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22-01-2009, 22:16
Nice pics people :D

Another mobile shot from today I'm afraid.
Don't apologise, I need more people taking mobile shots so I'm not the only one ;D And you still take a better photo than me, git :p Noise was my enemy on my shot too :(

22-01-2009, 22:18
I like yours Jen, it's very stock photoish. Similar to Vix's job interview one. THe noise sits well on that type of shot.

22-01-2009, 22:19
Thanks :)

23-01-2009, 00:18
Oh man, I am waaay behind! Still taking the pics though. :) Will have to sort them out this weekend.

24-01-2009, 12:47
Since I was a little girl I’ve loved technology, especially computers. From long hot summers that I spent inside playing manic miner and jet set willy on my spectrum 48k to the first pc we owned - which if I recall correctly, was a 386 which ran on DOS 4.0 (pre Windows).I remember the old internet connection that took 10 minutes to start and at least 2 minutes to load a very basic, very boring page, but wow it was exciting.

When I went to college to join a photo-journalism course I was introduced to the world of the Apple Macintosh. WOW. It had a mouse and a gui and everything. I loved it. I remember drag and drop being a revelation, and the floppy drive was built in. Over the years I developed a great love of computers, and always tried not to get involved in the old mac v windows debates - mac haters and mac fanboys tend to annoy me equally. As did the old assumption that I only used Apple macs because I didn’t have a clue what I was doing, or because I thought the colours were pretty. Despite the fact that I grew up with computers, I can build one myself from parts and did it in my spare time as a teenager and have worked in IT for most of my adult life, I couldsn’t have made a conscious decision to use an Apple Mac, surely??

Ironically, I usually knew more about the inner workings of the computer used by the person making such assumptions, and guess who they used to ring for help when it went wrong?? :p

I use both windows machines and apples on a regular basis and love them for their differences. However with the advent of the ipod/iphone revolution, so many of the mac haters have now conceeded and purchased an apple product. I think it’s a completely personal choice, but I will always love the style and fluidity that comes with macs, and using one, and that is why I used our ibook as today’s subject.

Much maligned and loved in equal measure.

230109 : MacTastic


24-01-2009, 17:08
23rd Jan. Phil has Friday afternoons off and usually does car stuff. However it was too wet today so he rearranged the living room instead. Finally most of the Lego is in one place!


24th Jan. Did car stuff today but got cold so came in. Wish I could bring the cars in like this one. Would make life easier!


24-01-2009, 18:23
Sallydog hurt her foot last night and so was allowed to lie on the sofa and be pampered. She adopted a very sorrowful look and spent the evening sighing a lot and waving her poorly foot about a lot. Looks like she stood on something sharp, but it’s a lot better this morning. However, she’s been allowed to lie on the sofa again so she’s dragging it out as long as possible as you can see by the position she’s holding her sore foot in ;)

240109 : Sally's poorly paw


24-01-2009, 18:28
Poor Sally :( Goggles looked at the pic with interest though. She'd love a dog ;)

24-01-2009, 18:35
I think you're all doing really well :)

24-01-2009, 19:46
I'm pleased with what I'm doing. Some days the photo is easy, like Friday, but some days I haven't done anything interesting, or at least that I can portray in a photo so I have to go looking for stuff. It's interesting.

24-01-2009, 19:52
it's motivating in a way I didn't expect it to be. It's almost like having another job :p

I'd probably have taken a handful of photos at most by this point in the year, this has really made me get out there and shoot stuff.

24-01-2009, 19:54
The only time I'd have got my camera out would have been last weekend when we started work on Humphrey again. Now it comes with me wherever I go :) Everywhere I look, I think 'would that be a good photo?' or whatever I do I think 'how can I photograph this?'.

25-01-2009, 16:16
25th Jan.

Been ill today so had to find inspiration again.

I have these latex bands to help build the muscle back into my leg. I had to not smirk when my physio was advising me to tie them to a bed post, they currently hang off the wardrobe handle, along with my riding crop. Good job we don't get many visitors poking about!


25-01-2009, 17:57
haha!! I have them TOO!

Red is stronger, yellow is the weaker one, right? And they smell of BALOOOOOONS! Always got funny looks walking back from the osteo with them ;D

25-01-2009, 18:09
Well done to everyone sticking at it! I am too, I cant believe it ;D

25-01-2009, 18:26
I have secured my 40D \o/ Just got to sort out the funds now. Probs be a week or two before I get my hands on it but HURRAH!!

25-01-2009, 18:29
Where from cowbag? :cool:

Ive just secured a 30D!!!! :D:D

25-01-2009, 18:35
from a TP'er who heard of my poorly 400D :D

YAY for (nearly) new cameras!!

25-01-2009, 18:36
Arent they awesome people? :D

25-01-2009, 18:39
Theres a 30d on ebay with batts and grip for £380, I'm sorely tempted but I'm going to hold out till later in the year and keep using the 300d for the time being, especially as I just drop £170 on a new lens :o


25-01-2009, 18:41
I'd hang on, get a bit more involved with TP and you'll find some better prices in the for sale area, and with people that you're more comfy with than ebay. :)

25-01-2009, 18:56
I agree with Kitten Matt, even though the prices seem better on eBay, I dont know, or totally trust these people. At least TP'ers, you get to know them and trust them more.

I would pay a bit extra for a camera I know has been well looked after, and from someone thats more willing to help if it goes tits up ;)

25-01-2009, 19:10
I'm staying with the 300d for a while, see how the Sigma 17-70 works with it and then maybe trade up later in the year, I don't need an *0d yet really and right now the 300d is fine, I'd like a bigger LCD but thats about it. As my photography becomes a little more adventurous and I need the extra quality and sensitivity that a *0d will offer then I'll look at trading up, or of course if the 300d goes pop :)


25-01-2009, 19:14
Hurrah for new cameras :D Kitten, I iz envious!!! :p

25-01-2009, 19:20
haha!! I have them TOO!

Red is stronger, yellow is the weaker one, right? And they smell of BALOOOOOONS! Always got funny looks walking back from the osteo with them ;D

Yeah, I can't use the red one at the moment at all, my foot just shakes!!!

25-01-2009, 20:17
Week 4 - Jiminy Cricket, playing his part in the great circle of life (i.e. about to be eaten by a hungry lizard).

I cleaned out my lizard/frog tank today with the hope of getting a few nice shots of either. However, they all got a bit camera shy so I resorted to photographing some of the crickets hopping around the tank instead. Not my best macro shot, but I thought he looked quite happy in there :) Incidentally, this is one of the reasons I love macro. You can see all the hairs on his legs, the plates of armour all over his body and things which you could never see with the naked eye. I had another side-on shot of a cricket which just showed TONNES of detail, but his head was out of focus so I couldn't use it. Shame!!


25-01-2009, 20:19

25-01-2009, 23:14
Wow, awesome shot Kate. What lens was that with?

25-01-2009, 23:25
Thanks :) Canon 100mm Macro, but that shot does the lens absolutely no justice whatsoever. It's an incredible lens.

26-01-2009, 10:38
Wow cool photo! :D

'heeelo... come in for a nice cuppa!'

BB x

26-01-2009, 13:55
...but that shot does the lens absolutely no justice whatsoever.

Well,I was going to say that. Rubbish tbh ;)

My 40D is on the way :party1:

26-01-2009, 18:00
26th Jan. I had a dream about Michael Schumacher last night. We were at Silverstone and I wasn't driving but I had on some Ferrari overalls. He signed them for me! When I woke up I realised I had it all wrong as my overalls in my dream had been white, like Mclaren ones :/


It's not dust btw, it's mud and 'marbles' ;)

27-01-2009, 20:47
27th Jan. Another case of 'I haven't taken a photo today, where can we go?'

Wymondham station. Used in Dad's Army!


27-01-2009, 20:50
Brill Vix! :D

27-01-2009, 20:52
Wish I'd have used a longer exposure. There may be a repeat of this pic later in the year :D

27-01-2009, 22:49
loving your stuff vix :thumbup:

Not been able to upload these until now - had a very busy and tiring few days… but here they are:

250109 - MillyCat

Another of the 3 reprobate moggies that came to live with us after ending up in a rescue at a very young age. Milly is 10(ish) now and very much the lady of the manor :)


260109 - George

While i’m on the subject of animals - here is Mr George. He came to us at the same time as Milly (George and Mildred, geddit?) and is now about 9 years old. As you can see, this pic is pretty blurred but I was tired and determined to get a shot that night. Didn’t realise how bad it was until the next day, but didn’t want to cheat :p


270109 - Star

I love stars of all descriptions (excluding "celebrities" :p)


27-01-2009, 23:54
I love Mister George, he looks like a white cat that forgot in some places.

27-01-2009, 23:57
I love Mister George, he looks like a white cat that forgot in some places.

Ha! He does!

I have a purple lampshade like that one Kitten :) Great pics.

27-01-2009, 23:57
Just been reading through the posts since the weekend, some brilliant shots about :)

28-01-2009, 01:48
I been slacking on posting but I been getting shots so here we go...


http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3426/3222583392_894f751996_o.jpg (http://flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3222583392/)

Work work work. Sorting out all my images from 2008 for use in a book called 3662008. 6 of us documented every day of 2008 and now we've got to make sure its all in order.


http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3360/3221731407_e6ce18d23d_o.jpg (http://flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3221731407/)

Tax doesn't have to be taxing. But it is.


http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3259/3232086157_26683f1eca_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3232086157/)

So then. The Mac's 25th birthday. Happy birthday Mac. Been a great few years working with you. Love the way you've grown over the years, gone from strength to strength while retaining a level of beauty that no other computer has. Heres to 2009 and beyond.


http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3426/3232086303_722ee06d06_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3232086303/in/set-72157612069627307/)

So here I am on the streets of China Town minutes after standing down wind of a firecracker tube. Great day out. Just watch out for the bits and the smoke. Its scary how you suddenly can't breathe while outside.


http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3339/3232086395_2633024355_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3232086395/in/set-72157612069627307/)

First official meeting of the Liverpool Flickr group, ever. As far as I know the group hasn't really met or anything, which is a shame. There is a specific group for Liverpool meets but the two seem very detached. I was browsing the Manchester group and its huge. Lots of disucssions, photos from big meets and such. It reminded me of the fun I had in Toronto one weekend. I was in a totally different country but I was a photographer from Flickr so I was one of them. Awesome weekend. Surely we can do that in Liverpool? We've had #barcamp here and plenty of social media types, photography types. I hope this is the start of more.


http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3315/3232934494_a7db0bde02_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3232934494/in/set-72157612069627307/)

Early this morning, literally 4 minutes after 12am I was trying for star trails. I've been commissioned to take the shot so it needs to be done. Its easy too. Setup camera, push shutter and sit in car for an hour. Annoyingly by the time I had done this test shot the cloud you can see in the bottom right had covered the sky. Seems like a very good location for it though. 5 minutes away, dark enough. Just need another good night. Kinda wanna try more of them. Its a whole area of photography I haven't explore and well it can be absolutely stunning.

28-01-2009, 08:17
They look great everyone :)

Pete - I love night photography, should really get out and do more :)

28-01-2009, 10:58
That last pic is stunning Pete can you tell us a little more about how it was achieved, you have a lovely sunset but also a very clear night sky and I presumed that the exposure for the stars would have caused the lower right to be totally over exposed?


28-01-2009, 11:05
I adore that last pic, Pete. You mentioned you've been commissioned for it. Does that mean I can't buy a print of it from you?

28-01-2009, 11:48
They look great everyone :)

Pete - I love night photography, should really get out and do more :)

Best time of year for it really. Colder weather I think means more chance of clearer skies, plus there are more hours of darkness and you can do it at 8pm if you wanted. Best to do it around midnight I hear though.

That last pic is stunning Pete can you tell us a little more about how it was achieved, you have a lovely sunset but also a very clear night sky and I presumed that the exposure for the stars would have caused the lower right to be totally over exposed?


Annoyingly if I tell you how I did it, and it is just 1 shot, it might spoil the illusion :) If you want I can tell you :)

I adore that last pic, Pete. You mentioned you've been commissioned for it. Does that mean I can't buy a print of it from you?

Sure can.

Just want to echo what someone said earlier, and its great to see people keeping up :) Vix, thats a hell of a lot of lego!

28-01-2009, 12:02
Annoyingly if I tell you how I did it, and it is just 1 shot, it might spoil the illusion :) If you want I can tell you :)

Long exposure taken at sunset and a little of your usual PP magic?


28-01-2009, 12:07
26th Jan. I had a dream about Michael Schumacher last night. We were at Silverstone and I wasn't driving but I had on some Ferrari overalls. He signed them for me! When I woke up I realised I had it all wrong as my overalls in my dream had been white, like Mclaren ones :/


It's not dust btw, it's mud and 'marbles' ;)

I like this shot, I wonder what it would be like wide open with a faster shutter speed? You'd get a much lower depth of field and could keep the front car in focus whilst getting a nice progressive blur to the second car and the truck would be almost unrecognisable :).

Something else to try might be a long exposure and a manual zoom during the exposure which would give a tunneling effect :)


28-01-2009, 12:17
Early this morning, literally 4 minutes after 12am I was trying for star trails.

Long exposure taken at sunset and a little of your usual PP magic?


Not sure it was taken at sunset but can't imagine how he got the end result at that time of night.

Oh and add me to the list of people that love that pic Pete. :)

28-01-2009, 12:17
Long exposure taken at sunset and a little of your usual PP magic?


30 second exposure taken about 8 hours after sunset :) The glow is from the town about a mile away. I adjusted the white balance so it was more like sunset than light pollution.

28-01-2009, 12:20
30 second exposure taken about 8 hours after sunset :) The glow is from the town about a mile away. I adjusted the white balance so it was more like sunset than light pollution.

Very good.

I doesn't detract at all :)


28-01-2009, 13:13
I like this shot, I wonder what it would be like wide open with a faster shutter speed? You'd get a much lower depth of field and could keep the front car in focus whilst getting a nice progressive blur to the second car and the truck would be almost unrecognisable :).

Something else to try might be a long exposure and a manual zoom during the exposure which would give a tunneling effect :)


Thanks Matt,

I was hoping to get that kind of effect but I really didn't have a clue how to acheive it. I will have a play when I have time.

I've also got another shot in mind with the Ferrari pit stop set, probably using similar settings.

Pete, I love the night shot!

28-01-2009, 13:50
Thanks Matt,

I was hoping to get that kind of effect but I really didn't have a clue how to acheive it. I will have a play when I have time.

I've also got another shot in mind with the Ferrari pit stop set, probably using similar settings.

Pete, I love the night shot!

What camera are you using? You'll need to put it in Apature Priority (Av on my Canon) and then dial it down to the lowest setting, the camera will do the exposure time, there is some more explaining DOF here :)



28-01-2009, 15:26
Cheers Matt, will have a look at that link later :)

I have a Powershot S70, just a compact but it does have Av mode :)

28-01-2009, 15:29
Cheers Matt, will have a look at that link later :)

I have a Powershot S70, just a compact but it does have Av mode :)

That'll work, the fact its a compact souldn't make much difference. I couldn't get to grips with using manual controls with my compact and it came much more naturally when I moved to a bridge camera but the technique is exacly the same. You'll fin once you move off the manual controls you will have a lot more creative options just using Av.


28-01-2009, 19:31
Well that's something for me to experiment with anyway.

However tonights shot is another 'I have had a boring day and can't think of anything to photograph'.

28th Jan - Stitch. It's blurry because he never keeps still, and was trying to eat my camera :)


28-01-2009, 21:02
Bless! How cute! I'm loving the stuff you're doing Vix, especially with a compact camera!

280109 : How do you eat yours?

You either love 'em or hate 'em - Can you guess which camp I fall into?? :D

If you like to partake in the odd chocolate eggy delight - just how do you eat yours?


28-01-2009, 21:35
I am loving watching everyone's progress :)

Kitten, I would love to photograph how you do, you manage to take a shot with a hidden meaning, so it isn't just a photo but so much more :D

Vix, some of your shots and comments have made me smile :D You should be pleased with your progress.

Pete, I LOVE that star picture! I am mad about stars, everytime I see a star I always comment on it. Paul must be very fed up with it :p

*Applaudes all the clever people*

28-01-2009, 21:37
Where are your photos madam? Especially with your spangly camera ;)

28-01-2009, 21:38
lol dammit! Been caught out!

I should really do it, but I haven't done anything really since the beginning of Jan! Plus I would be rubbish!

Excuses Excuses hey! ;D

28-01-2009, 21:39
Thankyou Tink, that means SUCH a lot (you have no idea!) :)

28-01-2009, 21:40
Rubbish doesn't stop me ;D:D

28-01-2009, 22:13
I've been playing with my nifty fifty with a tripod and low light



Top one is with the lens wide open (1.8)and a two second exposure second one is at f13 with a thirty second exposure, it kind of shows up the difference in DOF at different apertures :)


28-01-2009, 22:58
Three studies here and all I changed was the aperture, extra points if you can guess the lens I used without extracting the EXIF data :D





29-01-2009, 17:09
It's amazing the difference between the pics Matt.

I have had my shot planned for today. It was something really interesting which means a lot to me, and it's not a local thing so I can't take a pic of it any day.


29th January - When four F15's line up like this in front of you, quite frankly it's rude not to.


29-01-2009, 17:39

29-01-2009, 20:15
Love the stitch picture! :D

BB x

30-01-2009, 20:07
30th Jan - Not particularly well composed or processed, but the sunrise was gorgeous this morning.


30-01-2009, 20:15
30th Jan - Not particularly well composed or processed, but the sunrise was gorgeous this morning.


Like 'dat

I hope you don't mind I made a slight change




30-01-2009, 20:56
I think I am going to attempt this, although I will be rubbish! lol nevermind the fact that I am starting nearly a month late.

I do need to use the camera more, and this would be a good excuse!


Failed for the first time! Bah. :(

P.S Kitten, glad to be of service, you deserve it :)

30-01-2009, 21:09
Nice one Matt, I'd have done the same but definitely not as neat! ;)

01-02-2009, 18:53
Couple of snapshot ones from the weekend:

31st Jan - Nothing says 'surprise' like finding a bunch of BD-ers in your living room:


1st Feb. Something is hiding?


01-02-2009, 19:05
Daz's face is brill :D Great shot :D

01-02-2009, 19:27
superb shot Vix, well done :thumbup:

01-02-2009, 19:44
Haha, great shot of Daz :D

01-02-2009, 20:36
Took years off my life that!

01-02-2009, 20:38
Superb piccy ! :D

Hope you had a fantastic weekend

So sorry we couldn't be there :(

02-02-2009, 08:51
I love Daz's face on that pic! Was brilliant!


31st of Jan: The very playful Flo!


1st of Feb: All is calm and peaceful.

02-02-2009, 10:56
Great Flo shot Tink! Like the flowers too, very serene :)

02-02-2009, 11:04
I am doing this (kind of!) but have so much work I keep forgetting to upload pics!


02-02-2009, 14:29
Thanks Kitten :D What do you use to mess about with the pics and putting borders on and what not?

02-02-2009, 14:33
What gorgeous flowers Tink ;)

I know you asked Kitten, but I use CS3 to do my borders and watermarks and stuff :)

02-02-2009, 14:35
Me too Dee :) Starting to use Lightroom too, but at the moment most of my processing etc is done in CS3.

02-02-2009, 14:45
I really need to get to grips with LR, but its taken me this long to figure out CS3, I feel like sticking with it. Although Ive only learned 1% of whats to learn :D

02-02-2009, 14:54
Thanks girlies :) How much did that set you back?

02-02-2009, 16:24
*has a coughing fit* :p

02-02-2009, 16:39
Haven't posted a while but here's yesterdays :D

I LooooOOOOooooooVE the forest :D


02-02-2009, 16:40
How much did that set you back?

£0.00p I would expect. We shall talk later ;)

02-02-2009, 16:46
I've been away for a few days with a bunch of ratbags, so I've got a bit of catching up to do.

Friday Jan 30th - the lovely Florence


Saturday Jan 31st

Suprise birthday party for a friend - he had no idea!


Sunday Feb 01 - Snow is falling!


Monday Feb 02 - Snow is still here!


02-02-2009, 16:55
I love the pics of Flo, Vix & Kitten :D Capture her perfectly... a little demon :D

Love the light on the tree shot Kitten. Snow, yet a lovely warm light.

02-02-2009, 17:43
Lol Kate and Paul! :p


2nd Feb: The tracks of my cat! :D

02-02-2009, 20:07
Another snowy pic from me.

2nd Feb, I parked in a snowdrift.

02-02-2009, 22:38
Realised I hadn't taken a photo at about 10pm last night so I rushed outside and took this :p Was hoping to catch some car light trails, but there was no bugger about!

The house in the background is a refuge for beaten wives. The distortion due to the wide angle of the lens and the eery glow makes it look really sinister.

02-02-2009, 23:28
Belated entry for last week, didn't get round to uploading it till today.

Week 4.
I went to visit my very good friend Pheebs last weekend and as there was some unusually pleasant weather, we went to Exmouth with her dog, Trio :D

03-02-2009, 09:11
great pics Jen and Kate! I love the spooky house in Kates pic and the three dimensional-ness of Jens!

03-02-2009, 09:19
great pics girls :thumbsup:

03-02-2009, 12:24
Thanks :) I'm pleased how well it turned out considering what I used.
Been catching up on the thread, some great photos about :D

03-02-2009, 13:55
3rd Feb. Om nom nom.


03-02-2009, 14:15
That looks delicious! But I don't eat eggs! Grrr!

BB x

03-02-2009, 14:16
Nom :D I did those the other night for my tea - was the first time in many years Mmmmmm

03-02-2009, 16:03
Caught the last of the snow before the sun melts it all away...


04-02-2009, 18:16
A close friend of ours lost his dad a few days ago, and this morning, the funeral took place. On a cold day with a bright blue sky, the service took place in our local chapel and so, so many people turned up - we were queueing out of the doors and across the entrance. I didn’t think everyone would fit - and it turned out to be standing room only - which goes to show what a well loved and respected man he was.

I went back to the chapel a few hours after the service and took this photograph of the flowers left in memory of Terry. A much loved man, RIP.

040209 : Remembrance


04-02-2009, 18:35
Awww lovely Kitten :)

BB x

04-02-2009, 18:51
Gorgeous Kitten

04-02-2009, 19:23
Really like that :)

04-02-2009, 22:44
4th Feb. Dante can't wait for Norwich Dragon Festival, and neither can I!


Slightly funky colours as my flash isn't working, but that's another thread :/

04-02-2009, 23:38
He rocks :D

05-02-2009, 10:38
5th Feb, made some jewellery for an order. Never thought of putting blue and red together!


05-02-2009, 20:59
*cuddles Dante* You'd never put red and blue together in this city Vix, you'd be chased
out of town ;D

050209 : Trees at Sunset

I’m liking trees and the shadows and shapes they make at the moment. These trees make me think of Jazz Hands ;D


05-02-2009, 21:26
Haha, jazz hands :D

Like that one, gorgeous colours!

05-02-2009, 21:36
fankoo :D

06-02-2009, 20:45
6th Feb. out with the old and in with the new :D


06-02-2009, 22:32
yay Vix !! :party2:

060209 : Smokey


07-02-2009, 12:24
Been abit slack with this! Lol

3rd of February:

A message from the heart:)

4th of February:

My angel of a sister singing and playing a song for me.

5th of February:

A broken man, after a rubbish start to the year and his son throwing a snow ball in his eye, my father has resorted to the bottle!

6th of February:

Hmmm me thinks it is broken, shame it cost £67.66 to get a new one!

Kitten, I love your pics, especially the flowers, very fitting :)

Wooo vix for new camera :D

07-02-2009, 12:45
nice pics Tink, lol at the snowball in the eye (hope it didn't hurt too much :p)

07-02-2009, 13:22
Today's effort:

070209 : Crystal Ball


07-02-2009, 18:27
7th Feb. Phil is away for the weekend which means I can cook whatever I want for tea! I'm having fajitas, he doesn't like them so i don't get to have the often. Red peppers are just SO photogenic though. Wish I had a better background!


08-02-2009, 14:46
8th Feb - Under all those marshmallows is cream, then chocolate sauce. You eventually get to cake!


08-02-2009, 14:58
Yum :D

08-02-2009, 15:01

09-02-2009, 17:27
9th Feb. For a change, I was prescribed Ibuprofen :/


09-02-2009, 17:49
i like that Vix, even if the subject is a bit meh :( Nice reflection and the border looks great.


Hope they work!

09-02-2009, 18:12
Ibuprofen, as suggested by lazy Doctors everywhere.

09-02-2009, 21:53
I’ve always been fascinated with eyes and how much they can say. William Shakespeare described them as “the windows to the soul” and he’s right - you can tell a lot by looking into someone’s eyes.

080902 : Eye Eye.


Not sure whether the ‘windows to the soul’ thing it works with cats. Some believe that animals don’t have souls, but I hope they’re wrong.

Not sure if the depth of field works on this one or just makes it difficult to focus.

090209 : Cat's Eye


09-02-2009, 22:30
Agree Kitten, the focus just seems too unatural and it just seems too odd. Loving your pics though :)

Wish I had started this now...might have made me get the camera out and play a little more.

09-02-2009, 22:32
join in now! Nothing says it has to be Jan 1 - Dec 31.

I note several 52's have been missing recently (:p), so why not try and do 1 a week? :D

09-02-2009, 22:37
Well OK, I did take this one earlier :)

090209 : Sleepy Cat


09-02-2009, 22:42
aww!! That's lovely! :D

09-02-2009, 23:14
Awwwww lazy Pebs cat :D

Like the eye pics, Kitten. I agree on the cat one though. Needs a touch more DOF to make it work. Only the eye need be in focus, but cat eyes are quite deep so you need to play around a bit more.

Here's this week's pic. I took a few in the snow and this isn't my favourite, but it's something I've been meaning to take a pic of for a while :) Had to play around with the perspective as I had some lens distortion. Does it look alright?


Week 6 - Winter Postcard. This is the church which lives across the road to us. It wakes us up with a peel of bells at silly o'clock on Sunday and deafens us on a Friday night when it's bell-ringing practice, but I'm quite fond of it really, especially the old oak tree which looks beautiful all spring, summer and autumn. I just thought it looked nice drenched in snow and is deserving of a slot in my 52 weeks as it's something I see every single day.

10-02-2009, 00:05
Week 6? Hmm how am I only on 5 even though I don't think I've missed a week :confused: I must be going mad :D

Despite the scenic weather and thinking I'd taken lots of photos. I didn't take many at all. But never mind.

Week 5/6 (who knows ;D) - The view outside of my bedroom window last Monday when it was very snowy for round here. Some of the snow is still on the lawn now :D

10-02-2009, 08:57
I counted week 1 as the week containing 1st/2nd/3rd Jan :)

10-02-2009, 12:56
Ahh that makes sense now :D

10-02-2009, 14:25
how are the fish Jen?

Lovely shot Kate, I'd love to live that close to a gorgeous old church.

10-02-2009, 15:44
Sorry I've been busy and not able to keep up with this. Just a quick flick through and thats an ace snow shot Kate.


http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3064/3269622140_4beda6fba8_o.jpg (http://flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3269622140/)

A foggy drive home after an enjoyable night out at the Redeye meet. There was an interesting slideshow on climate change that focused on anything but the polar ice caps. The great thing about Redeye and these events is that it reminds me that photography isn't landscapes, flowers, kittens, portraits. Photography is capturing light. You just have to know what the light is you want to capture.



http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3096/3269622294_0b220e460f_o.jpg (http://flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3269622294/in/photostream/)

Beachballing. *sigh* Trying to sort out a library with 80,000 images hard and especially so when the damn computer hangs every few minutes. I ordered an extra 1gb of ram which will hopefully fix it.



http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3465/3268800277_9fbfa9bf9b_o.jpg (http://flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3268800277/in/photostream/)

The Arena art auction at Leaf Tea Shop. Very packed out, which took me by surprise. Good event and the auctioneer is brilliant. Although it turns out he hated La Machine because he didn't get to see it. The print I auctioned was of La Machine. Doh.

The full video is on vimeo (http://vimeo.com/3022479).



http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3531/3269622536_7b6b792926_o.jpg (http://flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3269622536/in/photostream/)

Edward Chambre-Hardman's hat. This is his hat! Haha I love it. At his exhibition at Victoria Gallery they had his frickin hat! As if his hat was as important as the camera he used. Haha. I don't want to sound egotistical at all but he is basically me. I'm not just saying that to big myself up either because Metro called me the modern day Chambre-Hardman last year which was mind blowing. But even before that I could really see alot of myself in the man.

I visited his house on Rodney Street, which everyone should do, and it was eye opening. The guy never threw anything away. Its a small thing but I never do that either. He was a complete perfectionist. He would spend hours working on one photo in the darkroom. He was a master at "Photoshop" or darkroom technology back in the day. He was brilliant at black and white photography. I wish I could remember his quote about why black and white works so well. Its so similar to what I say. I just love his work. The way he's captured the city during a time I would have loved to have lived in.

He lived near me at one point in Barnston. He wore a hat. He didn't throw anything away. He was a strong believer in black and white. He tried to convey what *he* saw to the viewer. He spent his time photographing people n places in Liverpool.

I love that they kept his hat.



http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3466/3269622710_60f7022273_o.jpg (http://flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3269622710/in/photostream/)

Its snowing.



http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3512/3268800657_a2f0fb31a9_o.jpg (http://flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3268800657/in/photostream/)

Yey its really snowing now. But I have so much work to do.



http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3401/3268800785_055bca92ce_o.jpg (http://flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3268800785/in/photostream/)

Wrapping up prints for clients. The "fun" side of doing prints. You have to print, mount, frame, wrap and ship them. Thankfully my Dad helps.



http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3358/3268800945_a7a7f3bb93_o.jpg (http://flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3268800945/in/photostream/)

Um so I kinda misunderstood what a client asked me. I thought they wanted a photo of my favourite gear but it was with my favourite gear. I spent about an hour or so trying to take a nice photo of my D700. *doy* Still, its a nice photo.



http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3536/3269623156_01886c37f4_o.jpg (http://flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3269623156/in/photostream/)

My little netbook. Its a steal at £150 and so far all I use it for is IRC n stuff while watching TV. Its great though because its so small and light I can pop it in my manbag and away I go. I have a laptop but its tied into 3 external HD's now. Its not really a laptop anymore.



http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3516/3268801109_45de572d1a_o.jpg (http://flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3268801109/in/photostream/)

Star trail fail again. Damn clouds.



http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3385/3269623284_b59d13ff0c_o.jpg (http://flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3269623284/in/photostream/)

Yer so I didn't get around to taking a shot today. I've been wrapped up editing the HDR guide book. Its an insanely gruellng process but it has to be done.



http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3375/3269623424_2639b2a8ed_o.jpg (http://flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3269623424/in/photostream/)

Walking walking walking. I'm trying to walk every day now. I'm going to take my D700 + 50mm too because walking around my home town is quite eye opening. When you stop and look around its easy to spot that things actually happen here.



http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3356/3269623632_9bd2e7ef1d_o.jpg (http://flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3269623632/in/photostream/)

Horseys! A couple of horses at Landican on my daily walk. You're meant to do 10,000 steps and I did around 8,000. I'm sure I could do 10,000 and it would be tiring but thats the point.


10-02-2009, 16:21
how are the fish Jen?

Still alive :D
They're a hardy bunch ;) Been checking on them every day and clearing the ice for them.

10-02-2009, 17:35
I mentioned to Dee yesterday about Raf. Raf isn't very old but since getting him, he comes everywhere that Phil doesn't!

Raf came with me last year to see the Queen's flypast at RAF Waddington, he sat in Sakura's passenger seat (with his seatbelt on of course!) and then on to my parents for a few days of quiet revision.

He came to hospital with me, that was probably the only coherent thing I said to Phil when he left me on the first night - (bring Raf!) He then stayed with me throughout the entire time I was unable to walk!

And last weekend he was back in my bed trying to be a Phil replacement. Too many legs though!

Oh he's wearing socks because every time socks went missing I would blame Raf, for eating them. Phil gave him some of his own and now the socks are staying put. He's also partial to the little glow necklaces you get at clubs and bonfires so I always have to get one for him.


10-02-2009, 20:56
I think I've met Raf haven't I??

Remember these? I know you can still get them but I'm talking to those who remember them from when they were little, before they went into the wilderness for a while. Now they're back. And bizzarely, they're bigger than they were before!

100209 : Nom


10-02-2009, 22:34
I think Raf is a great idea, Vix :D

Lovely pic Kitten. You're getting the hang of your new camera... I can tell ;)

I love the star trail one Pete, despite any clouds. It's just a really beautiful effect with the lights/colours. We've had a couple of gorgeous sunsets round our way recently, but I've not realised in enough time to collect my gear and get to a good spot. Damnit!!!

10-02-2009, 22:37
100209 : STOP...... Dinner Time


10-02-2009, 22:40
Worksurface looks a bit dusty :p

10-02-2009, 22:41
/runs to clean worktop

I thought it was clean :o

11-02-2009, 21:00
Boring I know, but a flowery quick play with my 40D :party1: (Can you tell I'm still madly in love with it :D)


11-02-2009, 21:18
110209 : Mmmmm, My Kind of Beer


11-02-2009, 22:38
11th Feb - Happy birthday Phil!


12-02-2009, 19:52
Yeah, yeah, yeah....I know it's the cat again. But the pose just got me :)

120209 : Cool Cat


12-02-2009, 20:03

As so many people are off from work tomorrow for a long St.Valentine's day weekend, I decided to make some cakes for the guys in the office - I had to make them a few days earlier than normal though to make sure everyone had a taste!

120209 : Fairy Cakes


12-02-2009, 20:10

And awww at Pebbles cat :)

13-02-2009, 00:36
Yummy Kitten!

By 6pm I hadn't taken any photos but I have been spoilt for choice due to the events of the evening. Got many comedy cat photos from a visit to the inlaws, and lots of long exposure snow shots. However, Mister Five is the subject of today's pic, and evidence of some fun he was having in the snow :)


13-02-2009, 10:28
Yeah, yeah, yeah....I know it's the cat again. But the pose just got me :)

120209 : Cool Cat




I love this shot.

13-02-2009, 11:12

I'll upload one of the other shots I took....you'll then see she's got both paws out in front an crossed over ;D

13-02-2009, 20:12
Bit of a cheat this one as I took it last night. It was dark outside and the snow was falling, but with a long exposure the falling snow disappeared and created quite an eerie light. I've changed the colours in PS but it still retains that eerie look to me. I think it's the fact I know it was actually pitch black at the time. :)

130209 : Winter Garden


13-02-2009, 22:39
Really like that pic Desmo.

13-02-2009, 22:49
Cheers Mic :)

There's a full size version here if you want to do anything with it... http://www.pigmo.co.uk/365/130209.JPG

13-02-2009, 22:51
The colouring/tint/whatever on it really goes well with the snow scene :) The windows at the back keep drawing my eye though when I feel the foreground should be the main focus of the photo

13-02-2009, 22:54
Nice point Sam, maybe I'll doctor them out a touch :)

13-02-2009, 22:55
Looking good everyone! I am keeping up, I promise :)

14-02-2009, 12:16
13th Feb. Not the most interesting of pictures, but an interesting event - the engine is IN THE CAR!!!


14-02-2009, 18:40
14th Feb, A Porsche enjoying my favourite corner at Snetterton.


14-02-2009, 19:12
Oooh, trying out a tracking shot there Vix :)

Week 7 - Mr Crab on death row. We went to Leicester fish market this morning and bought 2 live crabs who we named Phil & Grant. You can only buy shell fish alive or cooked as it decomposes to quickly if killed. The most humane way of cooking a crab is to freeze him for 2 hours to put him to sleep and then drop him into boiling water for 10 minutes. He didn't feel a thing... I hope!! :) Tasted absolutely lovely though.

14-02-2009, 19:16
Yeah I've got lots of pictures of cars noses and rear ends today :D Got a few better tracking shots than the Porsche, but that was the nicest composed one.

Poor crabby :( Good pic though!

14-02-2009, 19:26
Yeah the composition is good. I always like car shots on the diagonal. Gives them more movement :) Tracking shots take a LOT of practice and you always end up with tonnes of failures. When you get them perfect, they look fantastic though!

14-02-2009, 19:33
Great shot Vix. I've tried taking pics at a few bike races and it's pretty tricky getting them in shot, let alone in focus too :D

14-02-2009, 20:11
It's a pity I haven't got a decent camera as I know exactly what I'd focus on in this picture, my business card, but as I don't.....just try to imagine what I mean :p ;D

Week 6.
I went to London for the day yesterday to Capcom's HQ to play Resident Evil 5 a month before release and interview their head of PR on the game. While there, I got a freebie Resident Evil 5 bag and I met Aceybongos, the community manager for Europe, Middle East and Africa for xbox.com as well as got the crucial interview of course :D
Brilliant experience. Hopefully it'll be repeated at some point too as I like to think I'm doing everything possible to make a career out of this.
Of course that meant I spent much of last night and all of today writing up the article which I've just finished. I'm knackered now!


14-02-2009, 21:43
well done jen :thumbup: really proud of you :)

14-02-2009, 21:47
Thanks :)

14-02-2009, 21:48
Not to mention, incredibly jealous.


14-02-2009, 21:52
;D :D

15-02-2009, 02:13
Not to mention, incredibly jealous.


Agreed! That must have been an awesome day out.


http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3185/3279442529_397d492400_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3279442529/)

Flickr group meeting at a secret location to dicuss somethings on our mind. It seems to be going well and hopefully we'll make something big and fun.



http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3486/3280262712_d6fbac5f61_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3280262712/in/set-72157612069627307/)

Finally got this star trail shot. It could be better with a fully clear night though. This took around 60 30 second exposures at f/8 ISO500 and it was stacked with a fancy bit of software from www.startrails.de. Much better than a very long exposure.



http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3156/3280262820_2c12ca0ea5_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3280262820/in/set-72157612069627307/)

Organised by @m8nd1 on Twitter. For those who say that Twitter is just people saying they had waffles for breakfast this is for you. In less than a month this event was organised. 3 bands, 1 venue, donations, raffles, food n drink and most of all real people who all turned out to support charity:water. No-one told me what they had for breakfast.



http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3426/3280262976_519c3e7f4d_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3280262976/in/set-72157612069627307/)

Barnston. I took a walk through Barnston on my 10,000 steps walk and I noticed something. I've lived in Thingwall and driven down this road so many times over 20 years but its only by walking down it that I realised where I was. You can't see it that well in this shot but at the back of the fields is a road with houses. I've driven down that road too so many times. I've seen these fields from both roads but never realised they were the same fields. I never realised the geography of this area till I walked it. I've cycled it too but to really know an area you have to walk it.


http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3300/3279443067_af5708a03c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petecarr/3279443067/in/set-72157612069627307/)

No matter how far I walk I can't walk away from myself.

15-02-2009, 12:43
you are absolutely right Pete, since I started walking Sally locally, I actually understand how the village I live in 'joins up'. I've driven past so many places without realising how they were linked to where I live, or quicker ways to get there. Really opens up your consciousness of your geographical position when you walk around it :D

15-02-2009, 15:10
15th Feb. Just messed about with PSP to see what effects it did.


15-02-2009, 15:24
\o/ Miniiiiii!

15-02-2009, 18:45
Edit: Ooops I forgot Friday:

130209 : Heart of Glass

With Valentine's Day looming, I wore one of my favourite piece of jewellery. Bought in a little jewellery shop just outside the Trevi Fountain in Rome, this is murano glass and I love it dearly.


140209 : The Love Bug

So were you bitten?? ;)


150209 : Brownies

We made Valentine's supper for my Mum and Gran last night. Him indoors made Chicken wrapped in parma ham and stuffed with marscapone, along with herby roast potatoes and creamed leeks. Oh and 'posh' mushrooms on toast to start ;D

I was in charge of dessert, so we had brownies, baked from a Jamie Oliver recipe and with rolos pushed into the top layer as soon as it comes out of the oven, so it sets hard and leaves an extra toffeeish layer at the head of the brownie. Served straight from the oven with double cream/ice cream, this went down a treat. It serves about 10, so there's plenty left it anyone wants any?? ;)


16-02-2009, 20:18
16th Feb, feeeeesh! No story behind this other than still trying out new camera and PS.


16-02-2009, 21:54
OK, OK, so I missed a couple over the weekend. Bite me :p

160209 : Chocolate Flapjacks

16-02-2009, 22:27
I'd rather bite your flapjacks. Nom!!

17-02-2009, 10:08
I LOVE Mr Crab Kate! :D

BB x

17-02-2009, 11:48
17th Feb, Some gifts from a friend :) There is a theme, can you guess what it is?


17-02-2009, 12:22
The letter 'O'? :p

17-02-2009, 13:03
:angry: Where's my sodding pillow/duvet cover then?

I thought you'd at least get some shampoo :p

Nice pic Vix :)

17-02-2009, 13:11
I'm sure in my last MSN convo with Leo I asked him to let me know what needed replacing, but I think he may have missed it!

Edit: Also, I should probably get all my pics together so I can rejoin the thread! I'm still taking 'em. :)

17-02-2009, 13:12

I believe you may have sent a red satin duvet set to Mr Von instead by accident. The pillow was £400 from Harrods, have one sent over tomorrow please :p

17-02-2009, 13:14
Edit: Also, I should probably get all my pics together so I can rejoin the thread! I'm still taking 'em. :)

Get to it! You must have loads by now!

17-02-2009, 13:17

Edit: Also, I should probably get all my pics together so I can rejoin the thread! I'm still taking 'em. :)

Yes, yes you should :)

17-02-2009, 14:48
yes, yes I agree too;.

18-02-2009, 18:45
18th Feb. You just never know how your day will turn out. Sakura conked out on the way to work, cue knight in shining armour Phil and Mister-Five towing us to the garage!


19-02-2009, 21:56
19th Feb. This pic looks like there should be a story to it. But there isn't! Went for a walk tonight and took some night shots. This one came out the best. It was the third one I took out of about 20!


19-02-2009, 22:19
Looks good Vix!! I am still going, just been busy and haven't had time to upload/process. Still taking them each day though!

20-02-2009, 18:26
20th Feb - Unfortunately I walk too slow to have caught the two military helicopters that had just landed and then taken off from the helipad, but I thought it made a nice shot anyway!


20-02-2009, 22:43
Right, finally caught up - mega busy week with doctors appointments, very welcome house guests and busy period at work - PHEW! But...still took some pictures each day, just didn't have time to upload/process.

This week, or at least for the first part, I wanted to experiment a little with flames.

160209 : Candle


170209 : Burner


180209 : Happy Birthday!

Today is the birthday of someone special. Sadly I won't be able to see him to give him this specially baked chocolate muffin, but I will eat it for him and he will see the photograph. Hope you like it ;)


190209 : Turkish Delight

The marmite of sweets. You either love it or hate it, there's no inbetween.


200209 : Race for Life

Got my confirmation this morning, have already raised over £200 in sponsorship in a few short days. Hopefully will raise a lot more by the time I run in June.


21-02-2009, 21:33
Kitten, I'm getting a food theme! i also think 'candle' and 'burner' look good as a pair.

21st Feb - Finally it has been sunny enough to charge my solar light!


22-02-2009, 18:07
I want one of those lamps! Looks fab.

210209 : Monkeh

Absolutely torn to bits and covered in hair. But very, very loved. SallyDog was eyeing me suspiciously when I took monkeh for his photoshoot.


220209 : Flaming star

More candle experimentation!


22-02-2009, 22:44
Awwww ickle monkeh !

I like the star piccy :)

23-02-2009, 00:37
Week 7.
This is where I work part time. Much of the time I wander round the shop lining up DVDs, filling in gaps and generally tidying up after messy customers. It's about as interesting as it looks a lot of the time but for now I need something with minimal stress!


Annoyingly my iPhone died this week and has been sent off for repair. :( So week 8's photo will be taken with my w810i once I find the USB lead!

23-02-2009, 18:10
nice shot Jen!

22nd Feb - Goggles goes exploring.


23rd Feb. Started my new job today at a hotel. I was just having a tour when someone rushed out of the function rooms asking for a medic :/ Ended up being involved in the resus of a man who had literally just conked out, was groaning and panting and not being responsive. Paramedics were called and when they arrived and gave him oxygen, he was sick. We left the paramedics to it, but were later told he had died on the way to the hospital. He was on a conference with other people who barely knew him, the only way they got in contact with his wife was by the ICE system on his mobile phone. Today's pic stresses the importance of always carrying your mobile, and having clearly labelled emergency contacts.


23-02-2009, 18:14
Goggles is beautiful Vix! :D

BB x

23-02-2009, 19:16
Thanks vix :)
Goggles is gorgeous :D Sorry to hear about your first day at work :( Horrible experience.
ICE is a great system, always make sure my phone contacts has an ICE entry.

23-02-2009, 19:47
Loving the pics people!

I have been hiding from this thread, I have slipped massively. Will have to get back into this! Sorry everyone.

23-02-2009, 20:20
wow, gorgeous goggles :D

Busy first day Vix :/

Don't worry Tink just get back into it when you can :)

24-02-2009, 23:35
24th Feb. Interesting mural outside the Adult Education Centre. I may re take this in the Summer.

Spot the interesting cars :)


25-02-2009, 19:12
25th Feb. Phil comes home from work and goes straight out to work on Humphrey.


26-02-2009, 20:21
26th Feb. I have to lose some piercings for my new job. apparently the company think that holes in peoples faces and ears are much more pleasant to look at than jewellery :/


26-02-2009, 23:19
Week 8.
My Mum and I went to Chiquitos last Monday as a belated lunchtime treat by me as I won £50 on the Premium Bonds a few weeks ago. We had Chimichangas and Fajitas :D


28-02-2009, 18:04
Mmmm! Might have to try a Chiquitos, think there's a new one in Norwich.

27th Feb, caught an X Files episode whilst eating tea which really reminds me of this book.


28th Feb - Charlie is a silly cat and wont keep still.


01-03-2009, 02:26
Your kitties are lovely Vixicle :)

BB x

01-03-2009, 10:52
Hehe Charlie is just a neighbourhood cat, but he did think he lived in my house yesterday. We can't have other cats because Goggles is a spoilt child and gets jealous :(

01-03-2009, 10:57
Awww CHarlie is a pretty boy! Looks like a bigger version of Flozzle

01-03-2009, 10:58
Hehe Charlie is just a neighbourhood cat, but he did think he lived in my house yesterday. We can't have other cats because Goggles is a spoilt child and gets jealous :(

She does seem like the type to get jealous! Bless her.

01-03-2009, 17:26
Charlie is lovely. He came up to see what we were doing yesterday and as soon as I sat on the floor he jumped on my knee. He's so trusting, either that or he just likes us!

1st March - Bring on the trumpets! Daffodils are my most favourite flower. This little fella must have popped up in the lovely weather today - bet he wondered what had happened today!


01-03-2009, 17:28
Lovely picture, I love daffodil's although I love tulips more :p :)

01-03-2009, 17:48
Very apt Vix as it's also St. David's day today :)

I nearly put a daff as my weekly pic as I've had the first one come through in my garden, but I preferred the snowdrop pic I took and I think they're more special at this time of the year because to me, snowdrop = spring around the corner. I also LOOOOOOOOVE daffs. Can't wait until all my daffs and tulips come up in a couple of months :D

Week 9 - SPRIIIIIIING!!!!! It's on its way. The temp got up to 16 degrees today and I went out into my garden to see who has decided to pop their heads above ground. I love snowdrops. They've finally come out this week. There are also a few crocuses, a primrose and 1 solitary daffodil so far. Amazing what a difference to your mood a few little flowers can make :-) Right, come on summer!!!

01-03-2009, 17:55
I love the spring flowers like crocuses, snowdrops and of course daffs, I wonder if part of it is because they herald the beginning of better weather :)

Great pic kate :)

02-03-2009, 17:53
2nd March - not much happened today so here is a pic of my silly bat who has looked after my car keys since I was 17. He's a bit bedraggled!


03-03-2009, 23:29
3rd March. Still not got many things to take pics of so catch boyfriend in photogenic pose :)


05-03-2009, 18:17
4th March - an interesting view down a bottle I was bought for Xmas!


5th March - Pretty tree at work


06-03-2009, 21:20
6th March. I saw a Vulcan fly for the first time last year. It was just after I had broken my leg, and we had received a tip off that she was going to one of the local air bases for a special flight. A few weeks before she had failed to fly at RAF Waddington, where we had driven to especially.

Anyway, the charity which runs the Vulcan restoration and flight timetable program has been hit heavily by the recession, and required £1m by the end of today. I was prepared that they would never get this and the Vulcan would be grounded forever. However, in the nick of time, they managed to get over £1m pledged and for now, she lives on.


08-03-2009, 18:06
7th March - work begins on something sparkly and red ;)


8th March - good turnout at the MR2 meet:


08-03-2009, 23:49
Week 9.
Another food related photo! While travelling back from Maidstone last weekend, I bought my Mum some Krispy Kremes as a treat to cheer her up. We've never had Krispy Kremes before either, they didn't disappoint :D


09-03-2009, 14:57
I promise I am keeping up with this, well done everyone! Surprised some have kept at it, it seemed to be a bit of a fad at the new year, but well done to those that have stuck to their guns :)

09-03-2009, 17:53
It's really getting me to use my camera so I'm sticking at it.

9th March - Not sure I'll ever wear it but I love it anyway :D


09-03-2009, 18:18
Ooooo I could eat that colour! O_o

BB x

09-03-2009, 19:56
Nice pics Vix and well done for keeping up with it. I've got this wk's pic, but haven't uploaded it yet as I've been away this w/e. Will do it after tea :)

10-03-2009, 20:58
10th March, pic of my crazy hair :)


11-03-2009, 18:28
11th March - Perfume Bottle


11-03-2009, 21:18
Some great pics there Vix ! :)

12-03-2009, 20:35
Thanks Sinead :)

12th March, took this pic just before I started clearing my desk.


Last day at work tomorrow.

13-03-2009, 19:10
13th March - I'm not...


14-03-2009, 22:15
Week 10
It's not been a great week, distinctly meh and well, just not great for various reasons although next week will be worse.

15-03-2009, 10:06
Aww Jen :( Good idea for a pic though!

14th March, I'm not going to promise that most of my weekend pics will be of racing cars :p

'Barky' and his Golf cocking a wheel whilst braking for Russell chicane at Snetterton:


16-03-2009, 18:32
15th March, a little still life for you, although it's racing car related :p


16th March - not sure why 'excercise clothing' have hoods, but anyway I can look a fool in it.


16-03-2009, 22:19
Good panning shot with the Golf, Vix :D I like the helmet shot too. Can you alter aperture on your camera? It would have been good with a shallow depth of field to knock out the focus on things in the background.


16-03-2009, 22:21
I tried to get less focus in the background, yep can alter aperture from about 2.8 to 8.0, but it baffles me as to which is the best one to use :/

I thought you might like the golf :D

That top is quite norkified too :D

16-03-2009, 22:22
F2.8 would have been good for that shot. The lower the number, the wider the aperture and the shallower the depth of field. Basically, if you want to blur stuff in the background, take the aperture number (or F Stop) down.

16-03-2009, 22:23

Incase anyone missed it :evil:

16-03-2009, 22:23
F2.8 would have been good for that shot. The lower the number, the wider the aperture and the shallower the depth of field. Basically, if you want to blur stuff in the background, take the aperture number (or F Stop) down.

That's the best description anyone has ever given me for how to get shots like that, thanks :D

16-03-2009, 22:24
Muchos vix

Incase anyone missed it :evil:

I just scrolled up from posting a reply to Kate and thought Firefox had gone batty or something!!!

16-03-2009, 22:44
Great exposure in today's picture Vix ;)

17-03-2009, 15:52
17th March - 96th Bomb Group memorial at Snetterton. Snetterton used to be an airfield, and the runways can still be seen at certain spots.


18-03-2009, 16:09
18th March. Another plane one! Went to the Norwich Air museum today. A Jaguar rests here in the sun.


18-03-2009, 16:26
Really like the 17th March one :)

18-03-2009, 16:27
I can't believe DD got top page goodness with the Vix photos!! :D lol

BB x

18-03-2009, 16:28
It's quite scary BB :p

Thanks Sam, it's such a photogenic object, I was quite stuck as to which pic to post!

18-03-2009, 16:56
Really like the 17th March one :)

It's even better when you know what the memorial actually looks like as Vix's picture gives a totally false impression of it:


18-03-2009, 16:57
That's why I've just done another thread about it!

19-03-2009, 21:30
19th March, cute stamp!


19-03-2009, 21:32
Oooh I like that :)

19-03-2009, 21:35
Thanks :) I feel like poo tonight, just realised I could have made the effort and made it a bit more central :/

19-03-2009, 21:39
I wouldn't worry! :)
My take on it is if it's a 365 or a 52 etc, it's not meant to be perfect every time. a) it's there to help you learn from your mistakes and b) in a way it's reflecting the year and your mood at the time.

I wasn't overly keen from a technical point of view with my last one but as it was to reflect how crappy I felt, it seemed perfect in that case :p

Hopefully that makes some sort of sense. :o

19-03-2009, 21:42
Aye I know what you mean.

So tempted to go back and re take half of mine though but that would make for a rather boring 365!

19-03-2009, 21:45
I'll be the same when I have a camera :D

20-03-2009, 14:03
Week 11.
It would have been my Dad's 64th birthday today so seemed fitting the photo was about him this week. It's of his watch (which needs a new battery but I haven't gone to get it changed yet and I do have an irrational fear of handing it over to someone) and a cuddly duck that he got me last Easter with my Mum.
He didn't actually give me it at Easter as he forgot as he was ill at the time, but by some weird luck the cat turned up with it shortly after his death having dug it out of a cupboard (very unlike our cat), so it means a lot to me :)


20-03-2009, 14:12
very fitting photo Jen :)

20-03-2009, 14:15
Thanks :)