big ass capacitor. Then you'd have an electrically driven compressor taking power from this capacitor.

With electronic control of the compressor you'd have total boost control and essentially all of the benefits of both superchargers and turbos without the drawbacks of either.

09-02-2009, 13:45
Those are things of beauty...

I could happily have them mounted on the wall.

09-02-2009, 14:23
How cool would it be if they were turning slowly as well :D

09-02-2009, 20:16
How cool would it be if they were turning slowly as well :D

I dunno, it'd remind me too much of a kebab shop if they were spinning too :p

A Place of Light
10-02-2009, 01:38
They look the sex!!!

And sound even better.

A Place of Light
10-02-2009, 01:44
I really want a proper electric supercharger. You'd have a turbine driven by the exhaust gases like in a turbo but instead of driving the compressor it'd drive an alternator which charges a big ass capacitor. Then you'd have an electrically driven compressor taking power from this capacitor.

With electronic control of the compressor you'd have total boost control and essentially all of the benefits of both superchargers and turbos without the drawbacks of either.

Wouldn't you lose quite a lot of power due to the components themselves?

Why suffer the drawbacks of superchargers/turbochargers anyway?
Fit both ;)