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14-03-2009, 20:39
Can anyone recommend an HDMI DHCP compatible graphics card? Pref ATI and has to be PCI-E. And preferably no fan although an ultra quiet one one be ok...

Budget under £100.

Ta :)

14-03-2009, 20:59

Ignoring the place for a moment, they have the cards laid out well. Anything from £30-£100 really that includes passive and pretty decent cards. Any in the ATI HD range should do the job, just check for HDMI compatability as some have this built into the card.

edit:- What are you planning? ;)

14-03-2009, 21:36
All of the ATI cards from the 3xxx and 4xxx series will (I believe) do that. The 38xx and 48xx ones certainly will, unless a manufacturer decided to break ranks and do their own thing (it has happened in the past, particularly with ASUS, but it's rare as the cost is prohibitive to most).

15-03-2009, 07:50
Well since rebuilding my htpc the agp graphics card I used is redundant. And now I have an HDMI amp...

Noone seems to mention HDCP in the specs :dunno:

Found this one though:


And it will fit in the case :)

Funny, no mention anywhere of HDCP, but a close up pic of the pcb shows an HDCP sticker...

One question though - on my old card http://www.gigabyte.com.tw/Products/VGA/Products_Overview.aspx?ProductID=2334

I could set the vga output to 1024x768 and the DVI to 1920x1080 (1080p) using a spread desktop on XP, with control over what program is sent to what output. Can I do the same thing?

Cheers peeps :D

15-03-2009, 10:40
Uh oh! HDCP! Red alert! From what I've heard, HDCP is a right bugger on the PC side (it's bad enough with dedicated hardware). The problem is that everyone's so anal retentive about the standard, so one component (software or hardware) even slightly out of spec and it all falls on its arse.

If you want working HDCP, I'd seek advice from a specialist forum (not sure if this is an area AVForums might help with). I'd hate to recommend something only for it to go wrong.

15-03-2009, 10:53
You don't need hdcp as your amp and tv wont be hdcp compatiable. It means you will have to buy anydvdhd to view encrypted BD which sucks. But that the way it is.

Got myself a Saphire 3450 apparently sound doesn't work over hdmi unless you get the ati adapter which aren't automatically supplied with ati gfx cards unless it specifically says. I'll let you know how I get on with it as soon as I get some BD of love film probably Wednesday-Thursday.

But if you can spend upto 100 I would make sure the grfx card actually has a hdmi socket and not an adapter, just makes life easier and neater. Also not all HDMI supports sound. So goto the manufacturers website and make sure it supports sound. For example my card will only support 5.1 and nothing higher. Although I sill be using spdif as my amp is not hdmi.

15-03-2009, 15:06
Don't panic people :)

The HDCP is the one bit of it all I'm vaguely up to date with :) After having a mare getting my standalone bluray player to talk properly. My projector isn't HDCP but I bought an "HDFury" (and had to hack it because even it isn't properly HDCP...). My amp is HDCP.

And the card linked to above has "On-board HDMI with 7.1 surround sound support" which is what I'm after :)

Any thoughts on the individually controllable resolutions?

15-03-2009, 17:27
Currently running a Sapphire Radeon HD4670 GDDR3 1GB PCIe which I picked up for ~£70 I believe.

Runs very quiet under full load (Can't hear it ergo quieter than my case fans), and for the money it packs quite the punch.

It runs Crysis and any other game I've tried on Full High settings, res 1680x1050 on my 22" Samsung, supports 7.1 channel sound, dual DVI output, HDTV support etc etc.

Haven't a reason to fault it with either graphics work, 3d rendering or gaming and seems like a more than reasonable price imo :)

15-03-2009, 18:35
If that HDFury weren't so expensive, I might get me one of those. Would certainly be nice to do what you're doing (my HTPC has HDMI out).

15-03-2009, 19:00
If that HDFury weren't so expensive, I might get me one of those. Would certainly be nice to do what you're doing (my HTPC has HDMI out).

I don't get the point of it at that price not for a htpc. Use AnyDVDHD to strip the HDCP of the source, then send it to what ever device you want.

15-03-2009, 19:18
That only works if the source is a PC. Which, for now, it would be, so fair point. Price was only the most obvious reason not to get one (lack of anything to plug into it would be another :)).

15-03-2009, 19:26
Yup, the HDFury was to get a standalone BR player working, not a PC. But being that they whole chain is now HDPC compliant, no reason not to keep it that way :)

18-03-2009, 08:10
Got the sapphire :) PLugged it in last night and all good so far :)

18-03-2009, 14:20
Which Model Nutcase? :)

18-03-2009, 14:31
http://www.sapphiretech.com/us/products/products_overview.php?gpid=280&grp=3 as linkted to on page 1 :) Silent and the right specs :)

18-03-2009, 15:26
Nice :)

I have the 1gb HD4670 which uses a fan but it's quieter than my case fans (coolermaster cosmos) so makes no difference to me :)

Great performance card for the price :D