View Full Version : 360 oddness

14-02-2009, 13:16
All through the night as I slept I had heard a slight hum over my PC, which is on 24/7. I figured that its fan filters were clogged (they are) so I'd have to clean them in the morning.

When I woke up earlier, I was just wiping some dust off my sammy tv when I noticed heat coming off the 360, which is situated in front of it. Basically the fans were running (and hot) but the front ring of light was off? I looked at the PSU and instead of being lit with the amber light, it was on green.

I switched the machine on and then off again and now it is properly off. It wasn't downloading anything either because I hadn't run any background downloads. Never seen the 360 do this before.

14-02-2009, 13:26
Ebay it as a possessed 360?

14-02-2009, 13:30
Did you have a wireless controller plugged in on charge?

14-02-2009, 13:41
lol no and no :)

14-02-2009, 14:41
My falcon has done this a few times. No idea what it was so i just pulled the PSU out.

14-02-2009, 14:54
I've had my 360 Elite do the same thing quite a few times. Never have figured out what causes it.