View Full Version : Favourite games of all time

08-09-2006, 19:46
I can appreciate it's not an easy question which is why I added the s :p

Personally I can just about narrow it down to:
Final Fantasy VII - Anyone who's seen me post in games on the other place knows how obsessed I can get about this game. To me it is the best game I've ever played. I suspect much of it is probably because it came at the right time in my life (i.e. I had plenty of free time) and I got it for Christmas so it has loads of happy memories mixed into it :D
I still remember struggling to beat Demon's Gate near the end of Disc One for weeks, when I finally defeated it I called up my mate just to tell him I'd done it ;D

Streets of Rage 2 - It's just too fun to not list. I can still pick it up now and spend a few hours playing it even though on the surface it should get boring fast. It's just fun beating the crap out of things :D

Bubble Bobble - I have years of good memories with this game. It was/is one of the few games my Mum can manage to play as it doesn't involve too fast movement so ever since we had a copy of it for the Commodore 64 I've played it with her. Fantastic game. :) At the moment I own it for the C64, PS1 and the X-Box :embarassed: Bought a second controller for the X-Box just for that :D

Wolfenstein 3D - The first PC game I ever played and I still enjoy it, although admittedly Doom is more enjoyable. Still both games I return to though for a bit of fun.

There's plenty (and I mean plenty :embarassed:) of other games I love playing, just something special about the above.

How about you lot then?

Edit: Ah crap I've forgotten Theme Park and Street Fighter 2.....I sense an evening of remembering how many games I've forgotten approaching ;D

08-09-2006, 19:50
Magicland Dizzy
Final Fight
Half Life 1

08-09-2006, 19:58
Deus Ex - PC
Syndicate - Amiga
Cannon Fodder - Amiga
No one lives forever 1 and 2 - PC
Duke Nukem 3d - PC
Battlefield 1942 - PC
Pirates! - Amiga
Liberation: Captive 2 - Amiga

There's far too many to mention really - these are the ones that I know I have installed on various machines at the moment.


08-09-2006, 19:59
Bubble Bobble (Miggy)
Half-Life (PC)
Half-Life 2 (PC)
Street Fighter 2 (SNES)
Mega Lo Mania (Miggy)
Monkey Island 2 (Miggy)

08-09-2006, 20:41
Just me that felt like actual explanations rather than lists then? :p

08-09-2006, 20:44
I like to think that my choices are self explainatory :)

08-09-2006, 22:03
Legend of Zelda series
Mario Kart (N64, GBA, Gamecube and DS)
Goldeneye (N64)
Dancing Stage Euromix (;))
Rollercoaster Tycoon
F Zero X (N64)

I know Ill think of more

08-09-2006, 23:28
ZOMG, how could I forget Goldeneye!! That is one of the main reasons (along with beer and girls) for why I quit Uni!

09-09-2006, 00:10
Going through the various consoles etc. I had, I'd have to say:

Faxanadu - NES - My first ever adventure game, and it rocked.

Megaman 2 - NES - Great concept of being able to choose which levels you did to receive certain wepaons, which could then be used with varying effects to finish other levels/bosses.

Super Mario Bros. 3 - NES - Played it to death. Managed to make an entirely new game out of it with my brother by doing the dual coin collect levels, but leaving one coin behind so the level wouldn't end and just playing 'it'. I remember I'd got a fair way through it when visiting my gran's once - we had to go out but I couldn't turn it off without losing my game. She made me put the AC adapter in a saucepan so it wouldn't burn the house down. Bless.

Another World - Megadrive - Innovative even to this day, if only they'd make a modern equivalent.

Flashback - Megadrive/Atari ST - Took Another World but made it more linear and mission-like. A step backwards IMO but still brilliant.

Goldeneye - N64 - Didn't put it down until I'd done every level on every difficulty and got every 'cheat'. Awesome.

Mario Kart - N64 - Can't beat four-way action.

Trick or Treat - Amiga - It was freeware, but easily the greatest game ever conceived. Split-screen FPS where you each played a tubby wizard with a machine gun. You won the game by running around the 3D maze and gunning your opponent down. Behind various doors were power-ups to help you out - Jam jammed your opponents gun, Fast-forward made you run faster, Eyeball made your opponent blind... sheer brilliance even if you did have to sellotape a piece of paper down the middle of the screen.

Half-life - PC - Just excelled in every way, and was really long which was great. So immersive, and gave a real feeling of isolation.

Thief/Thief II - PC - So atmospheric it was unreal. Possibly my favourite game/s of all time. Loved the story, loved the sneaking.

All Lucasarts point and click adventures ever - PC - Sam 'n' Max, Day of the Tentacle, Indiana Jones + the Fate of Atlantis, Grim Fandango, Monkey Islands... so many and so good.

Kings Quest Series - PC - Particularly V and VI. Quite dark fairy tale-like point and click adventures.

Beneath A Steel Sky - PC - Hilarious point and click game based on many different science fiction premises. Came up with the plugging your head into a computer motif more than a decade before The Matrix! Now available as freeware.

Max Payne - PC - Bullet-time and a noire comic-book narration. Great fun.

Oblivion - Xbox 360 - Just immense.

Dead Rising -Xbox 360 - I haven't even played the full game yet but I know I'm going to love it.

Oops, that was quite a lot. :)

09-09-2006, 08:04

Kick Off II

Player Manager

Pro Evo Soccer 5

Unreal Tournament

Plus loads more from the Amiga i can't remember right now although i guess thats more down to nostalgia.

09-09-2006, 18:11
Dark Age of Camelot - God I loved this game! Pretty much two years of every spare second went on this time drain lol! I was in a lovely guild made up of people I knew in RL and a few others who became RL friends (there was only about 12 of us, our meet-ups involved people flying in from Ireland and the states :) )

Unreal Tournament - great stress buster, brainless fun.

City of Heroes - another time sink, but never got into it the way I did DAoC

WoW - was in there from the start, but it never really held me like DAoC...Im far too loyal it seems

Also Bubblebobble, Chucky Egg, Lemmings etc.

These days I go for online puzzle games mostly like JT Blocks on yahoo, no commitment and a quick fix!

09-09-2006, 18:24
Never would have had you down as a MMORPG player Pebbles. Not sure why, just figured you'd be more sensible than to go near a very addictive genre of game :D
WoW never quite keeps a hold on me, but I have just returned for the third time I think :embarassed:

09-09-2006, 20:32
Dungeon Master (Atari ST). Old school dungeon crawler.

Sim City 2000 (PC). Classic game, occasioanlly still play it now.

Monkey Island 1/2 (Amiga). Point and click, ace fun and well scripted.

Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 (PC). Fantastic fun to be had playing with mates on LAN.

Unreal Tournament (PC). Great fun, the new ones aren't a patch on the original in terms of gameplay.

09-09-2006, 22:29
Never would have had you down as a MMORPG player Pebbles. Not sure why, just figured you'd be more sensible than to go near a very addictive genre of game :D
WoW never quite keeps a hold on me, but I have just returned for the third time I think :embarassed:

I have hidden depths ;)

09-09-2006, 22:30
I have hidden depths ;)

Well I never doubted that :D

10-09-2006, 07:55
Street Fighter 2 (all editions) - SNES - Loved this game, along with Mortal Kombat I spent an entire summer holiday playing it with my friend Ian.

Super Mario Kart - SNES - Hours were wasted getting the gold cup in all the tournaments. Awesome fun :)

The Legend of Zelda - SNES - Partially responsible for me doing badly at university :embarassed:

Grand Theft Auto 3 - PS2 - The game that made me eventually buy a PS2. Completed it about 6 times, collected all the stars, played with cheats, had fun getting 6 stars and getting the Army after me then stealing a tank :D

Eve-Online - PC - I'll not go on about it, I think I've already managed to bore some of you to death :p

10-09-2006, 12:33
There are some cracking games that have been mentioned so far :)

Mortal Kombat on the Megadrive. A timeless classic really. Even now I have the megadrive connected and when mates come back plastered they all want a go on it.

Command and conquer - For me the game that started my interest in RTS. I've never been a fan of TA, but C&C drew me in and it grew from there.

Flashback. Another smashing game that I still play now, excellent platformer and I wish that they still made games like this now.

Half-life. This truely was the start of something new with fps and its spawned a lot of games from it. I truely wish that with hl2 they would go back to some kind of massive underground facility. That really would rock. However with the whole city 17 route I can't see this happening. Although there are 16 other cities that need expoloring!

Unreal tournament /2k4. Well this really kicked me off in the online fps fragging. Due to work I haven't played in ages, but I used to be in Venom which was one of the top clans before it folded :( When I have some time on my hands I will be getting back online and kicking ass.

11-09-2006, 09:24
I've never been a hardcore gamer, but the game that got me "online" was Kingpin. It was great fun as a single player game but playing online was something else. I went from Modem to ISDN to ADSL playing this. Played in a clan with CGF (Casino Goodfellas) over at Gameplay/Wireplay for years.

11-09-2006, 09:29
I remember Kingpin, only ever played the single player version.

I've never been a fan of Eminem's music, but I remember being round a mate's house playing Kingpin whilst he was playing an Eminem album and the music seemed the fit perfectly!

11-09-2006, 10:35
Don't play much now but this is most of the games I can remember spending huge amounts of time playing in the past:

Bombjack (C64)
Sensible Soccer (Amiga)
Civilisation, I, II or III (Amiga/PC)
F1GP (Amiga)
Settlers (Amiga)
Championship Manager (Amiga)
Tetris (Gameboy)
Gran Turismo Series(PS/PS2)

Nowadays I don't have the attention span to play anything for more than 1/2 hour at a time so I make do with flash games, I've also still got the facilities to play pretty much all of the above should the mood take me.

11-09-2006, 10:37
Bombjack (C64)

Wow, I'd totally forgotten about Bombjack, I spent many hours playing that on the Atari, fantastic game!

Flash version: http://www.123games.dk/game/arcade/bombjack/bombjack_eng.php

11-09-2006, 10:39
Wow, I'd totally forgotten about Bombjack, I spend many hours playing that on the Atari, fantastic game!

It's usually the first thing I play when I fire up MAME. It's still great.

11-09-2006, 16:02
Any of the gaming regulars from the other place won't be surprised by my choices here, but I'll list them all anyway...

Ninja Gaiden - The most perfect game ever created IMO. Action, graphics, style, and a huge amount of skill needed to be great at it. Incredible bosses, numerous enemies which constantly force you to change your tactics, a multitude of weaponry and magic make it a game that demands to be completed. Still in the top 300 in the world at it as well :D

Resident Evil 4 - Simply amazing game that ties as my favourite game on the Gamecube. Great storyline, great action, memorable bosses, and a control scheme that's better than any RE game before it. Now, if they can figure out a way to make him move and shoot at the same time, it'll be damn near perfect.

Eternal Darkness - The only game I've ever played through 3 times in a row, just so I could get the true ending. The insanity features in the game are very unique and very cool, it's worth playing it just for that. Also, taking control of a different character in each level, but seeing how each level integrates with others is very cool and keeps the game fresh.

Mafia - The best PC game ever made. A storyline without equal IMO, and voice acting that's on par with many films, plus the fantastic action segments make this great. Only the poor driving sequences between missions mark it down slightly.

God of War - PS2's answer to Ninja Gaiden (at least in terms of action), and it comes pretty damn close to being as good at it. Graphically as good as any PS2 game (and a lot of Xbox games), the action is pretty much nonstop with only a few small puzzle segments breaking up the pace. Naked boobies at the start as well! \o/

Close but didn't quite make it.....

Deux Ex, PES, Champ/Football Manager, Civ series, MGS series, GTA series, TES: Oblivion.

11-09-2006, 16:10
What's scary is I could have easily named your top 5 games Davey ;D

11-09-2006, 20:13
Hehehe :D If Oblivion maintains it's playability as it has done then I think it may well push God of War out of the top 5 and jump in, even 300 hours into it I'm still really enjoying it and finding new things :)

11-09-2006, 20:15
300 hours?! You could play Final Fanasty Dave ;)

11-09-2006, 23:09
Oh dear, some legendary games haven't been mentioned here...

Dune 2 - What can I say? I still love this game despite its awkward controls for today.

Z - The best. The absolute best. Then again I'll probably say this again in this post so it probably isn't saying much.

UFO: Enemy Unknown - The only turn based strategy game I truly enjoyed, and with good reason.

Deus Ex - I know this one has been put forward before, but I honestly can't get enough of this one either.

Original War - No one seems to like this game, or to have even heard of it. I adore it. It is the definition of 'underrated'. It forced you to think about what you were doing and a dead man actually mattered.

11-09-2006, 23:58
300 hours?! You could play Final Fanasty Dave ;)

Even me spending ages messing around in FF7 only racks up 100hrsish :D

I've yet to really get into Oblivion but I think it's because I've barely touched it so it hadn't 'caught' me yet. I'll get round to it one day. Still got a strange feeling I'd prefer it on the 360 too.

12-09-2006, 02:18

Mario World - the first game I was ever hopelessly addicted to.

Stunt Racer FX - I sunk countless hours into this game, loved every minute of it.

Unirally - The quirkiest game I've ever played! Had more character and charm than any game I have played since, and I really mean that.


Half Life - made me really pull my finger out and nag for a PC. I bought it before the PC was even built, in the end. This leads to:

Team Fortress Classic - the only game I've really ploughed a lot of online time into. I used to play this game all day every day for months. Awesome. Best net MP game ever.

Oblivion - I love this thing. It's just fun, I can do what I want.

12-09-2006, 04:18
I've never done much gaming in the past and have recently started having a go so my list will be short.

Sonic 2 (Sega Megadrive) - was the first game I really played properly and is, to date, the only game I've ever completed without cheating (I can't believe I spent so many hours making a blue hedgehog run around picking up gold rings :embarassed: ).

Unreal II (PC) - I enjoyed playing this and did finish it but in God mode (just to see what the ending was like) I will have to play it properly sometime.
Unreal tournament (G.O.T.Y edition and 2004) (PC) - both very enjoyable and my current favourites.
Warcraft III (PC) - the first game I started playing when I took this up recently. I stopped it as I wanted to play some FPS games to improve my hand-eye co-ordination but will get back to it someday.

That's about it. If we have another thread like this in 10 years time, I may have more to add but for now, that's my gaming experience so far.

Stan :)

12-09-2006, 09:25
Warcraft III (PC)

Fine game indeed. If you're planning to look at a strategy game or two, then I would have suggeted that along with C&C Red Alert 2 (with Yuri's revenge for multiplayer), and Starcraft.

Admiral Huddy
12-09-2006, 16:36
Old school has to be Tie Fighter but more recently

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

WTF you say??.. this game had everything a shooter should have: Mindless blasting, secrets to be found, zombies, Nazies (same thing), stealth and atmosphere. Forget the highly polished graphics and physics engines of today.. the atmosphere was enough.

Games are now becoming so advanced that sooner or later, it's going to be hard to distinguish them from real life.. so where is the fun in that?

That said, I still love HL and HL2 and I'm currently enjoying HL2 Episode 2. but they don't quite hit the mark the RTCW did.

I do believe that ID are making a follow up but i'm not sure if Grey matter are involved this time round.

12-09-2006, 16:39
RCTW... good call. I found my copy a couple of days ago. I may well install it and play through it again once I've re-finished Half-Life.

Admiral Huddy
12-09-2006, 16:58
RCTW... good call. I found my copy a couple of days ago. I may well install it and play through it again once I've re-finished Half-Life.

i did a month ago.. Loved it.. all of it :) 'm happy again.

Now let's go and frag some BD members lol

12-09-2006, 16:59
OMFG! How could I forget Sonic The Hedgehog?!?! :(

12-09-2006, 23:40
Warcraft III (PC)

I never really got into Warcraft 3, but loved 1 and 2.

Also someone mentioned Oblivion... it's good, but for some reason it hasn't got me hooked like Morrowind did.

For some reason I feel like an old scrooge saying "They don't make them like they used to...".

13-09-2006, 14:13
I loved adventure games when I played computer games regularly. But it's a bit of a solitary thing. All the Lucasfilm games especially things like Monkey Island I adored. But I loved the Xwing and tie fighter series as well as Jedi Knights etc... But any adventure game, like Beneath a Steel Sky and Gabriel knight and the Space Quest series I always thoroughly enjoyed.

Got on really well with a few FPS like Soldier of Fortune 1 & 2 and spent too long play Medal of Honour 1 & 2 as well as Call of Duty 1 & 2. of course Half life 1 & 2 are included in that. Quake and wolfenstein (I remember when that first came out - it was awesome!)

Other than that I haven't really played any other games never really got into RPG or anything else like that. I have loads and loads of games (old now) but I just cba to play them anymore - I just haven't got the time - which is why I haven't got any consoles or ever had any - I just don't have time or the money for it and besides my PC copes well enough.

13-09-2006, 14:19
I just unpacked my Mastersystem2 and SNES and had a quick play on alex kidd, and streetfighter... Rar!
Awesome games.

13-09-2006, 14:23
Can't believe I forgot Toejam & Earl! Me and my housemate finished it again a few months back. Funky.

13-09-2006, 16:19
Deus Ex - The best FPS of all time, 'nuff said.

Transport Tycoon Deluxe - Superb, a perfect balanced sim in my opinion. Thank god for OpenTTD (http://www.openttd.com/) keeping the dream alive too :)