View Full Version : Golden Compass

04-03-2009, 13:15
I've got this on BR and haven't watched it yet.

I've never read the book(s) so would I be better off waiting and reading them or should I just watch the film anyway? In other words, would reading the books ruin the film, or vice-versa?

The books are supposed to be quite good (aren't they?) so I wouldn't want to ruin the books if I watch the film first. Sound sensible?

04-03-2009, 13:16
I watched the film first then read the book.
I enjoyed both as the book's pretty different from the film (and a lot harsher in places imo!).

I know the film's had a few dodgy reviews but I did think it was quite fun, but I went in not expecting anything. I think if I'd read the book first I'd have been very disappointed by the film as it's really not very alike.

04-03-2009, 13:20
I think the film's a bit of a let down either way you do it.

04-03-2009, 13:23
I watched the film first then read the book.
I enjoyed both as the book's pretty different from the film (and a lot harsher in places imo!).

I know the film's had a few dodgy reviews but I did think it was quite fun, but I went in not expecting anything. I think if I'd read the book first I'd have been very disappointed by the film as it's really not very alike.
OK, film first then - thx! :)

04-03-2009, 13:24
I think perhaps reading the book would make the film a bit *meh*. It's a good film but not a shade on the book!

I would therefore do the film first then enjoy the book :)

Del Lardo
04-03-2009, 13:28
Excellent books are way better than the average film. Was genuinely dissapointed in the film after the good conversions of LotR and Harry Potter.

As a result I'd say watch the film first and then read the books to find out how it should be done.

04-03-2009, 13:29
I think perhaps reading the book would make the film a bit *meh*. It's a good film but not a shade on the book!

I would therefore do the film first then enjoy the book :)

I'll watch the film this weekend then and order the book today - any recommendations? Is it just the one or is there a convenient set?



04-03-2009, 13:31
Part of a trio :)

I've not managed to get through the second book... I always become distracted! Picky has and enjoyed it I believe! But I would deffo get the trilogy :)

Northern Lights
The Subtle Knife
The Amber Spyglass

Don't forget Quidco when ordering :D

04-03-2009, 13:43
yes watch then read. I did it the other way round and just got cross when I saw what they changed :(

04-03-2009, 13:44
...and just got cross... :(

04-03-2009, 13:46
ask Kitten, I grumbled through parts of the film I kinda ruined her being able to watch it :o

08-03-2009, 12:27
Saw all three books for £4 each in Asda - bought the lot and looking forward to reading them :)

08-03-2009, 17:07
My parents hated the movie, but everyone I know loves the books..

08-03-2009, 19:06
I haven't read the book but watched the movie - wasn't impressed and don't think I'll read it now tbh.

09-03-2009, 17:38
Someone told me the rest of the movies aren't being made - not surprised tbh.