View Full Version : My first 365 - 2009
Week 28.
Belated entry from last week again as I keep losing track of what day of the week it is :o
Yet another foot picture, this time with the new cast. It's lighter (yay) but it's harder so it digs into the back of my knee more which is sore. Plus I've got less support overall so my foot's hurting more than before! Still, hopefully around this time next month I'll be walking again *crosses fingers*
Fingers crossed for you :) Cool colour though, you can't miss it ;)
12th August - fairy lights in the garden. Yes it could be a much better pic but it's all I took yesterday :p
13th August - New shoes!
14th August - my favourite wine
15th August - 'Bring back that luuuurvin feeeelin'
16th August - Purple Beetle!
Fish wine! :D
And I wants that bug :D Apparently Beach Buggin' was really good this year
Week 29.
Wasn't planning on another Guinea Pig shot but I really liked this snapshot :D
17-08-2009, 17:34
Sooooooooo sweet!
Am just hijacking the thread to post a few pics, because I took them on holiday and am quite proud of them. I was sat on my sunbed in Mexico, nice and early before the pumps got turned on in the pool, and before anyone got in it.
Love those pics Marie, such a photogenic place!
17th August - moon? or Angel Delight?
18th August - and in keeping with the celestial theme, stars:
19th August - darts! i stopped playing after breaking Phil's darts for the second time. Perhaps I should get my own!
20th August - cooking with apples!
21st August - my favourite things:
22nd August - This Stearman flies over Snetterton most weekends, giving pleasure flights and trial flying lessons!
23rd August - the Oliver Cromwell passes through our station:
24th August, Goggles is feeling photogenic again!
25th August, Humphrey in the press:
26th August, new coins:
Looking good Vix! Good spot with the coins, I didnt realise thats what the patterns made :D
Cheers, been waiting to come across the 50p for about a fortnight, so was pleased to find one today!!
Princess Griff
26-08-2009, 22:52
WWOOOOWWWW!!!! I so didnt realise they did that!!
Im gonna work on collecting the lot! :D
I thought there must have been some sort of pattern...thanks for that post, it has truly amazed me!!!
That's excellent vix :D I didn't realise what the pattern made either, looks great :)
Week 30
Mine's yet another filler picture. Really lost my photo taking urge since doing my foot in :( Hoping it comes back once I'm walking again. But I refuse to let this stop me achieve a full 52 so I'm cracking on just with mediocre pictures. So here's my foot in its 'mobile' guise now I can put weight on it. Exciting I know :p
27-08-2009, 09:03
Coin nerd here, first thing I did was collect the set. I also have a big piggy bank full of all the different £2 coin designs. :o
(in all seriousness if anyone ever finds unusual designs on coins, please shout me, I will swap the same amount of money for one)
Vix, where is that necklace from? I needs to get me one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Vix, where is that necklace from? I needs to get me one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
The leafy one with the bird? Came from Next I think.
Can't believe how many people didn't know about the designs on the new coins. The new £1 has the full design on it too.
Thanks Phil, Ill have to take a look :)
Can't believe how many people didn't know about the designs on the new coins. The new £1 has the full design on it too.
I used to have to count the money from our print credit machines at the uni. After the ones, twos and fives had been released I kept looking out for the others, as they were staggered. Took bloody months for the final one to come out!
As I work as a cashier, I see loads of unusual coins and do consider collecting them, but it looks a bit dodgy if I start swapping money into my purse!
It took ages to find the 50p and I haven't found the £1 yet.
27th August - a saurus, yeah I didn't go anywhere today so had to scrounge the house for interesting stuff!
28th August - temerature turtle:
29th August - Lambo parked photogenically:
30th August - Baby giraffe!
31st August - spot the difference :D
1st Sept - New door!
2nd Sept - Kitty lamp
3rd Sept - Today's artwork
4th Sept - Shadows
5th Sept - Peperami Crocodile. I found him in a charity shop and thought he was interesting.
6th Sept - Nexy ready to come home.
Ooh there's some interesting ones there! Particularly like the Shadows one :)
I've been staying at Phil's mums for a bit and she has loads of interesting lamps, the cat one is hers too!
06-09-2009, 19:29
Some lovely pics there Vix... I know nothing about photography but I can see a difference in the pics now compared to the ones at the start.. you seem to be really getting the hang of it :)
Aww thanks :) Sometimes I could spend longer post processing the shots too but I get impatient and just want to post the pics!!
7th September - Nexy's dirty engine bay makes Phil cross when he's trying to work on it!
Week 31
I was rather lucky that the first review game I'd arranged myself (as I'm now dealing with the PR contact side of things as well as writing) happened to also be the biggest game of the year so far! Got lucky getting a copy as they were in limited supply but this arrived a week before it went retail. :)
Week 32
Not so lucky compared to last week's. My foot's not healing but it's now castless as the Doctor is hoping that this will encourage my foot to get a grip and start healing! As you can see, it's rather swollen and still very bruised. :(
Nice one about the game Jen, hope it leads to bigger and better things!
Your foot is certainly as swollen as mine was, it must be so painful and annoying!!
8th Sept - Scared to display it in case an angry mob comes round with stakes. Steaks are welcome however.
9th Sept - Japanese coins found in my new car today!
Loving the neighbourhood witch :D
09-09-2009, 19:38
See why dont we have interesting/pretty coins like that!
Loving the neighbourhood witch :D
That was my gift from the lovely Mei :)
10th September - Humphrey and Sakura help me set up the club stand at the car show we were at for the weekend:
11th September - Phil and Diane set the fastest time in the karting challenge:
12th September - Fireworks at JAE:
13th September - wristband off, that's it for another year:
14th Sept - the winning ticket - I was informed today that one of my tickets had been drawn for the raffle at the weekend.
15th Sept - Humphrey gets his Winter boots on!
16th Sept - lots and lots of work to do but it's very rewarding:
17th Sept - brightly coloured school corridor, I need to retake this with a proper camera, this was taken on my phone.
18-09-2009, 21:54
Woah ! Brightness ! :D
18-09-2009, 22:23
Why didn't my school look like that! :confused:
Did you win anything nice in the raffle?
It's the technology block, but all of the corridors are done like that. Shame it still smells of wee though :/
I won a Roger Clarke Motorsport fleece, but they haven't contacted me yet for my address!
18th Sept - garden flame:
19th Sept - Golf on the kerbs:
20th Sept - two of Rogue's finest:
Finally an update from me :o
And sorry vix for not commenting, you're really improving in leaps and bounds! :)
Hopefully when my enthusiasm has returned and I'm more mobile, I'll manage to improve a bit :D
Week 33
Harry's a faithful 'little' cat. Everytime I have to shuffle up or down the stairs, he always appears from wherever he's been sleeping and joins me. So I thought I'd take a quick snapshot of him while I was at his level for once!
Week 34
See that quote in the top left hand corner of the advert? That's me, that is :D It was published in Edge magazine as well as the Official Xbox 360 magazine, both pretty major titles, so it made my day to see :)
nice one Jen! Goggles used to come and 'help' when I had to crawl around the place. They do like it when you are at their level :D
And thanks for your comments on my pics :) Not sure how the last few days will look as I'm rushed at the mo but will see when I have a spare min.
Yeah he still seems so excited to see me at his level which is very cute of him :D
21st Sept -
Someone's been doing donuts in their Typhoon again!
22nd Sept -
Sakura, from the back, in the dark!
23rd Sept,
Lovely sky tonight, but I'm too busy to be able to take a proper shot. here's one from the office window!!
24th Sept - Balloon over the rooftops:
25th Sept - Kitty in the sink!
26th Sept - Happy train!
27th Sept - Another Ballooon!
28th September - My Mini coin arrives:
29th September - conkers!
30th Sept - a new pipe for Nexy, all the way from Japan, and with no holes in it, except from the obvious.
1st October - Nexy's old Supercharger belt. Not well at all. it should have constant ridges of rubber on the inside.
2nd October - my words in a big magazine!
3rd Oct - gave the fruit trees their Winter haircuts:
4th Oct - I'm told it's ok to cut a hole inthe racecar roof one week before a show :/
Argh! I've done that everywhere!!
Cheers :)
Some great shots in here :) Vix, I can see SUCH a difference in when you started to now. You should be really proud of yourself. Am hoping Tinkerbell will come and post some of her recent shots, she's also come on in leaps and bounds.
After processing some of the pics from holiday, when I had chance to spend some time with my camera, I can finally see some level of improvement in the quality of my photos from the beginning of the year. Although people have told me they can see it, I haven't seen it for myself before, so I'm feeling quite pleased. Really is just a case of having a bit more time to devote to it.
Some recent ones from meeeeee that I thought I'd share from my 365...(mostly flowers at the moment!)
130909 : Conkers! (I think the one on the left is Mummy conker ;))
200909 : Cyprus Flowers
230909 : Hanging Jasmine
250909 : Water drops
Oooh love them! Got to have a conker shot at this time of the year!
and the obligatory beach shot ;)
I always feel inferior posting pics after Kitten!!
Three busy days so not much time to think good photos through:
5th October - Pink dragon:
6th October - Officially in writing:
7th October - re organised my desk - yes that's organised for me...
don't be so daft Vix, your pics are brilliant!
08-10-2009, 08:53
don't be so daft Vix, your pics are brilliant!
(as are yours Kitten, and Jen you've come on loads as well, plus Jaimes holiday pics were fab)
*hopes shes not missed anyone*
here's one from yesterday. I'm *quite* pleased with it, but I wish it was better, more clear. I've seen some of Kate's macro bugs and I feel completely inferior posting this, but it's where I'm at at the moment. Not too bad for a first time I don't think. I was standing on a chair and holding the lens at arms length, which I suppose is reason enough for a little wibble :D
Nah I haven't come on loads, I might have if I'd had a summer of being able to get out and about to try out the new camera but as it is I haven't. Still, once I can walk out and about again I'll go back to it :D
For now I just cringe at my iPhone shots but feel pleased that at least I haven't given up :p
Must update soon, been too busy to sort things out this week :s
I like the Mantis shot kitten :) And excellent dragon vix :D
You've stuck with it Jen, that's something to be really proud of, especially with all you've had on :)
Just going through some more pics from hols. Here's another one I quite like that's made the 365!
08-10-2009, 21:59
Some amazing shots people, you should all be really pleased with your work :)
I will put a few photos up, but I do feel abit silly doing it especially since I haven't been taking part.
A few that I am pretty pleased with from Cyprus:-
I feel abit iffy about these ones, I love them, I just feel people will take offence
I think the b&w one is incredible, I've already left a comment saying so! I wish you knew those people so you could send them those photos, I'm sure they'd love them. I think we're both lucky - we're female, so we can generally take these shots without people getting suspicious. Not fair, but how it is unfortunately.
I'm seriously impressed with some of your recent shots Jaime, really I am. I think the perspective and composition is brilliant. You told me you don't feel you have an eye for a good photo, or don't know when to take them, and i've got to say, looking at these pics, I'm sorry but that's bollocks! You've got a great eye and you take photographs that look really different. I <3 the balloon shot, and funnily enough you've chosen some of my favourites too. I love the amphitheatre, the pillar and the symmetry on the roof one. The brick wall is really good too, I'll be honest, I have no idea why, but it's very appealing.
Well done kiddo, and keep it up, you're doing BRILLIANTLY!
Looking great Jaime! I always thought you had a good eye for a shot when I've been at motorsport stuff with you.
8th Oct - I've been looking after this kitty today. It's a prize from a charity - pay a quid and guess the name. I hope I win, I love it. Did good at raising money too :)
9th October - Phil got bored in his welding class...
10th October - new necklace!
11th October - sidewaaaaaaaays - drifting at Snetterton
Princess Griff
11-10-2009, 20:37
I have that necklace! Its bright pink - I got it a glasto!!
I thought you'd made that, Vix!
I think it would have cost me less than I paid to make it, but I was in a shop at the time and saw it :D
I was going to ask you to do me one :D
Playing catch up at last!
Week 35
I love writing about games, especially when I get paid for some of it. But I have had quite a lot to do of late! Luckily the backlog has been cleared and I've cut back on what I do now.
Week 36
The foot of the hour! ;) Finally it is knitting, doesn't stop it being swollen though. Since taking that photo, it now looks more bruised as even after 3 months, it managed to find more reason to bruise!
Week 37
It's my birthday! Might not have been able to go out and celebrate easily, but I was rather spoilt :D
On a side note, I'm down to one crutch now around the house so hopefully I'll be able to dig out the good camera and not end up with such noise-infested shots in the coming days for next week's shot!
Glad you're on the one crutch now Jen, and wow at all the pressies!!
12th October - time is running out for the cockroach....
;D Love the look on the predator's face too :D
And yay for X-Files books in the background!
great pic Vix, Goggles is certainly plotting cockroach attack!
12-10-2009, 22:48
Thanks for the support and comments girlies :)
Vix I love that picture of Goggles!!
12-10-2009, 22:48
Thanks for the support and comments girlies :)
Vix I love that picture of Goggles!!
I love Goggles photos :D
BB x
13th Oct - since my back got bad I haven't been able to take my camera everywhere :( Hence a poopy phone pic of the balloon launch this morning as I got to work.
14th October - saw a toy in a pet shop today that reminded me of this picture, and of my silly doggies, Sneaky and Finky. This is of course a photo of a photo!
Been to Anglesey for the weekend. I really wish we'd have had more time there as it's an amazing part of the country. It's also a bit difficult to pitch up at the side of the road when you're dragging a race car behind you so I missed loads of good pics.
15th Oct - Stocks for the weekend:
16th Oct - Guitar Hero-ing:
17th Oct - Lovely circuit:
18th Oct - mountain view!
19-10-2009, 14:12
Wow what a beautiful place!
It was - more pics in my other thread :)
19th October - Nexy failing her MOT.
20th Oct - Been having a lie down today so had a nice view of the Mini shelves:
21st Oct - an apple for the teacher - this was on one of the teacher's desks today!
22nd October
You've had the 'Mini shelves', here are the 'other car' shelves!
23rd October - towing Humphrey to Teesside
24th October - night racing at Teesside
25th October - the Great north Air Ambulance brings someone to A&E
haha, my 365 for today is a helicopter too! :D
Our hotel room for the weekend was right opposite the hospital and overlooking the helipad.
aaah. Mines from the HMS Illustrious airshow the other day, was brill :D They're doing another one tomorrow to see her off. Hoping to get on board at lunchtime, get shown around :D
A few days of snapshots whilst I am ill.
26th October - Screen cleaning giraffe:
27th October - Bulmers
28th October - Pumpkins!
Cheers :) More pumpkins to follow :D
29th Oct - lemme in!!
29-10-2009, 23:36
Hehe ! I like that shot ! :D
haha!! Poor goggles. Love the pumpkins too :D
She was only there for a moment whilst I shot the photo, then I let her in :)
30th October, two uses for a pumpkin, carving and cake!
Princess Griff
30-10-2009, 13:36
31st October - Happy Hallowe'en
1st november - slightly early birthday cake:
Its excellent! I don't want to cut into it :( And the candles are sparkly!
Oh no! Mum's friend did for my birthday :D That's why it's early as we saw the parentals this weekend :)
a-ha! Wondered how you got the icing so smooth ;D Looks fab!
2nd November - I was told about 2 hours ago that a fibreglass spitfire was going to pass close to the house (by road!), escorted by police and Lotus Evoras.
Unfortunately, it all passed too close to get the convoy, but here is the main bit of the plane!
What an absolutely beautiful plane!
I'm 99% sure I've got this numbered wrong now but guess we'll see at the end of the year :p Just counted the photos though and there are the correct number of photos at least. :) Hopefully next year will go smoother :D
3rd week of October
Slightly art (well TV) imitating life considering I've spent lots of time watching a grumpy person with a stick but I've become hooked on House :D Don't usually get very hooked on much TV but I'm enjoying ploughing through the boxsets!
4th week of October
Thanks to slightly better mobility, I could finally go back to the Uplands Diner, a great cafe popular with students and locals that do delicious breakfasts that aren't greasy :D Bit of a cheat photo as it's two shots put together but I couldn't decide which one to use.
5th week of October (sort of, told you numbering's messed up, too lazy to sort it out and I started on a Tuesday I think anyway :p)
I might be dreading the forthcoming season again but I do love these biscuits being available again, nom :D
Yummy breakfasts!
3rd November - my new raf gets aquainted with his family.
Well done to everyone keeping up with their 365 and 52 projects! I can't believe I haven't missed a day either. To see my gallery in full, check out my site
4th November, my naughty ear that's making me ill. Well the inside is anyway.
To see my gallery in full, check out my site
Excuse the manky theme, I never did finish the proper one I was working on ;D
2nd November - I was told about 2 hours ago that a fibreglass spitfire was going to pass close to the house (by road!), escorted by police and Lotus Evoras.
Unfortunately, it all passed too close to get the convoy, but here is the main bit of the plane!
Here is the news story to accompany.
5th November. I feel there should be a fireworks pic but I'm working so there wont be. Maybe at the weekend :)
So have a go at doing this, and report your findings. Don't try too hard, you shouldn't be able to....
05-11-2009, 20:32
I can do it :) But then my hands have always been weird, I can bend my fingers right back and clap with one hand. Which looks seriously stupid.
Isn't one hand clapping just slapping another surface on the body? i.e. Bum!
6th November - been trying to get this shot for a while!
7th November - burning Guy Fawkes
8th November - finally my feet are warm!!
6th November - been trying to get this shot for a while!
We need more of these!! :D
BB x
9th November - how old I am today.
10th November - all my pressies. Oh and the cat.
10-11-2009, 20:52
Awww, I miss the chinchillas we used to have. Am fairly certain the dog would ensure they didn't last long if we had one now.
I bet that hat looks fab on you as well. :)
It does! it was an extra birthday pressie due to the fact I tried it on in a shop with Phil's mum and it looked so good she bought it for me :) I love hats.
11-11-2009, 09:28
I wish I could wear hats. My hair is so thin that I end up with a stupid "mould of the hat" shape on my head. They go on when I have to go to night games at football, but then they stay on until I get back in the car so no one sees my silly hair.
11th November - Button Giraffe (Jenson) has had a hard day.
12th November - Glaciers...
13th November - me and a hat...
14th November - Patch *wuvs*
15th November - An Autumnal, climbing Phil.
15-11-2009, 20:54
Vix had to be stopped on several occasions from bundling Patch into her car and driving away with him! ;D
Wubs Patch :)
16th November - new boots and the first official wearing of heels since Summer 2008.
17th November - Bag reindeer is sad. Not long now Mr Rudolph...
He's from WHSmith and was a fiver! Saw him on the advert and needed him!! Also seen one is Tescos for a fiver too which is cute.
18th November - Goggles has had a crazy day today because it has been windy. She's been racing about like a fool. Here she is having a rest, and looking really impressed at having a camera shoved in her face.
19th November - William. I was too scared to use the flash so had to lighten the pic a lot in PS!
Vix, give that a go in B&W and up the contrast. You'll be amazed how good it looks :D
Love the goggles shot, looks well windswept ;D
Will have a go Kitten, thanks :)
20th November - Little paw
21st November - Humphrey gets a change of shoes as the track dries:
22nd November - Reindeer!
23rd November - antibiotics:
24th November - Unicorn is ready for Winter with his hat I got off an Innocent Smoothie!
25th November - Ironwork
26th November - it's not even December yet and three pressies have been bought and wrapped!
27th November - lemon pie
27th November - lemon pie
Omm nom nom! :D
BB x
*now wants lemon pie*
Lemon pie makes everything better :D
My lemon pie was loved by all :)
Talisker couldn't have any though:
28th November - Talisker:
29th November - Motorsport still life#2
(and the other contender from today - was a hard decision!)
beautiful dog :)
As you've probably seen on FB, I just won £50 in a photo competition! Was a photo of the day from way back in April/May time - first comp I've entered, so I'm well chuffed :D
Nice one Kitten! Great pic, well worthy of £50.
Princess Griff
01-12-2009, 19:41
WOW! I love that pic!! I hope u dont mind but Iv just put it as my desktop background!!! :D
:D There's two noses, can you spy the second one?
Thanks both *hugs* Am really pleased, didn't expect to be placed, certainly didn't expect to win a prize. Given me a bit of a boost, you know I always think people are just being nice when they say they like my pics ;D
Princess Griff
01-12-2009, 20:17
No thats a really lovely pic! I did spot the second nose teehee!! Are they Dalmations??
I can only see one nose! I think it's Sally dog?
30th November - Xmas cards ready to go:
1st December - Commodore 64
haha Vix, it's not Sally dog, but everyone thought that, even Sally's grandma! ;) (Sally is a dally/lab/god knows what else but it's small, cross)
If you look to the right of the obvious nose, under the gate is another little one!
They are cross-breeds I think Princess, I think there's some spaniel in there and probably some Dally too. They have big ears and square noses :D
OooooH!! Commodore 64! :D
I just updated my 365 (still not completely up to date yet - where does the time go? :shocked:) and these are two of my faves from recently. Who knew butterflies were fuzzy like teddy bears close up? :D
Am well into Macro at the moment :)
I really love those butterfly pics :)
2nd December (is it really??!!)
Officially tagged - I have wanted one of these for so long!!
Bit behind on commenting but....yay for Commodore 64s :D
And congratulations on winning the competition Kitten :D
I'm still taking photos (although still on poo iPhone), just been rather mental of late so not got round to sticking them up, will do shortly though. Still, foot's well on the mend now so should mean more walks and more 'proper' photo taking :)
yay to mending feet (do you believe I almost wrote pheet then :shocked:) and to your new job Vix. Must be fab to achieve something you've always had ambition for :)
Thanks Kitten. Yeah it's an odd feeling.
3rd December - someones Xmas pressie!
:o OMG, That's GORGEOUS!!
It's actually nicer than I thought it would be. Got it as a stocking filler for his mum.
Avon - cheap too.
can you be my sekrit santa please?
Hehe :)
4th December - went into Norwich last night for Phil's Xmas do, didn't want to take my camera, so here's the train station by phone.
5th December - Muddy puddle!!
Me too! i was just going to take a pic of my wellies in the puddle, then realised I was really well reflected, so waved :D
6th December - there's a reindeer in the garden..... (not ours!)
06-12-2009, 21:15
Sorry, just catching up on the last few days of this thread, cracking pics ladies, well done on the prize Kitten, very much deserved. :) and yay for you Vix getting your name badge, I don't sodding well even have mine yet!
Aww hope it comes soon Marie!
7th December - the many colours of giraffe. Picked this up in B&Q, couldn't believe it!
8th December - Goggles inspects my new mini tree:
9th December - Christmas stars:
10th December - a furry red nose:
11th December - View of the Eco-Tech centre from a school I work at. Better pics next week when i have my proper camera with me!
12th December - Tree is up!
13th December - rainbow
14th December - Bauble - one of many.
15th December - fairy light
16th December - Reindeer light
16-12-2009, 22:40
Awww me likes that one! :D
Finally got round to catching up!
Nothing compared to vix's photos which have shown such a huge improvement in the past year and look even better than at the start!
But here's my selection. Not long to go now and quite pleased that I've managed to keep up even with the foot stuff. Hopefully next year will be a bit more varied and outdoorsy though ;)
By some weird coincidence the first three were all taken a week after each other!
November 12th: Mum's Birthday. We went to Chiquitos for lunch :)
November 19th: Harry's enjoying the new mat in the living room!
November 26th: The guinea pigs have been having even more cuddles lately thanks to being laid up. Toffee's taken a paticular interest to my iPhone.
December 2nd: It must be getting cold. Harry's retreating to the V+ box for warmth again.
December 8th: Busy writing, this was roughly all I saw for 2 weeks.
December 13th: A trip to Borders which is closing down. Much like when Woolworths shut, it's so sad to see and I really feel for the staff.
Right, that's that updated, now to go update my blog while I'm on a roll ;D
Woohoo! I like bulk updates. Mmmmmm Chiquitos!
Thanks for your kind words :) I might be quite sad on Dec 31st because it's the end of my 365. Trying to think of a slightly different project for next year.
Maybe all photos on a specific topic? Cars/racing might be a good idea? :D
I think I'll probably do another 52 but this time round I'm not going to break anything and I'll be using it to hopefully improve my skills with my Fuji camera!
That might be too easy Jen! I might drop to a '52' but definitely sticking to a theme. I was going to take a picture of my face on a weekly basis, but I don't like myself enough to do that lol!
Another thought was a 'copy' 365 so try and mimic each pic of this year's 365 on the same day but make it better. However too many things are specific, like crashed cars and snowy weather!
Such as today's pic, Snow in December:
18th December : Festive house and snowy Sakura:
19th December:
Tess the dog playing in the snow, she was a skittish greyhound out for a walk with her German Daddy and Thai Mummy who accosted us to take pics of them. I snapped the dog with my camera.
20th December:
On the way to Cambridge, the sun was flashing through the snowy trees. This was taken with the car window down!
21st December - Nexy's snow collection:
I love your blue and white icicle lights :)
I love your blue and white icicle lights :)
£10 in Homebase if they've still got any.
22nd December - mince pies. This first batch was rather rushed - was also making lasagne which appears in the background of the photo. Tomorrow's might look a bit less crazy.
Vix, I'm setting up a group '52' next year on facebook. Each week we'll have a theme, chosen by someone in the group, and then we'll all upload those pics on the theme. Could do it here too if you like. Got 4/5 people already who are interested in joining in (though only 2 are on BD) and I've only mentioned it to a few people.
I've enjoyed the 365, but finding the time to get pics every day has sort of stopped me practising techniques and getting the 'perfect' shot quite a bit. It's been more about getting a shot, sometimes, like when Matt hurt himself, pretty much ANY shot. This year I want to focus on taking a good picture and then improving on it before posting the final thing. Also might be putting up little sort of diary/tutorial things about how I did it - starting image > end image and showing what was done inbetween. Be great if everyone could join in :)
Sounds like a good plan Kitten.
23rd December - Snow Angel
24th December, and Stitch has found Christmas.
25th December and there can be no other pic except of pressies!
26th December - hibiscus flower, post champagne
27th December - a Class 50 Locomotive at Dereham Station
28th December - Icy windscreen
29th December - Lush Stash!
30th December - So many reasons why I shouldn't - but they were reduced :D
One more shot to go Vix. Congratulations on getting through the whole year, it's bloody hard work and you should be really proud of yourself :) x
Thanks Kitten :) Well done you too, your shots have been fantastic!
31st December - i really wanted to go out on a high. In fact I feel like carrying on now just to end on a better note. But this can't not be included here. Chu the chinchilla took his last breath on the 31st December at 00:45. His cage now lies empty and clean.
Carry on then Vix, nothing stopping you. You make up the rules :)
:( very poignant. *hugs*
You've done brilliantly to complete your 365 though!
01-01-2010, 02:57
Just wanted to say a big well done to everyone who managed to do a 365 this year :)
A big clap for Kitten who despite the setbacks reached the finish line :D
Vix, I'm setting up a group '52' next year on facebook. Each week we'll have a theme, chosen by someone in the group, and then we'll all upload those pics on the theme. Could do it here too if you like. Got 4/5 people already who are interested in joining in (though only 2 are on BD) and I've only mentioned it to a few people.
Any more news on this as would be interested in taking part :)
My final shot from what was a bad year photography wise for a number of reasons is below, depression with its lack of motivation/concentration held me back so next year hopefully is an improvement.
Yeah SCM, I'll probably start another thread here in the next day or so - I guess we need to figure out how to do it :)
Lovely pic btw.
I just finished my 365 and feel a bit weird ;D
Here's the last pic - my first moon shot - last night's blue moon with partial lunar eclipse.
Thanks :) I only realised after i processed the shot that the reason for the blue tint top right was i forgot to put the eyepiece back on after my long exposure shots a few months back doh
Great moon shot as well :)
01-01-2010, 20:27
Well done everyone, can't tell you how much I have enjoyed looking at everyones photos.
And finally my last two weeks.
Christmas Day:
New Year's Day dinner:
Not really happy with 95% of my 52 but then again much of that was down to foot related problems since July. On the plus side, I didn't give up which is always a bonus. :)
Hopefully 2010 will go better and involve much more use of the proper camera!
Well done Jen - you did really wel this year to keep up with everything despite what you had to go through :)
Thanks :)
Hopefully 2010 will be bigger and better :D
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