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View Full Version : Kenny Everett on Radio 2

16-03-2009, 23:25
I sorely miss Kenny Everett, in my opinion he was one of the best, if not THE best real DJ this country has seen. His television shows were great but in front of a microphone, presenting a wireless show is where he was at his absolute peak.

In 1981, he returned to the BBC from Capital Radio (194). He'd been sacked from them previously in 1970 for comments regarding the then British Transport Minister's wife! He only lasted two years at the BBC before being fired again for making a joke about Maggie Thatcher (he was right!).

His first show for the Beeb was on 3rd October 1981 and it was excellent. He was on great form and I think this show highlights Kenny in fine form. I had a two hour car journey today and it was great to listen to it and bring back old memories, I only needed to hear the first few bars of certain jingles and I was singing them out loud!

So here we go - It's a download of just over 100Mb but it's well worth grabbing and listening to it. The file is here (http://rapidshare.com/files/210068073/ken.zip) and the password for the zip is kenny

17-03-2009, 00:04
Comedy genius.

Also, the man responsible for Bohemian Rhapsody being a massive hit. He was given a copy and told that it for him and not to play it on air... Played it 14 times in 2 days. :D

17-03-2009, 08:36
Only heard his radio stuff a couple of times as too young :p but what I've heard I like!

edit: ah, it's the one show I've heard cos it was broadcast recently. But I didn't have a copy so cool :D

19-03-2009, 02:47
Kenny Everett is a legend. :D

Will download this as I've never heard him on the radio. Also, the man responsible for Bohemian Rhapsody being a massive hit. He was given a copy and told that it for him and not to play it on air... Played it 14 times in 2 days. :DLol yes. ;D