View Full Version : Resident Evil 5

10-03-2009, 13:44
So who can't wait for Resi Evil 5's arrival on Friday?

Not seen as much of a buzz for it online as I initially anticipated but I think the general consensus regarding the demo hasn't been as hot as Capcom thought it would be.

Personally, I can't afford it, but even if I could, I'd probably wait for a price drop or two as from things I've read, I think it really needs to be played co-op rather than single player.

10-03-2009, 14:14
I've had it on pre-order for months, but the demo is particularly lacklustre and awkward to play. The inventory system is overly clunky (especially when you want to swap weapons quickly). I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt though and hope they've made it more playable since then. Otherwise it'll be a quick complete and sell it on.

10-03-2009, 14:24
Not seen as much of a buzz for it online as I initially anticipated but I think the general consensus regarding the demo hasn't been as hot as Capcom thought it would be.
Yeah, I didn't like the demo too much which is a shame as I loved the RE series on the original PS.


10-03-2009, 14:33
Not even played the demo yet, but I'm really looking forward to playing it at some point. Like Jen though I simply can't afford it at the moment so I'll look to get it in a few weeks after the inevitable tons of pre-owned copies start appearing on shelves.

10-03-2009, 15:12
Same as everyone else, can't afford it and will get it at a later date and do co-op with Kitten.

10-03-2009, 15:14
On the strength of the demo I have cancelled my pre-order. It looks good and gives you a real gritty feel but I think as said above, it feels a heavy game in terms of inventory and combat. Something I think I would get easily frustrated with.

11-03-2009, 15:51
Dear Gary Moon,

We are pleased to inform you that your order has been dispatched by our team in Basingstoke.

Thank you very much for ordering from us here at gameplay, you should receive your package in 1 - 3 Working Days.

This dispatch contains the following:
Qty Description
1 Resident Evil 5: Limited Edition Steelbook [Xbox 360]

/me is happy.

11-03-2009, 17:12
We've got great news about your Resident Evil 5 (http://mailer1.game.co.uk/servlet/cc6?nHuLQSURQWVILtuplxnuHptQJhuVaVSA) preorder!
As the UK's leading games retailer, we've been able to acquire a limited number of Chris Redfield figurines - and as a thank you for preordering with GAME, YOU will be one of the lucky few receiving one!


I mean....


11-03-2009, 17:14
Oh nice work Belmit! I'll want to see photo's. Did you need to pre-order the LE edition of it?

11-03-2009, 17:18
I think he was a centre half for Norwich City in the mid 90s.

And you get a free limited edition figurine of him in zombie form you jammy git!

11-03-2009, 17:22
Nah, actually it's nothing as cool as that. He's one of the caracters from the first game.


Sorry for getting your hopes up. :(

11-03-2009, 17:25
It's this:


11-03-2009, 17:28
That doesn't look like Chris Redfield.. It looks like someone else I can't put my finger on. It's only 8cm, that's smaller than my Fallout 3 bobblehead!

11-03-2009, 17:31
It is going to look stupid next to my bobblehead and Big Daddy. Not least because people will say 'who the hell is that?'.

11-03-2009, 17:31
Nope, hated the demo, I only like RE, hated the rest.

11-03-2009, 17:36
It is going to look stupid next to my bobblehead and Big Daddy. Not least because people will say 'who the hell is that?'.

Ah, the Nick Clegg effect.

(I'll let you decide who Bobblehead and Big Daddy are ;))

11-03-2009, 17:36
It is going to look stupid next to my bobblehead and Big Daddy. Not least because people will say 'who the hell is that?'.

Chris Redfield is one of the most famous games characters of the Playstation Generation. Certainly more recognizeable than the Big Daddy and Vault-Boy!

11-03-2009, 17:45
Chris Redfield is one of the most famous games characters of the Playstation Generation. Certainly more recognizeable than the Big Daddy and Vault-Boy!
Except that the graphics in the Playstation generation were so bad he could be almost anyone :p

11-03-2009, 17:48
Resident Evil on the GameCube! That was awesome and looked stunning :p.

11-03-2009, 17:50
I hadn't even heard the name until I got that mail through!

11-03-2009, 18:01
:o. I thought you were being sarcastic!
He was in Resident Evil, Resident Evil: Code Veronica and Resident Evil 5!

His name is also responsible for the worst line of video game speech ever...
"Blood. I hope it isn't Chris'.... Blood"
Note that 'Blood' is pronounced identically both times, cut from the exact same piece of audio.

11-03-2009, 18:02
I only ever played about half an hour of the original. Not played one since! Will definitely look up that line though. I seem to remember the voice acting in the original was terrible.

11-03-2009, 18:14
Hah, the voice acting is brilliant in it's terrible...ness.

11-03-2009, 19:07
I almost became a... Jill sandwich

Clearly the best bit of dialogue

11-03-2009, 19:38
Haha! Just searched that on youtube and found this:

11-03-2009, 19:54
Very cool Belmit :D I'm envious.

Joe 90
12-03-2009, 03:10
omg. that video is the most amazing thing evar.

and i still remember all the words \o/

12-03-2009, 11:35
I can haz Resident Evil 5 LE. Looks pretty.

12-03-2009, 15:16
Resident Evil 4 on the Wii is great! :D

Sure the storyline is as cheesy as belmit's dream food platter, the voice acting is so bad it's hillarious, and there is the inevitable japanese influenced pervy schoolgirl damsel in distress character, but hell it's fun! :D

It is a suspense-full game, and having to swing your arm to use the knife/point your wiimote to aim your gun engrosses you in the game to the extent where your actually tense and tired (read: flailing your arms wildly and screaming like a sissy girl) after defending yourself against a horde of smelly albanian zombie types.

I have high hope for RE5 - I am getting an xbox in the next few weeks and so will probably pick this up for rental / 2nd hand to see how some hopefully swaanky new graphics will hopefully make up for the loss of the Wii's involving control system :) :cool:

12-03-2009, 15:20
Resident Evil 4 was already brilliant on GameCube/PS2, many even say they prefer it with the control pad.

12-03-2009, 15:22
RE4 on Gamecube is one of the best games of all time. Got the Wii version but still not played it yet :/

12-03-2009, 15:30
You were right before Davey, it must have been a 1 off with Gameplay delivering only on a Friday after getting into bother. Ordered Resident Evil 5 LE off them and it arrived today all well and good.

12-03-2009, 15:32
Good to know they're back on form, I'll hopefully be ordering Mafia 2 from them as it's one of the few games coming up I really really want (assuming it's as good as the original anyway).

12-03-2009, 15:49
I doubt it'll be as good as the original, which, whilst I never got away with, was incredibly highly regarded. I just don't see a massive amount of effort being put into the second one when the first didn't do amazingly well.

But definitely happy with the Gameplay service there, might think about ordering from them again, them or ShopTo for me every time. I just wish Gameplay would go back to the cardboard boxes... they were badass.

12-03-2009, 19:06
What a stunningly beautiful game this is, caught me a little by surprise. The resolution and sharpness of the textures and the neatness of the Normal maps is superb, reminds me of Metal Gear Solid 4 in terms of how 'clean' it is.

The controls however are not that great at all, where there is no option to re-map them yourself is beyond me! Seems to be the flaw in most Asian developed games.

12-03-2009, 21:24
Yeah the control type options are a pain. I remember when I played it at the preview, we quit out by accident and when we got back in the control type had reset to a different one than they'd obviously set us up with initially.
Surprisingly awkward to figure out as nothing felt as natural as it should have!

12-03-2009, 21:35
Playing the demo, the only annoying thing is not moving and shooting. Other than that, the demo was good. Brother wants the full game, i'm not so sure with the controls.

12-03-2009, 21:42
Well, after 3 stages, despite my annoyance at the controls I am absolutely loving this game. The environments are stunning, battles intense and the weapons meaty. Superb.

12-03-2009, 21:53
I know I should RTFM, but I'm picking up bits of plants here and have no idea what they do! One seems to heal. Would it be so hard the first time you pick up a shrub for it to say 'Through the power of homeopathy and coolness, this sapling will grant you la vida!'. Or something.

12-03-2009, 22:15
Green is health, but you can combine Green & Green for more health, Green & Red for full health and Green and Yellow for Poison IIRC.

12-03-2009, 22:31
If it's the same as RE4, these are the combinations....

Green = health
Green + Red = full health
Green + Yellow = health + increase of life bar
Green + Red + Yellow = increase of life bar + full health

18-03-2009, 13:10
OK, I'm quite getting into this now despite my initial reservations. After RTFM properly and realising you can hotkey your weapons it's starting to come together in terms of fluid gameplay now. I find the aiming a bit hit and miss (ho-ho) but I'm enjoying the fact that you only ever seem to have just enough ammo to get through the next bit, and the upgrade of weapons is quite cool (not a patch on Bioshock though ;)). Recently did the flying beastie boss on the cliffside bit, and was a little disappointed that it was just a 'run around shooting until he drops' session, but other than that it's coming together quite nicely and the plot is gradually taking shape.

18-03-2009, 13:17
It's really good, a big :thumbsup: from me

18-03-2009, 13:18
I'm reviewing this after Silent Hill:Homecoming so looking forward to seeing what the full release is like :D

18-03-2009, 13:27
You may find the same gripes I have. For example, why can't a special ops guy run and reload a weapon at the same time, or shoot it for that matter? Accuracy would be hellish but at least you'd have a chance of hitting the person in front of you without being attacked from behind.

My only other main issue is that you can shoot straight through your partner, but half the time she stands so close she blocks your movement. Some consistency needed here. I got chainsawed by a one-eyed scarecrow because I tried to back off and she was just standing there behind me. Thanks! She's also useless at covering. In the section where I was holding the lantern and she was covering me, I'm illuminating zombies and slowly backing away, and she's just following me. I started screaming at the TV 'Shoot them! Are you blind?!', then when you switch her from 'covering' to 'attacking' she empties an entire machine gun clip into them and runs off into the darkness after the next one. I don't like her all or nothing approach!

18-03-2009, 13:33
I found the best thing there Belmit was to just give her the lantern, but she was certainly slow to respond :p

18-03-2009, 13:42
I did the same thing. Gave her the lantern and just shot the zombies myself :).

18-03-2009, 13:44
She is very wierd in her weapon choices, she'll have a fully stocked SMG and end up using a sniper rifle :huh:

I only found out about the encouragement thing when listening to Major Nelson's podcast on Monday.

EDIT: I hate the chainsaw dudes too, arses the lot of 'em ;D

18-03-2009, 13:46
Yeah, I considered it, but I've given her the shotgun and H&K and couldn't be arsed to swap them out! I'll know better than to give her the best weapons next time. I'm personally liking my high-powered pistol and rifle combo at the moment. Pistol now holds 20 shots and has two of the three critical shot upgrades. Nice!

18-03-2009, 13:51
I'm guessing then that this will be much better in co-op so you'll have a partner who is actually useful?

18-03-2009, 13:53
I read somewhere that micromanagement is crucial with Sheva. Making sure she doesn't hold too much as she'll do weird things, so reckon i'll be keeping a close eye on that.

Davey: I was thinking the same!

18-03-2009, 13:55
I basically give her all the health items and grenades, I'm mean like that ;D

18-03-2009, 13:59
I'm guessing then that this will be much better in co-op so you'll have a partner who is actually useful?

Undoubtedly - looking forward to trying it.

18-03-2009, 14:10
A game that will be hugely improved with human interaction.

17-01-2010, 18:22
Very late to the party but I picked this up cheaply, if anyone has done the same or just fancies a go, grab me for some co-op :)

17-01-2010, 18:23
Zirax has my copy now. Cyberbully him into playing!

17-01-2010, 20:36
I've still got it Daz, might be up for some co-op at some point, might have some useful items I can drop your way as well :)

17-01-2010, 21:01
I will also register my wingman availability Daz :D

17-01-2010, 22:43
Yay for options :D I'll poke people if I see you online :)

17-01-2010, 23:30
I too am also available to play. I have the Versus DLC too, so if anyone else has that it would be nice to try it out.

17-01-2010, 23:36
Keep nearly buying this, however i am holding out to see how well received the new version using the sony motion controller pans out. At least by then the normal version will cost pennies if it turns out the sony thing sucks (as i suspect it will)

18-01-2010, 01:18
Keep nearly buying this, however i am holding out to see how well received the new version using the sony motion controller pans out. At least by then the normal version will cost pennies if it turns out the sony thing sucks (as i suspect it will)

Oh, you mean the one with the motion wand that STILL REQUIRES you to use your joypad too? :p. I'm sorry, but that was NOT the demonstration to show off that 'technology'.

18-01-2010, 08:20
Oh, you mean the one with the motion wand that STILL REQUIRES you to use your joypad too? :p. I'm sorry, but that was NOT the demonstration to show off that 'technology'.

I don't see the problem? A joystick is the best means for controlling the players movement so instead of making you fork out for an extra peripheral you just use one stick off of the controller. The motion stuff is then used for combat stuffs. It suits me tbh, i'd rather save some moolah than pay extra for another peripheral when i have one that can already do the same job.

18-01-2010, 15:24
I too am also available to play. I have the Versus DLC too, so if anyone else has that it would be nice to try it out.
I've got that, if you see me online and I'm not playing Darksiders (for review) drop me a message if you fancy trying it :)

19-01-2010, 00:10
I don't see the problem? A joystick is the best means for controlling the players movement so instead of making you fork out for an extra peripheral you just use one stick off of the controller. The motion stuff is then used for combat stuffs. It suits me tbh, i'd rather save some moolah than pay extra for another peripheral when i have one that can already do the same job.

But you ARE still forking out for another peripheral. I don't understand taking a method of input that can already be used perfectly fine (I, along with many, prefer a joypad over the Wii input anyway), and adding in what can only really be deemed a gimmick and using that AS WELL AS the input method it already works with.

If it was an alternative, great, but it's not, it's an addition, and from what I saw at the press shows it looks rather poor, even Sony's own people couldn't interact with the environment with it convincingly.

Of course I may be proved wrong.
But I won't.

19-01-2010, 08:19
You missed out part of my post, 'pay extra for another peripheral when i have one that can already do the same job.'. I don't currently have a peripheral for the PS3 that can do the same job. Also i won't be investing unless reviews are positive. Also the comparisons to the Wii are unfair imo as this offers 1:1 control whereas the Wii only used infra red pointers and accelerometers.

Did you even watch the whole press conference? The sword and shield bit was surprisingly responsive and accurate.

I've always been of the mind that motion stuff should enhance current control methods, not replace. Resident Evil 4 on the Wii is about the only game i've played on it that felt 'right'. The game was better as it used a more involving aiming method ontop of the already effective joystick for movement and it benefited from it, i preferred my playthrough on the Wii over my GC and PS2 playthroughs. This seems to giving Resident Evil 5 the same treatment and with prices looking to be low i'm willing to give it a shot (again assuming reviews are positive).

Out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on Natal? As you say this looks unresponsive yet every demo of Natal looks even less so.

19-01-2010, 13:28
I'm intrigued as to what can be done with Natal because that takes peripherals out of the hands of the gamer, but I want to see how it's implemented.

I'm perhaps being overly critical, just that my initial reaction was that the 'wand' was the worst peripheral I've ever seen, shown at a show. It may turn out to be pretty good.