View Full Version : Watchmen
Saw it tonight and it was great. I'd actually like to see it again because there was a lot to see TBH.
Acting/direction/production/effects were all first rate. The only immediate criticism is that I wonder if people who haven't read the graphic novel will really appreciate it. It might also be the sort of film which you prefer on your second viewing.
Been looking forward to this since I first heard about it being in production.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *claps hands*
I canny wait to see this :D
07-03-2009, 09:59
I think I shall have to take myself to see it! :)
A Place of Light
07-03-2009, 10:24
Been looking forward to this since I first heard about it being in production.
Same here.
Glad to hear your verdict, Phykell, as I was praying this wouldn't end up being a total lemon.
Same here.
Glad to hear your verdict, Phykell, as I was praying this wouldn't end up being a total lemon.
I could go and watch it again tonight TBH - I can't remember the last time I wanted to see a film more than once :thumbsup:
I just hope I haven't raised expectations too much now ;)
A Place of Light
07-03-2009, 14:09
I could go and watch it again tonight TBH - I can't remember the last time I wanted to see a film more than once :thumbsup:
I just hope I haven't raised expectations too much now ;)
I think that's a physical impossibility, as "everyone" has been waiting a long time for this.
While we're here, can I just say roll on Wolverine as that's another I'm eagerly anticipating.
Having read various 'user reviews' so to speak i've come to the following conclusion:
If you've read the novel - go see it, fantastic film.
If you haven't read the novel - Confusing overlong snoozefest of style and no substance.
On that basis, I will wait until i've read it.
Really looking forward to seeing this but won't be able to get near it for a week or so..
If you haven't read the novel - Confusing overlong snoozefest of style and no substance.
Oh really ? maybe I should read up on it then because I have no clue about it at the moment :huh:
Having read various 'user reviews' so to speak i've come to the following conclusion:
If you've read the novel - go see it, fantastic film.
If you haven't read the novel - Confusing overlong snoozefest of style and no substance.
On that basis, I will wait until i've read it.
Buy it quickly then you can read it and see the film!
Saw this yesterday afternoon.. Loved it.
I got Lana to read the comic book this last week (it's only 12 comics, won't take long) and her observation at the end was that she probably wouldn't have understood it all without them.
It was a great realisation of the film, an almost perfect translation of the comic book into film. There were a couple of minor changes from the comic that made sense in the for the medium, and a slight irritating change at the end that I think lessons them impact just slightly.
Casting is absolutely perfect, spot on all round.
Be warned, if the 18 rating isn't giving it away: Lots of very graphic violence and one fairly pornographic sex sequence (with one of the best climaxes:)). Oh yeah and Dr Manhattan is naked for most of the film with all on show.
09-03-2009, 09:29
Im going on Thursday, is there a shorterned version of anything I can read before I go?
Im going on Thursday, is there a shorterned version of anything I can read before I go?
Just buy the graphic novel.
You can read it in an evening or two :)
Apparently there is to be a 4h+ Directors Cut
Apparently there is to be a 4h+ Directors Cut
Can't wait :thumbsup:
A double nachos film :D
09-03-2009, 11:17
Apparently there is to be a 4h+ Directors Cut
There's a Tales from the Black Freighter DVD as well. I wonder if they're chopping this into it.
Think I'll be off to see this on Wednesday with the mrs who hasn't read the book. So I'll see if she gets confused by it all.
Rotten Tomatoes says its stylish, faithful to the source but also long and confusing and so far has 65% on the Tomatometer.
It also outraged the Daily Mail's reviewer - which is a great endorsement to go see it.
Was looking forward to going to see this, but by what you guys are saying, it's not worth it if I know nothing about it ::/:
Was looking forward to going to see this, but by what you guys are saying, it's not worth it if I know nothing about it ::/:
That's what I was thinking too ::/:
09-03-2009, 16:48
I doubt I will have time to read a book by Thursday so if you can wait til then I can let you know what I thought having not read it.
Was thinking of going tomorrow night as they do a half price night on Tuesdays. Could always wait until next week :)
09-03-2009, 17:34
I am definitely going with my brother and his missus on Thursday, bar some natural disaster or a relapse from my kidney infection.
09-03-2009, 17:40
Just bought the graphic novel for £12, refuse to see the movie until i've read it.
09-03-2009, 17:41
I went to see this today and loved every moment of it, its a gritty nasty adaptation of a gritty nasty graphic novel and its evident that there hasn't been much compromising, I'm really surprised that the writer didn't approve because its very very close to his work.
On the subject of if its comprehensible without having read the novel I'd say yes definately it can be watched you'll miss some subtleties and back story but you can always read the book afterward to fill in any blanks, reading the novel gives you time to understand the relationships if not more info.
If you haven't read the novel I'd say go, its still a great watch but beware this is no superhero action movie, its a nasty thriller set in a parallel universe, the fights are well choreographed but you don't get the usual satisfaction and 'yeah, yeah, hit, hit him' feeling you get with watching the Hulk smash a bad guy, these are real people in some ways its more like a war movie based on reality.
Brilliant movie
I spoke to Lana's bro-in-law yesterday about the film. He's never read the book but saw the film anyway yesterday.
He absolutely loved it.
One thing that occurred to me.. I can envision them trying to do a Watchmen 2 covering Night Owl and Rorschach's past work together or something. Watchmen is bound to make the media companies a significant amount of cash (for an R/18) and you just know they won't be able to leave it there.
I went to see this today and loved every moment of it, its a gritty nasty adaptation of a gritty nasty graphic novel and its evident that there hasn't been much compromising, I'm really surprised that the writer didn't approve because its very very close to his work.
Considering all the other film conversions of his work have taken all his concepts and shat on them from a great height it's kinda understandable that he's cynical about Hollywood.
The original screenplay that was going around was a PG-13 "Dr Manhattan goes to Iraq" with your cheesy superhero ending and lots of space for a sequel, a prime example of why he dislikes the movie industry.
I've just dug through a few interviews (thanks to and see generally the same theme even up to this year. He's stubborn, cynical and distrusting of the film industry in general. Even when approached by Terry Gillingham to engage in a dialogue about the possibility of a Watchmen film they discussed it and he persuaded Terry not to make it as it could never be done faithfully.
I highly doubt they'll ever persuade him to go see this adaptation, which is a shame because I hope he'd like it.
edit: Classic one here
I was thinking the same as Des but feel suitably reassured, cheers folks :)
Will get to see this in a couple of weeks, I'm looking forward to it!
A Place of Light
09-03-2009, 19:52
I'm surprised this has ended up an 18, as pretty much every time these movies are toned down to allow for a wider audience.
Well I might just give my mate a shout and see if he's on for tomorrow night :)
I'm happy to take a flyer on it.
I'm surprised this has ended up an 18, as pretty much every time these movies are toned down to allow for a wider audience.
I guess Zack has enough clout after 300 to be able to dictate some terms on it. I didn't think he was that big in the industry but apparently I was wrong :)
10-03-2009, 17:05
I stumbled across this half price Watchmen books discount and though it might be of interest to a few people.
Hopefully it works. I Haven't tried it myself.
10-03-2009, 19:23
Off to see this tonight.
I've never read any graphic novels before but will keep an open mind :)
Looks like I'm going to see it on Sunday now :)
11-03-2009, 00:19
Really? What didn't you like about it (with spoiler tags?)
A Place of Light
11-03-2009, 18:49
Really? What didn't you like about it (with spoiler tags?)
I'm going to see this tonight, and I'm a tad worried after reading certain posts TBH. I don't know much about the comic books but I'm hoping that I don't need to be a hardcore fan just to understand what's going on.
There was no need for that much blue penis. Just no need! :'(
12-03-2009, 00:04
I rated Dark Knight 9/10 so that must mean this is a 9.1 :thumbsup:
It's a faithful, clever, spectacular adaptation of an 'unfilmable' novel, superbly crafted by a real fan of the source.
There is plenty of graphic violence but to water it down would dilute the message which is central to the film.
There were several little details that I picked up in the movie that slipped me by when I was reading the book - which I think is a massive compliment.
Is it baffling to newcomers? Well, the girlfriend wasn't confused by it and hasn't read the book and she's blonde so... ;)
12-03-2009, 00:05
There was no need for that much blue penis. Just no need! :'(
You'd think with a name like Osterman he'd be jewish, no?:huh:
A Place of Light
12-03-2009, 02:11
I can't remember the last time a movie left me unable to decide whether I really liked it or really didn't. One thing is for sure, it's messy.
It's well shot, but badly sequenced IMHO.
It's well shot, but badly sequenced IMHO.
It's in no small part down to the source material. I've lent my copy to Lana's bro-in-law so can't double check but off the top of my head the original comics only had one flashback "origin" type of sequence in an issue (12 issues, one a month.) It always fitted nicely within the comic but I can imagine for someone not familiar with the source material it would make the movie seem a bit jumpy. I'm surprised he didn't re-arrange those.
12-03-2009, 14:35
Really? What didn't you like about it (with spoiler tags?)
While I thought the end bit is quite clever, it's just not really my kind of film. I know that's very subjective.
Objectively however (:D) that sex scene to Halleleua is possibly the worst thing I've ever seen in any film every :p
12-03-2009, 23:29
Just got back......loved it!
Took a while to get going but really enjoyed it.
My favourite bit was
When the bloke in the mask poured the deep fat fryer onto the prison blokes head! :D
What can I say, im a weirdo!
Brother loved it too, his missus hated it, but then he had warned her it wasnt her cup of tea.
When the bloke in the mask poured the deep fat fryer onto the prison blokes head! :D
I'm not stuck in here with you, you're stuck in here with me
Quote of the film :)
13-03-2009, 08:07
Ha yeah! Was pretty funny, as was the bit with the little person.
13-03-2009, 09:13
Got the comic yesterday evening, just finished chapter 3 this morning and loving it so far. Can't wait till i finish so i can see the movie.
Well from what I've read here, it seems perfectly possible to watch the film without really knowing anything about it. Yes, I might miss a few references and what not, but it's a film in it's own right? Think I'll just take a punt if my mate is still free :)
13-03-2009, 16:46
Desmo, I easily understood it without knowing a lot before I went. And i'm a girl, so you will be fine.
Takes a little while to get going after the opening bit but definitely worth watching. :)
A Place of Light
14-03-2009, 12:56
Well from what I've read here, it seems perfectly possible to watch the film without really knowing anything about it. Yes, I might miss a few references and what not, but it's a film in it's own right? Think I'll just take a punt if my mate is still free :)
I knew almost zero (Marvel yeay, DC about the Watchmen before watching it, and it does an adequate job of explaining things IMHO. I just think that it's very erratic at times but as one of the members pointed out previously that is the way the comics are written, so in order to remain true to form the movie had to be put together in the same way.
One thing's for sure, you won't leave the cinema in any doubt why it was given an "18".
Saw it last night.
What an AWESOME film. I proper lolled at some points! It was nice for once to actually not see where the film was going. I had an incline about who could be doing the bad stoof but other than that... not a clue as to what was going to happen. I don't experience this very often with filums :)
Shall be gracing my shelves as soon as it pops out on doovd that's for sure :D
19-03-2009, 12:09
Surprised no one here has mentioned just how good the Score and Soundtrack were to the film. I thought they were both superb.
Only criticism is that it could have easily removed a few scenes without damaging the movie, but I still loved it.
I went to see this last night.
I agree, its more of a story than the comic book stuff I've seen recently, enjoyed it enough and didn't have any trouble following the plot.
Wouldn't rate it anywhere near as good as Dark Knight though.
Surprised no one here has mentioned just how good the Score and Soundtrack were to the film. I thought they were both superb.
Only criticism is that it could have easily removed a few scenes without damaging the movie, but I still loved it.
I forgot to say about this! Genius soundtrack :D
Surprised no one here has mentioned just how good the Score and Soundtrack were to the film. I thought they were both superb.
Only criticism is that it could have easily removed a few scenes without damaging the movie, but I still loved it.
I really don't get the choice of Leonard Cohen for the porn scene. I'm not sure quite what he was trying to achieve there.
I really don't get the choice of Leonard Cohen for the porn scene. I'm not sure quite what he was trying to achieve there.
I really thought that was going to be a really awful scene from peoples descriptions and reviews... but it wasn't that bad at all! It was all a bit tongue in cheek! Made me lol anyway :)
For years I've seen the graphic novel knocking about but never read it. I have to say I loved the film and will have to watch it again! Perhaps after I've read the comics/graphic novel to appreciate anything I may have missed.
Zack Snyder loves to put in some class lady nudity which makes me happy.
20-03-2009, 18:56
I really don't get the choice of Leonard Cohen for the porn scene. I'm not sure quite what he was trying to achieve there.
I just found it very tongue in cheek.
A Place of Light
20-03-2009, 19:47
I just found it very tongue in cheek.
You sure you watched the same movie I did? ;)
Cheek? You sure you watched the same movie I did? ;)
Smutty besmircher of my (current) favourite film :'( :D
A Place of Light
22-03-2009, 16:05
Smutty besmircher of my (current) favourite film :'( :D
It's a bit of a rock/hard place situation for me with this movie.
From what I've read, it's framed and edited in a similar style to the original comics. This keeps the cinema version true to form, but also puts viewers such as myself who never read the comics at a disadvantage.
I think I'd have enjoyed it a lot more if I'd been familiar with the comics, but as it stands I think there was too much attention put into the style over the substance.
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