View Full Version : Super powers

02-03-2009, 22:22
Watching Heroes.

If you could have one 'super' power what would it be and why?

Relate it to your everyday.

E.g. I would want the power to find things that have been lost/stolen. Like the contact lense which has now cost me £60 to replace :/

Lost children like Maddy...Lost or stolen things like the bracelet in my purse that was stolen last year :/

Go! :D

BB x

02-03-2009, 22:30
tbh, control time. Slow it down, speed it up, pause etc. Sometimes, there just arent enough hrs in the day! That would be cool!

02-03-2009, 22:31
^ Now THAT would be awesome

I'm with the Picky one :)

02-03-2009, 22:35
I'm always torn between which I'd prefer, but today I'm in a telekinesis mood. Read: 'mischievous'.

02-03-2009, 22:36
I'd love to listen in on the things people say about me when im not about.

Failing that i'd be invisible and go and stalk fit people! :D

02-03-2009, 22:40
Mind control. Of course I'd only use it for good, and to annoy.

02-03-2009, 23:03
Can't think of anything better than Pickers' one tbh...but..I'm afraid I've got to be honest here and put the one power down that every bloke initially thinks about.

Ability to see through clothes.



02-03-2009, 23:09
I'd like the ability to rearrange my strangulated testicles without having to rummage down the front of my trousers.

02-03-2009, 23:32
I'd like the ability to rearrange my strangulated testicles without having to rummage down the front of my trousers.
Faysh, I hate to break it to you but if you're ending up with strangulated testicles, i'm fairly certain Lom's doing it wrong ;)

02-03-2009, 23:41
I would like the power to resist Bakez's rich, sexy face.

03-03-2009, 00:11
I would like the power to resist Bakez's rich, sexy face.

I have that power, it's not super.

03-03-2009, 00:28
time control as has been said. Hiro's power is by far the best. You would be sorted for life. Want a sandwich, just pause time go to the till, open it, take the money you need. restart time, buy the sandwich, everyone thinks you are normal but you don't have to do anything in life. Got any test? go to the future where you know the answers get a copy, hide them in your pockets, every question just pause time read one of them 100%, but of course to be normal you get 89% etc. Live life as a successful person with no effort, and just enjoy life with friends relaxing. See a hot girl? pause time, play with her, restart time. No one knows any different but you. But of course, if we are talking about powers from hero's it would have to be peters, any power you want you have.

A Place of Light
03-03-2009, 01:04

A Place of Light
03-03-2009, 01:06
time control as has been said. Hiro's power is by far the best. You would be sorted for life. Want a sandwich, just pause time go to the till, open it, take the money you need. restart time, buy the sandwich, everyone thinks you are normal but you don't have to do anything in life. Got any test? go to the future where you know the answers get a copy, hide them in your pockets, every question just pause time read one of them 100%, but of course to be normal you get 89% etc. Live life as a successful person with no effort, and just enjoy life with friends relaxing. See a hot girl? pause time, play with her, restart time. No one knows any different but you. But of course, if we are talking about powers from hero's it would have to be peters, any power you want you have.

All of your friends would outlive you, for the most part.
Use your powers too often and your children would be young when you died of old age too.

03-03-2009, 01:26
All of your friends would outlive you, for the most part.
Use your powers too often and your children would be young when you died of old age too.

you would use the powers for a max of 1 year in every 10 i reckon. Anyway, you just travel to the future,skip a few boring months at a time etc. You have the possibility of outliving everyone :)

A Place of Light
03-03-2009, 01:30
you would use the powers for a max of 1 year in every 10 i reckon. Anyway, you just travel to the future,skip a few boring months at a time etc. You have the possibility of outliving everyone :)

You'd be a lonley man if you did that.
Plus you can't skip boring months as you wouldn't know they were going to be boring, lol.

03-03-2009, 01:40
Faysh, I hate to break it to you but if you're ending up with strangulated testicles, i'm fairly certain Lom's doing it wrong ;)

Far from it, Lom is doing it right! It's just my nuts get wanderlust when they're pushed about in the front of my trousers.

03-03-2009, 01:57
The ability to be quick by controlling time. I'd be a professional footballer.

03-03-2009, 12:02
neither man nor woman can resist my rich sexy face


03-03-2009, 17:53
Hiro's power is by far the best.

If he was the only one with a power then yes if there are other people with powers then I'd have to go for Peters ability. :)

As to the original topic I reckon the ability to teleport would be great. No more traffic jams or trains. And leaving home to get to a gig 5 mins before doors open. :)

03-03-2009, 19:38
Reading peoples minds/thoughts.

Would make interviews and relationships far easier.

03-03-2009, 19:46
The superpower to clear rooms with an emission of toxic/noxious gas from a special orifice.

Oh hang on...

03-03-2009, 22:29
Watching the football right now, and *willing* the ball to get in the back of the net.

Being able to move objects using mind power would be useful. Arsenal wouldn't lose a football match again, and I'd be stinking rich from putting so much money on at the bookies.

03-03-2009, 22:30
Time manipulation/control would be my choice too.

Though teleportation would suit me nicely.

A Place of Light
04-03-2009, 00:33
Would make interviews and relationships far easier.

All of the magic in the universe couldn't do that ;)

04-03-2009, 02:37
If he was the only one with a power then yes if there are other people with powers then I'd have to go for Peters ability. :)

As to the original topic I reckon the ability to teleport would be great. No more traffic jams or trains. And leaving home to get to a gig 5 mins before doors open. :)

No way, becuase peter doesn't have any effective abilitys until he meets others, i wouldn't want to tell anyone about my ability so if i was peter i would remain powerless in effect. Also he can only have 1 power at a time now anyway. Hiros is the best, but of course hiro doesn't have that power anymore either *sigh* heros is rubbish now :(

Von Smallhausen
05-03-2009, 12:13
I would have 3.

To be able to fly and turn invisible at will.

The third was to be able to make Newcastle win a game so I will stick with two that are more likely to happen.

Del Lardo
05-03-2009, 12:47
I'd want to be able to fly. It would make my working life so much easier as I wouldn't be reliant on airports and going on holiday would be so much cheaper.