View Full Version : how big is your willy?

25-02-2009, 00:39
mine is just a tad over 6 inches.

now before you all point and laugh and say ' haha look at the enema guy with the small cock', this is average size ;)

so how big are your penises, come on i dare thee ;)

25-02-2009, 00:56
They'll be too darn polite to close it, and too darn shy to reply to it.

Del Lardo
25-02-2009, 00:58
length, girth or both?


25-02-2009, 00:58

:huh: They ? ;D

25-02-2009, 00:58
I don't have a penis. Even if I did, I don't have a ruler or tape measure so wouldn't be able to contribute to the thread.

25-02-2009, 01:00
I don't have a yard stick to hand :(

25-02-2009, 01:01
Ask Lom.

25-02-2009, 01:03
They'll be too darn polite to close it, and too darn shy to reply to it.

I'm well endowed

all very well, but can you use it ?

i always say, i am an expert lover

my sexual techniques are second to none, this is how i make up for my lack of penis length

i have slept with over 50 women, a reasonable tally but not massive by any strech of the imagination. i learned more in the 2 long term relationships i have had, about what women want sexually, than i ever did during one night stands.

i like to perform cunnilingus during foreplay, but i like to combine this with digital stimulation of the g spot. ime you cannot fail to make a girl cum.. hard

but there are the odd few that just dont like certain parts touched, an ex mrs hated direct clitoral stimulation, it was far to sensitive but then my last mrs liked me to chew on the f****r

curious creatures, women

25-02-2009, 01:03
They'll be too darn polite to close it, and too darn shy to reply to it.
They? I don't see your answer. :p

Never measured mine. Don't think I want to either. I'll blame my age, because I can. :(

25-02-2009, 01:06
They? I don't see your answer. :p

Never measured mine. Don't think I want to either. I'll blame my age, because I can. :(



25-02-2009, 01:15
Don't you start. I get enough of those in my inbox every day. :p ;D

25-02-2009, 01:18
Don't you start. I get enough of those in my inbox every day. :p ;D
Mark in "poor spam filter rules" shocker.

25-02-2009, 01:22
Ask Lom.

I wouldn't like to say ;) :p

25-02-2009, 01:24
My girth is apparently very good, and I'm pleased with the length. Not sure on the exact inch/cm, but I've never considered it small by any means. :)

This is honest as well by the way, I'd get caught out if I lied.

25-02-2009, 01:27
My girth is apparently very good, and I'm pleased with the length. Not sure on the exact inch/cm, but I've never considered it small by any means. :)

This is honest as well by the way, I'd get caught out if I lied.

Get the ruler out you poof ;D

25-02-2009, 01:28
Seriously? If you really want to know you can. :)

25-02-2009, 01:29
Seriously? If you really want to know you can. :)

i REALLY want to know, dont be shy craigy ;)

25-02-2009, 01:31
Brb. ;)

25-02-2009, 01:32
Brb. ;)


25-02-2009, 01:35

I could have gone for the and a 1/2 milestone, but I thought, no, sod it, Luke deserves the truth.

More important question, can you handle 6.4" Luke?

25-02-2009, 01:36

I could have gone for the and a 1/2 milestone, but I thought, no, sod it, Luke deserves the truth.

More important question, can you handle 6.4" Luke?

i lol at 6.4 tbh ;)

my rectum is used to 10" +

25-02-2009, 01:37
Right, so there's just under 4" to spare. Where's Blighter? ;D

25-02-2009, 02:08
Do you not find differing measurements depending on levels of erectitude? I get within a 0.4" range.

25-02-2009, 02:10
Haha, you could measure at the point of ejeculation, as the penis swells. Gotta be 0.1" to be gained there.

25-02-2009, 08:02
Ahh the insights you get at 7am ;D

25-02-2009, 08:29
.. whilst eating your breakfast ;D

25-02-2009, 08:34
I'd have to straighten mine out properly to measure it accurately, and tbh, I'm not doing that for you :p

25-02-2009, 08:36
I'd have to straighten mine out properly to measure it, and tbh, I'm not doing that for you :p

Makes it sound like its at a right angle :shocked:

25-02-2009, 08:38
They'll be too darn polite to close it, and too darn shy to reply to it.
Too polite to close it? We'll close anything if we see fit. As long as this doesn't get too obscene or graphic then there's no problem with it :)

Anyone who doesn't reply obviously shares the same reasons as you.

25-02-2009, 08:41
Makes it sound like its at a right angle :shocked:

Not quite :p
Just like a banana. Actually that doesn't really make it sound too much better, the bananas in our bowl are pretty extreme :shocked:

25-02-2009, 09:15
all very well, but can you use it ?

i always say, i am an expert lover

my sexual techniques are second to none, this is how i make up for my lack of penis length

i have slept with over 50 women, a reasonable tally but not massive by any strech of the imagination. i learned more in the 2 long term relationships i have had, about what women want sexually, than i ever did during one night stands.

i like to perform cunnilingus during foreplay, but i like to combine this with digital stimulation of the g spot. ime you cannot fail to make a girl cum.. hard

but there are the odd few that just dont like certain parts touched, an ex mrs hated direct clitoral stimulation, it was far to sensitive but then my last mrs liked me to chew on the f****r

curious creatures, women

Luke is the clit commander!:evil:

25-02-2009, 09:20
Ok I just spat rice crispies all over my laptop!

I havent got a penis either so cant answer that, but in my opinion its not all about the size. I slept with someone years back who was rather large but he didnt have a clue what to do with it, so was therefore rather crap in bed. Similarly I slept with someone who was well below average but he more than made up for it in other ways, and his smaller size didnt bother me in the least. Its not all about the actual act of sex either, there are other factors that make someone good in bed.

And now I shall go back to picking rice crispies out of my keyboard. :o

25-02-2009, 09:59
.. whilst eating your breakfast ;D

You were eating cock for breakfast? :shocked:

You've got yourself a keeper there Desmo.

25-02-2009, 10:56
I wish ;D

25-02-2009, 11:13
Not quite :p
Just like a banana. Actually that doesn't really make it sound too much better, the bananas in our bowl are pretty extreme :shocked:
There's one question - to the left, or the right? I can't remember the difference, but I'm sure there is one. ;D

25-02-2009, 12:27
Luke is the clit commander!:evil:

Good film that :p

Mine is just over 6"

Admiral Huddy
25-02-2009, 12:41
12" but is never use it as a rule!

25-02-2009, 12:51
12" but is never use it as a rule!

That's not a penis, it's a foot.

25-02-2009, 13:11
12" but is never use it as a rule!

lol, very clever :).

25-02-2009, 13:39
Get the ruler out you poof ;D
So he won't get his genitalia out on your say-so, he refuses to measure it for you and post the results on a public forum, and you're calling *him* the poof? ;)

I don't know about clit commander but you're a would-be instigator of a circle jerk no doubt :D

Were you in the Scouts by any chance? Isn't that the sort of thing they get up to? :D

25-02-2009, 13:56
i am quite partial to a game of 'soggy biscuits' and i always finish last, on purpose

25-02-2009, 14:13
If I had a willy, size wise it would be as big as this thread is pants.

I'll leave you to decide on how huuuuumongous it would be. ;) :p

25-02-2009, 14:23
If I had a willy, size wise it would be as big as this thread is pants.

I'll leave you to decide on how huuuuumongous it would be. ;) :p
I suspect it would cross international time zones then or be measured, perhaps, in parsecs ;)

25-02-2009, 14:56
If I had a willy, size wise it would be as big as this thread is pants.

I'll leave you to decide on how huuuuumongous it would be. ;) :p

i think she fancies me guys, she's doing that thing chicks do, you know, where they act like they think your an idiot, but really they want to **** your brains out ;)

25-02-2009, 14:59
I bet you're thinking wrong ;D

You're thinking of CBS :D

25-02-2009, 15:07
I bet you're thinking wrong ;D

You're thinking of CBS :D

Everyone is treated equally in my world.

I think Pheebs is hawt, although most of the time I can't understand what she says.

25-02-2009, 15:32
happens to me every day
When you're sleeping doesn't count :p

25-02-2009, 15:39
happens to me every day I can definitely see the former applying, I think you might be sadly mistaken for the latter part, or the acting part though :p

25-02-2009, 16:00
Oh dagnammit!! It looks like I've been caught out!!


What's a girl to do eh. :p

25-02-2009, 16:04
Oh dagnammit!! It looks like I've been caught out!!

You do have a zombie being wang slapped in the head as your avatar - its obvious you have something on your mind :p

Von Smallhausen
25-02-2009, 17:32
I decline to be specific.

More than 6 and less than 10.

Admiral Huddy
25-02-2009, 17:49
I lied - mines inverted.. It's now a fanny..

Von Smallhausen
25-02-2009, 17:54


25-02-2009, 20:00
I bet I have the longest foreskin ;)

25-02-2009, 20:01
I bet I have the longest foreskin ;)

I don't have one.

25-02-2009, 20:12
I can make up for that, old chap. At least 3 times over :)

25-02-2009, 20:14
You do know that two comes before three, right? ;D

25-02-2009, 20:16
One skin, two skin, three skin, four...

25-02-2009, 20:19
There's one question - to the left, or the right? I can't remember the difference, but I'm sure there is one. ;D

neither left nor right, but back towards myself :p

25-02-2009, 20:36
No pole? :huh:

Oh, I mean poll :evil: