View Full Version : Dog dies defending children

11-02-2009, 20:42
This just made me cry!
Poor doggy, died protecting those he loved.
Good on him though.


11-02-2009, 20:44
That's really sweet :)

11-02-2009, 20:44
Wow, what a brave dog.

I hope the pit bulls were destroyed :angry: shame they couldn't get the same treatment.

11-02-2009, 20:48
Its nice to hear a positive (even though he sadly died) story about dogs, they deserve a bit of good press, considering we only seem to hear the negative stories about them.

11-02-2009, 21:04
That is why dogs rule, a cat would of run a mile :D

Jack Russesl are nutter and will take on anything bigger than them.

11-02-2009, 21:12
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

11-02-2009, 22:04
Wow, what an altruistic creature he was.

RIP fella. :)

11-02-2009, 22:12
Its nice to hear a positive (even though he sadly died) story about dogs, they deserve a bit of good press, considering we only seem to hear the negative stories about them.

Very true, but it isn't just negative stories about dogs we hear, it is just negative stories in general. That is the news for you!

Really brave dog, and must be a such amazing dog to do that :)

11-02-2009, 23:29

11-02-2009, 23:53
jack russles are hard as f***, they were bred to kill badgers

12-02-2009, 09:00
Don't understand the point of the medal, but the statue's a nice touch and will remind people that dogs are still man's protectors/best friend. :)

12-02-2009, 10:20
Brave dog :(

12-02-2009, 11:28
Poor doggy, but very brave :(

12-02-2009, 12:47
All animals should be chipped and recorded on a registration database - the owner should be held accountable for the pet's well-being and all of its actions.

12-02-2009, 13:13
Drawing conclusions here but there are loads of chavs here with pitbull type dogs which they buy to look hard or whatever but soon find they can't control or afford. Apparently the local dog rescue homes are chock full of them.

12-02-2009, 14:08
If they were 'pit bull' in any way then they'd be destroyed.
Isn't that term somewhat redundant these days?

If they're staffy dogs, although lots of people think they are 'pit bull' type dogs, it's a fairly gross misrepresentation and it really comes down the way they've been raised. Any breed of dog will be nasty if it's been trained/bred to be that way.
But some breeds have more of a capacity to be nasty - they're bred that way and some may be more dangerous because of their size, etc. For example, Staffordshire bull terriers no matter how many testimonials there are to say what wonderful dogs they are with kids, are potentially dangerous to children and adults. The fact is, no dog should be trusted with kids especially larger breeds and those that are bred for a purpose such as hunting.

Phykell, this happened in New Zealand, do we know that they don't record the dog to the owners?
There should be stiff penalties for anyone who owns or sells a dog without a licence.

12-02-2009, 14:11
Drawing conclusions here but there are loads of chavs here with pitbull type dogs which they buy to look hard or whatever but soon find they can't control or afford. Apparently the local dog rescue homes are chock full of them.
I think you're spot on and they're exactly the type of people who shouldn't even be allowed dogs.

I'm going to go out on a limb and claim that 80% of dog owners aren't fit owners anyway. How many dogs get the right diet and required amount of exercise? A tiny fraction I bet.

12-02-2009, 15:07
In New Zealand? I don't know. It refers to American pit bulls, which are a banned breed under the dangerous dogs act. So not sure if it's redundant in other countries where they are legal. The reason I use it is because there's always a knee jerk reaction regarding staffies where people point and scream 'pit bull!' when it's no such thing.
That's why it's redundant because it's such a generalisation. It's not as though you can test a dog's blood and say it has "pit bull genes". The fact is that there are dogs that are effectively pit bulls but look nothing like them. Banning the breed is pretty much ineffective - the type of people who breed them to fight will work around any such laws.

ANY dog has the capacity to be nasty. It depends on it's breeding. I know many rescue staffies that are fab family dogs. I've also seen those bred for fighting and they are a completely different animal. Some Jack Russells are horribly aggressive, some are lovely. As I said.
I agree but some are more prone to aggression than others and it's often deliberate due to selectively breeding from aggressive dogs.

I agree, I have a dog and I'd never leave her with a child, she's a pack animal and although she's soft as a puppy, I wouldn't put her, nor a child in that situation where something bad could happen. It's just not something I believe any responsible dog owner would do. No matter how much I trust her, I'd never put them in that situation, why would I?
That's you. Unfortunately, not everyone is like you as the media is quick to tell us.

Do you need a licence? I didn't think you did in this country. Or is that a suggestion rather than an observation?
It's definitely a suggestion that all animals should be chipped and licensed. I'd even go as far as to say that any animal from a pet shop should be registered and licensed. I vehemently disagree with the idea that people can just go along to a pet shop and buy pretty much anything they wish. Certainly, no-one under the age of 18 should be able to purchase live animals for any reason.

12-02-2009, 16:05
Phykell, this happened in New Zealand, do we know that they don't record the dog to the owners?
Missed that bit. In which case what I said, although still correct in my opinion, is not valid in this thread.

14-02-2009, 18:39
Dogs should never, ever be left alone with children (certainly not under 7ish and after that it depends on the dog/child in question), in my opinion anyway. No doubt there'll be a barrage of people along later to tell me that they grew up hand in hand with a dog and they were fine.

Opposite to your expectations - my family had THE most gorgeous Lab/Retriever when I was ickle. Wouldn't harm a fly, so so SO incredibly soft and gentle. Really truly gorgeous.

I was about 5 at the time... maybe younger and my Mama left me in the lounge for a moment with the dawgy whilst she fetched some drinks. I had an ice cream at the time and thought it would be a lovely idea to share it with our dog.

She was thoroughly enjoying it, as was I (one lick for me, one lick for dawggy, one lick for me... etc) but the ice cream started to fall and I jolted and she "snapped", attempting to catch the falling ice cream but instead caught my hand.

She didn't mean it and immediately let go and backed away. It was entirely my fault for feeding her this Mister Whippy. I had to go to hospital though and have stitches across my hand and I now have no feeling in my left hand thumb where she severed a nerve.

Really I was quite lucky. She was very close to my face and if I had slipped forward she may have caught that instead.

As said. Beautiful dog. So incredibly harmless. But these things happen :( So I'm with you Tracy! I have a dog and love her to bits and trust her more than anything... but for my life I would never leave her alone with any child. Ever!!!

How wonderful about that doggy protecting those children. :) Truly incredibly wonderful :) Bless him! RIP lil doggy x