View Full Version : I am thinking of getting a pet.

09-03-2009, 22:39
But I am unsure of exactly what.

I live on my own, and have done for just over 3 years now, since my wife died in a road traffic accident. I would really like a companion, as to be honest, my life is feeling a little empty.

I'm not too keen on dogs as they require a lot of exercise and i had a hip replacement 3 years ago which gives me a little jip, from time to time.

So i think that perhaps a cat would suit my current situation, although i think that maybe a rabbit, or guinea pig might also be quite rewarding.

I would be interested to hear your opinions :)

thanks in advance.

09-03-2009, 22:50
Cat. I'd call it Pedro.
Do you work?

09-03-2009, 22:51
Do you want some Gerbils? We have a few in a cage here, they're not weaned yet.

09-03-2009, 22:51

Great pet to have, best kept in pairs, can be litter trained and can live inside if you want some actual company in the evenings. I can give you lots of advice and help if you decide on getting one, but that would be my vote in the first place.

09-03-2009, 22:52
*cough* (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=926&) :D

09-03-2009, 22:53
Yes, I am a civil servant, but I am to be retired in approximately 9 months.

Why pedro, seems a funny name for a cat :D

09-03-2009, 22:58
Kitty cat ! :D


Easy to look after, not expensive but cuddly and friendly. It's so nice coming home to work to a little Madame Meooooow :)

09-03-2009, 23:06
*cough* (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=926&) :D

I agree! Ratties are wonderful pets. :) (I didn't actually check the thread, I'm just guessing you're bigging up the rats!)

Cats are great too. Jasper is my baby. He's so chatty and snuggly but cat fur gets everywhere!! :confused:

09-03-2009, 23:12
I know the feeling. I'm in the same boat (living on my own) and I'd love the company. Unlike you, I'd love a dog both for the company and the exercise, but really don't think it's an option.

The exercise issue with dogs isn't as clear-cut as you suggest. While exercise is good for them, not all require limitless quantities of it. Some will quite happily race around a back garden, for example (if you have one).

Wabbits and guinea pigs are great, but the latter tends to belong outside. Keeping a rabbit indoors is possible if you get the right breed. Takhisis suggestion is certainly an option too.

Cats tend to want to be at least semi-independent. Something to bear in mind if you're looking for company.

The work question is a good one as if you do it will rule out pets that can't be left on their own on a regular basis.

09-03-2009, 23:15
Wabbits and guinea pigs are great, but the latter tends to belong outside.
Out of interest, why do you think guinea pigs belong outside?

Had guinea pigs off and on for the past 12-14 years and they've always been kept inside in a hutch or caged enclosure, in the case of the newest 2.

09-03-2009, 23:33
Most people i know that have had guinea pigs kept them indoors.

10-03-2009, 00:05
Fair enough - my family has always kept them outside, which is how I know they have a desire for digging up gardens. :)

10-03-2009, 00:07
Guinea Pigs digging? You've had some weird guinea pigs in your time ;D
Never seen a guinea pig do that! Eat lots of grass and wreck the lawn but not dig.

Mind you, my current lot jump a good few feet in the air and I'd never seen guinea pigs do that till this lot ;D

10-03-2009, 00:23
Thinking about it, there was a bunny wabbit in with them. It'll be that that dun it. :)

10-03-2009, 00:29
A cat!


10-03-2009, 01:24
A cat!
I cannot wait to get my cat, the breeder I would like to get it from has just had a litter and I desperately want one of them. But due to rules imposed by the parentals because I am still in possession of 2 toads (one died on Sat) and 3 hamsters (the newts are allowed to stay), I just have to wait...until they go on holiday and can't stop me.

10-03-2009, 01:30
I had a pet algae once, he was called Algernon.

10-03-2009, 01:32
Cat is best.

All hail cat!

10-03-2009, 09:20
Cat !

If you want a pet that kind of co exists with you but doesn't need you then cat every time.

But boy cats are best ;)

10-03-2009, 11:14
I cannot wait to get my cat, the breeder I would like to get it from has just had a litter and I desperately want one of them. But due to rules imposed by the parentals because I am still in possession of 2 toads (one died on Sat) and 3 hamsters (the newts are allowed to stay), I just have to wait...until they go on holiday and can't stop me.
It's a shame about hamsters - they don't live long do they? :(

10-03-2009, 11:38
If you want a pet that kind of co exists with you but doesn't need you then cat every time.

Tell that to my cat! He's an indoor cat but he spends every moment that we're in the house cuddling up to us and meowing for attention. He's lovely though, wouldn't change him for the world! :)

10-03-2009, 14:15
It's a shame about hamsters - they don't live long do they? :(
No they usually don't but mine are spiteful.

10-03-2009, 14:22
No they usually don't but mine are spiteful.
Oooo, that's :evil: :D

If you want a house cat you could get a Persian from a Persian rescue centre if you don't mind brushing its coat regularly.

10-03-2009, 14:32
If you want a house cat...
I've got a spare one I'll stick in a jiffy bag, first class.

Oh go on then, Registered. :)

10-03-2009, 15:04
How about a chameleon? They are really good at disguising themselves ;)


10-03-2009, 18:25
Chinchilla :)

10-03-2009, 18:33
I recommend a cat.

(says the person having to shove one cat off the laptop keyboard to type, knock another in the head with my elbow who's sleeping beside my pillow, ask one to kindly move over to the other foot, and recovering from the scratches of another climbing up me to get to the window sill behind me!! Oh, and yell at the last one to get out of the laundry pile...)

10-03-2009, 18:33
Another vote for cat here :) They don't need to be walked yet will still play! :D They're good company and don't take a lot of looking after as well.

10-03-2009, 20:54
It's a shame about hamsters - they don't live long do they? :(

Only 2-3 years. I've had a hamster off and on since 2001. 2 years isn't a long time but thats 2 years of insane cuteness. 2 years where every day you can see this tiny little thing yawn and nibble absolutely everything. 2 years isn't long but 730 is. I so desperatey want another but the last 2 pet store ones I got had got wet tail and died. So I don't trust pet stores. Breeder I got Rabbit from doesn't really do breeding any more either.

I would love a King Charles.


That is so damn cute! But if I ever move out of here I would be limited by where I could live and I can't leave one with my parents.

10-03-2009, 23:58
I had a hamster who lived til he was 3 and a half, and ive got one now whos 18 months old and still going strong.
The other one I currently have survived being nearly eaten by the dog, and then resucitated by me. Hence his new name - Lucky! :D

11-03-2009, 00:31
Hamsters don't make great pets really, they sleep all day and are vicious little biting things. Gerbils on the other hand are very active, only nibble at your fingers but don't hurt and did I mention that we've got a fresh batch that will be available in a few weeks? ;)

11-03-2009, 02:06
I love the pregnant Bob the gerbil story.

By the way I am in no way insinuating hamsters don't make good pets, they are lovely. I will be gutted when they go to the big wheel in the sky and am happy to give them a loving comfy home until they do.

11-03-2009, 02:16
Hamsters don't make great pets really, they sleep all day and are vicious little biting things.

So untrue. All my hamsters have been amazing. Happy to receive chocolate drops. Happy to be held. Rabbit, my last, would happily just sit with me and watch tv.

11-03-2009, 09:08
I agree Petemc, mine actually wake up whatever time I get home to come and see me.

semi-pro waster
11-03-2009, 09:11
It's a shame about hamsters - they don't live long do they? :(

Introduce new cat to hamsters and voila, you've solved two problems with one stroke.... ;)

Gerbils are quite good pets as Feek recommends and can live anywhere from about 2-4 years, can be entertaining but best kept in pairs or more really.

I think a cat would suit your situation best though so my suggestion would be to take a look at the local rescue centres and see what they have available.

11-03-2009, 09:17
Another voter for a cat here (despite I'm a dog lover :)) Think it would be best suited for your situation :)


I want another dog :(