View Full Version : My first 365 - 2009
Cute duck :)
I love your March 17th pic Vix!
Great pic and concept Jen. Isn't it funny how Harry found the duck?
20th March - Green for go! Humphrey passes his MOT.
Great pic and concept Jen. Isn't it funny how Harry found the duck?
I agree, thats a really cute story Jen :)
BB x
21st March, fab sunset at Snetterton tonight:
22nd March, Phil's stepdad attempts to beat him at pool
23rd March, with the storm cloud behind it, it looks more like a haunted house than a 4* hotel!
24th March, went to B&Q and just had to buy this garden ornament :) Last year I just got my garden to a quite acceptable standard but then broke my leg and it all went overgrown :( Just prepared it for this year so I keep buying pretty things to go in it!
25th March. I'm a list person. Before I perform a task, I write a list of how I'm going to do it, and cross things off when I have done them! This is so far a list of admin things I need to get together for the weekend.
26th March. Had my induction today at my day job, and one of the tasks was 'draw the big tree' (it's quite famous for being big apparently). Anyway, stuff that, so I got my camera out and snapped a shot. Quickly took this one of the drive and fountain too :)
26-03-2009, 22:20
I like that :)
Last year I just got my garden to a quite acceptable standard but then broke my leg and it all went overgrown :( Just prepared it for this year so I keep buying pretty things to go in it!
You do realise what you've just said, right? ;D
I haven't been to Dunston in ages. I keep meaning to take my motor down there and get some pics.
You do realise what you've just said, right? ;D
I haven't been to Dunston in ages. I keep meaning to take my motor down there and get some pics.
There's always a flippin car near the fountain though so you can never get a good pic. Even their good promotional pic that they put everywhere has a taxi in it :/
27th March - took Humphrey somewhere quiet to do a noise test, and he was looking quite photogenic :)
28th March - Toy cars
29th March - steamy.
30th March - guardian of the lift at Dunston Hall! He's a little too high up to get eye contact!
Week 12
It's been a busy week full of deadlines, review work and part time work. So here's a random shot :p It's of the three gaming models I've collected over the months, two from Fallout 3, one from Bioshock.
Jen, cool pic. I love little models like that.
31st March - greeted by lots of cats as I returned from work today!
Cat Convention! :D
And thanks :) If I could, I'd have loads of them, love stuff like that :D
1st April - Mister Chu.
I had Stitch, who has featured in my 365 already, from the RSPCA, just before Phil and I got together. Phil loved him and he heard of a chinchilla in a guinea pig rescue and thought it would be nice for Stitch to have a friend. Chu (short for Pikachu, they are both named after small cute animals and also songs by my favourite group) had been badly treated and was quite nibbled and shy. It turned out that he also didn't like other chinchillas :( The rescue centre had said if they really didn't get on, then they would have Chu back, but they never responded to my messages asking when we could take him back, so he kind of stayed with us. He's come on in leaps and bounds, literally, and he is a really friendly boy now, he used to never want to come over for a tickle but he loves his tickles and raisins now. They both have really different personalities and both keep us very amused.
Awwwww :) I love chinchillas, such adorable things and so amazingly soft!
Hehe :)
People don't realise what characters they are, because the ones in pet shops are so dopey and tired and sad. Our boys come to the front of their cages when we go in on a morning, despite them being nocturnal. They've learnt the times we are up and they sleep when we aren't there!
They also know the word 'raisin' which is amazing!
I fed Roberta's for a few days while she was away a while back, they really are great characters :D And very cheeky ;D
2nd April, mmmmm not the surface of the moon but some sweet treat for the weekend :)
3rd April, pretty flower at a lovely location:
4th April, the horses wondered what had descended:
5th April, relaxing game of cards in the sunshine
6th April, convoy home
Week 13
I was fortunate enough to spend a great weekend with friends. My Mum knits these breasts for a charity that use them for teaching women how to breastfeed, but she thought someone else might quite like one as a present :D
7th April - Sakura goes flying.
8th April - how the inside of my head feels:
9th April, new house number :) Really feel like we are making it our own now, did a lot in the garden today too.
10th April - Little lamb!
11th April, I missed this trackday due to not having a suitable car :( Here's Nik having some fun in his MINI. Just got a text to say he broke it though :(
Not properly broken! :p Was good fun and can't wait to have another go. :) Thanks for the pics!
Vix, I think you're coming along brilliantly! Ive seen such an improvement lately, and its only from the start of the year! Way to go girl! :D
Week 13
I was fortunate enough to spend a great weekend with friends. My Mum knits these breasts for a charity that use them for teaching women how to breastfeed, but she thought someone else might quite like one as a present :D
Haha I've seen them, wonder if the ones I've seen got made by your Mum.
Cheers :) really starting to make an effort now!
Yeah and it really shows Vix :) Well done!
Took this one today on Leon's camera. Kinda spur of the moment because we didn't want to scare him even more, but had to get a snap
Week 15 - MOUSE INVASION! Flo, the little darling, has been brining in live mice for us this week. Fortunately, we've managed to catch her with a couple and release them again, but last night she added another to our collection, so we had 2 running around. This morning, just as I'd finished a lap of Silverstone in a 1960's F1 car, Leon noticed an absolutely teeny mouse cowering under my chair. He picked it up and I took it outside to let it go. Awwwwwwwww!!!!! Hope it's OK!
12-04-2009, 11:30
Glad you found mousey in the end.....sooooo tiny!
12-04-2009, 12:28
Are you mouse free now?
Nope, still 1 at large in the lounge. Grrrr!
He is soooo cute :)
12-04-2009, 22:40
My ickle baby Boy Murray, who has been down in the dumps since his wife passed away. Conked out fast asleep on my lap.
Aww cute things! Mousey is sweet, and bunny is just a little ball of fluffiness!!
And to continue the cute theme :D
Week 14
Harry wanting some attention. I don't have the heart to tell him that he's not really elegant enough to call himself a cat ;D
Awww he wants a tummy rub!
13-04-2009, 11:45
I think you showed Harry the pics of the mouse and the bunny and so hes doing his best "Look im cute and cuddly and I wont hurt them honest!" impression! :D
;D He certainly wouldn't with the rabbit, softest cat known to mankind! Quite happy to sit next to us when we have guinea pigs on our lap and he won't try to go for them or anything. :)
He'd probably try to play with the mouse but the mouse would outwit him quite easily :D
12th April - Phil's mum's birthday pressie. I got her a canvas done of a pic I'd taken a while ago of one of her cats. He died last year and she really wanted a pic to remember him by, so this was a big surprise!
13th April - been doing gardening a lot of the weekend, and transporting plants from the front to the back. Unfortunately the tulips didn't transport so well, so I now have a vase full!
14th April - spotted this little fella whilst I took Sakura to have her retest. The window was down so i stuck my head in and had a good sniff which brought back a few memories! Turns out it belongs to someone we know! Decided to try out selective colouring to make him stand out.
14-04-2009, 20:45
I like that :)
15th April, I need to mow the lawn but it means massacre-ing these lovely dandelions!
Like it. the borders work really well too :)
15-04-2009, 21:43
My bunny loves them! ;D
I wish we had a rabbit so it could eat them!
16th April - Goggles having a roll about.
16-04-2009, 19:32
God that cat is gorgeous. I wish I had a cat, one day I will.
I'll mail her to you if you like :)
16-04-2009, 19:41
I'll mail her to you if you like :)
I think the dog the bunny and the hamster might object ;D
I'll swap her for the dog :)
16-04-2009, 20:55
I'll swap her for the dog :)
Ah yes my big scary dog
Likes to steal my food
Always on guard
And is so scary even the hamster wont come near him!
My god its going to kill me to leave him when I have to move out.
17th April - more cats. Tried to get this one to pose whilst we were out for a walk but it was too friendly.
18th April - took Humphrey on a rolling road day today. Didn't go too well but had plenty of nice piccy opportunities!
19th April - on the way to pick up a bit of engine, we spotted a sick MR2 on the opposite carriageway of the M11. Cue a 30 mile rond trip to see if we could help!
Haha, you nutters ;D Could you help in the end?
Nah, it had overheated so he was just sat there waiting for it to cool.
Because we were on our way to get bits of engine (from Zirax!) we had tools in the boot and everything so it seemed rude not to stop!
20th April, first pic of many of my lovely apple tree. He was quite bent over at the end of last year, and we have just straightened him up, he's currently being propped up by a bit of car of course!
The back of that cat looks just like Harry :D
Week 15.
We've had some brilliant weather this past week, so been on quite a few walks this week. Also went on a picnic last week.
Yes with hindsight, I should have put the Mcvities wrapper back on :o
20th August
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa I've lost half the year!!! :shocked::shocked:
(pretty tree :) )
Codiene :/
21st APRIL - I was taking another sot for my 365, turned around and noticed I was right in the sights of a pair of swans. I decided the original shot would be there again whereas the swans might not be, so here is a swan.
they seem to be swimming in chocolate...or am I dreaming again :huh:
The colour of Norwich canal :/
Canal?!? We've got proper natural waterways down here (as well as the distinctly man-made broads), it's a river. ;)
22nd April - My Lupin holding on to his water.
Oooo I like that! Very pretty :)
Being technical, theres some kind of purple ring around the water on the bottom left, which is called something and caused by something. Still, it was the only pic I have taken today so I had to roll with it :)
Being technical, theres some kind of purple ring around the water on the bottom left, which is called something and caused by something. Still, it was the only pic I have taken today so I had to roll with it :)
brilliant picture, dubious technical explanation :p ;D
I cant see it personally, but you mean cyan fringing?
Yeah, it really stands out to me but I don't know how to fix it :/
Still, evryone seems to like the pic!
23-04-2009, 08:05
I don't think there is any really noticeable chromatic aberration, its more down to the way the water acts as a prism than a problem with the pic.
Awesome, I thought all the professionals would start pointing it out :)
23rd April - instructed by a colleague to take a pic of one of the trees at work. Problem is by the time I got out there it was 6pm so the light wasn't great. Also I'm on crutches at the mo so I had to balance. Pic was a bit rubbish so I've had to do some creative photoshopping.
24-04-2009, 11:28
Did you use a fill flash? You seem to have the light coming from behind the tree which is reducing the colours drastically, a fill might bring some of that pink back without having to do too much in photoshop, the trees behind which are in the light are very pink, maybe because of the manipulation. I would have liked to have seen the tree in isolation as it is its merging with those beside it, understandable due to limited mobility :)
Is it just me... or does the lowest branch on the right look like a teeny unicorn? :D
Can't see it myself :p
Didn't use any flash, perhaps I should. The tree is in a little courtyard, but if I'd have taken it from the open side, I would have had to take it straight into the sun. I think this pic really needs to be taken at a different time of day and with more time on my hands! I was still clocked in at work so rushing a bit.
I am not joining in again, but thought you might like this one :)
My gorgeous lilies from my bestest mates :)
Beyooootiful Dee :)
Bit of an uninspired few days from me.
24th April - Got home from work to find that Phil had mowed my lawn for me, phew a load off my mind as I haven't been well enough to do it and there were tigers living in it :D
25th April - Did something really interesting in the morning, however we weren't allowed cameras :( So here is Phil beginning prepping the fibreglass wings for Humph:
26th April - Poppy, Phil's mums cat, also a Goggles clone!
27th April, my garden by night
27-04-2009, 22:19
what did you do? what did you do?
Week 16
One of the very few perks of the job :p Having said that, I bet I throw it out within the week! It's a bit erm large ;D
Love it! You could just cut him out though, make it a bit more sociable :)
Might be an idea :D
He will probably get thrown out though as no idea where to put him if I did cut him out ;D
It was great fun trying to fit him into the car!
28-04-2009, 18:31
no idea where to put him if I did cut him out ;D
back of your door? ;) above you bed :p
back of your door? ;) above you bed :p
Above my bed would scare the life out of me in the night ;D Especially if it fell off ;D;D
don't throw him out! Flog him on ebay!
Made me laugh thinking of you trying to shove him in your car, and also what you'd do if it fell on you in the night! haha!
28th April - bit of a bland day, but one of the views from work:
29th April - starting to look rather pro now :p
30th April. Unusual plant...
1st May. My leg is causing trouble and I'm being referred back to the hospital, when the NHS have finished playing tennis with my referral letter :/ Here is one of my scars:
2nd May - Some nice cars were watching the Mini racing at Snetterton.
3rd May - some more silverware
4th May - went banger racing for the first time and rather enjoyed it. (watching, not racing!)
04-05-2009, 20:48
Lovely shots, but don't you mean May hun ;) :p
Do I ever know what month it is? :p
5th May - a colleague ran the Race for Life in 49 minutes and raised £300 for the charity.
6th May, I needed a tripod really...
Forgot I hadn't posted this :o
Week 17
Went to the garden centre last week to buy some stuff ready for Ground Force. This was taken about the time I remembered that I find garden centres quite dull as I'm not one for browsing :p
I like garden centres, must be getting old ;)
7th May - 'What?'
No, it's the browsing I can't stand! I'm just not that sort of shopper, I'm the sort that knows what they want, gets it and leaves :p
I'm like it with most shops although not supermarkets as I'm a real bargain hunter there.
I'm the same, but I do enjoy wandering around pretty flowers :)
^^^ Me too, but I like buying stuff too :D
8th May, not such a good shot of the Moon, but it's my shot of the Moon :/
9th May - pretty flowers, and they don't even need watering!
10th May - Historic racing at Cadwell Park
11th May - my teaching resources are growing...
Good ones Vix, aint nothing wrong with that moon shot!
Go go teacher vix :D
Think my new bookkeeping tutor could do with Learning to Teach Adults ;D And I thought the previous tutor was bad!
Week 17.
Went for a walk along a nearby pond with some friends at the weekend. Lovely weather for it :D
12th May, pretty sky
13th May, great feedback from the end of my first course :)
14th May - Lots of marking!!
Glad the teaching has gone so well :D
Ooh that's lovely!
Thanks :)
15th May, new pressies!
16th May - detail on my new pretty dress :)
Week 18.
Think of this as a filler photo :p Crap week last week and never really saw anything worth taking a photo of :(
Hopefully next week's will be a lot better! At least this is my last photo on a camera phone :)
what's happened to vix's pictures?? :(
Oooh I thought it was just me earlier as my connection was acting up :( Where have they gone vix? :(
If you quote her posts the URL is still there so I'm guessing hosting problems?
Yup. Hosts were being ****e again. Pics are finally back and steps are being taken to move everything over to proper hosting.
17th May - Cliff top!
18th May - webspace down, again...
19th May - pretty flowers:
20th May - some people twice my age don't have to use a stick, but I do :/
21st May - duckys!
21-05-2009, 22:10
You are making amazing progress hun :) Well Done
haha, did you see my shot from yesterday was a duck?? :p I bet not!
Lovely shot Vix, lovely colours in particular. as Tink says, you really are progressing at some speed *claps*
22nd May - this Redwood is quite famous in Norfolk for simply being howge!
23rd May - Cleared up my lovely lasagne as always!
24th May - he looks sad :(
Oh and I cheated with the last pic because I didn't take it :p
I think you have a good excuse for cheating :p
25th May - Souvenier :/
Week 19
One of the first photos I took with my shiny new camera :) The first of many and hopefully they'll improve too :D
26th May - 'Excuse me, you appear to have given my boyfriend a girl's car as a courtesy car'
27th May - Topless fun!
28th May - Pretty Rose.
29th May - the sausages are done!
30th May - Friends in my garden!
31st May - Sineads Castle:
31-05-2009, 18:33
No pictures after the tax payer forked out to have a dodgy moat and bridge installed? :)
Heh, no, no evidence of that :p
1th June - Goggles waits for her daddy to come home.
Week 20.
Went for a walk along the Marina and amongst other things, spotted this old boat :)
Love the composition on that Jen, the eye is really drawn a long the line of boats to the water tower in the background. Mine is anyway :D
Thanks :) That just made me inwardly go 'Woo I did something right' ;D :)
Great symmetry Jen, really good lines. Good use of thirds too.
2nd June - When you can't think of what to take a picture of, raid the jewellery box :)
Great symmetry Jen, really good lines. Good use of thirds too.
Thanks :D
That's a lovely looking necklace Vix!
Thanks Jen :)
3rd June, terrorised the cat again, much to her displeasure.
04-06-2009, 09:20
Pretty sharp shot that.
Isn't it? No additional sharpening was done, just flicked about with levels and saturation.
04-06-2009, 12:23
Isn't it? No additional sharpening was done, just flicked about with levels and saturation.
Unless it was shot in RAW then thats not strictly true as the camera will apply sharpening internally but its very clean, I'd be very pleased with that and the lighting is good too :)
Ooh didn't know that. My S70 had the ability to shoot in RAW but this one doesn't.
It was shot with the flash, but fortunately this flash isn't as bright as the earth sun so delivers good lighting :)
04-06-2009, 13:11
I wonder if there is some sort of flash metering to drop the power back depending on the circumstances?
I think there is because when I have taken other shots, I have really heard the flash fire, whereas when I took that shot I couldn't hear it. With the S70 you could hear the flash pop every time it went off.
It's very clever.
4th June, shoes. My favourite shoes, but I can only wear them this way up!
Hehe :)
5th June - Not often I paint my nails but today they are sparkly and orange.
6th June - I want! Pebbles Cat likes BBQs
7th June - Pebbles Cat
07-06-2009, 17:22
hehe .. little scamp ! :D
08-06-2009, 18:35
Took this pic on my phone of my godson today, its by no means up to the standard of you proper photo people, but I really like the effect of the rings on the inside of the tube he is sat in.
great pic - what a little cutie!
8th June - Bought some spangly make up at the weekend :)
9th June - This fireplace is in one of the classrooms at the learning centre.
Week 21.
A seaside walk :)
Had a bit of a fiddle in photoshop with this so it may well look a mess but at least it gave me something to experiment on :D
I like it Jen, the colours are fab, really seasidey!
10th June - Smokey.
11th June - Wish Stones, I need most of these right now!
That cat looks boss-eyed ;D
That cat looks boss-eyed ;D
He is!
12th June - My first orange lily of the year.
13th June - Phil's new glasses. Apparently things now have edges.
14th June - Lotus Type 78 classic F1 car driven at Snetterton today.
Good stuff Vix, just had a good catch up! :D
Cheers :)
I'm not happy with today's pic but cba going back to retake it. Not really in the mood at the moment, which is a shame.
15th June - Yellow Field. I think you can work out the effect I was going for.
haven't posted anything in here for a while, but got a couple I'd like to put in here from the last few days.
First pic with new lens :D
Some random bird who borrowed my sofa for the weekend ;)
Again, *sigh*, same bird.
And...someone enjoying an ice cream in the sunshine (although his face just says 'PUT THE DAMN CAMERA AWAY' :p)
Week 22.
Another walk :) This time around Swansea Marina.
nice shot Jen :D How are you finding the new camera?
here's today's pic.
16-06-2009, 19:05
Jen, do you have that boat picture in full resolution at all?
nice shot Jen :D How are you finding the new camera?
Thanks :) Loving it although I know I've still got a ridiculous amount to learn! Certainly making regular walks much more interesting. :)
Jen, do you have that boat picture in full resolution at all?
Yeah sure, I'll dig it up and send it your way :)
16-06-2009, 22:21
Yeah sure, I'll dig it up and send it your way :)
17-06-2009, 18:41
Kitten, any time you wanna stop whoring me out on here, just feel free to stop wont you ;) :p
16th June - We had to make these in teacher training today. Mine was pretty good, for a first attempt.
17th June - Little Giraffe.
Me too :)
18th June - My favouritest car :) Mosler MT900 in Eclipse livery.
18-06-2009, 21:04
Edit : Damn, forgot to log out/log in ;D Is Kitten here!
Nice one Vix :D
here's one from yesterday:
Aww, love the colouring in that one.
19th June - my eyes, I used my sparkly make up for the first time so took a pic:
20th June - Awaiting image.
21st June - I can see the Fuschia :)
love that make up Vix - looks fantastic!
Good job with the selective colouring/border on the last pic. Really works well :)
Thanks, it wasn't such an interesting pic so I thought I'd snazz it up a bit. Trailing fushcias don't make the best models, hopefully some of my others will come out in the next few weeks.
Week 23.
Had a walk around the local park and saw a swan with some signets. They weren't very patient waiting for me to get the settings right though, so this was the best shot!
Noticed I prefer taking photos of birds and animals but I'd say I'm better at things that stay still, as then I have time to figure out what setting works best!
There was a dog show on at the same time as I was in the park but didn't have the nerve to ask owners if they minded me taking photos :o So I just watched.
that's a great shot Jen, they do move so fast it's hard to catch them!
Thanks :)
I want to practice taking shots of the guinea pigs but they get scared of the slightest noise, and the cat doesn't move enough to be good practice ;D
I need some sort of medium speed animal :p
could you perhaps offer to take adoption pics for the dogs at the rescue you help out at?
Oooh good thinking :D I'll try that :)
Aww fluffy swanny!
22nd June - Bubble!
23rd June: There's a recession. Companies are branching out, selling whatever they can. (Or sacking their proofreaders!!)
great pics Vix - love the bubble! I found something the other day, made me chortle - will post it when I've uploaded it :D
24th June - Buns!
24-06-2009, 21:32
OMG they look YUMMY. Can I have some? :p
Thanks :)
I want to practice taking shots of the guinea pigs but they get scared of the slightest noise, and the cat doesn't move enough to be good practice ;D
I need some sort of medium speed animal :p
If we were to hit Nokkon hard enough with a stick, maybe we could get him to run around at a sort of medium speed?
If we were to hit Nokkon hard enough with a stick, maybe we could get him to run around at a sort of medium speed?
Good thinking :D
25th June - Douglas. He's getting quite old now but he still likes to wear make up and show off. It's also really hard to take a pic of your shoulder!!
Lots of catching up to do.
First, you may notice that the 20th is missing. This is because I took a pic on another camera and I've been waiting for the pic to come back! Not many people have a shot of their own car against this background as cameras are not allowed on site. Hence having to use the one camera that was allowed in. So here's Humphrey at the Lotus test track, having a rest from Autotesting.
Back to the week in hand:
26th June - weekend drinkies begins:
27th June - historic Triumph at Snetterton:
28th June - The winners at Woodbridge! I wont be among them as I came last :(
29th June - The moon through the arch of Wymondham Abbey:
30th June - Why don't I take my camera everywhere? Didn't think I needed it at the auction, then a balloon tried to land on my head :(
Week 24
Very belated entry from last week! Not had the chance to post anything till now :o
Nothing major, just a cool looking sign along the cycle path :)
Wow, i love it! It's great the way the top of the sign is the same kind of shape as the flats in the background!
It looks like you are loving your new camera!
Thanks :)
And yeah I'm loving it :D Really nice to have a new interest :)
1st July - Radley!
2nd July - spotted a bunny in a car park so took a quick snap!
3rd July - Warm cat is warm
4th July - Momo Mosler
Week 25.
Almost a walk along Mumbles pier. It was windy and I didn't want to pay to go on the pier, so a photo of it from a distance :D
Love it, you really have the eye for a good photo, also like the pink hippo!!
5th July:
Herbie Rides Again!!
6th July - Storm's coming:
7th July - Wet Rose:
:o Thanks :)
Love the Herbie car :D I'd like to go to something like that, looks excellent :)
It was fun, lots of big cars. Any time you're free let us know and you can come over for a Snetterton weekender :D
8th July - before:
9th July - After!
10-07-2009, 07:09
Oooh bloooooo light .. nice :D
I love love LOVE Herbie Car :D:D
I've seen so many Herbie clones this week! the one at the races of course, then one on the road, and also a Golf with Herbie stickers! I'm number 53 in the Sprint Series but Phil wont let me do Humphrey up like Herbie :D
10th July - Phil's new car
12-07-2009, 18:18
I'm going to start one this week :) A bit late but I won't be doing a yearly one... hopefully something continuous as I need to start blogging more!!
Great photos and been following this if not adding my own as i said i would back when this started a long time ago. However the camera bug has finally woken up in me after a long sleep and will upload a shot from today tomorrow once i recover from too much fresh air :p No one tells you fresh air is bad for you but you learn afterwards lol
First photo in about 7 months and i feel so rusty on PS might take me a while to nail the processing again.
Week 26.
Snapshot this week. I had fun winning lots of t-shirts on Twitter last week :)
Week 26.
Snapshot this week. I had fun winning lots of t-shirts on Twitter last week :)
How'd you win those? I could use some new T-Shirts :D
Pink one was off who tend to have Friday giveaways :)
The other two were from: in random giveaways. Just a matter of being the first one to reply etc. :D
Well done Jen! Cool t shirts!
11th July - our rather posh hotel room. The bed was the most comfortable I have ever slept in. It was wider than it was long!
12th July - Humphrey and Sakura at Barkston.
13th July - new and rather photogenic neighbourhood cat!
14th July - Happy Raff
He's got bells and a squeaker in his feet too, I love him lots :D
Awww that cat is very photogenic!
That cat is gorgeous, very nicely taken.
Thanks :) Next stage is to steal the cat :p
15th July - stormy weathervane:
16th July - the apples are nearly ready!
17th July - I was trying to get a shot of Goggles enjoying a plate of tuna, but decided this was too comedy not to be included!
18th July - choo choo!
19th July - a line of GT cars at Snetterton:
20th July - pretty flowers:
21st July - these flowers aren't real!
Oooh some lovely shots there vix! And so many Ferraris :D
Week 27.
Another snapshot this week. It was lucky to be taken in time on Sunday as I nearly forgot :o I've been ill all week (still am, bleh) and hardly been out the house besides for when I dragged myself to work, so I've seen a lot of this:
I'll see if people can figure it out before saying what it is ;D iPhones really aren't very good for indoor photos once you've started using an actual camera :/
Hoping I'll feel better by the weekend so I can go out again!
I know what it is and often I've considered a similar pic!! Hope you feel better soon!
are they ceiling tiles?
hope foot stops being so painful soon hun!!
are they ceiling tiles?
hope foot stops being so painful soon hun!!
My mum and dad had the same ones. Except theirs had small finger holes over the higher bits of furnuture ;)
Yeah the ceiling tiles in my room :)
Was hoping I'd see less of them after the virus went. There goes that plan!
22nd July - Billy the parrot:
23rd July - Vulcan XH558 being awesome:
25-07-2009, 18:47
Update with week 2! (
24th July - tow bar is on the Mitsi:
25th July - All the fun of the fair:
And because I couldn't decide, have the runner up from today as well:
Wow the two funfair ones are brilliant!
Thanks! I was there for ages and came out with a few good ones, but they are pretty similar to the two posted :)
26th July - how to kill a Sunday:
27th July - driving into the sunset
Week 28.
Very! I'm quite glad there's no heatwave at the moment, it's hot enough in there as it is.
28th July: I'm surprised the cat can find somewhere to sit:
29th July - took some nice piccies of the Humph with his new shoes:
30th July - the local USAF base by night:
31st July - pretty orchid at work:
1st August - our new travelling and racing set up:
2nd August, Phil crosses the line on his winning run:
3rd August:
Another sunset!
4th August - New necklace!
Ooo pretty necklace Vix :)
BB x
Thanks Mei :)
5th August - today's harvest:
Week 27 (I think)
Belated update. I did take this last week, just completely forgot to update here :o
Definite snapshot. Not really been able to do anything more than take iPhone photos. As it's difficult for me to go see the guinea pigs (awkward room to get into at the best of times let alone with crutches!), my Mum brought them in for me to see them. Here's Toffee who's a huge fat lump compared to how she was when we got her last October ;D
Oh and the plastic bag's there to stop any accidents ;)
Aww she's lovely :) She's saying 'put the camera down mum, I want a hug!'
06-08-2009, 21:57
I don't post much in here but I am still following. I'm impressed people are still making such a effort! Way to go guys :D
Aww she's lovely :) She's saying 'put the camera down mum, I want a hug!'
Thanks :) Had her and her sister out again earlier today. She decided she didn't want to be cuddled anymore and promptly made a run for it and hid behind my back ;D Then when she was put back on the towel, promptly sat on top of her sister's head! Very cheeky little thing, her sister Scruffy is much more chilled. :D
Aww, cheeky thing :D I love guinea piggies.
Few pics from the past few days:
6th August - we found this rose in the kitchen at work ready to be thrown out so i decided it will spend the last few days of its life on my desk :)
7th August - my new numbers (I lost one at the last sprint!) and a little bit of advertising for Nik who kindly and cleverly made them for me!
8th August, and that's a definite wheel in the air from Phil and Humph at Woodbridge:
9th August and things get close in the last hour of the Citroen 2cv 24 hours race:
10th August, ninja kitty
11th August - one of Sakura's pet spiders:
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